memphistre ago

Barbara Hartwell's blog can be found here

awakenaware ago

The whole Ted Gunderson story is a big one... I wouldnt draw conclusions based on this new info. Here is a very detailed report on the whole gunderson story..

Of course Ken from educate-yourself was always very pro Gunderson.. I honestly cant say if he was a double agent or not. It seems quite possible considering recent outs of various agents like AJ and others.

sunajAeon ago

I looked at Ken's section on CIA and my impression is that it is the typical warmed over explanation, avoiding the really gruesome details of CIA; Ken has a lot to say about well known investigative reporters- jury still out on this site

Amino69 ago

Interesting post DTM

sunajAeon ago

"John DeCamp, author of the Franklin Cover-up, is a Gunderson ally, former Henry Kissinger/William Colby subordinate, and a retired Nebraska Senator. Like Aquino and Gunderson, DeCamp worked for the CIA. The U.S. Army assigned DeCamp to serve Colby, the Director of Central Intelligence, during the Nixon era. Colby, with** DeCamp, ran the Phoenix Program** that involved assassinations and torture.

As the Vietnam War was winding down, with dissidents on the rise, and the media devastating public confidence in government and the military, Aquino and Colby, assisted by DeCamp, refined psychological warfare black ops for “The Company,” especially leveraging the media for controlling opposition." Anyone who was directly involved with Phoenix is DIRTY-PERIOD (from the cited website We The People)

21yearsofdigging ago

Do you know these people???

sunajAeon ago

I sure as hell do-"BY THEIR FRUITS YE SHALL KNOW THEM" I'm not Christian but this statement is certainly the truth of The Creator -you can't do business with the Devil(s) and be clean-some shit just doesn't wash off-the association and murderous work of each of these officials make their character and deeds very visible-what does it take to open your eyes???

human_2000 ago

I don't necessarily agree that Gunderson is controlled opposition. The evidence he is controlled opposition seems to be that he married Diana Rively. Poster doesn't mention that the same sources claiming the marriage also claim he divorced her in less than a year.

The sources claim to have spoken to Ted Gunderson by phone and not in-person. They spoke mostly to Diana Rively. Isn't it just possible they found someone who can manage to sound a bit like Ted Gunderson to call the sources and introduce them to Diana by exclaiming "I got married!". Apparently, there is a note or something both sources claim to have received from Ted. If they can fake a President's birth certificate (however badly), they can certainly fake a note.

Perhaps he DID get married, realized he was being duped by a Satanist succubus and had been married by a "priest" from the Church of Satan. He probably figured it doesn't count since there are no court records, he doesn't believe in Satanism and the priest probably wasn't vested by the state with the power to marry anybody.

Why would a Satanist marry anyway? Seems unlikely that the "heiress to the Church of Satan" would want to enter into the sanctity of marriage with anybody. Unless she was just trying to be a Satanic succubus.

Besides, People from the Church of Satan lie. That's what they do. That's why they are IN the church of Satan. When the devil lies, he is speaking his native language.

Also, the account says Diana Rively spoke for some time with the sources by phone about her work at the CIA. Really? What in the world did they have to talk about that wasn't confidential, secret or top secret?

Was it even Diana Rively they spoke to on the phone? How would they know if it wasn't even her? Are they personal acquaintances of hers?

Seems likely to me that some folks are just lying about stuff. They knew they couldn't keep up the charade that Ted Gunderson was married for very long. So they claimed they received a note from Ted indicating the reason for the divorce was that Diana was keeping from his work. Clearly, they couldn't say Ted's note indicated he found out she was a Satanist and divorced her for that reason. That would restore too much of Ted's credibility. So they made his motive for divorce selfish.

sunajAeon ago

Come the fuck on-Gunderson, the expert on Satanism is duped by Rively? The bitch must really have a pussy that counts, eh? And this is not the only reason why people have qualms about Gunderson, the episode with Art Bell and Gunderson accusing Bell of raping his own kid (for which he was successfully sued) among other things-not LEAST was the fact that NO ONE was prosecuted for any sexual crimes in Franklin debacle-that *&%$ Larry Kind did part of a sentence for money laundering (and apparently is free and alive-untouched)

Infopractical ago

Interestingly, Gunderson's Wikipedia page contains no mention of family which is an almost automatic for a public figure married to anyone else of note.

sunajAeon ago

I mentioned my concerns a while back about this duo and got slammed hard-glad to see this, fascinating information, however equineluvr 0 points (+0|-0) 33 minutes ago

Leonard Horowitz is a KNIGHT OF MALTA.

