Hopevoats ago

Gabe is John's son? I thought they were brothers.

quiche ago

Aquino owns property in Marin and Sonoma counties, including a historic San Rafael house that he inherited from his mother, Betty Ford-Aquino. Ford-Aquino, who died of cancer in San Francisco in 1985, was a temple priestess. She left her son a $3.2 million estate, including a house at 828 Mission St. in San Rafael, which is leased by Project Care for Children and the Marin County Child Abuse Council. Built in 1880, it was the residence of the first mayor of San Rafael, Edward McCarthy. Aquino also inherited a professional building at 914 Mission in San Rafael and another professional building at 1212 Fourth St. in Santa Rosa. Officials of Project Care for children expressed shock that the building’s owner was linked to the Presidio molestation case. They emphasized that Aquino has nothing to do with the operation of the center, a private non-profit organization that assists parents in finding daycare. “This is the most ironic and bizarre twist of fate, said Daria Seivers, past president of Project Care. Lynn Butch, who also used the name L. Darlene Butch, is the daughter of Harry H. Johnson, a wealthy Mill Valley developer who was allegedly kidnapped in September by Kenneth R Russo. Russo contends that Johnson swindled him out of more than $500,000 in a business deal. The case is now being unraveled in Marin County Superior Court. Dark Star 9 Pylon, which is filed under the corporation name of Temple of Nepthys, lists an address on Indian Valley Road in Novato. The house was occupied by a former friend of Lynn Butch, Patricia Lillie, now of Sonoma County. Lillie was unavailable for no. comment.


Family Court...code...Verna

Littleredcorvette ago


Here's the Steyer branch off. https://voat.co/v/politics/1834242

It was deleted from here so I posted in another sub.

Honeybee_ ago

Each one of these deserve their own voat thread! This was fantastic digging, I'm running through each one myself, especially the Napa connection, extreme corruption and child trafficking and abuse cover ups dating back decades within their police departments.

Littleredcorvette ago

I'm posting this here in response to this deleted post.

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1848468 (Posted 5/9/17 and promptly deleted.)

A sheriffs office death investigator from Marin county, California was arrested for sex abuse. Novato is in the county of Marin. A photo album was also included in post. I will talk about some of the photos here.

Is this a death scene photo? Is it legal to post this? https://imgoat.com/uploads/74d97b01ea/15671.PNG

Check out the dog tag https://imgoat.com/uploads/74d97b01ea/15668.PNG

Where is this place? https://imgoat.com/uploads/74d97b01ea/15670.PNG

Other notes about this place


Disappearing van? Ghosts or something more sinister? https://imgoat.com/uploads/74d97b01ea/15672.PNG

Where is Travis Marina?

https://imgoat.com/uploads/74d97b01ea/15677.PNG http://www.laketravismarina.com


And don't miss one of his favorited pics -a dentist with a D2C logo on it. https://imgoat.com/uploads/74d97b01ea/15676.PNG


Shower thought: you know how are you are always seeing those ads depicting dental implants? What if dentists are stealing authentic teeth to implant into elites needing replacement teeth? Who really knows what they are doing in your mouth?

And have you considered how all the elite have very nice smiles? All the mk ultra potentials would need nice teeth. And it seems a lot elite kids wear braces.

Just some random thoughts provoked by the dentist photo.

@jem777 @9217 @nameof @honeybee_

nameof ago

This is whats creepy. She was actually going between bolinas and sausalito doing farm work out in bolinas so alot of peopke knew her. Called her Lee. Cops have bern less than help ful they coukd have used tracking stuff fron sattelites. Or something. The boat she was last seen leaving is a multi million dollar boat owned by a drug lord in bolinas called The Andora, that's where she was last seen leaving. It's pulled in toward the harbor and situated next to another boat also connected to drug and sex trafficking called the Taj Mahal. People say there is a cop in sausalito, facilitating illegal business out in Richardson bay drugs prostitution etc..its very very suspect she go missing so close to the harbor. 100-200 feet, but the two boats are next to each other the most criminal boats in the harbor, right by where she went gone. https://www.google.com/amp/www.sfgate.com/bayarea/amp/Woman-missing-after-kayaking-along-Sausalito-11060323.php

