DarkMath ago

"Let's see what happen"....Thanks for the message. There is no doubt some major shit is going down. That's both good and bad. It's good because there are too many people looking at this now for them to hide this. The bad news is based on George Webb's videos the shit is so bad it's going to take years to unwind everything. It took 2 years for the Watergate cluster fuck to get Nixon to resign. And whatever the shit is that was found here between PizzaGate, The Clinton Foundation and Brownstone ops it's about a Trillion times worse than breaking into a DNC campaign office.

DarkMath ago

Good point. I don't think this has anything to do with Russia. I've just gotten into the habit of questioning everything since I learned people in our government felt it was ok to gang rape an entire island of poor destitute black people. I thought we stopped doing that a long time ago. I must have not gotten the memo.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

If he's dropping hints, he's not going to drop a hint that obviously implies Sun Tzu (surprise the enemy, makes sense) in the hope that somebody might think, no his hint is too obvious, I'm going to relate Tz to Tsar, so that means the Russians, and then they'll realise what I'm really getting at, the Russians have, unbeknownst to everyone been nuking the waters off Haiti. Unless this guy is schizophrenic, I don't think 1. he would believe or try to convey that or 2. if he believed it, this is a terrible way to drop that hint. IMO

DarkMath ago

"Russians have, unbeknownst to everyone".........Not the Russians, it's whoever is sick enough in OUR government to have done it. The Russians would just be interested in outing whoever did it, if something like that even happened. If a small nuclear device was used to find the oil off Haiti somebody's got to make that public because it's fucking insane.

DarkMath ago

" the Russians have the e-mails recovered from Weiner's laptop"......I didn't come up with that, George Webb suggested it.

DarkMath ago

"That doesn't really make a lot of sense".......Things stopped making a lot of sense in this massive cluster fuck a loooooooooong time ago klorptar.


Don-Keyhote ago

Jesus Christ dude there's no tzar there's czar and russified tsar

VieBleu ago

Lao Tzu people - Tzu bascially just means "master"

carmencita ago

You make a good point. I guess at this point I am willing to look into anything since almost everything they have cooked up has been so very bazaar and is usually involving us going down a rabbit hole.

carmencita ago

Well, a lot of this stuff does not make sense until you hunt and hunt. There were so many messages in those emails that most people would not have known. Kids in the pool for entertainment? If we had not been suspicious of JP and HRC we may just have passed that up. I say there could be something to it, but who knows. No harm in looking even further down the rabbit hole.

Odaat ago

Sense or no sense, I totally like that conclusion!

carmencita ago

There was a line in the plot: about a ranch house with underground tunnel, could this be an actual fact? Is there an underground tunnel under that ranch house that Scalia was at? Could that be why he was there and others that have been there? We should find out what other people have been to Cibola Ranch and whether they are known pedos. That may really exist. Where they bring in trafficked kids and also a message as to how to get there without being seen for the murder.

DarkMath ago

" about a ranch house with underground tunnel"........Those are all great questions carmencita. I'm thinking the only way we could answer those question is to get some help from people who live around there and that most likely means they're Spanish speakers and this investigation is all in English which makes things tough. I'm sure as shootin' the 1%-ers who stay there for R&R aren't going to be interested in helping us.

carmencita ago

Owner John Poindexter obtained the property in 1988 and undertook an extensive renovation of the forts and outbuildings. A third-generation Texan, Poindexter runs a Houston-based manufacturing company, J.B. Poindexter & Co. and is a leader in the Order of St. Hubertus, the 17th-century hunting society whose members gathered at the resort in 2010.In 2010, according to local news source CultureMap Houston, 53 members of an international hunting society gathered at Cibolo to take advantage of its shooting. (Minor royalty was on hand: Archduke Andreas Salvatore Hapsburg-Lothrengin, the Prince of Tuscany and Royal Prince of Hungary and Bohemia, “came in from Spain for the festivities,” the site reported.) I looked up a report on the report about Scalia's death at Cibolo Ranch. This is so very obvious as to what is going on at this Ranch.. I also read in the site for the Ranch that they offer exotic game. There are European Royals that are involved and have been mentioned in Fiona Barnett's account of her horrible rapes and being hunted with others by elites and royals. I have been convinced all along that this was one of those hunts that Scalia was on. They said that he was attending a Private Event. I cannot seem to see any pictures of out buildings or stables and such. I am convinced they either bring in the trafficked humans by tunnels or the on site airport. This Ranch is tailor made for their kind of "hunting party'".What do you think? Since Scalia was a member of the Order of Hubertus, he would have attended the event in 2010 as well.

