pbvrocks ago

Have done extensive research here...even though they claim harvesting stem cells from the elderly...stem cells come from living or recently living tissue. More here: http://www.stemcellresearchnews.net/sources_of_stem_cells.html

According to the article: "Adult stem cells

Cord blood, umbilical cord blood Bone marrow Blood, peripheral blood stem cells Menstrual blood Skin Teeth Placental tissue All of these sources of adult stem cells share some characteristics. Others are unique and options are being researched daily.

Embryonic stem cells

Human embryos Fetal tissue"

Key points... -stem cells can be harvested from almost any living or recently dead tissue. Best sources is bone marrow and teeth. -"adult" stem cells just means they are harvest not from embryo's -this would be an excellent way to dispose of bodies and also the bodies would be a fresh source of new stem cells

Some thoughts - I have read alot about aging. I have researched several vectors here. BTW..part of pizzagate should include the alterations of science in our textbooks, etc...BUT..every single cell in your body regenerates. So every cell can grow anew. And yet we age...why? One thoughts is something called telemores...which are kind of a mitrochondrial tail on cells...but it turns our telemores regenerate...so where is aging? Where is clock? -my research indicates we are capable of living well beyond 300 years.. -all this stuff we are now seeing about stem cells and drinking the blood of the young..do work at extending life...but certainly are not the magic bullet..

Tanngrisnir ago

CIRM has Tony Podesta ties so it is certainly worth knowing all we can about them. http://archive.is/99kx1

Are_we_sure ago


Yes and?

equineluvr ago

They aren't using stem cells harvested from fetuses or children. They are converting cells harvested from old/sick people.

Did you read the article you posted?

"However, the Buck Institute won’t be banking embryonic stem cells.

The stem cell bank at the Buck will house induced pluripotent stem cells. Like embryonic stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells have the potential to be reprogrammed into any cell type in the human body. But pluripotent stem cells don’t have to be harvested from embryos; they are mature cells, like blood or skin cells, that have been converted to an embryonic-like state.

Tissue samples will be collected from 3,000 volunteer donors by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, U.C. San Diego, U.C. Los Angeles and Stanford University.

Samples will be taken from patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, autism spectrum disorders, liver diseases, cardiovascular diseases, neurodevelopment disabilities, diseases of the eye or respiratory diseases. Cellular Dynamics International will convert the tissue into stem cell lines at the Buck Institute.

Littleredcorvette ago

Equineluvr says:

They aren't using stem cells harvested from fetuses or children. They are converting cells harvested from old/sick people.

Did you read the article you posted?

I did not say they were using embryonic stem cells. I was only bringing awareness to the fact that stem cell research was occurring.

Didn't you read the comment I posted?

ScalarWhaler ago

Wtf?! Why use sick people to harvest ur stem cell lines?! Something smells fishy.

quiche ago

The Buck family left a huge amount of money in a fund that was supposed to ensure that there was help for people in poverty. It was in the will that poverty was the issue to be addressed by the fund. They pulled some monkey business and used it for the Buck Foundation Research for Aging. That was not the intention of the Buck heiress who left it.

Littleredcorvette ago

And other assorted news stories of interest from Novato

7/3/15 http://archive.is/ONWZo

A Novato High School track and field coach was arrested Thursday on suspicion of sexual relations with a 17-year-old girl, a former student at the school.

Steven Deschler, 64, was taken into custody at 11:25 p.m. minutes after he and his wife stepped off a plane at Oakland International Airport following a visit to Hawaii.

During a press conference Friday morning, Marin County Sheriff’s Lt. Doug Pittman said investigators immediately separated the couple so the wife could be questioned alone.

“The arrest totally caught her off guard. She was visibly shaken at the time,” Pittman said. “It appears to us at this point that this is new information to her, and she needs to process it all.”

Deschler was booked early Friday morning at the Marin County Jail on suspicion of oral copulation with a minor, sexual penetration of a minor, communicating with a minor with intent to commit a specified sex offense, and arranging a meeting and then meeting with a minor for the purpose of engaging in lewd and lascivious conduct.

Deschler was released Friday morning on $100,000 bail. He could not be reached for comment.

9/7/2015 http://archive.is/R4pO6

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) — A San Francisco woman and a Novato man have been arrested in a child pornography investigation that crossed state lines and international borders, San Francisco police said Friday.

Police said first arrested Kori Nicole Ellis, 41, in April after a search uncovered hundreds of child pornography videos and images on a laptop and thumb drive. The images included children as young as one year old engaging in sexual acts with children.