You need better sources. is quite disconcerting-I hope everyone chimes in here and studies these sources-in the game of information wars the only information that is relevant is that which has evidence-which is why these standards are so important at Voat

DeathTooMasons ago

For those who read Horrowitz entire expose they would see how he mentioned they were trying to discredit him by saying he was one of them. How hard would it be to simply say he was part of their societies? Bottom line is, his claim is that the satanic child abduction torture murder ring is real and Gunderson was to be the investigation so they could make sure they can continue with impunity. And they have. So what use does he have to discredit Gunderson? The investigation were already a failure so sabotaging them is not the goal. Gunderson did nothing but talk and allow it to continue with impunity. The infor was already coming out, he just made sure nothing could come of it by being in charge of the investigation. The article points it out clearly.

DeathTooMasons ago

Is he really? Can you please provide a source? Not doubting you, just want to verify. Talk about a tangled web?

DeanKeyhote ago

first of all OP is a useless hysterical faggot and not trustworthy

Secondly youre ALL fags for being obsessed with public personalities and whether THEYRE trustworthy

Premise of OP is retarded on its face, as Gundersons McMartin work is among the most viewed pedogate vids -- a case that had tons on indictments until the new JEWISH D.A. torpedoed the case through inexplicable misconduct and public comments undermining the previous DAs case. Gunderson had other legit white-hat sources and collaborators too who vouch for him. So the point is he HAS contributed HUGLEY to formation of a grassroots movement

DeathTooMasons ago

Gunderson has been the investigation, and has quashed his own investigation. The opperation continue with impunity. You are considered a distraction and negative energy around here. Feel free to continue outing yourself with your childish tactics and derailiment agenda.

Amino69 ago

Playing Devils advocate, this still doesn't legitimise him or absolve him as a potential limited hangout. Grassroots are still fertilised like any other idea/movement and the CIA has an incredible track record for astroturfing.

DeathTooMasons ago

Gunderson prosecutes nobody in the FBI or CIA despite a wealth of material. Bottom line is the FBI is part of the cabal so expecting the FBI to arrest itself and it's partners in crime is a fatal mistake.

Amino69 ago

And there it is...

sunajAeon ago

There ought to be consequences for new unproven users who attack people like this-unacceptable-we're here about the evidence-save that trash talk for your prison buddies

srayzie ago

You're not gonna believe what I found today. A video of you!

DeathTooMasons ago

Awesome. That's what I pictured. Peter O toole after a beatdown.

srayzie ago

Lol. I think's he lost one of the remaining front teeth since this video was taken.

DeanKeyhote ago


srayzie ago

🤣 Did I strike a nerve? At least we know what you look like now tho. It's more personal now. It feels like we're special friends 😁 👱🏿‍♀️

equineluvr ago

Leonard Horowitz is a KNIGHT OF MALTA.

You need better sources.

DeathTooMasons ago

You need better discernment. Doesn't make sense for him to be a night of malta and try to tell us that not only is the child abduction ring real, but the authorities in charge of prosecuting are actually controlling the investigations so the ring can continue unimpeeded. Horrowitz already made clear they were trying to discredit him by saying he was one of them. If he was, why would he be doing what he is doing? Again, he says the ring is real but the invvestiigations are actually damage control. That's what I got. So when does the FBI led PG investigations get kicked off?

sunajAeon ago

Interesting source-do you know who these people are? Not your typical group of researchers- "Our objectives are:

To reveal the Darkside's secret Plan 2000 for total world control by our present evil world leaders.
To reveal to the world's people that Creator God Aton of Light also has a Plan 2000. God Aton and His Forces of Light will not do it for us but will work with us, as we responsibly confront evil in our day and change the "ending of the play."
To reveal the evil world leaders' cover-up of off-world humans (our ancestors), who are here in starships in Earth's atmosphere at this time, and who have come with good intent to help us prevent the evil Plan 2000 from being accomplished, and to help us establish the New Age of Enlightenment.
To reveal the Truth presently being given to our civilization by the Realms of Light"

This is why I am going to start a topic on TRUSTED SOURCES

srayzie ago

This is hard for me to believe. I'm gonna read this. I hope this isn't true.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Isn't Gunderson one of the people you help in Fallout New Vegas? Was in charge of the commstock.

sunajAeon ago

Would appreciate more info on your post

DeathTooMasons ago

Some good stuff.... Actors Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher started their own organization, called the Demi & Ashton Foundation (DNA.) Their international campaign message was, “Take A Stand Against Child Sex Slavery.”

Instead of addressing the widespread problem–the international satanic network and its officials pulling the strings–the celebrities lamely address local pedophiles. DNA is asking, “Are You A Real Man?” “Do You Prefer A Real Man?”

The psychology and target of this message is idiotic, albeit resulted in the apparent targeting of these celebrities by the oligarchy. This controlled opposition they also controlled. Someone should have informed Moore and Kutcher that satanists don’t give a damn about “real manhood.” The Illuminati, superficially depicted in Eyes Wide Shut, relish their Bohemian Grove diet of human sacrifices, served on plates of Royal Copenhagen porcelain.

Moore and Kutcher’s United Nation’s sponsor, David Rockefeller and company, means they are part of the problem of controlled opposition, needed by the CIA and Aquino to control opposition.

David Rockefeller is shown here with Benjamin Fulford who altered the last report of assassinated journalist Edward Harle (a.k.a., Christopher Story), attaching Szymanski’s Knights of Malta forgery to extend the COINTELPRO assault on Horowitz, and implicate the doctor in Harle’s murder.

sunajAeon ago

Barbara Hartwell-Interesting person and her website-my question is can ANY CIA who lists their accomplishments as part of CIA psychological warfare be trusted? The fact that she is a minister means NOTHING-this is a topic that needs to be visited by the whole community-does the CIA really allow insiders to put this kind of information out? I agree the info looks good-but this is a nagging question I have yet to settle

DeathTooMasons ago

Rudolp Giuliani would was also in on it. He made sure no charges were levied. From the passage below...

“Despite abundant medical and psychological evidence and literally dozens of child witnesses, and despite ‘950 interviews by 60 FBI agents assigned to the investigation,’ the investigation, ‘led by former U.S. Attorney [and future mayor] Rudolph Giuliani’ (of 9/11 infamy) produced ‘no federal grand jury indictments,’ according to the Herald Record…” (See Steinberg’s full report HERE.)

No wonder he was selected as Mayor of NYC during 9/11. He was part of that cover up too. Made sure all the forensic evidence was shipped out of the country to China and other places at light speed.

So you guys still think the FBI is about to spring charges on their own opperations?

sunajAeon ago

What I really don't get-is why some patriot insider hasn't blown this *&^% away, and others like him-they know these creeps are insulated, are almost untouchable-the law is made to PROTECT these SUB-HUMANS-this is AS mysterious as the nature of God

Amino69 ago

I believe quite a few have tried but TPTB have anticipated this for as long as they've been dominating and thus have the measures in place to thwart any significant threat. Also if we consider that the only way to get word out to the world is via their channels i.e the internet, print media, tv/radio then the odds are even more greatly stacked against them. It's plausible that stuff has got out and may even be in circulation today but anyone who comes into contact with or attempts to further disseminate winds up dead or missing. Lastly if you did have the opportunity to leak paradigm altering info but had a family you cared about, this would make you think twice as you would be acutely aware that they would kill every person you have ever loved if needs be to maintain anonymity and preserve their supremacy.

