SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate submission by @IShallNotFear.

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kazza64 ago

makes you wonder who owned all the reddit trolls we had to endure

mendelbot ago

I can't access the archives, but evidently that reddit mod is degenerate slime. Still awaiting definitive link to maxwell, but I will be watchin this.

barkerr ago

google maxwellhill 6123

the weird cryptic messages through dead links are interesting

Maxwellhill 6123 Comments Share I Talk To This Too And Glad That The Government Seems To Come Out As Just Shooting A. A poor decision to tell if youre ...


boekanier ago

Pedos decide what we can say. Well....

Literally-Oppressed ago

The worst people want to decide what people can say??? Wow I can't believe this

geovoat ago

Posted byu/LeeDoverwood

38 minutes ago

Ghislaine Maxwell as one of the most important moderators and first user to hit 1 million karma on Reddit and all time top users gives us context on why Reddit may have banned Pi22agate

Ghislaine Maxwell as one of the most important moderators and first user to hit 1 million karma on Reddit and all time top users gives us context on why Reddit may have banned Pi22agate

submitted 2.3 hours ago by Heisenberg123

geovoat ago

Top Submitters' Top Submissions

6733557 points, 92 submissions: [/u/maxwellhill](

    Churchill's grandson slams Trump for skipping cemetery visit because of weather: "They died with their face to the foe and that pathetic inadequate [@realDonaldTrump]( couldn’t even defy the weather to pay his respects to The Fallen," Soames tweeted (150308 points, 8064 comments)

    Internet Defenders Urge Mass Revolt to Fight FCC's "Scorched-Earth" Attack on Net Neutrality: "FCC Pai is handing over the internet to a few humongous gatekeepers who see the rest of us as products to be delivered to advertisers, not as citizens needing communications that serve democracy's needs.' (145858 points, 4052 comments)

    Bill Gates, the world's second-richest person behind Jeff Bezos, wants rich people to pay higher taxes: “We've updated our tax system before to keep up with changing times, and we need to do it again, starting with raising taxes on people like me." (111904 points, 8519 comments)

    Top Iranian Presidential Adviser Says Tehran's 'Sole Problem is Trump,' Not Average American People: "We have zero problems with the American people. We even achieved deals with previous US administrations. Our sole problem is Trump," Ashena said (107605 points, 8914 comments)

    Senate defies Trump, passes historic resolution to end US support for Saudi Arabia in Yemen war (106486 points, 4255 comments)

    Cambridge Analytica dismantled for good? Nope: It just changed its name to Emerdata (103112 points, 1762 comments)

    Trump accused of hypocrisy for ordering the potentially inflammatory killing of a top Iranian general, after a series of tweets emerged from 2011 of him saying former president Obama would start a war with Iran in order to get re-elected (102595 points, 6946 comments)

    Ships owned by cruise giant - Carnival Corporation - emit 10 times more air pollution than all of Europe’s cars (98696 points, 4192 comments)

    Tesla quietly shipping hundreds of battery packs to be paired with solar panels to Puerto Rico ever since the storm cleared: Tesla employees are currently installing the batteries and repairing solar systems, as well as coordinating efforts with local organizations. (96344 points, 2880 comments)

    Less Than 24 Hours After Saying 'Time to Bring 'Em Home,' Trump Orders 1,800 US Troops to Saudi Arabia: "Remember when Donald Trump tweeted that he was 'trying to end the endless wars?' That was yesterday." (88617 points, 4148 comments)


geovoat ago

Re Second questionable comment, OP is /anutensil which is an account speculated to be her alt


TraditionalCode0 ago

Check out the story of Mossad DS shill frontman Aaron Swartz who is given credit for Reddit.

geovoat ago

isnt there a way to download all of a reddit accounts posts without using the api? need to archive that.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate submission by @Vindicator.

Posted automatically (#120321) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@tomdogg: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Vindicator)

shillaccount3344 ago

Serious? Holyshit... she probably deleted a few of my posts in the 2000's.

They stuck some aluminum strips and nanotech/drug shit in my house. Fuck those CIA glow niggers.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

If that's true, she might have been the one who banned me from r/worldnews.

