Lansing-Michigan ago energy accounts. Wind farms have been almost totally a democratic boon doggle. Rahm Emmanuel and Larry Summers had large controlling interests in 2 separate hedge funds. They bought out Enron. Summers worked at one of them while in Obomba's administration until it was found out about his side job. Larry Summers almost became federal reserve chairman. Wind farms were built illegally in upper state ME and NY.Illegal ...cap and trade was never passed in congress and the wind farms are real money makers due to renewable energy credits. People in ME found out the wind farms USED more energy than the two biggest users at the time, paper mills and Eastern Maine Medical Hospital. An entire wind farm , in a group, was built with Obomba's stimulus funds. Cost about a million a job. I live in the area of that wind farm. Not only does it not give out energy but the turbine blades kill birds of prey like bats........which kill mosquitoes and flies. The balance of the environment has been so upended that trees are dying everywhere. So much for the environement.

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AssfaceSandwich4or5 ago

Hence Obama really opening up offshore drilling?

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darkknight111 ago Enty has spoken about this. She needs to he looked into further.

Enty has confirmed that /pol’s find is legit.

flyingcuttlefish ago

Blind Item #8

The recent statement from the former CEO of a message board site should now be looked at in a whole new light considering the influence the procurer/rapist was given on the message board.

Vindicator ago

So Enty confirms it. Interesting

flyingcuttlefish ago

also interesting along those lines -

SuckaFree ago

Whether it's Ghislaine or not, I think, is irrelevant at this point. She's in custody, has a dead women's switch set up, and is apparently cooperating. So much so, that Prince Andrew is said to be willing to talk now. The question on who /maxwellhill really is, and the various arguments in support or denial of whoever it is, is just a psyop meant to further keep us distracted. The truth on who it is will come out soon enough. ESPECIALLY if it's Ghislaine. She's a saleswoman. She's whoring her info out as we speak, in return for not being executed or "suicided."

Think about it. Epstain, being CIA/MI-5/6/Mossad backed and trained means that he NEVER would've talked. Either he silences himself, or "someone" else does it for him. No other options exist, except one: a dead man's switch. And he didn't have one. Purposely. Deliberately. Ghislaine, however? She has every reason to have one: her father and his "untimely" death. What she experienced with that gives her EVERY reason to have one, and EVERY reason to be willing to talk. Her father was gonna squeal, didn't have a dead mans switch, and was assassinated. Her sisters inherited the media and social media aspects of his empire, and the trafficking/shipping portion went to Ghislaine, but under the direction of Epstain. [I imagine that her info, once it all comes out (if it does), will go as far back as her father's death, if not before.] Epstain wouldn't talk, the U.S. puts out a "report" that he's willing to talk, the Cabal activates a hit man, and poof! Epstain and his problems go away and it flushes out Ghislaine with her now infamous post at In/Out Burger.

I'm suspecting that she's been in custody, or at least on a monitor and "talking with" certain "counsel" since right after that post. And I'm suspecting that COVID, BLM/ANTIFA, etc was released, in part, to cover up/delay news of her arrest. Now that things have settled down, news comes out about her "capture" and "transfer" to a "secure" location?! Hogwash. The timing from "her friend and confidante" re: a dead woman's switch coupled with the timing of her "announced transfer to SDNY" is suspect, too. It triggered the purge in Reddit.

We're dealing with people that have inside info and are using it against us in order to destroy their associations, and while progress is being made on the archive front, time and energy is being wasted on arguing over who maxwell hill is. Don't fall for the trap and keep digging. Those of us, like me, that aren't tech savvy, have no other way to get that info without the artists and bakers. And you guys are arguing over peanuts and spilled milk.

Note: I'm phonefagging, so please excuse any misspellings or improper grammar.

argosciv ago

Props for that comment, not much I can argue with there at all.

There is one slight error though:

it flushes out Ghislaine with her now infamous post at In/Out Burger.

That photo, apparently, was photoshopped (ie: it wasn't her or she wasn't at In/Out Burger. Authorities are even alleging that the fraudulent image was circulated by people close to Maxwell who wanted to throw people off her trail).

Paragraph 3 is entirely too speculative, too, but I don't begrudge you that. The main premise of your comment is very fair.

flyingcuttlefish ago


Conde Nast is owned by Advance Publications/ Billionaire (((Donald Newhouse)))

Advance Publications is the majority shareholder for Reddit

more -

plancktonne ago

An odd suggestion: What if Maxwellhill was a combo of Ghislaine Maxwell and Hillary Clinton? It seems unlikely Ghislaine would have time to scout for "models," teach them how to please Jeffrey with his strange penis, satisfy other mens' fetishes, participate in n-somes, while flitting around the world accommodating Prince Andy, assorted royals, billionaires and scientists, meanwhile posting and moderating several subs on reddit.

Whereas Hillary seemed to have too much time on her hands, her main occupation being consuming Chardonnay, yoga and planning weddings. From the tail end of the original post: "This one is TERRIBLE...Maxwellhill upvotes a horrific baby rape incest death comment. WTF! H/T @Volunteerwork2020." Remember Hillary laughing about getting a child rapist off lightly when she was a young lawyer?

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WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

RIP reddit. You just got Schwarz'd.

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argosciv ago

Okay I have to give a shoutout to the folks over at r/Epstein for relentlessly pursuing this one. Yes, I have braved the frontier of reddit strictly as an observer on this one.

I also have to correct the record for all of us here, not that it necessarily take away from the possibility in question though...

A user over on reddit was able to dig up (a whopping) 2 Epstein related submission by maxwellhill (one 10 months ago, another 12 months ago):

"French authorities launch probe into rape charges linked to Jeffrey Epstein case (" - 10 months ago, zero comments:

"Deutsche Bank's week from hell just got worse after reported links with Epstein and a US probe into its role in the Malaysia 1MDB scandal (" 12 months ago:


Interestingly, and I should have done this sooner, but, a keyword search for "epstein" in the .json dump of maxwellhill's account does not produce the above-linked submissions... (why?)

