kingforpres ago

I accidentally cut my finger yesterday it was my index finger. I was using a hand saw and it jumped on me. I put a bandaid on it and thought how it looked similar to that podesta has on his middle finger. So then I had a couple competing thoughts, first was I hope no one thinks I'm a Satan worshiper, but then I realized just how unlikely cutting your fingers at the base and not the tip actually is. I've worked in restaurants for years handling knives. I work with lawn and medical equipment. Many opportunities to cut yourself, but in all my years I think I've actually cut my fingers less than five or six different times, and until yesterday never anywhere but the fingertip. You can say it's dumb or ridiculous, but I bet none of you have ever cut your middle finger on that digit.

Alpo ago

This is my first post here, but I am not new to this subject. This has been mentioned before, but I have a few things to add. The email that this photo of Podesta was attached to was this one: As you can read, it mentions Global Goal No. 14 - "we must protect our oceans and life below water". However, this could possibly be a plausible deniability cover story to explain why he has that drawn on his hands.

As many people know, there is reason to suspect that the Temple of Set may have some involvement with pizzagate. Here is some background information: Also, it is very suspicious that this video, which was posted to the #pizzagate feed on Twitter a few days ago, suddenly has restricted access: In it, Michael Aquino talks briefly about himself. An audience member relates a story about being involved in a ritual murder while a member of the Church of Satan (not the same as the Temple of Set, though related). Aquino accuses the man of lying. Another interesting video can be found here: After 22:00m on the video, Michael Aquino, the Temple of Set, and their goals for America are mentioned.

Michael Aquino does not have a Wikipedia page, and the Wikipedia page for the Temple of Set does not mention its current leader.

I am not sure if this page can be trusted, but it contains more information about the current state of the organization:

Luxxy ago

This was posted on you tube last week someone did a video on this.... Please do your own research or add to others and at least give credit, where credit is due..

FyndersKeepers ago

I made the SLI page myself on 11/29. I'm new here and just dumping stuff I've been sitting on. People have been stealing my research from Twitter and other places so I decided to start making my stuff public. I was the one who broke Spirit Cooking. I posted it on my old Twitter account a day before anyone else even talked about it. I've got a lot more stuff working. Please don't just assume the worst of everyone. We're all in this together. I promise to give proper credits where they are due. I do expect the same respect in return, but it's not the end of the world if it doesn't happen.

stunknife ago

This is new information to me. I don't understand how it's worthy of taking a picture. Is there a hidden meaning behind it?