nameof ago

Creepy. I think teeth are a whole other story cause they have to be alive to be healthy....anyway..i don't know what the photos are about but the tree lined driveway is in West Marin out past Inverness. There are white vans because there are so many federal agents. Be it trash men or armed feds in patrol cars but they got vans out there too. Also there are alot allot of dips up an down out there and small side roads near that driveway. It's federal territory. We have state county and federal parks in marin.

Jem777 ago

Regarding Navajo I posted several comments on your original thread and have provided info to others you have named that was written up and submitted to a location where it will not be deleted.

Still shocked these get deleted with "what has this got to do with pizzagate" This Doctor it seems is actually a Deputy coronor. This would be why he has pictures of cops in his photography. Coroners and cops are often friends escpecially deputy coronor's.

This might sound disturbing on its face but it is not normally. Many people do not realize police officers (of certain rank & specialty) have to attend autopsies frequently. If a crime has been committed or suspected of being committed. This is part of the job. Coronors are the ones called to the scenes by officers when death has occurred this is also part of the job they spend much of their time together around death & trauma. Deputy Coronors are also sheriffs deputies on occasion or "deputized"

Specifically to the picture that definitely looks like a post mordem picture (after death) This looks like heroin OD possibly. She has a belt tightened around her upper arm and some type of port or entry into the major vein in the crook of the arm. The skin discoloration on other parts of her body also indicate this is Post Mortum. If there had been any attempts at rescue even with Narcan this picture could not have been taken. If there had been an attempt to start an IV this picture could not have been taken.

These facts are odd but little else is known. A first responder whether medic or police would have immediately placed her flat and tried a variety of things if only to call death. If death was a foregone conclusion which it seems to indicate (such as rigor) had set in then that picture could have been taken.

Next why does this coroner have it posted on his Flickr. That would be illegal under any circumstance.

This place you are speaking of is in SF or Marin County. Very frightful things have happened there. Will go into more later.

The teeth issue regarding the elites has several factors. Number one most if not all of elites & Hollywood have implants. That is why their teeth look perfect. This has been going on for close to 30 years but now it is a one day process where you go under anesthetic and after surgery your entire mouth has been given perfect permanent teeth that never been treatment again.

In the recent past it was discovered that children's teeth contained stem cells that could be harvested. The market for children's teeth then shot through the roof and now their is another insidious practice involved.

Littleredcorvette ago

Novato charter school reviews. It's a Waldorf school. http://thewaldorfreview.blogspot.com/2012/05/novato-charter-school-review-by-student.html?m=1

This school, coming from a student, is a good school, teaches good material, but is stuck in the 60's. Any use of cell phones, gaming devices or any other technological thing is forbidden and, if found, confiscated. In the kindergarten kids get in trouble for, and I quote, "TV Talk". Yes, thats right, even the mere MENTION of the word "Spider-man" is punishable. Other than this and the issues with budget (the school seems to be getting poorer and poorer every day) it is a good school. Worries about kids being teased/bullied, begone! The school has a 0 tolerance policy for things like this. The school is a raffle school with a long waiting list, so you might need to wait to get your kid in. One of the teachers (who I will leave unnamed) has an obsession with making kids pick up trash, which is very annoying. Also, the teachers tend to favor girls a LOT more than boys, so be prepared if your child is a boy. Last but not least, it has "main lesson", which is where you learn something, write a draft, draw a final (needs to be neat, have a nice border, etc.) then draw a picture. Very boring, takes a long time. Overall, its a pretty good school.