Running a search on reddit itself, for "Epstein" from maxwellhill shows only 4 submissions, with the 2 linked above being the only ones relating to Jeffrey Epstein:


So I also decided to search the .json output for "Ghislaine" (0 results) and "Prince Andrew" (0 results) and "Duke of York" (0 results).

Well that's not very helpful if "Epstein" isn't showing in the .json, now is it? Let's see if a reddit search yields anything...

"Ghislaine" from maxwellhill: (0 results)

"Prince Andrew" from maxwellhill: (1 result from 10 years ago)

"Duchess of York "devastated" and "regretful" following newspaper claims she offered to sell access to ex-husband Prince Andrew (":

^ Hardly scathing of Andrew himself...

BBC article:


The Duchess of York is "devastated" and "regretful" after newspaper claims she offered to sell access to ex-husband Prince Andrew, her spokeswoman says.

The News of the World said Sarah Ferguson was recorded by an undercover reporter posing as a businessman. She appears to accept $40,000 in cash.

The paper says the prince - a UK trade envoy - knew nothing about the alleged £500,000 ($723,000) deal.

Seems to be more focused on admonishing Fergie, while absolving Andrew of any involvement/knowledge.


Incidentally, though not indicative of much, News of the World had a rocky past with Robert Maxwell:

And a little over a year after the above BBC article, shut down production amid the "phone hacking scandal":

@Crensch @MadWorld @MolochHunter @darkknight111 @EricKaliberhall

Okay, I'll leave y'all alone for a while, I feel bad about all the pings.

MolochHunter ago

she would want Fergie to be discredited, and robbed of public sympathy - in case Fergie ever stated the an uncomfortable reason for why Epstein lent her a large sum of cash

kestrel9 ago

Thanks argosciv, I haven't examined everything that people are holding up as circumstantial evidence, at this point it would take a lot for me to be convinced that the person interviewed here is actually Ghislaine Maxwell.

Vindicator ago

K9, when I read the Gizmodo article, it reads like a deliberate attempt to build up the Maxwellhill account:

The amazing thing about the emails we've been trading back and forth is that Maxwellhill has revealed almost no personal details.

That's actually awesome. The magic of anonymized Internet identity is that Maxwellhill could be anyone. Your drinking buddy. Your business partner. Your math teacher. Your math student. Your cab driver or car salesman or senator. Using the cloak of the Internet as a disguise, Maxwellhill flits in and out of our lives as a superhero would. Only instead of saving a mass of screaming citizens from an out-of-control train, s/he protects our daily lives from boredom with a steady stream of well-selected content from around the Net.

Gizmodo is owned by Clinton-donor/Podesta pal Haim Saban and did a number of hit pieces on pizzagate, Ben Swann etc. See our past research here. I think we are looking at key elements of the pedovore media control team, here (whoever Maxwellhill actually is).

kestrel9 ago

Yes Gizmodo did on at least two occasions give redditor Maxwellhill promo pieces as a karma kontent point legend. (Probably hired or one of the owners.)

Platform: Reddit

Who the hell is Maxwellhill? Is Max a he or a she? A media pro, or a high school student? A reporter? An editor? A dog? It doesn't matter. What matters is that "Max" is the first person to rack up more than one million karma points on Reddit—a score earned by Redditors for submitting good links and making good comments. Over the past six years. Maxwellhill's selections have made Reddit what it is. You could even think of Maxwellhill as a stand-in for Reddit as a whole. Reddit has democratized editorial. It is the newspaper by and of the people. Anyone can have a say as to what should be news there. Still, on the board where stories go to explode, no one done more to detonate them than Max.

I think we are looking at key elements of the pedovore media control team

I agree with that, and I think the viral 'Maxwellhill is Ghislaine' thing is yet another example of taking time and attention away from other stories.

argosciv ago

^ @MercurysBall2 @think- @Blacksmith21 @kestrel9 @bopper

Okay, I'll leave y'all alone for a while, I feel bad about all the pings.

bopper ago

Good job mate, great work.

rickki6 ago

this is absolutely incredible. I am so proud and honored to be here . 😌

PortableMarbles ago

This shit keeps getting crazier!

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scoripowarrior ago

How does ANYONE know for sure this was her acct and screen name?

MercurysBall2 ago

Vindicator ago

We don't, of course. But there sure as heck is a bunch of circumstantial evidence pointing in that direction.

sinclair ago

Add this to the time gaps; if not already:

Madeliene McCann's disapperance. May 3rd, 2007

02May2003 - 09May2003 -

That's the little girl with the keyhole eye and matched mug for the Podesta Brothers.

AssfaceSandwich4or5 ago

Are there reports of her passport(s) being found? Stamp check.

This would be an amazing discovery.

rustyfender ago

same eye defect as Soros

TaosDeiopW ago


If true, wowe!!!

Vindicator ago

@MercurysBall2 Have we got any links between Podestas and Maxwells? See above.

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argosciv ago

psst, i'll give you a hint...

We also have a link between Epstein, the Maxwells and Obama now.

AssfaceSandwich4or5 ago

Boy did I come back at a great time.

argosciv ago

@MercurysBall2 Have we got any links between Podestas and Maxwells? See above.

Holy shit... yes we fucking do!

I'm really tired after recent digging, so I'll probably rest before I post it, though – sorry.


Vindicator ago


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argosciv ago

What the FUCK?!

maxwellhill, in the comments of the "Ephebophilia: it's today's word, and it matters" reddit post, seems a little too thankful for confirmation that the age of constent for "sexual contact" in New Hampshire is 13 years:

Now where was Ghislaine Maxwell's 'Tuckedaway' Mansion (location of her arrest)?

Just outside of Bradford, New Hampshire:

Just how many fucking coincidences do we need for this maxwellhill account? This is fucking insane.

@Crensch @MadWorld @MolochHunter @darkknight111 @EricKaliberhall

lovely1 ago

I wonder if that was strategic legally.