Monkstar1 ago

Here's an article written about maxwellhill and anutensil. March 2020 -

There also is a place called Maxwell Hill in Malaysia.

soundsalad ago

Definitely interesting, but I really doubt a millionaire socialite such as Maxwell would be this involved with Reddit for so many years, but if she was, there's no way she'd do it under an account with a name so close to her own.

pathhologic ago

Billionaire pedophile elite control the discourse on one of the most popular sites in the world

Color me surprised. Redditors are literally pawns to the (((Elite))). They've purposefully targeted reddit to turn its users into progressive zombie retards, which would explain the site's shift from relatively neutral to full retard maybe 8 years ago.

honk_atcha_boi ago

Dear America,

I know that no one wants to admit this, but there is only one way to get the information out of this woman that we need. And no one wants to do it.

So I volunteer as tribute.

I will do what is necessary to her to make her give up her friends, and I will do the same things to them, until we have avenged their victims and protected our young persons.

I just need 5 straight pins and a good pair of vice grips to get started.



AleiMira ago

Is she connected to Vice.

jimibulgin ago

It's gotta be her. else u/maxwellhill would make a single post stating: you guys are dumbfucks.

Either it's her, or the person it is happen to die at the same time she was apprehended.

This give me hope that she actually is in custody and based on her posting history, she and trump are NOT friendly.

version7 ago

Probably not run by her but an associate. Lez be real

darkknight111 ago

Archive this shit.

yewotm8 ago

So far haven't seen anything conclusive. Spergs are getting a little too excited over things like "OMG THE OWNER OF THE ACCOUNT IS BRITISH AND POSTS LEFTIST ARTICLES ON WORLD NEWS" as if that narrows down anything at all. Only the name and the posting times have any relevance. I'd say more likely it's a family member of Ghislaine, which should be looked into.

darkknight111 ago

No wonder r/pizzagate got banned.

Xax ago

Would it be a surprise to anyone that Jizz Maxwell’s friends are reddit monitors in other subreddits?

Acerphoon ago


Reddit will be removed as leftist admins will be exposed as the disgusting pedophiles that they are.

Holy shit. This is epic. TRUMP WILL REMOVE REDDIT.

AstraeaJustice ago


Synxsynxsynx ago

/u/maxwellhill the Reddit account with the 8th most link karma of all time, powermod of frontpage subs, first account to reach a million Karma, is/was operated by Ghislaine Maxwell. - Moderator/Lead Moderator of many huge subs like r/worldnews and r/technology

Here's a scrape of their deleted/removed comments:

Spread the word before this all gets taken down.

albeit ago

You really should stop using imgur. There's a reason why @derram converts submissions. Not only are they a bad image host, they're in bed with reddit.

I've fixed your comment to use hosts that are somewhat more censorship resistant ( and

/u/maxwellhill the Reddit account with the 8th most link karma of all time, powermod of frontpage subs, first account to reach a million Karma, is/was operated by Ghislaine Maxwell. (Reddit user page) - Moderator/Lead Moderator of many huge subs like r/worldnews and r/technology

Posts nearly every day for 14 years up until Ghislaine Maxwell's arrest

Gaps in posting line up with Maxwell's mother's death ( and the Kleiner Perkins party ( where Ellen K. Pao reported seeing Maxwell

Goes around correcting the age of consent in various countries ( (

Posts articles about why we should legalise child exploitation material (

Gripes about over-zealous child protection laws (

Accused of corruption, auto-deleting mentions of their own account and a select few others: (Daily Dot) (Gizmodo)

Here's a scrape of their deleted/removed comments:

Spread the word before this all gets taken down.

Synxsynxsynx ago

I copied it off reddit. I typically don't use imgur

child_abuse ago


pixelkitteh ago

She seems so insanely normal... Like wow... Not at all what I expected. A trump hating leftist, yes, but totally normal... Discussing news, sympathizing with people who have hardships, congratulating people for successes... you would never guess from her comments what she really was. This REALLY makes me think... How many people like her are there on the internet???

pixelkitteh ago

I didn't scroll back far enough to see that one... WOWSERS... I retract my "normal" comment.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

She sure does appear to dislike trump lol

Bestwishes ago

I totally believe it. After years and years of seeing the biggest culture degeneration eco chamber pushing everytime more ridiculous stuff it wouldn't surprise me at all.

sintaxi ago

This is incredible. Is anyone backing this up?