Tyranny-News-Network ago

Contemplate how one must expose the "bad element" without detection. Then, when it's your turn for God's sake, do your part as you will see the signs. Despite the illusion of their total awareness, we remain as unpredictable as a coin toss. One tip though, avoid psychiatrists, the military and spooky people.

sunajAeon ago

BTW-just for the record i have blocked hojuruku, after conversing with him I find his tactics to be crafty, his information questionable and his veracity highly suspect

sunajAeon ago

BTW-just for the record I have blocked hojuruku, after conversing with him I find his tactics to be crafty, his information questionable and his veracity highly suspect

twistedmac11 ago

Gunderson was most certainly a limited hangout, and the CIA is definitely still running psyops against us.

cantsleepawink ago

Yup. And that is why every new person who pops up on the internet to 'lead the charge' needs to be viewed with caution.

twistedmac11 ago

Anyone in a position of power who claims to be dedicated to fighting elite child trafficking/pedophilia needs to be examined. Webb, Seaman, Frost, Jones, Cernovich, even Gowdy and Trump. Not everyone is involved, sure, but we can't just accept people's word at face value anymore. The ones running psyops know what we want to hear/see and know that many of us are placated by pretty words and powerful speeches. The difference is in what actions they take.

Amino69 ago

This^^ It's a litmus test for me when trying to discern the authenticity of a new 'paragon'. Now I'm not trying to teach anyone to suck eggs as I appreciate how switched on many of my fellow voat'ers are but for anyone who is new to this game of sniffing out the shysters, this is my approach.

If the individual in question was once connected to the establishment in any meaningful way and are then free to run their mouth in a critical manner about said powers, it's a big red flag for a limited hangout imo. If they suddenly go dark or wind up dead then they generally get my support but unfortunately this is a pyrrhic victory and always demoralising. The level of media attention one garners is such a reliable method to measure the veracity of someone. If this attention and promotion comes from the MSM, it's a trap! and the same goes for much of the indi/alt media network as this is ostensibly owned and run by the MSM moguls.

Don't just look for criticism against those who appear legit as this can often be contrived subterfuge. Instead concentrate on how little exposure one receives for their actions and promulgations. If they're barely on the radar but resonate and concur with other legit truthers/researchers, this can be a good indicator of their authenticity and trustworthyness. TPTB understand that the best way to make a problem go away (apart from snuffing out life) is to ignore it or sabotage it's ability to become apparent (messing with search results, doxxing, hack attacks, blocking etc). That's why I hold a candle to no one in particular and wrote off Assange, Snowden, Jones et al a long time ago. Unfortunately this also brings into question the veracity of Pizzagate itself, which I do believe is a psy-op but relates to very real crimes committed at the top of world power. It's yet again another limited hangout.

twistedmac11 ago

You hit the nail on the head with everything you just said. These people have turned limited hangouts into a fine art. Psyops on top of psyops. Pizzagate itself is a limited hangout, like you said. People get so up in arms when I say that, but it's true. It doesn't make Pizzagate any less real, it just makes it a less-serious crime that distracts us while they go do something worse somewhere else. It was too perfectly laid out. Then the false flags, like the Comet Ping Pong shooting. We were set up to look like fools from the beginning. Pizzagate was handed to us as a pedophile/trafficking ring operating out of businesses on Connecticut Avenue and involving Hillary Clinton. We managed to find the truth of the matter and take it further. I'm glad to see that there are other Voaters that realize this as well!

Amino69 ago

Thank you and it's reassuring to hear others espouse the now unfortunate but very real position we find ourselves in. There are quite a few Pizzagate naysayers in this community now and as demoralising and incensing as it may be, we cannot pretend and obviate certain facts just to appease our original suspicions and mistakes. We have been played from the very beginning but personally I only realised this concretely a couple of months ago. I have been suspicious of WikiLeaks and Assange for a couple of years now but it was Pizzagate that confirmed their duplicity.

We are up against such an incredibly adroit and unwavering enemy, one that has centuries of experience and nous in beguiling and herding the masses that it's hard not to be impressed...sometimes! As you say it's multi-layered psy-ops on top of psy-ops so making sense of it all is both arduous and perplexing and few stick with it long enough to see the patterns and understand even the basic methodology.