Vindicator ago

Yeah that jumped out at me, too!

argosciv ago

Oh for fuck's sake...

Notice also that maxwellhill speaks of Ohio having an age of consent of 12 years... (same reddit comment thread)

Note the dates and location ahead... - Ghislaine Maxwell:

Affidavit filed by Maria Farmer (2019)

On 16 April 2019, Maria Farmer went public and filed a sworn affidavit in federal court in New York, alleging that she and her 15-year-old sister, Annie, had been sexually assaulted by Epstein and Maxwell in separate locations in 1996. Farmer's affidavit was filed in support of a defamation suit between Virginia Giuffre against Alan Dershowitz.[60] According to the affidavit, Farmer had met Maxwell and Epstein at a New York art gallery reception in 1995. The affidavit says that in the summer of the following year, they hired her to work on an art project in billionaire businessman Leslie Wexner's Ohio mansion, where she was then sexually assaulted by both Maxwell and Epstein.[61][62] Farmer reported the incident to the New York Police Department and the FBI.[42] Her affidavit also stated that during the same summer, Epstein flew her then 15-year-old sister, Annie, to his New Mexico property where he and Maxwell molested her on a massage table.[63][64]

Farmer was interviewed for CBS This Morning in November 2019 where she detailed the 1996 assault and alleged that Maxwell had repeatedly threatened both her career and her life after the assault.[65] - Epstein Tied to $336K Donated to Wexner Center at Ohio State:

EY, the national accounting firm formerly known as Ernst & Young, examined Ohio State fundraising documents dating back to before 1980, real estate transactions, and treasury and investment records. Its examiners were given access to historical documents maintained by the Wexner Center and the university's Office of Advancement, as well as to university archives, the school said in a statement.

The review found the arts center received $260,000 from the J. Epstein Foundation from 1990 to 1997. One additional document put the value of his gifts at $335,000, but accountants could not confirm the additional $75,000 pledge was ever received.

Sorry for the ping spam guys, found more 'coincidence'...

@Crensch @MadWorld @MolochHunter @darkknight111 @EricKaliberhall

argosciv ago

^ @Vindicator (forgot I was replying to myself with the follow up).

Vindicator ago

I wonder if Epstein chose is properties to align with low age-of-consent laws?

Did he own any properties in an area with strict laws or enforcement re: statutory rape?

argosciv ago

I wonder if Epstein chose is properties to align with low age-of-consent laws?

Unsure about him owning any, but Wexner sure did in Ohio (at which both Epstein and Maxwell are accused of assaulting then-25 or 26 year old Maria Farmer).

^ Speculation: Did Wexner, Maxwell or Epstein abuse anyone else under Wexner's roof?

And Maxwell has at least her 'Tuckedaway* Mansion in New Hampshire.

^ Speculation: Maxwell or Epstein abuse anyone at 'Tuckedaway'?

A cursory search hasn't surfaced Epstein properties in Ohio.

Known properties of Epstein's include:

  1. 9 East 71st Street, New York
  2. Zorro Ranch, New Mexico
  3. Little St. James Island, US Virgin Islands
  4. 358 El Brillo Way, Palm Beach
  5. Avenue Foch, Paris

Age of consent:

The New York Age of Consent is 17 years old. In the United States, the age of consent is the minimum age at which an individual is considered legally old enough to consent to participation in sexual activity. Individuals aged 16 or younger in New York are not legally able to consent to sexual activity, and such activity may result in prosecution for statutory rape.

The New Mexico Age of Consent is 17 years old. In the United States, the age of consent is the minimum age at which an individual is considered legally old enough to consent to participation in sexual activity. Individuals aged 16 or younger in New Mexico are not legally able to consent to sexual activity, and such activity may result in prosecution for statutory rape.

Note: It is alleged that Epstein flew Farmer's then-15 year old sister to Zoro Ranch, New Mexico and sexually assaulted her there.

Paraphrasing Virgin Islands Code: V.I.C. § 1700-1709 Virgin Islands Code and appeals records Francis vs. VI NOTE: "mistake of fact as to the victim's age is not a defense". The age of consent is 18. There is however a close in age exemption that allows minors 16 and 17 years old to consent with someone no more than five years older than themselves and minors 13 to 15 years old to consent with one another, but not with anyone 16 or over.

The Florida Age of Consent is 18 years old. In the United States, the age of consent is the minimum age at which an individual is considered legally old enough to consent to participation in sexual activity. Individuals aged 17 or younger in Florida are not legally able to consent to sexual activity, and such activity may result in prosecution for statutory rape.

The age of consent in France is 15, as specified by Article 227-25 of the Penal Code, which reads: "The fact of the commission without violence, constraint, threat or surprise of a sexual offence by an adult on the person of a minor under fifteen years of age is punished by five years' imprisonment and a fine of 75,000€."[29]

Article 227-22 prohibits the "organisation by an adult of meetings involving indecent exposure or sexual relations knowing that minors are present or participating". (Minors refers to under 18s; the text of the article can be subject to interpretation).[30]

Article 227-22-1 prohibits the "soliciting of a minor under the age of fifteen, or a person pretending to be such minor, for sexual purposes through the use of a computer system".[31]

Article 227-27 prohibits sexual relations with minors over age 15 (aged 15, 16 or 17) "1° where they are committed by an ascendant or by any other person having a legal or factual authority over the victim; 2° where they are committed by a person abusing the authority conferred by his functions."[32]

Incidentally, upon further examination, it seems that both maxwellhill and unitmike are not concise enough in their answers stating that 13 is the age of consent.

To be more specific, one needs to look at the 'close in age' (aka: "Romeo & Juliet") exemption language:

New Hampshire:

A close in age exemption exists for partners who are less than 3 years apart, and only when the younger party is older than 13 but younger than 16. If the older partner is acting in ""Loco Parentis"" to the younger party (For example, a teacher), then the age of consent is raised to 18.


A close in age exemption exists allowing minors aged 13 and older to consent to a partner under age 18.


