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the_illusive_man ago

Damn, that is huge.


(No smoking gun, and having read 2 of 3 threads, even if its not her, I'm glad someone is shining a light at the underbelly of the propaganda-slime-hole reddit)

smokratez ago

You can see clouds behind the sun sometimes. What is that data saying? There are clouds in outer space?

lord_nougat ago

You must study these clouds by gazing directly at the sun for a long time!

smokratez ago

Nothing dumber than an atheist. All atheists are faggots too. lol

Maroonsaint ago

Why don’t you calm down and send me a picture of your dick

smokratez ago

Cut your own throat you faggot piece of shit.

Maroonsaint ago

Idk if I have the will power to cut my own throat. So no promises there.