equineluvr ago

^^ Superb post. You laid out the foundation for your hypothesis well.

I have little to add to your narrative EXCEPT:

(1) A Satanic FL-GA sex trafficking ring has already been well established. This goes back to at least the late 1970s and perhaps even earlier. See Ottis Toole and Henry Lee Lucas, both members of the Hand of Death cult. They confessed to many murders that they DID NOT commit, but the extent of their child sex trafficking involvement is not in dispute. Their stomping ground was the Tallahassee area up into GA but also extended into southern FL (Miami area).

HL Lucas has a George Bush connection: He was the ONLY Texas inmate on death row who had his sentence commuted to life by Gov. Bush, a "death penalty" governor. Rumor has it that HLL received favorable treatment because he and GWB belonged to "the same satanic cult," presumably the Hand of Death. The "satanic cult" extended through Brownsville, Texas and down into Mexico.

(2) Iran-Contra and FL are already connected via southern FL cocaine running, mostly through Miami, and of course Jeb Bush served as Gov. of FL.

I will search around to see if I can find a Gene-Richard connection via genealogy.

I haven't read your article yet but look forward to perusing it later.

votesarestolen ago

Thanks for your kind words! Glad you'll look into the potential family connection between the two Secords.

I do remember reading about Ottis Toole and Henry Lee Lucas, and the Satanic cult activity down in the South. Also of note is the fact that Finders cult members were caught and arrested in Tallahassee. The child sex ring I write about in my article is probably just a small glimpse of the vast pedophile underworld in the Florida/Georgia region.

Jeb Bush is actually implicated in the cover-up of this child sex ring. Aside from his FDLE being the one that failed to notify local law enforcement about John Couey, a journalist writing about this case (with apparent inside sources) said:

The Citrus County Sheriff's Department, the lead agency investigating Jessica's death, now reports top-level interference in the case from Tallahassee and Washington, DC and that the case "involves others." The recent reported tie-in of current White House sexcapades involving male prostitutes to past Republican (and some Democrat) involvement in the Franklin, Nebraska child sex slave scandal of the late 1980s involving GOP lobbyist Craig Spence ("suicided" in New York City), Lawrence King, Jr. of Omaha, top Republican officials in Nebraska and Washington, DC, Saudi sex slave traders, and President George H. W. Bush has once again come full circle. Jeb Bush has also been charged with covering up the fact that some 6000 children, supposedly in the care of Florida's Department of Children and Families, are now missing from foster homes and other care centers.

So Tallahassee and DC (in other words, Jeb and George W. Bush's administrations) were involved in the cover-up.

Also of note: part of this Florida/Georgia sex ring ties to Yang Enterprises, a Florida company protected by the Bushes and their allies. Yang was an IT contractor with the Florida Department of Children and Families, specifically for their foster care case management system called HomeSafenet. (The above quote mentions that Jeb covered up missing kids in foster care.)

equineluvr ago

You're welcome. :) Yes, anytime you have COCAINE in the story you can bet there's a BUSH or two in there somewhere.

The retired Richard Secord is now living in Shalimar, FL - roughly the Ft. Walton area.


It's unreal how toxic this guy is.... I now know more about this sleazebag than I ever wanted to, including his involvement in the heroin trafficking from Laos during 'nam.

Dumping this here for now just to stow it away --

DICK Secord is Charman and CEO of Computerized Thermal Imaging, Inc. (medical imaging), HQ in Oregon


GENE -- Home address was listed as Homossassa, FL (Citrus County), which is Gulf Coast-Central (location of Lunsford murder).


Haven't found Gene's genealogy yet but did find some tidbits -

"They are Couey's half-sister, Dorothy Marie Dixon, 47; her daughter, Madie Catherine Secord, 27; her husband, Gene Allan Secord, 35; and Dixon's boyfriend, Matthew Oley Dittrich, 31.

According to arrest records, Dixon, Dittrich and Madie Secord admitted lying to law officers who, unable to locate Couey during a check on local sex offenders, asked whether he lived with the group at 6647 Snowbird Court. Each was held on a charge of obstructing justice and taken to the Citrus County jail, where bail was set at $500 each. Dittrich and Dixon posted bail Saturday, jail officials said.

Gene Secord was arrested on an unrelated charge of failure to pay child support. His bail was set at $5,160.

"We're not going to plea bargain this if I have anything to do with it," Dawsy said of the charges. "These are a bunch of cracked-out individuals. Just a bunch of druggies."

Florida Department of Law Enforcement records show Madie Secord has sought restraining orders against her husband several times. Gene Secord, a laborer, has been arrested on charges of fraud, possession of a concealed weapon by a felon, illegal possession of drugs without a prescription, probation violation for possessing drugs and domestic battery.

Dittrich, a mechanic, has been arrested on charges of drunken driving, larceny, fraud, forgery and probation violation for possessing drug paraphernalia, state records showed.

Virginia Hill, Gene Secord's mother, said her son is a doting father to Madie Secord's 3-year-old son, though he hasn't been a model father to his four children from another marriage.

"He's not part of that trash that Jeff (Dawsy) said. He's not cocaine trash," said Hill, 58. "He has problems like the rest of us."

She said the group formed after Dixon's husband, Troy, died about a year ago. Dixon sold a home and signed a lease at the mobile home near Jessica Lunsford's home on Dec. 11.


PRELIM CONCLUSION: DiCK Secord is a direct descendant of Laura Ingersoll Secord, a War of 1812 hero. Virginia Hill (Gene's mother) and Gene himself seem like trailer trash. It's certainly possible that Gene and DICK are related, but that's not the feeling I get. Maybe they are distantly related.

In addition, Gene Secord doesn't look like any Monarch handler I have ever seen. His uneducated "laborer" status also goes against his being a Monarch handler. Finally, he has been in and out of jail several times (see article above); most handlers get off scot-free and never see any jail or prison time.

I will continue looking, but frankly at this point I'm not on fire because Gene doesn't fit the typical Monarch handler profile.

votesarestolen ago

Yeah, that conclusion is fair. This was a potential theory I had based on the odd shared surname and the other Iran-Contra connections that do pop up (specifically Hank Asher), but Gene Secord is far removed from the circles that Richard Secord operates in. Being the most normal person among John Couey's family isn't saying much. And good point about his arrests.

That said, if political elites needed someone as a handler for Couey, it's not too implausible they'd pick another trailer trash-type person to become part of his family. Gene wouldn't need to be a very high-level operative - maybe he could have just been someone sent in to keep watch on the family. But I do agree with you, such a connection to Monarch and/or Richard Secord is a long-shot. Thanks for looking into this regardless.

What's most important in the John Couey case is uncovering a solid connection between him and Coggins Farms. Two sources that I cite, articles by Ralph Kershaw and Dan Hayworth/Roger Schmid, make this connection on the basis of anonymous law enforcement sources. I am inclined to trust Kershaw and Hayworth/Schmid because they made the allegations about Coggins Farms being involved in sex trafficking a couple months before John Caylor published an article about that. But anonymous sources aren't good enough on their own. All I have so far is Gene Secord stating that Couey, a Florida resident, went to Georgia so often that he practically lived there. That's actually some pretty remarkable corroboration, but it sheds no light on what Couey specifically did while in Georgia.