nameof ago

Screenshots of when searching for wifi accross from Tam High School, at the safe way bus stop-

quiche ago

Sorry, I know how shhh it is but, over my head. I know two women traumatized by Bolinas.

mrohm ago

Channeling also makes me think of Hillary channelling Eleanor Roosevelt.

Interestingly enough, she refused to "talk" to Jesus.

quiche ago

This is Pizza Orgasmica in San Rafael, Marin County. Pizzas have names like "Doggie Style" and Original Sin, Girl from Impanema, Menage a Trois. Mural is of Eve handing Adam the apple. Whole place is dirty but the bathroom is filthy. The waitresses are children. There is a children's playroom in the back. Menu:

ArthurEdens ago

There's a Stephano's Pizza with the swirl on the storefront

But it looks like they took the swirl out of their online logo post-pizzagate

quiche ago This cult is the latest fad in Marin The Diamond Path...This creepy video is supposed to have been channelled from the Archangel Michael.

Very creepy Diamond Path "channelling" from "Mira." It is "Pleadian" like the Heaven's Gate cult.

ArthurEdens ago

"we call this new-time spiral the Diamond Path"

Jobew1 ago

at work and cant read all this, but i can recall years ago reading about the Polly Klaass case on a site i think that was called rumormillnews and there was all types of shady shit around Marin county in addition to the proximity to aquino. This woulda been in the late 90s and early 2000s.

quiche ago

Through an organization called Families United Against Court Corruption (FUACC), Sarah became acquainted with a freelance journalist formerly from the Bay Cities Observer named Viginia McCullough. She had written a series of articles documenting how Marin County's Family Court and Child Protective services had a long history of covering up instances of child abuse and pedophilia within foster homes. McCullough reported on the existence of a hidden organization within the court system called the Militia, which controlled the course of events through hand signals and other coded forms of expression. Judge Michael Dufficy, as well as several other judges and the district attorney, were implicated again and again by many different families as enablers of child abuse who habitually sided with the abusive parent or foster parent.

At the center of the controversy was a woman named Carol Mardeusz, who claimed that her potential testimony in the Polly Klaas case was the greatest factor in the Marin courts taking her daughter Haleigh away during a custody hearing. Carol had originally filed a police report about two men who had been stalking her teenage daughter Natalie, as well as several of her classmates, throughout the neighborhood where they lived. Natalie and her friends identified one of the men as Richard Allen Davis, who would be arrested several weeks later for the murder of Polly Klaas. During the beginning of Davis’ trial, the Mardeusz family was arbitrarily eliminated as key witnesses in the Klaas murder by Sonoma County District Attorney Mullins.

Lots in here about Marin human trafficking ring and cults.

Jobew1 ago

that's the info i recall reading about. and yeah Virginia McCullough was the main person covering it i recall. thanks

quiche ago

Someone posted here yesterday about the disappearance of this woman in Sausalito two weeks ago. I could tell they really are from the area by the slang. He said she disappeared between the Taj Mahal and the Andora in the houseboat area of Sausalito. I cannot verify that what he said was accurate, but he said one of the houseboats is owned by a man (multi-billionaire?) that raped tons of boys around here and the poster was one of them. And the article I posted discusses Don Dean. Don Deane is the owner of Smiley's bar in Bolinas. That poster said it was centered in Bolinas. Local lore is that Bolinas is cursed by the Indians. All kinds of weird things happen there. And there used to be an artists colony with people like Alan Ginsberg (pedo?).

Here is Don Deane. He boasts of foster parenting a huge number of kids. He has never been married. Bolinas definitely has a weird vibe, believe me. It is prime property, but no one wants to live there.

Yates ago

McCullough's old site is archived*/ and she used to go deeply into Marin/Bay Area weirdness. You could probably find some good info somewhere there.

She has been id'd by other researchers as disinfo see I have no idea if any of that is true. Back in the day she was the only person covering certain cases that would interest this forum.

1) Red Ice also interviewed the husband of the woman in this case Richard Hamlin Hamlin went to prison for nothing, it seems, but his wife's father Sid Seimer, alleged MK handler and pedo rapist remained free.

2)Susan Polk married her psychiatrist she met as a teen then killed him years later, claimed he MK'd her and was Mossad

3) Promis

All Bay Area cases and just a drop in the bucket of what happens here. There is a dump on her old page that claims to have info about Marin court corruption but it didn't click through. Some searching within might uncover it.

quiche ago

Wow. This is so strange. It really out there that John Mark Karr, who taught in Pacific Heights was found in Sonoma County. He confessed to the killing of Jon Bonet Ramsey. Then he befriended Richard Allen Davis, the killer of Polly Klaas. Karr tried to start a cult of girls who looked like JonBonet, as Manson did with young runaway girls. Karr is now a trans woman?

