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jD13JsxQ ago

Question: It seems like zog's control of the government is complete from top to bottom. BUT, if so, why was Epstein ever arrested in the first place? To stage a getaway and a new anonymous life for him? If so, why? Doesn't that seem like an unnecessary step if their control is total? And why arrest Ghislaine? There's gotta be some force for good still installed in the government for these two to have been arrested. Right?

When she got arrested I started wondering if Epstein didn't kill himself because he was put into some kind of witness protection program. Maybe they realized he was a sitting duck in prison and they faked his death to keep him alive because he was cooperating to some degree.

Maybe I'm just desperate for a white pill.

parrygrin ago

Sorry bud.

Maxwell is gonna accuse Trump and offer to "testify".

It's the left's last Hail Mary.

jD13JsxQ ago

So does that mean Trump is clean? It doesn't make sense why they're fighting him tooth and nail if he's just another puppet. But at the same time his loyalty to israel seems to be the only thing you can count on anymore. So why are mossad agents trying to take him down? Nothing makes sense.

This is why democracy is such a ridiculous illusion. There's no hope of John Q Public wrapping his mind around all the chess pieces of a global superpower.

gazillions ago

You can only go by what you think you see.

I think I see the one percent have been getting all the money. Since the recession of 1980 which nobody buy nobody can explain in any truly logical way, the one percent have been installing political parties that do exactly what the UN tells them to do. Those same political parties have helped the one percent rape our economy and shut the citizens out.

The one percent has become the government in every western nation.

The UN has been working to create China as the communist superpower head of the Western Nations. (Maurice Strong) which is exactly what the one percent wants because they can rule over the Chinese communist party as well and have a billion sheep to bleed dry selling starbucks and Amazon garbage to.

The media industry ran_ obviously prearranged with political parties hyperbolic campaigns that were lies to;

Have the sickest and most vulnerable people kicked out of psychiatric hospitals and curb dropped. Cartels were imported to deal them drugs. The political parties have been telling us they're going to fix it any day now for 40 years. They created it deliberately. It costs us 5 times more to keep the sick out of long term care. If we ever get our countries back we can fix it in a month.

Have South Africa, a well functioning first world nation boycotted and sanctioned and turned into a slaughter house sporting economic ruin as it's new crown.

Have Bill Clinton bomb Bosnia with uranium enriched weapons to help muslims defeat Christians.

Made up a story about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and had thousands more people slaughtered while ignoring israel's undeclared weapons of mass destruction.

And many more blatant fucking lies of emotional content and accusations.

If they lose the election they lose the illusion they've created. If that happens there's no telling what could happen to them.

There are so many crimes they could and really should all be charged with.

You can distill it down to the simplest thing. The corporates are at war for control of our countries. The politicians that are out for the next 4 years are useless to the coroprates and they will be replaced by different whores with newer faces.