A Google User 3 years ago This School is a racist, homophobic cesspool located in modular buildings arranged like a trailer park. The "Director" Rachel Bishop stonewalls all complaints and tells everyone "Gee, thats the first time i heard that issue" when in fact harassment, bias and favoritism has been rampant. Since the State Dept of Education visited last year, they finally drafted the "uniform complaint process" other schools have had for years and now must keep records of incidents going forward. This is NOT anything like a Waldorf school. In the past several years, the teacher turnover is astonishing with very few veteran teachers remaining. If your child is lucky enough to be in one of the many cliques...you will LOVE it here.....if not your child would be better served attending school elsewhere.

AnonymousDecember 1, 2015 at 1:57 PM I have no problem saying NCS ruined my life. Forcing us to believe in fairies, gnomes, and other stupid fairy tales was absolutely horrific. All kids were forced to learn violins, or other high pitched instruments. Believe it or not, there was something worse. We had to sign in to go to the bathroom. Yup, the school had to know when and what you were doing in the bathroom. I wouldn't recommend this school to my worst enemy.

A story about Waldorf schools


@jem777 @9217 @nameof

Jem777 ago

For those who do not know the area Dublin, Novato, are part of the "Bay Area" These cities all connect together with San Francisco to form Silicon Valley.

The home of Google,Facebook, yahoo, & every other high tech agency.

Cost of living is so outraged because of this the billionaires live high end and are surrounded by devestating poverty & homelessness.

They would have you believe this can't be true. Stunning that they all ignore it when they have to drive amongst homeless shelters to eventually get to their Billion dollar companies.

nameof ago

This is the logo for the marin lgbq xyz resources and family services. Right by the civic center. https://ibb.co/cx0EO5 And this is the logo for the church of the spiral tree for fairies and pagans and...lgbq xyz https://ibb.co/gtNKO5

nameof ago

Yes theres the vicinity to harbin too. this is the post i made about facebook sending me an invitation after looking at heart progress on facebook , the event was hosted by heart space which is based in petaluma right next to novato. The cafe whete the event was happening was in coatati right next to there too.The poster with pedo symbols the website with pedo logos. There is definitely a base there. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1789750


9217 ago

Also, this Cazadero place is in Sonoma County - along with Bohemian grove as OP mentions. Sonoma county is right next to Napa Valley, where the Rothschild's Opus one is.


Jem777 ago

@9217 this will help your research you have been recently posting about.


9217 ago

Thank you!

Jem777 ago

Sure no worries. Read below about Donner Party.

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quiche ago



"SATANIC CULT HSA BIZARRE LINKS TO MARIN COUNTY" Marin Independent, 12/6/88. Satanic leader of Church of Set left 3.2 million from his mother, also a priestess, BETTY FORD AQUINO. (any relation?)

Michael Aquino's property includes 828 Mission St., San Rafael, leased by PROJECT CARE FOR CHILDREN AND MARIN COUNTY CHILD ABUSE COUNCIL. Other property used by his brother-in-law and wife, LYNN BUTCH and WILLIAM BUTCH. They formed 2 cults of their own, DARK STAR 9 PYLON and DARK STAR. As a "Pylon", LINDA BLOOD said they have "destruction rituals using pins and needles that would hopefully cause a PERSON TO DIE".

See Aquino house post

Jem777 ago

Donner party email. Insert here. For those that do not know about Donner Party it is destined Ag nausea in historical contexts. Happened where Truckee, Ca is now located. In North Ca. Mountains people were trapped and resorted to cannabilism to survive once their families and friends died and froze.

Horrible story but happened during gold mining Days of covered wagons and exploration. So taboo to speak about many did not reveal this truth.

JP & friends are talking in emails about this referencing cannabilism and property in Truckee

Edit: Also one of the most famous child abductions ever occurred in Petaluma.. Polly Klass

ArthurEdens ago

Check this out...


Also, notice there are a lot of places in that bay to drop "cargo" off by boat.