The cult is called, "The Immaculates."

Yates ago

You triggered my memory of that freak's face, what a nightmare. I didn't know he went trans. There was an anon post a few months back that connected him to some moneyed people but I can't remember who it was.

From the article you linked:

• One former "fiancée" says that as recently as two months ago, Karr/Reich enlisted her to recruit girls 6 years old or under, preferably brunette, for a sex cult she called "The Immaculates."

• A police probe of Karr/Reich was more expansive than originally thought—a 2001 child-porn case against him was dropped after Karr's computer was thrown out by authorities—involving molestation suspicions, four states and the FBI.

• Karr/Reich's first wife told police that she married him when she was 13, and was forced into a series of dangerous, degrading sex acts.

• Karr/Reich maintained a correspondence with the killer of 12-year-old Polly Klaas, Richard Allen Davis.

• Karr/Reich continues to maintain that she killed JonBenet Ramsey.

Cops threw away the pedo's computer. I wish I could say I am surprised. Ho Hum, another typical day in PedoAmerica when cops cover for their baby raping buddies. Utterly despicable.

quiche ago

I need to be careful, but, so many people tried to get my child away from me while my child was growing up. Constant calls to CPS that were completely bogus. CPS was always immediately cognizant and what was going on and became my friends and allies. We had a real relationship. They felt sorry for me. They knew I was being punished for protecting my child. They were furious and flagged my file, saying, never bother this person again. It is just cruel. Then another call came in from an "authority" that claimed something worthy of emergency police action. They were in a bad spot, but they called me instead of the cops. The complaint was completely fabricated and actually abusive to the child, itself. They felt absolutely awful for even having to call me. They received numerous ridiculous complaints after that, but refused to follow through on a single one. They often comforted me. They knew what was going on.

Yates ago

Sounds like you were targeted, do you know by whom? Why would they do that?

quiche ago

Oh, and also...I think I know who the person they call "Armand" in that article is. He definitely targeted me. And a mysterious person who had shown up before when I was in danger, was also regularly present, his hands on his knees, ready to take action. "Armand" always sat next to me. He had young women, many of them, begging him for attention, as well as older, wealthy women. But, mysterious guy did not have too much to worry about because I visibly cringed whenever "Armand" was around. I openly stated that I had no idea what the attraction was. He was one of maybe three men that repulsed me completely in my whole life.

quiche ago

In my case, it goes way up high. Not so much politics as money. Big, big money.

ArthurEdens ago

There are a bunch of celebrities that live and have lived in Marin/North Bay too, continuing the Hollywood cult circuit theory. Guy Fieri, Dana Carvey, Bob Weir, Sammy Hagar, James Hetfield, Robin Williams, Carlos Santana, George Lucas, Francis Ford Coppola, Sean Penn, Robin Wright, Sharon Stone, Les Claypool, Nicolas Cage, Tracy Chapman, Ashley Judd, Huey Lewis, Joan Baez, David Crosby, Tupac, Lester Holt, and a bunch more

Jobew1 ago

very well could have something to do with the apparent problem

quiche ago GOOD THREAD THAT MAY BE DELETED. Read this thread where Marin residents post about Aquino and other cults and the corrupt family court. It is no secret the family court here is corrupt. I am actually scared posting this because I have met some of these people and they get mean. I have been screamed at because I did not want to associate with a self-proclaimed witch or participate in meditations and visualizations.

"I think EVERYONE is grappling with the whys of what the court in this county is doing. Why are children being taken from good parents and given to abusive parents--thereby creating a new generation of victims/abusers? Money? Favoritism? Corruption? Social engineering? Bribes? Federal monetary incentives? All of the above? The number one question EVERYONE asks when they hear about family court problems is--WHY ARE THE COURTS DOING THIS at the obvious expense of the children?" Marin County Coroner and Photographer arrested for raping a child he was related to.

Novato Man Guilty of possessing Child Porn. Novato ex-cop in child porn case takes plea deal for stalking charge

And where is the Sausalito woman who lives on a houseboat and went missing 11 days ago?

