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the_illusive_man ago

Damn, that is huge.

Moon_Central ago

Reddit must have several pedophile communities.

Heebro ago

Reddit has many pedophile communities and the moderators are notoriously pederasts.

One game they play is deleting a post, then comment "deleted", so that people can go back and find the content. Jewdank was one user that was doing this.

People also post illegal material, the moderators save the material, then delete the post.

If you get caught posting, then suspend you for two weeks. If you get caught posting something that is political they don't agree with you can get banned permanently.

volunteerwork2020 ago

I recall seeing Tweets by one of the Reddit creators that were creepy.

Turn_Coat ago

They openly host pedo communities.

Planetoftheclown ago

It would explain why anything pizzagate is persona non grata on Reddit. If somehow Maxwell & Epstein could be linked to Comet Pizza that would pretty much legitimize the whole pizzagate theory.