6/17/2015 http://archive.is/qMYgl

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon visits Novato home of ‘American mom’

8/5/2015 http://archive.is/j5Nkc

a woman found dead from stab wounds in Novato had been killed by her daughter, who believed the victim had abused the suspect’s son, police said Tuesday.

Hollis Puccinelli, 33, of Vallejo killed her mother, Judith Dunaway, 69, and then committed suicide by slashing her neck in San Francisco, authorities said.

The investigation began at 1:52 a.m. Monday when Puccinelli called Novato police and stated that she believed Dunaway had abused her 3-year-old son, said Novato police Sgt. Jennifer Dunlap.

12/7/14 http://archive.is/wSG3M

A Novato man and a San Anselmo woman were arrested on pimping allegations in Novato.

Shawn Buckley, 20, and his fiancee, Jazmin Moniq Khayami, 21, were booked on suspicion of human trafficking and probation violations. They remained in custody Sunday night at Marin County Jail, where they were being held without bail.

The investigation began when the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children sent a tip to a human trafficking task force in Marin. The task force consists of investigators with the San Rafael Police Department, the Marin County sheriff’s and probation departments and the FBI.

The information was that a minor was offering sex through a website for escorts, said San Rafael police Sgt. Scott Eberle. Investigators arranged a sting to meet the suspected prostitute at a motel.

Investigators met her and determined that she was a young adult who was being trafficked and sexually exploited by two other suspects, Eberle said. Further investigation led police to identify Buckley and Khayami as the suspects.

2012 http://www.marinscope.com/novato_advance/news/novato-teen-busted-in-child-pornography-raid/article_5f11d90f-94ae-54f0-bd1e-479a2d8d98d2.html


5/8/17 http://archive.is/2UOSM

NOVATO (CBS SF) — A man was found dead inside a car parked near a Novato school on Monday afternoon, police said. .

5/3/17 http://archive.is/Zt6Ml

The city of Novato is turning to 100 percent renewable energy.

The City Council at its Tuesday meeting voted unanimously to sign up the city for MCE’s “Deep Green” power option, agreeing to pay higher electric bills for wind- and solar-powered energy.

“This is a great example of Novato taking the lead on local action to address climate change and strengthen our economy,” said Mayor Pro Tem Josh Fryday. “It’s a big deal and we’re proud of our progress.”

Josh Fryday-he has moved up from Councilman, and now sits as Pro Tem mayor (right behind the mayor in authority).

12/6/16 http://archive.is/AoHzv

Today, the Novato City Council appointed Mayor Pro Tem Denise Athas as the new Mayor, and Councilmember Josh Fryday as Mayor Pro Tem. Each will serve in that capacity for one year.

Outgoing Mayor Pat Eklund passed the Mayoral Gavel to Mayor Pro Tem Denise Athas during the Council’s reorganization meeting.

Elected to the Council in 2009, Athas previously served as Mayor of Novato in 2012, is immediate past president of the Marin County Council of Mayors & Councilmembers, and is the current president of the League of California Cities--North Bay Division

4/17/17 http://archive.is/xQpc2

Novato forum to assure migrants disrupted by protesters

In addition to Hogeboom, the panel included Marin County Superintendent of Schools Mary Jane Burke, Marin County Sheriff Robert Doyle and Novato police Chief Adam McGill.

:The school district passed a resolution in December that reinforces a commitment to education to all students and makes the campuses a safe zone for students and families threatened by immigration.

4/27/17 http://archive.is/xxF8G

Novato city government will look a little different in the coming months as the City Council approved a staff reorganization last week.

4/25/17 http://archive.is/YXBu4 Novato solar farm nearly ready to power homes

Construction is nearly complete on the one-megawatt, ground-mounted solar project — the largest such installation in Marin — which will provide locally sourced energy through MCE, formerly known as Marin Clean Energy.

“One of our founding goals is to provide 100 percent renewable energy service as close to customers as possible,” said Jamie Tuckey, MCE’s director of public affairs. “In Marin, we heard building local was important. Over the last few years, that’s something we’ve been able to accomplish. The Cooley Quarry project is an example of one of those projects.”

The project stands at 6.5 feet tall on 11.5 acres of the 952-acre quarry where serpentine rock was once mined.

The $5.5 million project will begin generating one megawatt of electricity to MCE via nearby power lines. In the following months, another half-megawatt, and a total 6,446 solar panels, will go into operation.

Three hundred houses will be powered in MCE’s service area, including Marin and Napa counties, Benicia, El Cerrito, Lafayette, Richmond, San Pablo and Walnut Creek.>>