RM-Goetbbels ago

We have a reddit powermod here at voat too. "Maxwell" something.

puag ago

fucking JEWDITT

turnnightmodeoff ago

kushner has one on there too, they all do look for them

Almighty1776 ago

I am seeing zero posts about Epstein from these accounts, can anyone correct me if I am wrong?

Rockfish1000 ago

A couple of anons in the thread went back over a year and there's been no movement on Epstein posts.

VeryToughMan ago

I'm not surprised by much these days, but this one is a strange one.

Almighty1776 ago

That shit is 100 percent her accounts. this needs to be on the front page.

Almighty1776 ago

This is massive.

BrennKommando ago

Worth looking into, but after having looked a bit at their posting history I'm not really seeing any smoking guns.

darkknight111 ago

A LOT of reddits behaviour and the banning of certain subs can be logically explained by this though.

Hopevoats ago

Sometimes the absence of smoke is more telling than the smoke.

FingerMcGee ago

Sometimes no evidence equals evidence of a highly skilled and/or government run clean-up operation.

Hopevoats ago

In this case, it would appear that she was running a skillful gatekeeping operation by curating those subs to appear informative while omitting very critical stories. One can be certain that she was preventing the damaging stories from being seen.

I would be shocked to learn that she was not heavily invested in the site. And this story could have major implications in terms of the Publisher vs. Platform issue. Her possible censorship could be one of her most prosecutable crimes.

Ocelot ago

Reminder that Ghislaine Maxwell was a jewess on her father's side.

jD13JsxQ ago

Question: It seems like zog's control of the government is complete from top to bottom. BUT, if so, why was Epstein ever arrested in the first place? To stage a getaway and a new anonymous life for him? If so, why? Doesn't that seem like an unnecessary step if their control is total? And why arrest Ghislaine? There's gotta be some force for good still installed in the government for these two to have been arrested. Right?

When she got arrested I started wondering if Epstein didn't kill himself because he was put into some kind of witness protection program. Maybe they realized he was a sitting duck in prison and they faked his death to keep him alive because he was cooperating to some degree.

Maybe I'm just desperate for a white pill.

parrygrin ago

Sorry bud.

Maxwell is gonna accuse Trump and offer to "testify".

It's the left's last Hail Mary.

jD13JsxQ ago

So does that mean Trump is clean? It doesn't make sense why they're fighting him tooth and nail if he's just another puppet. But at the same time his loyalty to israel seems to be the only thing you can count on anymore. So why are mossad agents trying to take him down? Nothing makes sense.

This is why democracy is such a ridiculous illusion. There's no hope of John Q Public wrapping his mind around all the chess pieces of a global superpower.

Potsieramirez ago

Yes. Trump appears to be clean.

gazillions ago

You can only go by what you think you see.

I think I see the one percent have been getting all the money. Since the recession of 1980 which nobody buy nobody can explain in any truly logical way, the one percent have been installing political parties that do exactly what the UN tells them to do. Those same political parties have helped the one percent rape our economy and shut the citizens out.

The one percent has become the government in every western nation.

The UN has been working to create China as the communist superpower head of the Western Nations. (Maurice Strong) which is exactly what the one percent wants because they can rule over the Chinese communist party as well and have a billion sheep to bleed dry selling starbucks and Amazon garbage to.

The media industry ran_ obviously prearranged with political parties hyperbolic campaigns that were lies to;

Have the sickest and most vulnerable people kicked out of psychiatric hospitals and curb dropped. Cartels were imported to deal them drugs. The political parties have been telling us they're going to fix it any day now for 40 years. They created it deliberately. It costs us 5 times more to keep the sick out of long term care. If we ever get our countries back we can fix it in a month.

Have South Africa, a well functioning first world nation boycotted and sanctioned and turned into a slaughter house sporting economic ruin as it's new crown.

Have Bill Clinton bomb Bosnia with uranium enriched weapons to help muslims defeat Christians.

Made up a story about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and had thousands more people slaughtered while ignoring israel's undeclared weapons of mass destruction.

And many more blatant fucking lies of emotional content and accusations.

If they lose the election they lose the illusion they've created. If that happens there's no telling what could happen to them.

