WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Here is the info needed for this VERY IMPORTANT THREAD! YANG also created software prototypes for electronic voting machines. This came out of another YANG investigation for a totally different reason, and the voting crap was found. That was the outing of whistleblower Clint Curtis who worked at YANG, and created the prototype. Now VOAT has found CPS connections with JEB. The investigative journalist I know and trust, who's life is always on the line, is sitting on a lot of this info. Today, he is releasing much of it, some removed by threat so he moved it. This investigation also includes the stealing of our nuke technology and selling it to ?China! Now a false flag will be blamed on U.S. as the chips have our name on them. Please take a look at this! The link will be updated to just continue to use this link above. I cannot archive, so someone please do this for me? Many thanks, and many lives lost to YANG. So much more than CPS! Here is what you need!
