quiche ago

http://instinctmagazine.com/post/former-gay-porn-star-arrested-possession-child-pornography One of the men in San Francisco arrested for child porn is actually a gay porn star.

quiche ago

They just caught two more child porn users in San Francisco. One is a psychiatrist. With so many arrests for this here lately, I really think they stumbled onto a ring.

http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/UCSF-psychiatrist-roommate-arrested-in-11140028.php#photo-12887479 In March 2017, the SFPD Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Unit began an investigation into an individual who was uploading and trading child pornography on the internet.

As the result of the investigation the ICAC unit was able to identify the suspect as Billy Lockhart, a 36 year-old San Francisco resident. Lockhart was identified as Psychiatrist employed by the University of California San Francisco (UCSF). Investigators determined that Lockhart was using UCSF Wi-Fi internet to upload child pornography.

On May 9, 2017, SFPD investigators served a search warrant at Lockhart’s residence in San Francisco on the 100 block of Buena Vista Terrace. During the search warrant investigators located numerous media devices belonging to Lockhart, which all contained hundreds of child pornography videos and images. Investigators were able to gather evidence that Lockhart was also viewing child pornography . Another resident a t the home was also arrested, 33 year-old Benjamin Martin.

Littleredcorvette ago

Just added this new post. Stem cell bank in Novato and other local news stories. UN ambassador visits. Other sex trafficking related stories. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1854188

quiche ago

New Cache of child porn busted reported today. Tiburon babysitter took naked pics of children he babysat. 10, 000 pictures and shared with a teacher, Boy Scout leader in Aptos. Follows cop guilty plea to child porn and the Marin County Coroner arrested a few days ago for raping a child in his family. Coroner was also a photographer and posted creepy pictures. I think they found something on the coroner's computer that led to this, possibly. https://www.flickr.com/photos/dalanharrisphotography/

Mbailey63 ago

Evil filth. This is what we are up against? They will do and say anything to get to the kids?!! They will act, they will educated themselves they will team up. This is some evil shit. KIWF

anonOpenPress ago

Yes there seems to be. But are there high profile folks involved, either as part of the ring, or covering it up, is our question. The news you link mentions camp counselors, teachers and baby sitters

This is important regarding child sex trafficking, but not so regarding pizzagate. These persons were searched by the feds and are waiting for court decision, so everything seems to be as it should be - You need to find something more to make this a part of our investigations.

quiche ago

http://www.topix.com/forum/city/novato-ca/THTIC3NGHPU63BK8C/p19 Read this thread where Marin residents post about Aquino and other cults and the corrupt family court. It is no secret the family court here is corrupt. I am actually scared posting this because I have met some of these people and they get mean. I have been screamed at because I did not want to associate with a self-proclaimed witch or participate in meditations and visualizations.

"I think EVERYONE is grappling with the whys of what the court in this county is doing. Why are children being taken from good parents and given to abusive parents--thereby creating a new generation of victims/abusers? Money? Favoritism? Corruption? Social engineering? Bribes? Federal monetary incentives? All of the above? The number one question EVERYONE asks when they hear about family court problems is--WHY ARE THE COURTS DOING THIS at the obvious expense of the children?"

Yates ago

I am actually scared posting this because I have met some of these people and they get mean. I have been screamed at because I did not want to associate with a self-proclaimed with or participate in meditations and visualizations.

I experienced the same. These people become frenzied if you don't follow along with whatever bullshit comes out of their mouths. Then they will whisper gossip how bad a person you are. I studied Buddhism for a long time in an Asian monastery and then settled in SF. I was shocked at how they twisted the teachings to conform to weird agendas and often mentioned it to people in charge (of the meditation centers) and they accused ME of making trouble and BEING WORLDY as opposed to spiritual. Always with a fucking smug attitude. The monastery I stayed at in Asia were really into correct translation and understanding of the original texts and accuracy was required in all teachings. But it's like westerners get into this stuff and then use it to manipulate people and push agendas that are dangerous and not at all connected to Buddhism. This was long ago and I want nothing to do with this type of person anymore, but what a wasted period of my life, spending it in that hub of batshit crazy.

anonOpenPress ago

Adding that to your post would make the needed connection. I suggest you resubmit as a discussion, as the current version seems to be against the rules. Your case is worth a post.

quiche ago

I do not know how to do that. A little help would be appreciated.