There are so many crimes they could and really should all be charged with.

You can distill it down to the simplest thing. The corporates are at war for control of our countries. The politicians that are out for the next 4 years are useless to the coroprates and they will be replaced by different whores with newer faces.

chrimony ago

Faking a death seems a bit much. Either he committed suicide or was murdered.

crazy_eyes ago

You think faking a death is a bit much for the mossad? They took the twin towers down on live tv, a jail extraction is childs play

chrimony ago

Planes flew into buildings. Dancing Israelis watched as it happened, so they were at least aware of the Muzzy plot. I'm not into demolition theory. Faking Epstein's death in a supermax prison, how would you go about that logistically?

AffirmativeApartheid ago

How would you go about having a crack smoking nigger faggot and a tranny in the White House for 8 years?

crazy_eyes ago

how did the towers come down if it was not demolition? At free fall speed no less, meaning there was no resistance all the way to the ground. What were those israeli art students installing? How can you be so obtuse?

chrimony ago

I'm not debating 9/11 with a qtard.

DougieJones ago

You seem mostly like a reasonable guy. If you aren't convinced it was a controlled demolition, I highly recommend you watch September 11: The New Pearl Harbor. Not only is it the best conspiracy documentary Ive ever seen, it's the greatest documentary full-stop. Well-sourced, very thorough, and straight-forward with it's presentation. It's fucking long, but them's the breaks, kid.

chrimony ago

I highly recommend you watch September 11: The New Pearl Harbor

They make good arguments. Still not 100% sold, but food for thought.

crazy_eyes ago

so you choose to attempt to insult me. Keep your head in the sand. Tell me, what building codes were changed as a result of 911 to keep buildings from collapsing into their own footprints?

chrimony ago

It's not a matter of insulting you. It's a matter of not wasting my time.

crazy_eyes ago

if you believe the story that the NIST report gave you, all of your time in your life has been a waste

steven_feelsperg ago

It's amazing anyone still believes jet fuel melts steel beams and pancake floor collapses in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

chrimony ago

It's amazing anyone still believes jet fuel melts steel beams

It's amazing retards still parrot this line, when the temperatures of the fire was enough to SOFTEN the steel beams.

DougieJones ago

And still burn for 99 days after the collapse? Does that make sense to you?

500five ago

Here's a sample of some of the shit she posted on feggit:

Floodthewestcoast ago

I can't follow this autism. Someone tldr it for me

tomdogg ago

My sister is in her 50’s and she learned to use the chans. You can too.

the_illusive_man ago

Basically, it appears that Ghislaine Maxwell was not only a poster on Reddit for years, but a mod as well. A mod of several notable subreddits, in fact, like r/technology.

Remy_ ago

Reddit is/was being manipulated to alter msm opinion/content.

Grunge ago

reddit mods literally child rapist and traffickers

MongolianPaellaFish ago

Where's the evidence that this is Ghislaine Maxwell?

OogaBooga696969 ago

And people call autism a disability... God bless those spergs for doing what they do.

tokui ago

Autism is mental retardation.

Thoroughness is not. It's doggedness.

3141592653 ago

Autism does not = low IQ. So... Who's retarded?

OogaBooga696969 ago

Not that I'm defending my joke, but pointing out that autism has grown into WAY more than mental retardation. Everything from social awkwardness (even with high IQ, like spergs) to senory issues to full blown low functioning adults (retards), is now on the spectrum. Some people are now saying that ADHD is on the spectrum too. It's pretty much just a trend now.

3141592653 ago


OogaBooga696969 ago

An absolute fact that I experienced first hand with relatives. And friend's kids. The criteria for diagnosis is so vague that they can catch pretty much anyone in it.

I also know a full blown intellectually disabled (retarded) adult who got diagnosed with Asperger's. He can't even shit by himself. And he's almost entirely non-verbal. But has the same exact diagnosis as my niece-in-law who just has an awkward social manner and mild speech delay.

3141592653 ago

I have a lot of experience with this.

OogaBooga696969 ago

Ah, I understand.

RevoltNow ago

There's definitely a grain of truth to your joke. What they used to call "idiot savants" are now considered part of the autism spectrum. Having deficits in some areas but abnormal proficiency in others is a real thing.

tokui ago

Aspergers is conclusively linked to lower IQ.