This begs two questions:

  • Why the inaccurate characterizations?
  • Why the focus on 2 states with notable connections to both Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell? Considering that many other states also have such 'close in age' exemptions:

The following states have a close in age exemption: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, and Virginia.

New Jersey, for example has a similar (but frankly very fucking disturbing) exemption starting at age 13:

A close in age exemption exists allowing minors between ages 13 and 15 to engage in sexual congress with a partner up to 4 years older. The Age of consent is raised to 18 if the older partner is a parent, guardian, sibling, a relative closer than a 4th cousin, or an individual with some authority over the younger party (for example, a teacher or the victim's boss).


At the end of the day, I'm still firmly of the opinion that this reddit exchange adds further weight to the already-hefty possibility that maxwellhill is Ghislaine Maxwell.

@Crensch @MadWorld @MolochHunter @darkknight111 @EricKaliberhall

MolochHunter ago

properties with high age of consent are better for the entrapment of others, remember

Vindicator ago

Great round up!

argosciv ago

Read that New Jersey shit closely...

Let me know when you see the fucking cringe.

Vindicator ago

The Age of consent is raised to 18 if the older partner is a parent

/throws up

argosciv ago

argosciv ago

Sorry for the ping spam guys, found more 'coincidence'...

@MercurysBall2 @think- @Blacksmith21 @kestrel9 @bopper

volunteerwork2020 ago


Huge Find

Vindicator ago

You're going to have to explain this. I couldn't make sense of that bread. They found CP, but it wasn't clear how or how it was linked to Maxwell.

ProTip: When you link something long from, etc., select the relevant text in the archived page first, THEN copypaste the url. It will give you a url to the highlighted text folks can scroll down to and see exactly the relevant information. You can use this for material as well -- simply make an or copy of the page, highlight, and paste the new url.

argosciv ago

He's right to NSFW warn this one...

Chan thread contains screenshot of maxwellhill exchange on reddit, decided to check the .json output to see if it's real and accessible, and it is... make what you will of the following.

NSFW Warning, potential trigger due to anecdotal language similar to the posts made by the pedo-shock-story spammer seen on Voat recently (maxwellhill upvotes):

@Crensch @darkknight111 @MolochHunter @MadWorld @EricKaliberhall

Vindicator ago

Holy shit. I can't believe she upvoted that! It certainly adds credence to Q's leaks about the Rachel Chandler Epstein Island security cam Instagram post. Wow.

Those poor kids!

@MolochHunter Did you see this?

MolochHunter ago

yea, some depraved shit

suterusu ago

Hopefully people have already started to scrape and arhchive /u/davidreiss666 on reddit. Possible ties to the David Anthony Reiss family?

For some reason he and maxwell's account(and her second supposed account) had become banned words on r/technology.

This whole thing stinks.

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IShallNotFear ago

I started to do some digging and included it in my most recent post. It includes a tutorial on how to do more digging through Ceddit.

Gimmesometruth ago

It's going to be a hot summer.

Oh my.

TaosDeiopW ago

I hope so. I wanna see some pedo-elites either in jail, or killed.

SendMeYourTitties ago

Does make sense seeing how reluctant they were to remove the jailbait sub.

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flyingcuttlefish ago

(recent) archived -

mendelbot ago

I don't have access to the archives, but I will be watching this element with great interest. One of the reddit CEOs indicated they were aware of her activities ten years ago. I wonder how...

MercurysBall2 ago

Probably via Pao's husband:

In 2007, Fletcher married Ellen Pao, then a junior partner at venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers. Fletcher and Pao met while Aspen Institute fellows

Posts on Aspen Institute here:

MercurysBall2 ago

Yes. I've updated my comment to include Bobby Fletcher's connection to Darren Walker:

See: Revisiting the handkerchief, full timeline

Persons present or mentioned.. Darren (Walker?) The President of Ford Foundation.

And fyi, Booby Fletcher had a foundation who gave awards to some scientists directly connected with the Edge Foundation. I think we'll soon find Ellen Pao'smore direct links to the Epstein network.

Vindicator ago

Oh great. The Child Mind Institute. That place gives me the chills.

BTW, you're a rockstar. ;-)

Gorillion ago

Steve Huffman is an elite pedophile.

Curious that he's hiding it less and less lately.

Vindicator ago

I think Covid1984 has convinced them they're invincible. A lot is being hidden less and less.

Eukleides ago

Sorry for I am new (and can not post links) and for my poor english, but in line with the videos from "mouthy buddha", I think "maxwells" might be a key word in duckduckgo image search usefull to point very suspicious websites.

Vindicator ago

That would be quite a find!

Here's how to get around the link restriction: Just post the link, but add a couple spaces within the url, breaking it. Voila!

Eukleides ago

Good to know, ty.

rumorhazard ago

And yet in the public consciousness, voat is the bad place because they say nigger. kek

Vindicator ago

And that is exactly why we've been able to collaborate freely and amass over 33,000 submissions documenting the corruption and abuse of kids by the global elite. They think we're not a threat, because rayciss.

AnonAnon124 ago

Remember #2315

"Symbolism will be their downfall.


with a reddit image. Could the elements of this image match up to the purported boards Maxwell was moderating?

VitGet ago

It's almost as if they're treating every nigger like they're Muhammad. Worship us or die, but draw us and you'll die!

usernameisnotthis ago

great work

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Altering the account means it probably can't be used as evidence, however the act of altering pretty much proves guilt.

bingo-bango-bongo ago

The scrubbing is kind of admitting guilt/something to hide, no?

I dont know anything about that sort of shady horseshit

RonBennington ago

Nothing will come of this ever unless she has proof on Trump. Be aware though goats, these are the type of people in the valley. It's odd how this came out right after the Pao tweet. It all seems manufactured.

Vindicator ago

If she had proof on Trump, wouldn't it have been used long before now?

Hard to believe they'd let him appoint over 200 judges, including a Supreme, and risk choking the child sacrifice supply lines if they could prevent it.

