pizza4Israel ago

I keep talking about 4chan because it gave birth to every single meme that drives TRUMP's Agenda, even prior to reddit things begin on 4chan.

4chan is where they disseminate the marching orders for the habara shills, from there they all head out to their target sites and pile on the memes until they get traction, then they return to 4chan, for new direction; How does one know this? Just follow the timelines.


Good points my friend. I do learn, you learn. I dumped the wikileak emails over the past year and read them follow this stuff, don't worry I get bored quick and this thing is winding down. No you will never here me say "I told you so" I don't seek affirmation from any man. I can tell you this I have known many great soldiers, they all be dead now. I know what a real leader looks like, and we don't have any. U bring up a good point on FEMA, the USD is kapoot, its all going down that is really what this is all about, RNC wants to put a band-aide and DNC wouldn't the band to keep playing on the Titanic deck. Smart men leave a civil war zone my friend long before the shooting begins.


But lets talk of the situation at hand. NSA hates CIA. Romney is NSA and TRUMP needs him desperately. This CIA using Pizzagate to throw the election violates every national law we have, nothing is going to mend this fence between NSA & CIA; The FBI is fucked they need to be purged they're fudge packers top to bottom. DOJ also Purge.

We need a COUP friend and BAD. But again SOROS wants a civil war and more than likely that has a HIGHER PROBABILITY than a managed COUP. You know under smedly butler in 1937 depression, not unlike now the right-wing tried this COUP against the then FDR not unlike CLINTON-machine,and the right lost their ass. The problem is that too many vested interests in the USA want to maintain the status quo.

Thus it all goes back to square-one, we wait until the US Dollar collapses DOJ/FBI goes unpaid, and we then reset america with good people. :)

pizza4Israel ago

I don't see why you think the 'internet' is important. DOD gave, and DOD can take away anytime they wish.

Pizzagate shows that internet can & is used to fill people with lies, and can easily lead unthinking people on a witch-hunt.

I have only observed one thing about computers they allow people to type in their own dossier, long ago GOV had to have zillions of ppl keep records, now everybody types in his own dossier and carrys an electronic tracking device.

U really think this is an improvement?

... If you think a childish meme can rule this new world you think DOD doesn't already know this? Hell DOD ( US NAVY INTEL) owns 4chan, they can lead the puppets anywhere anytime they wish and all the puppets can be led to believe they're "Saving the Children".

Trump is a bitch of Netanyahu. Bibi was sick and tired of dealing with the DNC ppl and demanded a RNC prez, bibi didnt' give a fuck who it was, so long as it wasn't hillary. Now with a RNC prez bibi can do what he wants to the palestine ppl and no liberal gov

pizza4Israel ago

Well its a sixty year old program and unless you heard about it before you wouldn't know.

How many people on the street ever heard of "Operation Paperclip", probably 1 in 10,000;

The point is that all these things are part of the puzzle.

Long ago the elite Romans had the Praetorian, but the praetorian turned on the elite.

Now the elite have the super-soldier who are loyal, tolerate pain, and have no family ties. It's a new ballgame now.

So long as the USA ppl are armed they stand chance, but once the USA people are disarmed and all the cop & mil on the street are super-soldiers its game-over for taking the country back.

Trump is going to make Guliani AG, a gun grabber, don't fool yourself that Trump is for freedom

pizza4Israel ago

4chan is owned by US-NAVY-INTEL The Navy Mk-Ultra program is bigger than the CIA program, as early as the 1940's the NAVY wanted to breed super-soldiers that could live aboard a submarine for 1+ year never come up and the ppl not go nuts. So the Navy bred 1,000's of Nazi-SS.

The majority of USMIL have sold out for their pension at the higher rank, lower rank compartmentalization know nothing.


I keep hearing about these good people, but now its been some 70 years since operation-paperclip where the NAZI-SS were brought to USA to setup shop, we got Nasa, NSA, 1,000's of high-tech companys from these nazi german scientists all has been good. Now its payback time for the USA public, because now the guys with the guns in law enforcement and MIL are men without remorse, no sense of guilt, ..


The elite created this situation, the only swamp that Trump will drain is isolated pockets where people are found who opposed his New World Order. Given that he works directly with Netanyahu, and their explicit goal is A Greater Israel, you can all expect WW3 all over as the shit will hit the fan.