And also, Judge Verna practices "alternative spiritual practices." http://www.freejasmijn.com/?p=602 Did Judge Adams give custody to a child molester?

anonOpenPress ago


Add all the links and quotes you seem fitting into a text post, including that mercury news, that forum, and try to explain the link in between. Make it helpful for investigators here :)

Littleredcorvette ago

Circling around marin county. Shits getting deeper by the day. Related post about Novato/Marin County.


quiche ago

Susan characterized the “cult” as a “Channeling Group,” explaining: “A person who calls himself or herself a ‘channeler’ supposedly is a voice vehicle, speaking for an entity or person who lived centuries ago but is called upon to give modern day advice.

Mrs. Susanne Schneider Williams, widow of Robin Williams, claims cult in Novato in divorce papers. http://www.nationalenquirer.com/celebrity/legal-docs-robin-wifes-own-suicide-nightmare/

Yates ago

I lived in SF around that time, very near the William's house. I can't count how many times random aquaintances invited me to a channeling session. People I met once, randoms at a party, talking to a stranger while waiting in line for a restaurant, you name it. That area is majority new agers and kooky spiritual types, even normal looking people will come out with this shit after a short conversation.

I think a lot of this is MK type experimentation as there is a long history of this shit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Midnight_Climax

he project consisted of a web of CIA-run safehouses in San Francisco, Marin, and New York City. It was established in order to study the effects of LSD on unconsenting individuals. Prostitutes on the CIA payroll were instructed to lure clients back to the safehouses, where they were surreptitiously plied with a wide range of substances, including LSD, and monitored behind one-way glass. Several significant operational techniques were developed in this theater, including extensive research into sexual blackmail, surveillance technology, and the possible use of mind-altering drugs in field operations.

Remember this is Aquino's playground.

The former Congressional aide cited an essay he’d received in the mail, “The Penal Colony,” written by a Berkeley psychologist. The author had emphasized: Rather than terminating MKULTRA, the CIA shifted its programs from public institutions to private cult groups, including the People’s Temple. http://wariscrime.com/new/the-cia-connections-to-the-mind-control-cults/

Watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3i4ALdMSt0&ytbChannel=GnosticMedia This is literally the cult masters at a house gathering reminiscing about the good old days of unlimited freedom to mindfuck Americans.

"Joe Atwill and Jan Irvin discuss the 1979 MKULTRA reunion party and the agents in attendance: Myron Stolaroff, Sidney Cohen, Al Hubbard, Timothy Leary, Oscar Janiger, Humphry Osmond, Willis Harmon, Nick Bercel, and others."

quiche ago

IT has long been rumored here that Harvey Milk and George Mosconi were pedophiles supplied by Jim Jones when he was Director of the Housing Authority. White lost it when Guyana happened (not justifying the assassinations). Jones corpse was discovered in a bed he was sharing with a 5 or six year old boy, whom he had shot in the head.

Yates ago

I grew up thinking Milk and Harry Britt were local heroes, because it was relentlessly drummed into my head. On watching the Milk movie I was disturbed and had questions. Finding out the truth about the LGBT movement and Milk's open lust for underage was quite a shock. That dovetailed with the Jim Jones cult, which I was then researching. http://www.whale.to/b/jonestown1.html

Navy ship named after pedophile Harvey Milk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFPEjb2ZVtg&ytbChannel=LibertyInOurTime

I didn't know he was found with a child - source? I have listened to the death tape and he clearly says to an assistant "get Dwyer out of here" that's Richard Dwyer, his CIA buddy embedded with him.

The woman at this timestamp, Deb Lawson, is always featured in the docs about Jonestown. What is not mentioned is that her father was CIA in the Georgetown Guyana office and her brother was one of the zombified shooters on the tarmac that killed several people. https://youtu.be/ydHRESPjBxg?t=396

quiche ago

http://jonestown.sdsu.edu/?page_id=30909 The custody battle over John Victor Stoen was the crux of Jonestown. Jim Jones’ claim of paternity created a situation in which he could not leave Jonestown. Former Temple loyalist Tim Stoen joined his wife Grace in fighting Jim Jones for custody of the boy, who had been moved to Guyana along with many Temple members. Initially, Tim Stoen had approved of the move and thought that John would be safe in Peoples Temple, but he eventually came forward to stand with Grace in her request that the boy be returned to her. The battle over John raged throughout Jonestown’s final year, and was heavy on the minds of the people who lived there. It became such a hot topic that on November 18, 1978, when Jones was calling his people to commit “Revolutionary Suicide”, Christine Miller invoked John’s name in her plea for life “You would see the little ones die, even John?” she asked Jones. It wasn’t just a rhetorical device. She knew – and she wanted to remind everyone, especially Jones – how much energy those at Jonestown had invested in the child, how insistent Jones had been that John Victor was his own flesh and blood, and how John must be protected at any cost.