RonBennington ago

Why would she need to use it? She was free

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

and if she has lolita express proof on trump, never could have used it since that goes for bill clinton too

Vindicator ago

Interesting theory. What good is a life insurance policy that you can't exercise?

KLDB ago

Archive and way back machine will be their down fall.

I would like to take 2 seconds of your time to donation fag for for the price of a cup of coffee you can help keep their archive alive.

Vindicator ago

That's a cause I can get behind, assuming they don't scrub our content. Kinda worried they will simply use the DMCA to nuke everything like they did with Alefantis' Instagram.

KLDB ago

Did you swap "they" or did nuke their James Alefantis stuff?

Vindicator ago

Alefantis and Podesta content was scrubbed off of numerous sites back in 2017. went out of business completely. I assume the Wayback Machine is part of the controlled Internet infrastructure, because it's mainstream. I assume "they" are either among or subject to the same "they" that nuked so much early research.

KLDB ago

buddy...*/ snap shots keep glitching on me! it won't load... ugh...

Vindicator ago

I was afraid of that.

I use and Neither has ever scrubbed anything to my knowledge. Hopefully, it'll stay that way.

KLDB ago

I just tried your and they have 2016 and 2017 but they redirect to todays...

Vindicator ago

It's not that they redirect to today's, it's that JA set his account to private on November 8, 2016, so all of the times people tried to archive, it just grabbed the landing page.* (include the asterisk to see all).

We do have it all though -- someone got a pastebin of it, as I recall. They found a foreign version of his pages that was still public, and got it all before he realized it.

...yup. Here's a post from one of the original r/pizzagate mods. All the links are kilt, except for the pastebin, but that has a whole bunch of links to individual Instagram posts which are still good. Archive of the pastebin:

MadWorld ago

That download link is expired. Fortunately, OP seemed to have uploaded the whole collection to XD


JA files:

I believe sometimes experiences glitches in that it would show or register archives on the calendar, when in fact the pages have not been archived successfully. For the site, it would give users the URLs, before the pages are archived. But it may return "Not Found" status, if it failed to successfully archive the pages.

KLDB ago

Look at us. A bunch of angry librarians ready for vengeance...

Vindicator ago

Librarians. LMAO

We're the newspaper of record on globalist pedovores. :-)

KLDB ago

ugh... I will do some searchy search. I hope they aren't that lame. I like them because it is the last place that still hosts this video. It's a gem.

suterusu ago

Time is of the essence now, there's probably too much for a human being to scrub it all and there's not enough time to set up and automated method of scrubbing it on the fly so there's likely still troves of information to be backed up and shared.

We all need to chip in before the story commits suicide.

RonBennington ago

I hope someone is archiving all this shit

Vindicator ago

I archived everything in this post before posting it.

Tanngrisnir ago

This is absolutely nutty. It is astounding how brazen she was about everything. Even her goddam overton window moving Reddit account had Maxwell in the name!

Vindicator ago

Hey there Tanngrisnir! Good to see you!

You are so right. It's reminiscent of Anthony Wiener in it's brazenness, in fact. Kinda makes you think she has some "life insurance" files, doesn't it?

Tanngrisnir ago

Haha, you bet. Lets hope she drops the tapes.


Back them up Q said to archive everything

ALIENS2222 ago

Dude... Way to live up to your name!

Vindicator ago

:-) I'm praying

Vindicator ago


MetalAegis ago

As interesting as this is, and I do thank you for and appreciate this high effort post, I feel I must express a single thought regarding Maxwells case, and that is a tranny pedophile judge is presiding over this case, and I have almost zero hope that justice will be served.

mendelbot ago

You have GOT to be fucking kidding me. There is no way that's a co-incidence.

Vindicator ago

Who is the judge? I have not been able to fully keep up with all aspects of this story.

Vindicator ago

Good Lord, deliver us.

Gonna have to ramp up the spiritual warfare. o_0

tokui ago

A feminist, I admire and lust her. Beautiful AND brilliant.

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

The best apart about this is now reddit is going to have pin the blame on someone. I wonder who will get Clinton'd at reddit for being careless enough to let this happen....not that they could have done anything. It would just implicate more people on the reddit end of obstruction of justice, conspiracy and stock manipulation.

threesevens ago

Her entire account was archived:

Comment archive

Post archive

holaymackal ago

Raw dump of 'maxwellhill' comments, for those interested. Not my work, this was posted on 4chan last night:

Vindicator ago

How would one use this?

argosciv ago

.json files can be loaded in text editors.

JSON = Javascript Object Notation (if I recall correctly). (The file doesn't actually execute any javascript, it's just an output saved to text)

Sgt_richard ago

Notepad++ has a json plug-in

Vindicator ago

Is there any way to use it to get the Reddit link to the allegedly deleted pedo research she posted three years ago to confirm it was removed?

argosciv ago

Is there any way to use it to get the Reddit link to the allegedly deleted pedo research she posted three years ago to confirm it was removed?


Would take a bit of fiddling to knock up a web page to display the contents, but it can absolutely be done as each entry has a "permalink" field. These permalinks could then be checked for a 404 status (or otherwise looked at manually to see if it is marked as deleted but otherwise still accessible).

argosciv ago

^ @MadWorld, you busy? I'm going to bed soon.

MadWorld ago

Status of comments from JSON dump:

Part1: |

Part2: |

Note: deleted comments are marked as deleted, pages or comments not found are marked as not found, entries with * are the ones that were manually checked for the cause of missing comments. Authors of child comments are also included. You should be able to jump to the deleted or not-found entries by doing a keyword search.

Note2: comment URLs from json entries have mostly been archived to All of them will soon be available there.

Archive of Eddit accounts (maxwellhill, anutensil, Brodusgus):

Note: if you click on the first link of each account, it will take you to the page. From there, you should be able to navigate using the "next" page button.

Note2: extended archive of maxwellhill's submissions, articles, and external links is estimated to be completed in 2 days.

That is about it. Anything else that should be archived?


SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @Vindicator.

Posted automatically (#120516) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@MadWorld: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Vindicator)

Vindicator ago

Holy shit, Madworld! This is outstanding!

Thank you

Thank you


argosciv ago

You, sir, are fucking amazing.

MadWorld ago

XD You are welcome!

MadWorld ago

That json file has about 2114 entries. But I am only seeing about 725 comments from that Eddit account.

argosciv ago

I'd have to double check what's in the file (the entries may or may not include the link to a given comment/post), hang on.

Zanbato ago

If this is true, this would be the funniest thing this year :D

redwing14 ago

one of the main admins u/spez was on r/cannibals

Vindicator ago

He was indeed. One of the original mods of r/pizzagate had a family member who was his college roommate -- right up until he looked over the guy's shoulder and saw him looking at CP.

DonkeyDong64 ago

And who did he start Reddit with but a filthy ARMENIAN or are you paid to shill for them too? Why are you so against identifying ETHNIC groups disproportionately involved in PG? All for the children, right? Unless it hurts some ethnic's feelings. You fuckin kike

AssfaceSandwich4or5 ago

How about all your white military rapists? You always call them honkey-rapists or no?

Vindicator ago

Bye Donkey. Take your shit elsewhere.

ketoll ago

I love how removing all traces of an arrested sex trafficker's internet history isn't investigated or even frowned upon as obstruction of justice. All these "justice" agents are bribed and paid for pieces of shit.

Vindicator ago

They thought deleting r/pizzagate and shilling the hell out of us here with massive DDoS attacks would shut us down, but all it did was give us cred. We've got over 33,000 submissions now documenting globalist crimes against kids, and #pizzagate has been trending on Tik Tok among GenZ and Millennials. I wouldn't give up yet. ;-)

AssfaceSandwich4or5 ago

If we could just moderate away the awful racism on this subgroup I might actually try to send people here to learn. A lot of anti-racists in the groups you mentioned might get turned off by it. But yeah.

And if I could just remember my password coming back, lol.

Lost_Body ago

I totally agree, the racism and blindness towards Trump are, what discredits this community. I always thought it had potential to be "for real" and stand out against all the usual "I believe everything without real proof and Trump is the savior of the world" conspiracy theorists.

btw. I can't make Threads yet, but has it already been discussed, that they found the alleged killer of Madeleine McCain in Germany? I wanted to inform, but coat wouldn't let me.

AssfaceSandwich4or5 ago

Thanks. I think they were floating around another name but the Scotland Yard efits[perp drawings] that fit the Podesta brothers is too much for me. I was the Podesta's.

Vindicator ago

Your new username cracked me up.

The genuine freedom of speech innate to Voat, and the resulting racist content, are the only reason v/pizzagate has survived so long. Our research is purged with extreme prejudice on every platform that allows "moderating away racism". It's been very enlightening to watch it happen again and again over the years.

These days, I'm just grateful that the powerful have backed off their efforts to shut Voat down entirely and are instead focusing on amping up the anti-racist propaganda (BLM etc.) to discredit the damning content being produced in places like Voat. Truth has a way of making it's own argument, and their current approach allows us to amass it collaboratively, archive it, and share it on more mainstream platforms.

Blacksmith21 ago

Absolutely #pizzagate has been trending on TikTok and is being embraced by the youngest of GenZ. I see it first hand.

TaosDeiopW ago

Isn't it strange how Trump admin are looking into banning TikTok?

dassaer ago

'It's a big club, and you're/ we're not in it !!' ...

Drstrangebeard ago

big surprise. who could have guessed it was the friggin' lucefarians all along!? sheesh.....i shouldnt be so sour. at least people are understanding the truth now.

pathhologic ago

I’ve been making the threads about it on /pol/ for hours. It’s absolutely amazing how many shills have been in them trying to control the conversation. It was a lot even for /pol/. They’re definitely trying to hide something, but we’ve mad a shit ton of progress in the threads on pol.

Gorillion ago

Israeli Cyber-Asthmatics in full JIDF troop deployment.

All roads lead back to Mossad.

Vindicator ago

Total shillapalooza. It's the #1 giveaway we're on target. And it's not just on pol. The resident shills here on Voat got their jimmies rustled as soon as this broke, as well. David Brock may have another heart attack. I wonder how big of a Covid loan Media Matters took out to keep paying their flying monkeys?

RedWhiteBlues ago

Look, you've got timing as your evidence. You yourself have said in the past that timing is not evidence enough. What else have you got?

Rockfish1000 ago

This is amazing. I wish I wasn't an old Gen Xer. I don't have the tech savvy to engage in this, but damn I love this cyber warfare shit.

Vindicator ago

I'm an old Gen Xer with zero tech savvy, too, Rockfish. There's a role for each of us. :-)

Rockfish1000 ago

Yeah. I was a P.I., skip tracer, and bounty hunter for twenty years. I actually do have a "special set of skills". However, they are more IRL street level skills that just don't translate to the interwebz.

So when this shit spills out into the meat world, that will bey time to shine

Vindicator ago


A_Punkass_Bitch ago

this is a worldwide story, centered in DC, NYC, London, Israel. Meatworld things going on there if she is really arrested as is alleged. But wherever you live, whatever town or city, I bet there is some weird freemason shit going on and your skills could work there, of course it's not as glamorous but it could be exposed.

Hipsterrr ago

we're winning at it too. it scares them.

hence all the big names being taken off the internet first. the rest of us are next.

Scyber ago

If she had a reddit account then Epstein did as well.

turnnightmodeoff ago

so did kushner

Vindicator ago

Probably. These people have an insatiable appetite to control what people are saying about them, as we found out with Alefantis and his @Birdzeyeview Voat account.

AssfaceSandwich4or5 ago

I figured that was him but has there ever been an absolute confirmation that was him?

Vindicator ago

The account went silent after Alefantis made death threats to v/pizzagate subscriber @IsThisGameofThrones, asking about the identity of another user and thus revealing he did have a Voat presence. When Ryan O'Neill went public with his evidence of the threats and the police report he filed against JA, Birdzeyeview clammed up.

