Reddit has many pedophile communities and the moderators are notoriously pederasts.
One game they play is deleting a post, then comment "deleted", so that people can go back and find the content. Jewdank was one user that was doing this.
People also post illegal material, the moderators save the material, then delete the post.
If you get caught posting, then suspend you for two weeks. If you get caught posting something that is political they don't agree with you can get banned permanently.
It would explain why anything pizzagate is persona non grata on Reddit. If somehow Maxwell & Epstein could be linked to Comet Pizza that would pretty much legitimize the whole pizzagate theory.
(No smoking gun, and having read 2 of 3 threads, even if its not her, I'm glad someone is shining a light at the underbelly of the propaganda-slime-hole reddit)
you collect data, you let the data speak... then when you have enough you can maybe come to a conclusion. If you do it the other way, you will become 'blind' to what the data is saying to you.
Exactly thank you. Too many people were too eager to call this a slam dunk imho and then made awkward contortions in thinking to consider data or reasoning that didn't fit the theory or to just reject even considering alternative explanations or conclusions. There is no smoking gun but now it seems that many who are experiencing group think have turned this into unquestionable 'truth'.
We're told that it's been proven but it has not. Every point that has gathered as 'proof' has not been cross examined, both in data collection and conclusions. But no one is going to go into the Maxwellhill account to check potential time zone issues in gaps of posting, to see how many gaps in posting there really are, and alternative reasons for a particular gap happening. Oh a 5 day gap but something on day 4 just happens to line up with a news/event Ghislaine would likely react to? Did they attempt to line up and cross check posting lapse dates for ALL or even many of the important times she would likely react to? What if there are 50 times (probably a conservative number) she should have logically NOT posted but yet posts were still there. There's several more easy questions to pose in examining that claimed supporting evidence of a couple lapses but no one will bother asking because to really examine the account activity for the answer is pretty much impossible because it involves taking a fine tooth comb over what the real Ghislaine was doing, when, where and for how long.
I believe the user is a man with pedophile inclinations out of Malaysia where Maxwell Hill is a run down resort there.
I doubt it is Jizz Layin Maxwells account specifically because he will reply to you if you send him a reasonable PM.
Also there are email addresses associated with Maxwell Hill and virtually no email addresses associated with GM or JE.
The fact is that someone else controls the account and possibly multiple people use it.
If anyone bothers to look, Twitter has posts of his PM replies during the time that GM is supposedly in custody.
This looks to me like another CPP basement distraction ploy.
Really this is all info cut and pasted from r conspiracy top post meaning it is supported by shills. It doesn't deserve a sticky until proven imo.
I have many other reasons that I do not believe this is GMs reddit account. Sure I'm occasionally wrong but this community will look like fools once again if it doesn't pan out and they jumped the gun doing copy paste rather than legitimate research.
I believe the user is a man with pedophile inclinations out of Malaysia where Maxwell Hill is a run down resort there. I doubt it is Jizz Layin Maxwells account specifically because he will reply to you if you send him a reasonable PM.
Sounds like you are probably closer to the truth than it being Ghislaine. Considering Ghislaine's lifestyle and jet set life I just don't see her sitting around posting on Redditt daily.
/u/maxwellhill the Reddit account with the 8th most link karma of all time, powermod of frontpage subs, first account to reach a million Karma, is/was operated by Ghislaine Maxwell.
view the rest of the comments →
the_illusive_man ago
Damn, that is huge.
RoundWheel ago
Proves the intersection of Chinese and Israeli interests against the United States.
Potsieramirez ago
u/anutensil may be her as well according to the autists
Dig. Dig. Dig.
magzy ago
have some reddit gold
Moon_Central ago
Reddit must have several pedophile communities.
Heebro ago
Reddit has many pedophile communities and the moderators are notoriously pederasts.
One game they play is deleting a post, then comment "deleted", so that people can go back and find the content. Jewdank was one user that was doing this.
People also post illegal material, the moderators save the material, then delete the post.
If you get caught posting, then suspend you for two weeks. If you get caught posting something that is political they don't agree with you can get banned permanently.
volunteerwork2020 ago
I recall seeing Tweets by one of the Reddit creators that were creepy.
Turn_Coat ago
They openly host pedo communities.
Planetoftheclown ago
It would explain why anything pizzagate is persona non grata on Reddit. If somehow Maxwell & Epstein could be linked to Comet Pizza that would pretty much legitimize the whole pizzagate theory.
