hojuruku ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2054985 read all the comments there @Cc1914 - Investigate Fiona. We all know I'm not biased and I wanted her to stand up to scruitany. She didn't. Sorry don't be triggered because of that.

We can't let someone like her go near a courtroom to oppose the OTO.She is sabotauge. Oh and then when people accept she is mixing truth with lies people just say she's the mind control victim. What a convenient excuse.

hojuruku ago


The pedo troll gang is downvoting. I feel that Fiona is controlled opposition. She's talking about her stories as a 5 year old. How can you be sure about 3000km long underground tunnels when you are 5 years old. Why are 2 out of her 3 independentaustralia.net articles PULLED like the video on that newscorp link. That's meant to be her own buddies right?

Looks like Fiona's been put out to stud at /pizzagate/ after the flirting 5 mins of MSM fame flopped and she was forced to redact her own story from the first website that promoted her.

10269435? ago

Yes ! This is advice from people who have great empathy for you , and every other SRA victim out there . I haven't read Fiona's whole story . The pictures alone affected me in such a way that I didn't want to dig further . It's pure evil ! I felt so sick viewing them ! I am a victim also . I won't tell my story again , as I already touched on it here a few times some months back. The things I said here were triggered by the stuff I was researching . I held nothing back and sounded crazy to most I'm sure . It actually helped me a lot to get it out . So I thank all here who had a part in bringing me back to sanity . This kind of abuse ruins childhoods period. There is no sympathy for someone who continues these evil deeds!

hojuruku ago

I have read Fiona's story. It's total truth mixed with total lies - hence limited hangout. Small details match up with my childhood - I grew up in the same neighbourhood.

ASolo ago

Long time lurker on your threads here hojuruku and I have to comment, finally, on some level to you. I have to say that you are one intense person. Even through your writing I can feel a character that is intelligent, strong (frighteningly so), but also perhaps very distraught, hurt and sometimes desperate. I can tell that you are an abuse victim, to what capacity I do not know, although I've perused your threads that is one detail I might have missed considering I am only able to read only so much of your material before I am filled with an intense pain and anger for you, and about you.

Maybe that's just your style, and I can't say that your work would have much more or less impact if your writing style was different, but your language is atrocious. I mean atrocious in every way. Your use of the English language is totally offensive not only to the cause you're fighting for but to many of us victims out here. Hearing you use the term 'baby f@#%*!^" three or four times a sentence gets a little jarring.

Like I said, it's obvious you're a victim, and I'm sorry that you are, but I implore you to approach these subjects with a little more tact. Really the picture you paint of yourself is not very pleasing. I know you're not out here to please anyone anyway but you have to understand your approach effects your credibility. In many ways the way you talk can act as a trigger for some individuals because you are emulating a way perhaps an abuser might speak. In a way I'd like to recommend professional help in order to help you understand how damaging your outlook and the words you use to describe it are a symptom of your own abuse, and by continuation you are continuing to abuse yourself and, by extension, us. Please, it is imperative to understand the language we use has power and can have strong psychological effects, and I believe you are just a slight bit reckless in that regard.

By that same token it is easily forgiven and it is what it is and I remain lurking because I realize, you are dysfunctional. I am dysfunctional, Fionna is dysfunctional. WE, are all, dysfunctional. That realization alone might help prevent, what is in my opinion, superfluous finger pointing.

hojuruku ago

Tell us this is not Fiona Barnett - please - debunked - the person isn't a mind controlled victim - she's without any control of her mind or mouth.


hojuruku ago

@hookednosedjoooo won me over eventually. He was right. Fiona was right about Bond University too - I exposed Diana K Night working for Bond University when I doxxed her in my second Jim Fetzer Interview - sources listed at the end of this post.. HALF of what she says is TOTALLY TRUE (inside knowledge) and the other half IS COMPLETE BATSHIT CRAZY FABRICATION.


hojuruku ago

i'm not sexually abused - at least that I know of. I've had my rights taken away by occult founded special facebook.com/policeglbti police and had my whole family targeted for supporting me by these satanic faggots in power. http://twitter.com/GLLUDC has a job of being in charge of protecting Alefantis too - because only a gay cop can investigate an elite gay.

I say "baby fuck" to trigger people to realize how disgusting they are. The court found my dad guilty of publishing this comment. https://web.archive.org/web/20140722080525/https://www.causes.com/posts/891061 which had this video embedded on two baby fuckers mark netwon and peter truong saying its "homophobic" to be against them with Australian government support human trafficking and RAPING BABIES. The government of Australia and it's gay judges said it's homophobic to be against human trafficking baby rape in my father's 3 year long legal case over a comment my father made on an STOP FACEBOOK DISTRIBUTING CHILD PORN PETITION.