AssfaceSandwich4or5 ago


brandnewset ago

Fucking pedo-reddit mods. Nice job on archiving anons!!

Vindicator ago

So you didn't actually see any posts by that account? Bummer. It sounded like you did. :-( We need to document all this, or it's not worth much.

Bern666 ago

Hooked on a feeling....just listen.

To capture or bound will always be a trick of thought/~women are masters in that thought.

Still you clumsy men do struggle around paying for the ride....with a ring of your obedience.

They (women) holds the key of your survival by the do beehive and kneel to the Queen.

For this to work a great social net and imports of new suckers (men) will be keep the (Queens) in happiness (Babalon)

So know YOU do understand why they cry like little bitches when Trump tell them to sit and shut up~THEY cant accept a fathers role/reason....they are on a blast🤷‍♀️

And yes WE do laugh at females so useless in thought.

Laugh out loud

paralentor ago

Vanity Fair, GQ all those magazines along with Reddit owned by Conde Nast publishing.

noob_tube ago

Conde Nast is owned by S.I. Newhouse Junior. Guess who?,_Sr.

blueblur ago

Did it get wiped?

noob_tube ago

Voat just can't link it property. The period at the end of the link is important.

blueblur ago

Oh gotcha thanks

Pizzalurker15 ago

A jew married to an Epstein. What a surprise

noob_tube ago

Epstein was Jr's mother.

Pizzalurker15 ago

True. The post is for junior the link goes to senior. Was commenting on senior. Thank you for the heads up

noob_tube ago

Jr doesn't have his own link, except in German.

Vindicator ago

Can you add some links to the fake news spreading/insider day trading? That would be big.

argosciv ago

I hate to say it, but he(?)'s right and raises some valid thoughts.

Would take some digging to prove anything definitive

Conceptually though, it holds weight. What to look for: manipulation of opinions through news postings related to companies which not long after tank or gain value on the stock market, cross referenced with Epstein-associate trading in said companies or relevant industries.

A bitch to prove but well and truly within the realm of possibility.

Xax ago

Reddit is going to do some time.

albeit ago

The mods who are concealing/destroying the evidence against Ghislaine are aiding and abetting child exploitation & human trafficking. They are punishable as principals. In other words, punishable as though they committed the crimes themselves.

TaosDeiopW ago

NSA has it all anyway.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

banning the pizzagate sub is same situation

Vindicator ago

And you see how much good THAT did them. We're still here, going strong. LMAO

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

they were worried it would continue to mainstread and force them to make arrests

x0x7 ago

Sharing it on reddit was a mistake. It's not like it was going to get any traction there and actually inform anyone, and it tipped off moderators and admins.

At least give people a couple days to copy the account.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

It's all archived.

RedWhiteBlues ago

I don't see any evidence it is her and the account is currently replying to PMs.

mrnicegoy ago

look harder.

EyeOfHorus ago

but what about all that reddit gold???

threesevens ago

mrnicegoy ago


Vindicator ago

Just had a look at your Reddit submission -- Well done! Here's the archive:

Vindicator ago

Thanks for adding those links!

pilgrimboy14 ago

Is there an easy way to see what has been scrubbed by Reddit then?

Because that would be just the way to highlight the posts and comments to look at.

pilgrimboy14 ago

Yeah, that isn't what I'm looking for really. Or it isn't something feasible to me. I was wondering if there was a way to see what Maxwellhill posts have been removed. To do it one at a time would be very tedious. May as well read each post then. However, by them removing certain ones - if we could figure out a quick way to tell which ones have been removed - we would know which ones to look at.

Gorillion ago

Unreddit used to do that. It would highlight removed posts in any thread. No idea if it's still around.

Well, shit. Looks like they nuked all those de-censoring sites:

Ceddit and Uneddit no longer work, alternatives? : undelete

r/undelete: This subreddit keeps track of submissions that moderators remove from the top 100 in \/r/all.

What happened to all the sites like ceddit, unreddit ...

What happened to all the sites like ceddit, unreddit, redditmirror where you could recover deleted reddit posts? Are there any new alternatives or were they all somehow blocked by Reddit? Unanswered. 25 comments. share. save hide report. 96% Upvoted. This thread is archived. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.

Vindicator ago

That's too bad.

offender ago

nowhat ago

We can only hope that the law enforcement agencies who have been building an airtight case against you from the first time you said GTKRWN, by scrubbing through every electronic anything you have ever done, would do the same to bring down a global satanist cabal of kid fuckers.

Just kidding they won't.

Vindicator ago

Indeed. It was probably a shill. There were dozens on that pol thread.

iam ago

Some of the spelling that /u/maxwellhill uses indicates that the user is British.

For example, here, Maxwell Hill spells it "offences" rather than the American way to spell it, which would be "offenses".

michaelofsydneysmate ago

Or Australian. We spell proply over here too.

GlobalSouth ago

My impression was always that u/maxwellhill and u/BritishEnglishPolice were one and the same person.

carebearglare ago

There are also, if I remember correctly, other speakers of British English than just Ghislaine Maxwell alone. There have to be at least a couple hundred worldwide.

RedWhiteBlues ago

Really? I'm sure the Malaysian run down resort named Maxwell Hill has nothing to do with how the British ex pat picked his user account name. I'm also sure as shills that the account replying to PMs and deleting it's own posts while Jizzlayin is in jail doesn't disprove this widely shilled topic at all.

Gorillion ago

Lol, look at this concernfag's ccp.

Totally not a pedo playing protection for mama maxwell.


darkknight111 ago

The times the account did not post match up perfectly with her activities. Such as that 2011 party Ellen Pao mentioned...and her arrest.

sinclair ago

There was also one from when her Mother died.

