(No smoking gun, and having read 2 of 3 threads, even if its not her, I'm glad someone is shining a light at the underbelly of the propaganda-slime-hole reddit)
you collect data, you let the data speak... then when you have enough you can maybe come to a conclusion. If you do it the other way, you will become 'blind' to what the data is saying to you.
Exactly thank you. Too many people were too eager to call this a slam dunk imho and then made awkward contortions in thinking to consider data or reasoning that didn't fit the theory or to just reject even considering alternative explanations or conclusions. There is no smoking gun but now it seems that many who are experiencing group think have turned this into unquestionable 'truth'.
We're told that it's been proven but it has not. Every point that has gathered as 'proof' has not been cross examined, both in data collection and conclusions. But no one is going to go into the Maxwellhill account to check potential time zone issues in gaps of posting, to see how many gaps in posting there really are, and alternative reasons for a particular gap happening. Oh a 5 day gap but something on day 4 just happens to line up with a news/event Ghislaine would likely react to? Did they attempt to line up and cross check posting lapse dates for ALL or even many of the important times she would likely react to? What if there are 50 times (probably a conservative number) she should have logically NOT posted but yet posts were still there. There's several more easy questions to pose in examining that claimed supporting evidence of a couple lapses but no one will bother asking because to really examine the account activity for the answer is pretty much impossible because it involves taking a fine tooth comb over what the real Ghislaine was doing, when, where and for how long.
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the_illusive_man ago
Damn, that is huge.
(No smoking gun, and having read 2 of 3 threads, even if its not her, I'm glad someone is shining a light at the underbelly of the propaganda-slime-hole reddit)
kestrel9 ago
Exactly thank you. Too many people were too eager to call this a slam dunk imho and then made awkward contortions in thinking to consider data or reasoning that didn't fit the theory or to just reject even considering alternative explanations or conclusions. There is no smoking gun but now it seems that many who are experiencing group think have turned this into unquestionable 'truth'.
We're told that it's been proven but it has not. Every point that has gathered as 'proof' has not been cross examined, both in data collection and conclusions. But no one is going to go into the Maxwellhill account to check potential time zone issues in gaps of posting, to see how many gaps in posting there really are, and alternative reasons for a particular gap happening. Oh a 5 day gap but something on day 4 just happens to line up with a news/event Ghislaine would likely react to? Did they attempt to line up and cross check posting lapse dates for ALL or even many of the important times she would likely react to? What if there are 50 times (probably a conservative number) she should have logically NOT posted but yet posts were still there. There's several more easy questions to pose in examining that claimed supporting evidence of a couple lapses but no one will bother asking because to really examine the account activity for the answer is pretty much impossible because it involves taking a fine tooth comb over what the real Ghislaine was doing, when, where and for how long.