This video also predictedd Gay Activists @TwoDadsAndMe werre pedophiels before they were charged with foster son sex (@Rip_N_Roll_Guys is old name of @MichalJames_TV aka @TwoDadsAndMe), but it's a crime to report someone is a pedo if they are a pedo if they have gay judge and gay police protection.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nV1ElRbHTug (see sources on video description)

10268695? ago

Well said A Solo, I feel the same way. I have the utmost respect though for anyone that is trying to come forward in whatever way they know how. I believe that hojuruku is sincere. I appall some of his language, and repeating the baby $#%$# over and over is telling me that he is intensely affected . In fact this is how I reacted when I first read the gay manifesto. I could not say HOMO ENOUGH! I was furious! I think hojuruko gets really mad too. unfortunately in this world , it is seen as crazy when someone actually sticks up for themselves.

equineluvr ago

"Let's investigate the handwriting here."

Unless there is a professional graphologist here, nobody here is qualified to undertake that endeavor.

Not to mention the OBVIOUS -- there is no "investigating" done here. Investigations are organized, structured, and sequential, and they involve much more than ARMCHAIR RESEARCH.

hojuruku ago

but at least you can comment on the art style..... The circumstanctial evidence is pretty compelling here. Same family name, same obsession with pedophilia activism, same handwritnig apperence.... And I explained how I found it without googling - not trying to make a hit piece. This is a very legitimate concern about Fiona - either she's doing skitzo art herseful and publishing under a nom depluume, or she she has a skitziod drawing her child abuse artwork for her.

hojuruku ago

For the love of god - don't read the comments: go here first and read the OP it's damning: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2079791/10263330

Jem777 ago

I have been supportive of your posts in the pasts because the OTO is at the heart of so much but you are very wrong about this.

Just because Fiona does not attack the OTO in the way you do does not make her any less a victim. She is describing MK Ultra mind control program that has been proven to be true. One month after her testimony Dr. Anthony Kidman fled the country & happened to die in Singapore. Stop attacking victims.

hojuruku ago


Lack of Mind Control Victim ^^^ Seen that artwork before somewhere else maybe?

hojuruku ago

Hey I'm a victim too. I lost my country and lived in exile for 10 years for the crime of knowing a secret OTO occult founded gay cop is gay aka 60C NSW Crimes Act Australia's rarest crimes, first outlaw motorcycle gang law with 100% conviction rate, no case law and 100% death in custody. Only 2 convictions before me - all dead in jail. It's a whistleblower death order and my country decided I need to die for http://facebook.com/policeglbti pride. Well thank fuck I was friends my neighbours and left the country when I did or I wouldn't have had this 10 year running stand off fighting fucken elite Australian government homosexual pedophiles. I'd be dead and a number 3 in a attorney general's / bocsar computer system for 60C NSW Crimes Act crime statistics that are not even published to this day. You can verify the reference number in the stats I obtained here with www.bocsar.nsw.gov.au (banned url shortner starts with tiny ends with com) /60c-stats.


My dad covered my case on radio and then was accused of the crime of disrespecting those who fuck babies - because Australian gay judge Alexander "John - The fake Name I Use in Court" Wakefield ruled we should all love a baby gay dads anal fuck session or at least respect those who do it - using the child anal rape victims as poster boys for gay pride here:



Now my dad has had to flee Australia because the special gay child fuck police are working with the Great Boylover 666 aka http://twitter.com/garryburnsblog - now a court confirmed pedophile (see: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2029702 & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaukjfqYsz4)) , and helping him stalk my dad - including telling him the time and date he went through customs. Scary: http://archive.is/l590z

Am I not a victim of the OTO child sex cult ? They are Suing my mates for my writing outside Australian jurisdiction and ruling that all Vietnamese internet users (including my dad at the time the comment was made) must respect those who fuck babies - because Australia as a nation of gay baby sex love under law under will is forcing it's love of pedophilia on those who are overseas now - and whole foreign nations - and it's published fucken case law. "mckee burns" on austlii.edu.au or www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au

Did you not hear my dad talk about being prosecuted of the crime of disrespecting those who fuck babies? http://www.truthnews.com.au/web/radio/story/cultural_marxism_101 Look at Alex Au most famous gay marriage activist in Asia using the gay dads baby anal victims as symbols of gay pride : https://yawningbread.wordpress.com/2013/01/20/pastor-ambushes-goh-chok-tong-with-demand-to-defend-377a/

Here's proof my father was in Vietnam - and not subject to Australian we must love fucking babies up the arse homosexual vilification NSW Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 Amended '93 by clover moore's homosexual vilification bill only used by her staffer and proven boy fucker child rapist Garry Burns laws https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2029702 But the judge said no - All of Vietnam must respect vietnamese gay men who are praised by Australian state media who kidnap and anal rape Russian babies with an Australian government passport issued without a DNA test contary to Australian law to faciliate said human trafficking it's now a crime to be against.