These terms are being misapplied, as is common practice nowadays.

OogaBooga696969 ago

In general, but the definition also includes people with normal and high IQ, which is why I agree with you, that terms are misapplied (more like over-applied) to try to bring as many people as possible under the umbrella of some kind of disorder. It's big business.

BlackGrapeDrank ago

anything to get a patient or parents to subscribe to pills being jammed down their throats

OogaBooga696969 ago

Yep. That and to get people into government subsidized "programs" which fleece the taxpayers for obscene amounts of money.

albeit ago

My son just introduced me to the phrase "weaponized autism." my son is autistic. I am now afraid.

Dildo-Shwaggins ago

OP should be ashamed they linked to a 4chan board in /v/news.

tomdogg ago

Why tho

a1 ago

because it will expire and 4ch glows

SexMachine ago

Don't link directly to 4chan or any image boards, threads get auto deleted after a certain time. Use or another archive website please.

Argumentative ago

doing the lords work reminding people of this lad

chintappingretard ago

This. Countless 10s of terabytes of 4chan are archived automatically on

So anything deleted is on there, but in general, its better to have other archivers too.

Except for some things that seem to upset Black people the SPLC gets removed from some archivers. !!!!

gallemore ago

Thanks for this. Never knew about it.

tomdogg ago

I posted the archive in a comment

SarMegahhikkitha ago

Posting the real info in a comment to get CCP is shill behavior

tomdogg ago

I didn’t post it it get karma Faggot.

SexMachine ago

I'm just saying, should've put the archive in the OP. People checking in the morning are going to have a dead link.

Seventh_Jim ago

Fuck off cunt.

tomdogg ago

Pol threads get archived unless the jannies delete them.

SexMachine ago

Which 4chan is infamous for doing...

Vindicator ago

Stickying this for a bit in v/pizzagate. :-)

DanglingGoatBalls ago

For a much more likely scenario you might try this?

You really think Ghislaine, with her jet setting and yachting lifestyle, has been sitting around posting on Redditt every day for 14 years? Seriously? I'm not surprised you bit off on this though.

"Ghislaine is probably at GITMO"....right bro?

Planetoftheclown ago

not a case of some basic pleb posting

Let me tell you about my Reddit experience when I first got into the site circa 2010. The site was largely organic. You could get posts to the front page with a bit of creativity, timing & luck. By 2013, mods were banning posts for "rulez violations" and the next thing you knew your content was reposted under a different account and on the front page. Some cases the content was redone, but still exactly the same. In other cases they didn't even do that and just reposted your banned content. By 2015 all pretense of Reddit being a community of plebs producing content was over. Do you ever see posts about people trying to make it to the front page anymore? Of course not. Plebs don't get to participate on Reddit beyond comments or in fringe subs. Wholesome pictures of little grandmas on the front page with McD's in the background.....yeah right.

Vindicator ago

Yeah, I briefly lurked Reddit back in 2016, until they banned r/pizzagate amidst the coordinated censorship crackdown and attempt to label legit research as "fake news". Came to Voat and never looked back.

Seeing Maxwell's involvement in the curation of the "news" there really exposes how diligently the globalists control the narrative. But this is a family tradition -- her father controlled a number of publishers, including Mirror Group Newspapers.

NinaSparrow ago


Don-Keyhote ago

Ah yes the "globalist" "family tradition" of owning media empires oy vey. You're so transparent it's laughable

This is you in a post claiming Maxwell was unnecessarily "renditioned" to GTMO:

there are also some [Voaters] who believe the Fusion GPS "Trump is Cabal" narrative

Why would anyone need to lie so blatantly, as if any Voater relies on FGPS or distrusts Zognald on the same basis they do LMAO

You are no longer even attempting to hide the fact that you're a paid kike-shill to maintain a retard-boomer user base on a platform they'd otherwise never pollute.

Vindicator ago

Ooo. Looks like I hit a nerve! Cry more, Donkey.


u_r_wat_u_eat ago

reddit's degeneracy makes that much more sense now.

THESE are the type of people who are modding that place...