Dasistnichtgut ago

This reminded me of the short story "the most dangerous game" (read it once in Jr High or high school and it stuck with me for decades.) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Most_Dangerous_Game

then I thought, what the hell, I'll do a little digging on the author. And the more digging I did the more ominous it became. Keep in mind Scalia was a Harvard alum.

From http://oasis.lib.harvard.edu/oasis/deliver/~hua23013#SeriesI

Richard Edward Connell, author, was born on October 17, 1893 in Poughkeepsie, New York, to Richard E. and Mary Miller Connell. His father, an editor and reporter for the Poughkeepsie Press (“the Press") and a political adviser to Franklin Delano Roosevelt during Roosevelt’s 1910 campaign for the New York State Senate, was elected to Congress in 1911.. In 1911, he accompanied his father to Washington, D.C. to serve as his secretary and begin studies at Georgetown University. Connell entered Harvard as a sophomore in September 1912. His father died unexpectedly in October 1912 while campaigning for reelection. While at Harvard, Connell became editorial chairman of The Crimson and the president of the Harvard Lampoon. He also was a member of the Harvard Union, the Speaker’s Club, the Signet Society, the Harvard Catholic Club, and, after graduation, the Harvard Club of New York City.After receiving his Harvard AB in 1915, Connell worked as a journalist on the homicide desk of the New York American, a Hearst newspaper in New York City, but left in 1916 to become a copywriter at J. Walter Thompson. Connell enlisted in the United States Army in July 1917, serving as a private in the 27th Company, Military Police Corps, 27th (New York Guard) Division, training in South Carolina as part of a mounted police unit and editing the camp newspaper, The Gas Attack. He then served at the front in Belgium and France. After his discharge in April 1919, Connell returned to advertising in New York. In 1919, he married Louise Herrick Fox, an advertising colleague, traveled abroad, and eventually settled in Connell died unexpectedly of a heart attack on November 22, 1949, in Beverly Hills, California.

Re his archives: Of particular note are: a letter dated November 23, 1914 to Mary describing Connell’s visit to Princeton to see his boyhood friend “Vincent,” James V. Forrestal, who became Secretary of the Navy and the United States’ first Defense Secretary; a letter dated January 25, 1915 to Mary with clipping attached of a Crimson editorial Connell wrote that brought him to the attention of William Randolph Hearst; a letter dated May 8, 1915 to Mary recounting his being hired to write for the New York American on Hearst’s personal recommendation; a letter dated June 18, 1915 to Mary describing the opulence of Hearst’s New York apartment.

That's as far as I got in 20 min on my cell phone. May seem off-topic, but the point was to get an idea of where a literal "man-hunt" may have come from. Is it a skull and bones (or whatever) "tradition" or event? Is it just a coincidence that Connell wrote about this kind of thing that seems to be happening currently in places like the Texas Ranch? And that he had strong ties to high levels of govt, Harvard, the hearsts, and hollywood. We all know authors write about what they know. Maybe a little more research here can open up some more big-picture connections (not just CPP).

carmencita ago

This reminds me of a favorite movie of mine. Rope. Two homosexuals decide to eliminate a friend that one of them (the more dominant) has decided is beneath them, who of course are part of the the superior group. Jimmy Stewart who was their former Professor at college also comes to this party they are giving where they have done away with this person and the dominant one has decided to put him in a large trunk that they will be serving the wonderful repast that they have prepared. It is a cat and mouse game while Stewart comes to the reality of what they have done. The good thing about this is that they will have to pay for their crime at the end. But it leads you to wonder where people with such superior feelings come to the point of taking one's life not because of a fight just out of anger, or insanity, but just because they are superior. Yes, I believe that because royals have been brought up in the presence of others of the same background, that they really believe they have the right to eliminate those beneath them. They think of them as a little smarter than animals so they are much more of a challenge. How very sick. I also believe that since there has been so much inbreeding for centuries, their may be some insanity at play as well. Fiona Barnett's account of what these people are doing right under our very noses but hiding in plain sight, is deplorable. They must be exposed and punished. I believe more accounts like those of Fiona's must be brought out and discussed. Some do not believe her, because it is so heinous. Yes, those that we have put on a pedestal and worshiped can be guilty of committing heinous things.

carmencita ago

I remember seeing an article on here about some details regarding the ranch, and even some people that stayed there, maybe Mick Jagger, etc. or someone like that. I am hoping to find it. There were some interesting things in it, but of course they would not mention tunnels. I wonder if we could do an investigation like in dc. Look up old maps before it was renovated. The owner completely renovated it. It could have been purchased for that reason.