OpenSoulOpenMind ago

very strange that he is being interview by Miles Johnston...he's part of the Bases project..the same project Max Spiers was apart of...but it appears Miles is siding with Aquino.....what is happening here.........

Piscina ago

While he's criticising everyone and everything else, please remember that the FBI reported that this fucker is 'gender-confused'--in other words, he likes wearing women's clothes--and that he frequents prostitutes and is into BDSM. So he has a lot of fetishes and hates women. Basically, he's a sick fuck.

sunajAeon ago

This a BIG MISTAKE to read this guy's BS-he is a master at deceit on levels most of us can't imagine, his information may be true, but it CANNOT BE TRUSTED unless it is verified by other sources-he is UNDOUBTEDLY GUILTY OF THE MOST HORRENDOUS VILE ACTS OF VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN imaginable-for those that are empaths stare into his gaze and all your questions are answered-he is as close to an ANTICHRIST as I have peered into, to give this MONSTER A PLATFORM to cast his MAJIK is a big mistake-it lends credibility to him and his vile LIES and CRIMES against his VICTIMS-this includes AQUINO AND THOSE IN THE MILITARY LIKE HIM-my deepest question to myself is how could people in the military allow people like this to exist among them??? Also the last report I read Aquino is apparently Jewish-go 'figger

Nana66 ago

Found this from Jan 8 2015 by searching Michael Aquino Clinton

YingYangMom ago

Much appreciated post OP!

YingYangMom ago

Then goes into a discussion about the danger of nuclear devastation, and says the game is over if Russia and US do a nuclear exchange and says he's keeping his fingers crossed! And that's the end of the first hour. "

Video: Bases 70 - Michael Aquino "Sick and Tired of Moronic Imbeciles Blowing Things Up and Destroying Life"

Well, after hearing that Dutchman's account, we all now know that Satanists lie, hate us, hate creation, hate life and are out to destroy us. So, that's a big one right there, Aquino. You're not fooling any of us.

SoldierofLight ago

Nice work. This guy always breaks my Creep Meter because the needle swings so hard when I see even a mention of him.

ArthurEdens ago

This guy is accused of raping and killing kids in the 80's and the investigation was stopped quickly. He's good at lying and sounding like a nice guy. Don't buy into it

awarenessadventurer ago

I believe I left a not of caution about what a liar this man is. To dismiss everything he has to say would be a mistake. You can unconver lies and strategy by understanding what is and WHAT ISNT said on these topics. To understand the enemy strategy (and the disinfo) is very important. If you can handle it. To reject ALL that is said, would be unwise and a missed opportunity. The Art of War and all that jazz....

ArthurEdens ago

You did! Thank you! But if people skip right to videos like I did they'll hear a mild old man. Mainly talking to myself I guess. Great post op!

awarenessadventurer ago

WOW. that is definately him. 2 years ago. HIs YT page is empty though. I just watched this exact video recently but didnt read the comments. I find it interesting he is back on the circuit now. He is presenting as a 'retired military officer' on pension (ie-broke and slinging books) but I dont buy it. Especially with this recent subject matter. I know that he is a powerful liar so very carefully approaching this material. Thanks for pointing out that he has been active recently beyond this interview. I search for him often and have found nothing. Reading between the truth and lies on this is going to be interesting. I think he is playing a part in the new psyops being rolled out currently. I believe Aquino is directly responsible for the death of Max Spiers as Aquino was part of the subject matters he was researching when he was killed. We must be getting close to something since he is now resurfacing.... and his subject matter ties in directly with the A.I. big picture I am looking into currently. Its possibly a diversion tactic with some nuggets of truth to get us to open ourselves to his message.

awarenessadventurer ago

really? I have never found anything recent. I must have missed it. Post any links you have here please.

privatepizza ago

Pinging @YingYangMom

YingYangMom ago

thanks for the ping :)

privatepizza ago

Absolutely excellent research, as usual AA. Glad to see you're still around. Aquino imo is an extremely important link in PG. The information you've posted here is gold. Thanks.

awarenessadventurer ago

Well thank you. I am laying low BUT I have shifted my focus to another aspect something larger and involving A.I, Genetic Enhancement and Occult Warfare Projects as I have found a larger connection with ALL of the pieces of the pizza puzzle far exceed the current view (IMO). Likely not much of it will be posted here on VOAT, but who knows, some things just need to be shared here. Like this interview which blew my mind as I occssionally do searches on Aquino to figure out if he is still up to his old tricks and in fact he IS....

privatepizza ago

No worries and great to hear, fascinating subjects! Did you see have a new front page with a link to their dischord? Theres an extremely interesting PDF book in the dischord in the 'info' room. 'How to create a mind control slave.' Occult Warfare Projects. I've just started reading it and it's fascinating. It may be of help to you.

abcdefg222 ago

Yes! Great research. Thank you!! Jeffrey Epstein is big in AI research. Not really related but I thought it was interesting when I found out