CULT IN NOVATO, WHERE SCHNEIDER PREVIOUSLY LIVED. MICHAEL AQUINO'S SISTER FOUNDED IT: NEPHTYS Satanic Cult has Bizarre Links to Marin Marin Independent Journal December 6, 1987 By Alex Neill [part one] Satanic church members -including a key figure in the Presidio child molestation case - have been linked to satanic cult activities in Marin County. William Butch, 34, and Lynn Butch, 31, are listed by the Marin County Clerk’s Office as founders of two Marin satanic cult groups: Dark Star 9 pylon and Meta Mates. William Butch is the brother-in-law of Michael A. Aquino Jr., a lieutenant colonel in the Army Reserves, and the founder and high priest of the satanic Temple of Set. Aquino is under investigation in connection with alleged molestations at the Presidio daycare center. William Butch’s sister, Lilith, is Aquino’s wife and a high priestess of the Temple of Set. Aquino owns property in Marin and Sonoma counties, including a historic San Rafael house that he inherited from his mother, Betty Ford-Aquino. Ford-Aquino, who died of cancer in San Francisco in 1985, was a temple priestess. She left her son a $3.2 million estate, including a house at 828 Mission St. in San Rafael, which is leased by Project Care for Children and the Marin County Child Abuse Council. Built in 1880, it was the residence of the first mayor of San Rafael, Edward McCarthy. Aquino also inherited a professional building at 914 Mission in San Rafael and another professional building at 1212 Fourth St. in Santa Rosa. Officials of Project Care for children expressed shock that the building’s owner was linked to the Presidio molestation case. They emphasized that Aquino has nothing to do with the operation of the center, a private non-profit organization that assists parents in finding daycare. “This is the most ironic and bizarre twist of fate, said Daria Seivers, past president of Project Care. Lynn Butch, who also used the name L. Darlene Butch, is the daughter of Harry H. Johnson, a wealthy Mill Valley developer who was allegedly kidnapped in September by Kenneth R Russo. Russo contends that Johnson swindled him out of more than $500,000 in a business deal. The case is now being unraveled in Marin County Superior Court. Dark Star 9 Pylon, which is filed under the corporation name of Temple of Nepthys, lists an address on Indian Valley Road in Novato. The house was occupied by a former friend of Lynn Butch, Patricia Lillie, now of Sonoma County. Lillie was unavailable for no. comment. Dark Star is similar to the name originally given to the Temple of Set A pylon, said former Temple member Linda Blood, is a gathering of satanists to practice occult rituals. Blood, who said she was temple member for about nine months in 1979, said temple members would often hold “destruction rituals” and pins and needles were jabbed into doll-like figure, she said. “They really believed it would work: they really believed that person would die,” said Blood, 43, who now works in Massachussets for the Cult Awareness Network, which counsels ex-cult members and provides public information on cults. MetaMates is listed as doing business, as a professional building at 205 Camino Alto in Mill Valley. Harry H. Johnson is associated with several businesses at that site. In a telephone interview, Aquino said he believes that Marin groups were started by former Temple of Set member Lynn Butch because of personal and philosophical differences Butch had with the temple. William Butch, who lives at one of Aquino’s houses in San Francisco, could not be reached for comment. Aquino founded the Temple of Set in 1975 after leaving the Church of Satan because of philosophical differences. The Temple of Set is a private, non-profit corporation, listed in the Yellow Pages of San Francisco.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Ashton (Chris) Kutcher is being used as a front man to cover-up Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. Kutcher is closely linked with Freemasons, Kabbalah, and a corrupt group in Racine linked with John McCain and other power players involved. They formed a new branch called The Fight To End Exploitation. This needs to be exposed. Racine is an epicenter for this entire network, and there are many reasons why, and they link back to Pilgrims Society and satanic ritual abuse.

Look at this article connected to the same areas involving Ashton Kutcher working with the FBI to cover-up Pizzagate:

CBS/KPIX) NOVATO, Calif. - Ashton Kutcher accompanied investigators during a child porn sweep in Northern California on Thursday, reports CBS San Francisco.The actor was reportedly acting as an observer for the Demi and Ashton Foundation, a non-profit organization Kutcher founded along with estranged wife Demi Moore. The foundation is dedicated to eradicating sexual slavery.

According to CBS San Francisco, Kutcher rode along with federal agents and officers from a variety of police agencies as they served arrest warrants at seven homes in Novato, San Rafael and other parts of Marin County. A spokesman for the San Jose police department reportedly said in a statement Kutcher was not allowed to enter the homes being raided or to participate in any way, in accordance with police policy and current case law. Authorities arrested at least three men and seized computers and other evidence that police said show that the men circulated videos of prepubescent children having sex with adults, CBS San Francisco reports.

Intheknow ago

Links to this?

quiche ago

Sorry, I am not very good at this. Did I do it right now?