This is the boy, John John. But it does not include the part about where his body was found. Some. of this I know because I know.

Yates ago

Wow, thanks. Such a deep rabbithole.

Grifter42 ago

Deborah Layton, not Lawson, and her father was the head of a Navy Bio-Chemical Weapons Program.

Yates ago

yes, made a typo.

Larry shot and wounded two people at the Port Kaituma airstrip on 18 November 1978, and he attempted to shoot a third. The shootings took place on one of the airplanes which were to take the party of Congressman Leo Ryan to Georgetown after his visit to Jonestown. Extradited to the U.S. after a Guyana jury found him not guilty of murder, Larry was tried twice on four charges related to the shootings, including Conspiracy to Kill a Congressman. The first trial ended in a hung jury. A second jury convicted Larry, although four jurors took what the trial judge called an “unprecedented” step of asking for leniency in Larry’s sentencing.

Larry now lives and works in Northern California.


quiche ago


This is one of Aquino's houses in Marin. It was rented out to a child care agency and a child abuse prevention agency.

Omnicopy ago

Get to know Jesus. Get the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Learn how to cast out the demons in Jesus Christ's Name. Learn spiritual warfare! Be strong Be courageous. Don't fear the demons. It is the only way to beat them!!!

Yates ago

Just don't join a church that pushes the commie/oneworld shit. They have mostly been subverted by predatory groups. I'd love to find a church that was against the refugee invasion and all for America first. But they seem to worship Africans and others that hate us more than our own poor. My family is like this, I speak from experience.

mrohm ago

I am a Catholic, and you won't believe the shit I hear. We had a Mass, but before Eucharist, a woman from Catholic Charities spoke about the migrants soon to come to my area. If I had another parish readily available I'd go. It makes me sick.

Yates ago

I would believe it. I read refugeeresettlementwatch.wordpress.com and that blog goes into detail of how all religions in the USA are complicit in resettling these people. All for money, of course. Fucking Bishops pushing for more of it https://refugeeresettlementwatch.wordpress.com/2017/03/07/us-catholic-bishops-assail-trump-refugee-slowdown-never-mention-the-millions-they-are-paid/

What to do? Is there any Catholic Church that doesn't support this? I found this site but it needs a list of churches that are safe, if they even exist. https://prowesternchristianity.blogspot.com/2013/02/a-pro-western-christian-reading-list.html

mrohm ago

Traditionalist Catholic churches that still say the Mass in Latin and employ other forms of pre-Vatican 2 worship are usually far more conservative, but they are much rarer than the "infiltrated" ones.

YingYangMom ago

I present to you one of the WISEST men in the world : Russian Patriarch Kyrill of the Eastern Orthodox Church

He answers the refugee crisis question from 8:35 to 11:30 and I really suggest you hear what he has to say about Trump, the LGBTQ community and same sex marriage and the Liberal agenda of the Western World.


AngB23 ago

I didn't listen to it all but when Krill met with the Pope, I thought something strange was going on. Then Krill went to the Antarctic? Ummm...why? To hang out with penguins? https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2016/02/12/pope-francis-patriarch-kirill-roman-catholic-church-russian-orthodox-church-meet/80278172/


YingYangMom ago

Lol, I know that lots of theories are going on about Antartica, but I don't think there's a problem with him going there on a trip. Hell, I'd love to go there myself if I was invited... And yes, he met with Pope Francis, but lots of other religious leaders do. There's nothing to suggest that Kyrill has done anything bad.

quiche ago

http://www.marinij.com/general-news/20170508/lawyer-marin-coroner-denies-molesting-allegations?source=most_viewed Marin County Coroner and Photographer arrested for raping a child he was related to.

Novato Man Guilty of possessing Child Porn. https://patch.com/california/novato/novato-man-gets-7-year-sentence-child-porn

https://patch.com/california/novato/novato-man-gets-7-year-sentence-child-porn Novato ex-cop in child porn case takes plea deal for stalking charge

And where is the Sausalito woman who lives on a houseboat and went missing 11 days ago?

ArthurEdens ago

Marin and that whole area have cult vibes. Lots of guarded people with vacant eyes

Look at the "labyrinth" for this resort... not accusing just observing...


quiche ago

There is also one at the SF Theological Seminary and at the Homeless Bound in Novato. The Seminary is actually world renowned and not suspicious. But they do rent out for weird new age events.

quiche ago

Agree. They speak a whole different language.