Vindicator ago

We should try to link to the evidence of that.

sinclair ago

Time gaps

Kleiner Perkins Party (The one where Ellen K. Pao said she saw her)

07DEC2011, 08:45 - 10DEC2011, 14:34 -

Lead: bread #2

Planetary Sessions Speaker for TerraMar Project (submarines)

11OCT2013 - 13OCT2013 -

Lead: /pol bread #3

Her Mom Died

06AUG2013 - 09AUG2013 -

Lead: /pol bread #4

2 Day Epstein "Suicide"

10AUG2019 - 12AUG2019 -

Lead: /pol bread #4

There's a few to start.

DohBoy ago

The party went from December 7 to December 10? That actually makes more sense to me now. I figured you guys were talking about a gap of several hours. OK, this is much more reasonable. Although I will submit, they were probably millions of people who post on Reddit that had gaps in the same spots that aren’t Maxwell. But now you couple this with all the weird Pedo crap… This is getting interesting. I still want real evidence, but this is interesting.

sinclair ago

Then Google did this:

Add Madeleine gap.

There's like 4 other relevant gaps, too.

Kleiner Perkins Party (The one where Ellen K. Pao said she saw her)

07DEC2011, 08:45 - 10DEC2011, 14:34 -

Lead: bread #2

Planetary Sessions Speaker for TerraMar Project (submarines)

11OCT2013 - 13OCT2013 -

Lead: /pol bread #3

Her Mom Died

06AUG2013 - 09AUG2013 -

Lead: /pol bread #4 -

2 Day Epstein "Suicide"

10AUG2019 - 12AUG2019 -

Lead: /pol bread #4

Vindicator ago

I wish I could give you 40 upvotes. Outstanding!

carebearglare ago

Yeah, that is oddly telling. There is some validity to this hypothesis. If it is true, that means that one of the greatest influencers on Reddit, for years now, was a procurer of children for sexual exploitation, and more than likely linked directly to at least one intelligence agency, most likely Isreal's. And she attended the same parties as Ellen Pao, CEO of Reddit during the hatchet job that was her tenure. Who knew all about her day job and said nothing, indicating fear of her. Because if she knew about her activities, then the next question she would have asked is "Why isn't she arrested?" and the answer to that would have most likely been what we're all after: Ghislaine's connection(s) to state power.

Which means that u/maxwellhill had power greater than the then-CEO of Reddit and would have been able to influence more that just the discussion threads, but make direct requests to Reddit leadership. The only thing in the way ofovert censorship would have been public opinion, which was circumvented by grouping in targets with other hated subreddits, like r/fatpeoplehate.

darkknight111 ago

I HIGHLY suspect Maxwell had a hand in the censorship of r/pizzagate r/thedonald r/cbts and r/thegreatawakening (the later 3 often talked about pizzagate related things).

Vindicator ago

Ghislaine is fluent in four or five languages, as I recall.

ChiCom ago

mismacheta ago

the "Enigma code breaker's niece" comment is a dead giveaway. That perhaps means little to anyone other than a Brit, but to an Islander it's evoking a national hero.

darkknight111 ago

Appears to be an ordinary guy. Became more receptive when the timing of non posting got discussed.

Blacksmith21 ago

She is. But her native tongue is UK English. Nice work.

JunOS ago

'bloody hell's is a dead giveaway shes a limey.

Many comment posts and posts in general used it.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#120324) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Vindicator: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

SexMachine ago

I posted it to r/conspiracy_commons because my newest reddit account is too new.

argosciv ago


Now as an aside, why on earth would Donkey try to downplay the Robert Maxwell and curation of news narratives angle?

Not to say that there's a direct connection to Donkey, though the question is begged, but I did happen to leave some breadcrumbs back in March this year which tie into this exceptional research from an anon, which relates to Robert Maxwell and incidentally the Bronfmans and the Clinton/Epstein-linked Teva Pharmaceuticals...

I mean... friends, even if this isn't Maxwell's Reddit account (I have to say, though, the probability of it being so is quite high), we have some seriously juicy shit on our hands at this point in time and all the usual suspects are coming out to muddy the waters.

/shrug more to come in due time I suppose.

darkknight111 ago

Donkey has always been a nasty little bitch pretty much from the begginning based on the accounts of pizzagaters who have been around since 2017.

Donkey is so consumed with hatred that the objects of his hate (jews, women) get free rent in his head.

He’s also a pedo too (at best a hebephile).

argosciv ago

objects of his hate (jews

Therein lays the irony of downplaying the Robert Maxwell side of things, though.

DonkeyDong64 ago

All I did was mock his Jewphemism of "globalist" you dumbfuck, there's no "irony." This is one reason no one respects you: smug even in utter obliviousness to what you have read.

Mostly you just talk like a bitch, pretentiously over-format your posts, and the pair of you are literal anime-nerd gamer fags.

argosciv ago

All I did was mock his Jewphemism of "globalist" you dumbfuck, there's no "irony." This is one reason no one respects you: smug even in utter obliviousness to what you have read.

Lol, kay. So you must have plenty to say about Robert Maxwell's sordid career, right?

the pair of you are literal anime-nerd gamer fags

He said, naming his new alt after the Nintendo 64 version of Donkey Kong.

DonkeyDong64 ago

So you must have plenty to say about Robert Maxwell's sordid career, right?

Yea I bet Trump had Ivanka suck him off on that yacht

He said, naming his new alt after the Nintendo 64 version of Donkey Kong.

Yes, faggot, THAT is an example of irony as well as my flaccid hang stats.

Tanngrisnir ago

Heh, no one can say Donkey was ever consistent.

argosciv ago


Empire_of_the_mind ago

The part about it being scrubbed is not accurate nor necessary. Try to focus on what you can actually show.

Jammer78 ago

can you post the link to her comment and prove it's not scrubbed?

Empire_of_the_mind ago

i can't prove when it was scrubbed but if someone was scrubbing that account today they'd have done a lot more than one rando comment. the point is that trying to make it sound like reddit is scrubbing the account takes away from what has been found, which is very significant. if they start scrubbing it that will be another story.

Vindicator ago

Evidence it's not accurate?