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the_illusive_man ago

Damn, that is huge.


(No smoking gun, and having read 2 of 3 threads, even if its not her, I'm glad someone is shining a light at the underbelly of the propaganda-slime-hole reddit)

RedWhiteBlues ago

I believe the user is a man with pedophile inclinations out of Malaysia where Maxwell Hill is a run down resort there.

I doubt it is Jizz Layin Maxwells account specifically because he will reply to you if you send him a reasonable PM.

Also there are email addresses associated with Maxwell Hill and virtually no email addresses associated with GM or JE.

The fact is that someone else controls the account and possibly multiple people use it.

If anyone bothers to look, Twitter has posts of his PM replies during the time that GM is supposedly in custody.

This looks to me like another CPP basement distraction ploy.

Really this is all info cut and pasted from r conspiracy top post meaning it is supported by shills. It doesn't deserve a sticky until proven imo.

I have many other reasons that I do not believe this is GMs reddit account. Sure I'm occasionally wrong but this community will look like fools once again if it doesn't pan out and they jumped the gun doing copy paste rather than legitimate research.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

I believe the user is a man with pedophile inclinations out of Malaysia where Maxwell Hill is a run down resort there. I doubt it is Jizz Layin Maxwells account specifically because he will reply to you if you send him a reasonable PM.

Sounds like you are probably closer to the truth than it being Ghislaine. Considering Ghislaine's lifestyle and jet set life I just don't see her sitting around posting on Redditt daily.