(No smoking gun, and having read 2 of 3 threads, even if its not her, I'm glad someone is shining a light at the underbelly of the propaganda-slime-hole reddit)
/u/maxwellhill the Reddit account with the 8th most link karma of all time, powermod of frontpage subs, first account to reach a million Karma, is/was operated by Ghislaine Maxwell.
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the_illusive_man ago
Damn, that is huge.
(No smoking gun, and having read 2 of 3 threads, even if its not her, I'm glad someone is shining a light at the underbelly of the propaganda-slime-hole reddit)
Synxsynxsynx ago
/u/maxwellhill the Reddit account with the 8th most link karma of all time, powermod of frontpage subs, first account to reach a million Karma, is/was operated by Ghislaine Maxwell.
https://www.reddit.com/user/maxwellhill - Moderator/Lead Moderator of many huge subs like r/worldnews and r/technology
Posts nearly every day for 14 years up until Ghislaine Maxwell's arrest
Gaps in posting line up with Maxwell's mother's death (https://i.imgur.com/VhjejBw.png) and the Kleiner Perkins party (https://i.imgur.com/VCzoTeK.jpg) where Ellen K. Pao reported seeing Maxwell
Goes around correcting the age of consent in various countries (https://i.imgur.com/J0Rzy9Y.png) (https://i.imgur.com/4fTt6D0.png)
Posts articles about why we should legalise child exploitation material (https://i.imgur.com/d8FsqFi.png)
Gripes about over-zealous child protection laws (https://i.imgur.com/shpb2XM.jpg)
Accused of corruption, auto-deleting mentions of their own account and a select few others: https://www.dailydot.com/debug/reddit-maxwellhill-moderator-technology-flaw/
Here's a scrape of their deleted/removed comments: https://pastebin.com/KTGDxDBZ
Spread the word before this all gets taken down.
Xax ago
Of course Jizz the Jew is pro abortion of goyim babies.
PeggyGilmour ago
Remember though, it was HRC who has the encryption key.