rooting4redpillers ago

I'm floored here, AGAIN. Yesterday, it was Yiff's Oakwood submission. Today it's this by DL4L. I read and watched it all. I was completely ignorant of these two stories. I was never mainstream exposed to these things, or at least not hard enough to make a dent until now. My history is probably typical of many people of my generation, and maybe why so many people refuse to believe the reality of the horror of Pizzagate. MSM ridicules any possibility of elites committing child abduction, rape, and torture. Thanks for picking up their historical and contemptable slack.

YingYangMom ago

Ben Swann didn't mean Tuesday when he wrote Tzuday. That is for sure and here is why: February 1st is a Wednesday.

Nana66 ago

Ben Swann on going dark on TZuday February First - Possible Meaning

lawfag123 ago

Remember Ben Swann mentioned Tzuday?

Heading back to CBS46 Monday but going to be changes. Biggest one, this page will go dark Tzuday, Feb 1. Those who know me, trust me

BerksResident ago

What is significant about 1st Feb?

SChalice ago

Is this a coincidence?

DL4L ago

Could be. But it leads to Aquino who ties in rather neatly so I thought it worth mentioning.

SChalice ago

I didn't mention it because I thought it was intentional, until you did, and then I realized it might not have been. :P

Who is Brandon Smith? Does he know Swann or read his tweets?