LolturdFerguson ago

Yellow Fever also causes black vomit, and kills within days. No known cure. Just a thought...

equineluvr ago

Don't forget Tory Smith on YT.

He "outed" Mike Pence as a pedo, yet he supplied no attribution so nobody knows what to make of it.

Smyrtz ago

This guy deserves his own thread if he doesn't already have one. I have never seen anyone's health decline so rapidly. I was shocked.

A quick search of "targeted individuals" will give you an idea of the kind of technology that is potentially out there. Especially the tech that can be used remotely on someone. It's fucking terrifying.

diamond-_sutra ago

Actually it's often best to go as public as possible, because if you die in a suspicious way it makes you a martyr.

Smyrtz ago

Actually, it usually just gets you a big fat diagnosis of some crazy mental health issue. Caution.

DMTco2Melatonin ago

Not being anonymous and not giving a fuck, sends a very clear message.

Lolwerefucked2hell ago

Now that's what I'm taking about.

DMTco2Melatonin ago

I've been tracked for years, not much point now.

Amyamy ago

David Seaman also talked about one of his friends being stabbed to death, as well as a friend of another pizzagate researcher. I'm not sure who the other researcher was, but I believe female.

Piscina ago

Yes, I can see where you're coming from.

Piscina ago

I'm telling people to do what they have to do to stay safe. Yes, I'm sounding like a protective mother, but if it means that people aren't suicided, I'm happy to wear the label. I'm not telling people to stop what they're doing, but just to be cognisant of the reality.

HopeLiesInTheProles ago

It feels like Pizzagate is reaching critical mass. This is all out war. Top "personalities " in the movement are being attacked and silenced. Shouldn't we all stand together and fight? Rather than lurk in the shadows?

chelseaclinton ago

I oppose it because it's extremely dangerous and unnecessary. If you welcome it so strongly what's your full name?

neurofluxation ago

Use a VPN and an anonymous operating system (installed to a usb keyring) to be safe:

Talis or Whonix would work fine.

Guide to installing to usb here

Saibra ago

Thank you!

chelseaclinton ago

It was directed to "Investigators" which I do agree with. Investigators should remain anonymous and collect evidence, for public figures like Seaman to put out. That's why I don't like the shills shitting on Seaman "hur dur profiting off our work" yes but at great personal risk. We couldn't pay most people to publicly talk about this stuff yet he does it.

fartyshorts ago

Dr. Michael Aquino is the founder of The Temple of Set, an occult cult.

fartyshorts ago

The Temple was established in the United States in 1975 by Michael Aquino, an American political scientist, military officer, and a high-ranking member of Anton LaVey's Church of Satan. Dissatisfied with the direction in which LaVey was taking the Church, Aquino resigned and – according to his own claim – embarked on a ritual to invoke Satan, who revealed to him a sacred text called The Book of Coming Forth by Night. According to Aquino, in this work Satan revealed his true name to be Set, which had been the name used by his followers in ancient Egypt.

equineluvr ago

Even the former "priests" of that group admit that Anton Levey's stuff is the Boy Scouts of satanism.

chelseaclinton ago

The same Aquino implicated in the Presidio satanic child rape ring operating out of the military base?

Piscina ago

That's what I'm assuming.

chelseaclinton ago

I ignore cult of personality stuff but I can't ignore the yuge anti David Seaman and Alex Jones campaign being waged. Could pedos be trying to instill doubt in them just prior to assassination attempts so there's no/less blowback?

ArthurEdens ago

Less attention if he dies

chelseaclinton ago

That's what I'm assuming. What can be done to counter it?

ArthurEdens ago

Maybe if someone kept his videos people can repost them in new channels over and over so it casts a wider net

chelseaclinton ago

Good idea. It might not help us now with Seaman but the general idea of archiving videos of those publicly covering PG to later spread if they are suicided is a good one.

ArthurEdens ago

Thanks, and right, i don't think we can help him with his health other than try to urge him to see a doctor for poloium poisoning

Piscina ago