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#120272) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@u_r_wat_u_eat: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

albeit ago

Found an article not talked about in the thread. It's about maxwellhill being a powermod manipulating reddit:

The article uses he/him pronouns, but maybe the author assumed the gender. It was a somewhat interesting read, but I didn't find anything about it particularly linking Ghislaine to this account.

Found it from a screenshot posted in the 4chan thread:

Other anons identified davidreiss666 as having said he knows maxwellhill (and referring to maxwellhill as a "he"):

davidreiss666 responded to the article being posted on reddit. Not responding to any of the points of the article, just a weird red herring fallacy:

That story proves you are a space alien visiting earth to feast upon human flesh.

See, I can use it as evidence of things that aren't true as well.

The use of "he" pronouns used by these two other people is one bit of circumstantial evidence against maxwellhill being Ghislaine. But there's a ton of circumstantial evidence on the other side. Plus davidreiss666 talks out his ass. Also, one of the anons identified him as (((David Reiss))) but I couldn't verify the link (in the couple mins I tried to).

After having looked through the 4chan thread I think it's highly likely that maxwellhill is Ghislaine

330 ago

Theyre all trannies so he isnt even incorrect.

tomdogg ago

Original thread: (I posted part 2).

tomdogg ago


Plant_Boy ago

That explains the Ellen Pao link, I guess...

Benweiser22 ago

What is she up to these days?

330 ago

She??? Thats a man.

rowdybme ago

She didn’t kill herself

Plant_Boy ago

Apparently she was complaining in some twitter post that GM and Epstein were selling kids at a party and she didn't tend to associate herself with them as seen here

Not_C ago

Am I the first to check?


5.1 Years. Joined on: 5/27/2015

Fucking jew was too lazy to change her bio.

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

maxwellhill not found on or

greydragon ago

@anutensil Account here on Voat made on the exact same day as the maxwellhill Voat account.

This is the most important part to me about linking them.

SIayfire122 ago

Mass exodus happened with The Fattening. Leading up to the event was ordinary daily life with nothing unusual. They both joined 2 weeks prior to the exodus.

Now I could be wrong because I know little about Voat prior to June 10th, 2015.

jD13JsxQ ago

Refers to Joe Biden as a pedo in her first comment.

PhimoticEmbrace ago

Last comment there was 8 days ago... She was arrested 6 days ago.

NoisySilence ago

WHOA! She goes WAY back.

SIayfire122 ago

Right? 14 years. She joined Reddit March 2006. Reddit was founded June 2005. For reference, here's Reddit in 2006.

It really makes me question how close she was with the admins. Also, I just realized the admins have the post history of vulnerable teenagers and their ip address. Facebook too, and instagram, and twitter. All the admins have to do is hand her the information.

NoisySilence ago

Or she already has technical skills allowing her to bypass admins altogether.

lordvain2 ago

Damn good point.

shillaccount3344 ago

Damn she was on there when I was posting replies /w actual news links as rebuttals. Got me gangstalked/drugged/etc for using their own sources against them. I didn't even realize that by being anti-war I was being anti-semetic.

honk_atcha_boi ago

Oh, man. What the fuck.

Lets get the info we need from her and burn it all down. Seriously.

tomdogg ago

Damn nice catch. Didn’t even think to check that.

brandnewset ago

Best timeline

the_illusive_man ago

Damn, that is huge.

RoundWheel ago

Proves the intersection of Chinese and Israeli interests against the United States.

Potsieramirez ago

u/anutensil may be her as well according to the autists

Dig. Dig. Dig.

magzy ago

have some reddit gold

Moon_Central ago

Reddit must have several pedophile communities.

Heebro ago

Reddit has many pedophile communities and the moderators are notoriously pederasts.

One game they play is deleting a post, then comment "deleted", so that people can go back and find the content. Jewdank was one user that was doing this.

People also post illegal material, the moderators save the material, then delete the post.

If you get caught posting, then suspend you for two weeks. If you get caught posting something that is political they don't agree with you can get banned permanently.

volunteerwork2020 ago

I recall seeing Tweets by one of the Reddit creators that were creepy.

Turn_Coat ago

They openly host pedo communities.

Planetoftheclown ago

It would explain why anything pizzagate is persona non grata on Reddit. If somehow Maxwell & Epstein could be linked to Comet Pizza that would pretty much legitimize the whole pizzagate theory.