(No smoking gun, and having read 2 of 3 threads, even if its not her, I'm glad someone is shining a light at the underbelly of the propaganda-slime-hole reddit)
kestrel9 ago
Exactly thank you. Too many people were too eager to call this a slam dunk imho and then made awkward contortions in thinking to consider data or reasoning that didn't fit the theory or to just reject even considering alternative explanations or conclusions. There is no smoking gun but now it seems that many who are experiencing group think have turned this into unquestionable 'truth'.
We're told that it's been proven but it has not. Every point that has gathered as 'proof' has not been cross examined, both in data collection and conclusions. But no one is going to go into the Maxwellhill account to check potential time zone issues in gaps of posting, to see how many gaps in posting there really are, and alternative reasons for a particular gap happening. Oh a 5 day gap but something on day 4 just happens to line up with a news/event Ghislaine would likely react to? Did they attempt to line up and cross check posting lapse dates for ALL or even many of the important times she would likely react to? What if there are 50 times (probably a conservative number) she should have logically NOT posted but yet posts were still there. There's several more easy questions to pose in examining that claimed supporting evidence of a couple lapses but no one will bother asking because to really examine the account activity for the answer is pretty much impossible because it involves taking a fine tooth comb over what the real Ghislaine was doing, when, where and for how long.
RedWhiteBlues ago
I believe the user is a man with pedophile inclinations out of Malaysia where Maxwell Hill is a run down resort there.
I doubt it is Jizz Layin Maxwells account specifically because he will reply to you if you send him a reasonable PM.
Also there are email addresses associated with Maxwell Hill and virtually no email addresses associated with GM or JE.
The fact is that someone else controls the account and possibly multiple people use it.
If anyone bothers to look, Twitter has posts of his PM replies during the time that GM is supposedly in custody.
This looks to me like another CPP basement distraction ploy.
Really this is all info cut and pasted from r conspiracy top post meaning it is supported by shills. It doesn't deserve a sticky until proven imo.
I have many other reasons that I do not believe this is GMs reddit account. Sure I'm occasionally wrong but this community will look like fools once again if it doesn't pan out and they jumped the gun doing copy paste rather than legitimate research.
DanglingGoatBalls ago
Sounds like you are probably closer to the truth than it being Ghislaine. Considering Ghislaine's lifestyle and jet set life I just don't see her sitting around posting on Redditt daily.
majb ago
So in other words do the opposite of what CNN does. Provide data instead of providing a way to think.
RedWhiteBlues ago
After the market closes I'll run the accounts to compare passwords. I can confirm if its her or not.
vastrightwing ago
I call that goal seeking. Science has essentially become goal seeking: to act as proof for a false idea.
MensAgitatMolem ago
Its also what sends actual research and internet sleuthing into Conspiratard land. All of the "xxxxxgates" get flooded with it.
Synxsynxsynx ago
/u/maxwellhill the Reddit account with the 8th most link karma of all time, powermod of frontpage subs, first account to reach a million Karma, is/was operated by Ghislaine Maxwell. - Moderator/Lead Moderator of many huge subs like r/worldnews and r/technology
Posts nearly every day for 14 years up until Ghislaine Maxwell's arrest
Gaps in posting line up with Maxwell's mother's death ( and the Kleiner Perkins party ( where Ellen K. Pao reported seeing Maxwell
Goes around correcting the age of consent in various countries ( (
Posts articles about why we should legalise child exploitation material (
Gripes about over-zealous child protection laws (
Accused of corruption, auto-deleting mentions of their own account and a select few others:
Here's a scrape of their deleted/removed comments:
Spread the word before this all gets taken down.
Xax ago
Of course Jizz the Jew is pro abortion of goyim babies.
PeggyGilmour ago
Remember though, it was HRC who has the encryption key.
smokratez ago
You can see clouds behind the sun sometimes. What is that data saying? There are clouds in outer space?
lord_nougat ago
You must study these clouds by gazing directly at the sun for a long time!
smokratez ago
Nothing dumber than an atheist. All atheists are faggots too. lol
Maroonsaint ago
Why don’t you calm down and send me a picture of your dick
smokratez ago
Cut your own throat you faggot piece of shit.
Maroonsaint ago
Idk if I have the will power to cut my own throat. So no promises there.
tomdogg ago
Epic bread
Turn_Coat ago
Toasting in epic bread.