One thing I forgot to mention and I'm forced to contradict myself somewhat reg the judgement of potential legit whistle-blowers is that sometimes it may be deemed beneficial by TPTB to allow these (legit) individuals to castigate them, even concerning sensitive info. This can be regarded as another psy-op but by proxy as it serves to compartmentalise the interests of fellow dissenters thus making it easier for TPTB to monitor a given group and incrementally seed with dis-info agents etc. Also the revelation of truths of this nature (child trafficking, SRA, TBMC) serves as a psychological weapon to demoralise, desensitise and charge emotionally those who engage with it. When one becomes emotionally connected to a subject, objectivity can be impaired and the individual far more susceptible to manipulation. We must observe, learn, remain emotionally disconnected and utilise our greater number to counter their strategies. And just to reiterate, I'm utterly convinced of the type of crimes that Pizzagate pertains to.

pimpinainteasy ago

Add robert david steele, malachi martin, david wilcock and Eric Jon Phelps (mentioned in the link the OP posted) as well.

cantsleepawink ago

Agree. I've been saying that looking at data is important rather than solely relying on words or 'opinions'.

twistedmac11 ago

Yep! People are quick to forget who we're dealing with.

dickface88888 ago

**cough cough - RDS, Craig Sawyer, maybe even that Neil dude?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Who is 'that Neil dude'?

dickface88888 ago

Neil Wolfe, was around for the pizzagate protests. Probably legit but you never know. Craig Sawyer most very likely is not legit and RDS most likely definitely is not.

srayzie ago

No not Neil. I have a bad feeling about Craig Sawyer tho. Robert David Steele too.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I remember him, I don't watch YT so I thought maybe he was some new guy I hadn't checked out yet. Thank you.

srayzie ago

Did you see how bad he got beat up?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


srayzie ago

Neil Wolfe got beat up really bad by some jerks. He has video of himself in the hospital with blood everywhere.

2b1ask1 ago

EXTREME caution.

hojuruku ago

Fiona's mates are pushing gunderson I came across his video before but didn't find him too convincing as well pushing David Icke the reptilian shill to undermine pizzagate. Truth News Radio Australia failed to cut him down to size as he promised to in the lead up to their interview. Shills are everywhere: ( )

^^ that link was first given to be my a known shill that kissed OTO operative Garry Burns arsehole and is well known for his "aussie beach Tv" ^^ More on the Great boylover 666 and the OTO:

Mike Holt redacted my interviews from his channel after Garry Burns the great boylover 666 threatened to sue them. I put them up on talkshoe after the censorship. Garry Burns forwarded me his emails of him kissing court confirmed faggot pedo arse. - that's the first interview he censored. The second unaired one I played live but it didn't upload to talkshoe. i'll have to dig for it somewhere.

CC @hookednosedjoooo

Mike Holt RestoreAustralia [email protected] via 22/04/2016

to Garry Boylover Burns

Garry, I have reviewed much of the 'evidence' Luke has sent me....and believe me he has swamped me with links to dozens of articles and interviews. I have just told him that he has not provided definitive evidence that you are a paedophile and therefore I am not going to air the interview with him today.

There is no need for you to keep sending me your defence. Please leave me alone....and I am asking Luke to do the same. This is not my fight.


Cheers! Mike Holt CEO RestoreAustralia and No matter how many goals you have achieved, you must set your sights on a higher one Mobile (Australia): +61 412 677 223

On Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 9:59 AM, Garry Burns wrote: LUKE MC KEE

Meanwhile the same evidence comes out in court - and Garry Burns admits he was a member of a pedophile group on Facebook as exposed here. FAIL!

I HATE SHILLS. TOO MANY SHILLS. Who's paying these cunts who shill for pedophiles? Oh yes ... of course..... The PEDOPHILES!

DeathTooMasons ago

PG mods, super gross.

hojuruku ago

We have we seen controlled opposition against satanic pedophile cults before?