Hug-a-Root ago

Either Cathy O'Brien in Tranceformation of America or Brice Taylor in Thanks for the Memories identified Sammy as one of their rapists. I read both and can't remember which one wrote about him.

MasterLucifer ago

I would guess Brice.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Michael Aquino has no Wikipedia page, strange that...

formatist ago

And Anton LaVey, of course. Who lived in my neighborhood!

Jakestr ago

I about throw up each time I see his face Aquino is the embodiment of evil

HunkaHunka ago

Aquino is female transgender, which explains why Aquino looks so weird. There is no 'man' who looks remotely the same as Aquino.

The reason being that Aquino is not male. Aquino was obviously born female and undertook male hormone gender reassignment, which was not very successful because he/she /it look neither fully male nor fully female. I predict Aquino will die of endocrine related complications (cancer) soon.

DeathToMasons ago

Aquino is maybe the most disgusting person I can think of. And the CIA protected his child torturing/murdering. And the US government does nothing to stop the CIA's reign of terror. The media is basically one big CIA psyop machine. America government is an abortion.

HunkaHunka ago

you paranoid fat little dykes who down voted my comments

look at this picture of Aquino:

are you trying to tell me this is a MALE navy seal Vietnam combat-hardened commando war veteran?