(No smoking gun, and having read 2 of 3 threads, even if its not her, I'm glad someone is shining a light at the underbelly of the propaganda-slime-hole reddit)

kestrel9 ago

you collect data, you let the data speak... then when you have enough you can maybe come to a conclusion. If you do it the other way, you will become 'blind' to what the data is saying to you.

Exactly thank you. Too many people were too eager to call this a slam dunk imho and then made awkward contortions in thinking to consider data or reasoning that didn't fit the theory or to just reject even considering alternative explanations or conclusions. There is no smoking gun but now it seems that many who are experiencing group think have turned this into unquestionable 'truth'.

We're told that it's been proven but it has not. Every point that has gathered as 'proof' has not been cross examined, both in data collection and conclusions. But no one is going to go into the Maxwellhill account to check potential time zone issues in gaps of posting, to see how many gaps in posting there really are, and alternative reasons for a particular gap happening. Oh a 5 day gap but something on day 4 just happens to line up with a news/event Ghislaine would likely react to? Did they attempt to line up and cross check posting lapse dates for ALL or even many of the important times she would likely react to? What if there are 50 times (probably a conservative number) she should have logically NOT posted but yet posts were still there. There's several more easy questions to pose in examining that claimed supporting evidence of a couple lapses but no one will bother asking because to really examine the account activity for the answer is pretty much impossible because it involves taking a fine tooth comb over what the real Ghislaine was doing, when, where and for how long.

RedWhiteBlues ago

I believe the user is a man with pedophile inclinations out of Malaysia where Maxwell Hill is a run down resort there.

I doubt it is Jizz Layin Maxwells account specifically because he will reply to you if you send him a reasonable PM.

Also there are email addresses associated with Maxwell Hill and virtually no email addresses associated with GM or JE.

The fact is that someone else controls the account and possibly multiple people use it.

If anyone bothers to look, Twitter has posts of his PM replies during the time that GM is supposedly in custody.

This looks to me like another CPP basement distraction ploy.

Really this is all info cut and pasted from r conspiracy top post meaning it is supported by shills. It doesn't deserve a sticky until proven imo.

I have many other reasons that I do not believe this is GMs reddit account. Sure I'm occasionally wrong but this community will look like fools once again if it doesn't pan out and they jumped the gun doing copy paste rather than legitimate research.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

I believe the user is a man with pedophile inclinations out of Malaysia where Maxwell Hill is a run down resort there. I doubt it is Jizz Layin Maxwells account specifically because he will reply to you if you send him a reasonable PM.

Sounds like you are probably closer to the truth than it being Ghislaine. Considering Ghislaine's lifestyle and jet set life I just don't see her sitting around posting on Redditt daily.

majb ago

So in other words do the opposite of what CNN does. Provide data instead of providing a way to think.

RedWhiteBlues ago

After the market closes I'll run the accounts to compare passwords. I can confirm if its her or not.

vastrightwing ago

I call that goal seeking. Science has essentially become goal seeking: to act as proof for a false idea.

MensAgitatMolem ago

Its also what sends actual research and internet sleuthing into Conspiratard land. All of the "xxxxxgates" get flooded with it.

Synxsynxsynx ago

/u/maxwellhill the Reddit account with the 8th most link karma of all time, powermod of frontpage subs, first account to reach a million Karma, is/was operated by Ghislaine Maxwell. - Moderator/Lead Moderator of many huge subs like r/worldnews and r/technology

Here's a scrape of their deleted/removed comments:

Spread the word before this all gets taken down.

Xax ago

Of course Jizz the Jew is pro abortion of goyim babies.

PeggyGilmour ago

Remember though, it was HRC who has the encryption key.

smokratez ago

You can see clouds behind the sun sometimes. What is that data saying? There are clouds in outer space?

lord_nougat ago

You must study these clouds by gazing directly at the sun for a long time!

smokratez ago

Nothing dumber than an atheist. All atheists are faggots too. lol

Maroonsaint ago

Why don’t you calm down and send me a picture of your dick

smokratez ago

Cut your own throat you faggot piece of shit.

Maroonsaint ago

Idk if I have the will power to cut my own throat. So no promises there.

tomdogg ago

Epic bread

Turn_Coat ago

Toasting in epic bread.

tomdogg ago