Here's his actual comment. not the embedded video that autoplays the gay judge says doesn't auto play in "mckee burns" on www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au https://web.archive.org/web/20140722080525/https://www.causes.com/posts/891061

Read what I wrote. Fiona is a shill. You go compare the handwriting, the art, the fact the youtube is obsessed with pizzagate / pedophilia, has the same family name as Fiona and IS JUST AS FUCKEN SKITZOID AS HER.

Sorry, I gave her the benefit of the doubt. I tested the waters. I investigated. I realized she even took down HALF OF HER STORIES FROM INDEPENDENTAUSTRALIA.NET because even she knows they are full of shit. Did you read my unbiased investigation against her, coming from someone who friggen hates the OTO and wants to destroy them in court? I suggest you do that until then stop acting like a puppet.

A puppet is someone who is to stupid to know they are shilling for the co-intel-pro disinfo man. I pity such people, because they don't know they are being played.

Wise up lass. 777 is an occult number used by the OTO btw. You know I told you this before.

P.S. Since I mentioned to you 777 was an OTO occult symbolism for right hand path pagan witchcraft, I found a nutjob defending the OTO pedo cult called "Sun Behind the Sun 777" and found he ran ATLAS PEDO PIZZA Portland.

That's a very interesting thread: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2060473 40 upvotes 1k views.

kazza64 ago

i knew you were a shill ...... but now i know you are a stalker too

hojuruku ago

No I just read a pizzagate thread and reacted to Fiona's artist who draws "her" child abuse pictures for her and shared the intel in the interest of TRUTH AND EXPOSING SHILLS. Who am I stalking? I'm sitting here on my side of the world far away from any OTO kiddy fuck chapter or the Australian government and Fiona for that matter too. She knows that - she's got people to call me up and see if I bought her co-intel-pro story hook line and sinker to see if I could be useful.

I just found who drew Fiona's child abuse art for her. So it's a crime to debunk a government paid shill to provide a running cover for the OTO pedo cult. That's stalking? Me thinks you look like the shill here. I'm exposing the OTO got a corrupt judicary to deny due process. I correctly predicted the bitch in the Crown Solicitors office (we have a history with - who worked with PIAC) who would take Garry Burns to the high court to defned the OTO even before Bernard Gaynor's judgement came out in Feburary, and how Bernard Gaynor's high court case links to the OTO pedo cult. See here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2053567 & https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2079791/10261879

I think her bitches started stalking me first, calling me up and saying they believe in the Deep Underground Australian Military Base with 3000km + undeground tunnels. Still I didnt' react. Then like an act of god I came across this very interesting youtube channel. What do you think? Think the werid skitzoiod art style and handwriting matches up exactly with Fiona's child abuse posts.

Maybe ASIO wont be taking them down now as she fears (See OP link) - SHE WILL once people start investigating / comparing her child abuse art to her brothers or sock puppet deranged youtube account.

Richard Presser richard@richardpresser.com 20 Aug (3 days ago) to me

There’s no space for conversation, Luke. It is a painful path you walk

Kind Regards, Richard

May the pain be upon you shills too.

hojuruku ago

this is a crosspost to a comment on another very recent pizzagate post.

I've never done this before, and I think this is justified to get people investigating the handwriting here doing image analysis.

Fiona Barnett may have just been debunked as a shill from this random find depending on how much the handwriting on Fiona's abuse images match up with her skitzo brother artist (or one of her personal sockpuppet account that is drawing that "childhood abuse artwork style" only for more modern issues). I swear to god it's looks exactly the same.

he amazing stuff you find when you don't use google and have a keen associative memory. Don't comment here go to the linked thread ppl - and see what I dug up!

Also see that I too was duped by Fiona for a time, but once I researched her more I found her to be mixing cold hard truth with completely fabricated lies, not for attention but as a limited hangout. I suspect she's still OTO.


You'd think Fiona and myself would be allies against the OTO but believe me I tested the waters. Published factual comments that wouldn't get her sued on her blog only to have them rejected - as she doesn't want the people waking up to the judical corruption the OTO was afforded in previous court cases. She doesn't want people to see how rational the argument is that the OTO is a pedo cult that forces children to see naked priestess have oral sex at the very minimum. I'm sitting on more dossiers to bring down the OTO as a child abuse cult - especially regarding the Gnostic Catholic Mass and it's invovlement of children - and the policy of children in the Gnostic Catholic mass. We have pictures of children in the mass now, with naked priests and much worse. I have a source. All will be revaled once my break-away research group gathers' all we can. I don't feel save sharing all right away on these forums because of the moderation and the fact the enemy is watching.

hojuruku ago

p.s. this got deleted - but it's worth seeing https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2076715 - go see some of the OTO doing religious ceremonies with nudity and children. It's no secret they have an orgy before the gnostic mass to make the cakes of light, and they are always talking about the "after party" on social media. We know they mandate the women should take their clothes off and roles in the religious ceremony MUST BE FILLED by real children. The OTO is not giving children a choice not to be part of their religious child sex margik orgies and we have the proof.

They are worse than the fucken masons with their secret oaths.
