lovely1 ago

Epstein associate formwr governor bill richardson going to benezuela where epstwins other coumpound was

still_winning ago

Covering up perversion is not a good look for them.

Nfn8wzdm ago

Not really much of a race. Anons have not chance to archive if reddit cared enough. They could blow out the entire account in a matter of seconds. Admins kinda have that kind of power. Deleting accounts is effortless.

Qdini ago

This CDAN post indicates authorities should be investigating Ohanian (former CEO of Reddit) in light of this recent discovery of Maxwell's posts:

@Molochhunter, @rickki6

MolochHunter ago

worthy of its own post if you havent already

Qdini ago

Go for it @MolochHunter!

DanijelStark ago

Nothing is deleted from net - even if Reddit tries to scrub it to hide their connections and clear support to pedo-rings... if this profile was uncovered as used by Maxwell for longer time, you can be assured that those who tracked her, tracked her for longer time and have all the dirt on her and wider ...

TrishaUK ago

Ellen K Pao, she till has a twitter up and running - who is this woman? I don't know how to check everything about her. She openly says on her twitter that she and Ghislaine were at the Kleiner party, and that she knew about Ghislaine Maxwell supplying underage girls for sex -

kestrel9 ago

The statement that she knew, she corrected to say that she suspected. Not standing up for her, just making a note of it.

TrishaUK ago

ah thanks 👍🏻

TrishaUK ago

She is reposting stuff like this:- GROSS and saying the police have done it! Ellen K. Pao Retweeted

(Leftist Cat



Jun 2

I wonder why news stations are almost exclusively covering looting & calling property damage violence, when pol¡ce are doing this to people.) NO WONDER PEOPLE ARE GOING CRAZY WHEN THEY ARE SPREADING THIS!

:// @rickki6 @

still_winning ago

People are waking up.


What are the odds that there is a connection to Stonetear?

redtoe_skipper ago

What connection is obvious to you?

Stonetear, Paul cambetta, was the guy who allegedly asked for a way to delete emails from the Clinton server on reddit.

How is that related?

Basballdude ago

Reminds me of Clear and Present Danger when Jack Ryan is frantically trying to get the printer to work before the cia chief deletes all the files...

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

So... goodbye reddit. Looks like you supported an international pedophilia network and also manipulated the stock exchange. No wonder Chairman Pao has so many things to say. Chings gonna Chong.

juschippinyababe ago

I'm really fucking sick of the chinese. Time to get the dental floss out and blind the fuckers.

Nfn8wzdm ago

Damn.... you almost made it to the end of your post without saying something racist. #fail.

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

How could you not take advantage of the ching chong? When Andrew Yang was running for president under the guise of free money for all/no work required (prep work for their plandemic), I loved trolling his support base.

His birth name is Pinyin Yang.

Ching chang, Bing bang, ting tang,

Warra warra, ding dang

Wing wang, ching chang

Bing bong, PINYIN YANG!

MolochHunter ago

correction , 15 yrs account commenced 2006

crazy_eyes ago

Just the fact that reddit is deleting posts from this account is an admission of the veracity

still_winning ago

You called it.

ThisNameAlreadyTaken ago

Also, hasn't posted anything since the day she was arrested.

Nfn8wzdm ago

Cancel culture has everyone rethinking all of their old posts.

crazy_eyes ago

not me, try again. words have meanings. If everybody was rethinking their old posts wouldn't it stand to reason that I would be. Nigger faggot

Nfn8wzdm ago

You're an example that not all racists think clearly.

crazy_eyes ago

fuck you

the first amendment

if you going to refuse me my right to speak

i will use the second

kestrel9 ago

Not true, there are other plausible reasons imho

pcherry17 ago

shut the fuck up

jondrell ago

Fuck off! Either you are a shill or a fucking sheep.

crazy_eyes ago

What reason would there be for reddit to suddenly start deleting the posts from that specific account as soon as it was noticed? Please tell me any other plausible reason

Nfn8wzdm ago

Is 'reddit' deleting, or is it possibly the owner of the account? We want it to be maxwell, but what if it's not?

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

Ghislaine hasn't logged in. It's reddit. They just were sleeping on the watch. It's surprising they didn't do it sooner when you think about it. Chairman Pao and spez are both involved for sure since they personally know her and elevated her to her position with some nice little payouts of course.

DickTick ago

You just started that comment off with a whole bunch of huge accusations, stated as if they were absolute fact, but do you have any legitimate, tangible, and citable proof from a reliable source for any of those claims in the first 3 sentences?

If all we're going to do is sit around here and yell favorable things that other people want to hear and want to be true, regardless of whether or not we have any proof at all whatsoever of those claims, then I don't really see how that's much better than what the left is also currently doing online...

I can sit here and yell fantasy things that would be amazing if they turned out to be true too.... But if I don't have actual reliable repeatable proof of those claims, then explain to me how that is helping our cause or helping us not see our country continue to be destroyed in real life?

We're supposed to be trained here to only work off of logic and tangible provable facts.... But, unfortunately, it seems a lot of the times this place seems more like a fanfiction website for a good book, where creative people write alternative versions, and/or side stories, for a really good book. That's exactly what it feels like when reading comments like yours sometimes... The stuff is nice to read, but it's sometimes clearly fantasy.

You can know something all you want to, but it doesn't mean shit unless you can prove it... and there's a big ass difference between the two.

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

So you seriously think the only reason Pao said anything about Ghislaine's sex trafficking and that she knew about it and couldn't do anything was a coincidence which coexisted with her arrest?

crazy_eyes ago

reddit is deleting

kestrel9 ago

User name Maxwellhill, who started with reddit very early on, was touted as the 'mystery celebrity' legend reddit contributor (promoted via coverage on Gizmodo on at least 2 occasions) Maxwellhill interview mentions that 5 reddit contributors left to get paid by AOL to scour the web for best news stories. (related, but Maxwellhill was not chosen for that opportunity due to 'inexperience'. My thought regarding a plausible alternative explanation is the following: Maxwellhill may be a paid user to promote traffic to reddit under the banner of superstar 'organic' user. Maxwellhill could be a name used by several people over time, maybe even the owners themselves or some group is paid provides that service (prolific content generating activity). All to promote and drive traffic to reddit. To have a mistaken identity of Maxwellhill being Ghislaine could be embarassing to the user/users who are Maxwellhill and to Reddit, that maybe they pay for content which includes the creepy pedo related comments/articles.

That's one plausible explanation imho.

crazy_eyes ago

That's not very plausible

WWG__1__WGA ago

you dumb

crazy_eyes ago

anybody can claim anything without proof on the internet

kestrel9 ago

anybody can claim anything without proof on the internet

Like anons claiming that Maxwellhill is Ghislaine

The example I gave was from years ago, a group of mods discussing things and one posting about that, no reason to pretend otherwise.

crazy_eyes ago

I have not made the claim that it is Gizz account. I made the statement that reddit suddenly deleting the posts from that account after it was discovered by the chans makes it appear as though the allegations are the truth. If it were my reddit account and the chans had erroneously attributed my account to Epstein or Maxwell of any of the other players in that game reddit would not delete my account.

kestrel9 ago

Sorry I thought you were claiming that it was Gizz.

crazy_eyes ago

I am saying that it appears that it is the way reddit is responding to the news

Vindicator ago

Thanks for the crosspost, MH! I've been adding to that submission periodically.

Very much worth looking at is @MadWorld's data-crunching of the json file here. Haven't had a chance to dig into it yet myself.