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iam ago

Some of the spelling that /u/maxwellhill uses indicates that the user is British.

For example, here, Maxwell Hill spells it "offences" rather than the American way to spell it, which would be "offenses".

michaelofsydneysmate ago

Or Australian. We spell proply over here too.

GlobalSouth ago

My impression was always that u/maxwellhill and u/BritishEnglishPolice were one and the same person.

carebearglare ago

There are also, if I remember correctly, other speakers of British English than just Ghislaine Maxwell alone. There have to be at least a couple hundred worldwide.

RedWhiteBlues ago

Really? I'm sure the Malaysian run down resort named Maxwell Hill has nothing to do with how the British ex pat picked his user account name. I'm also sure as shills that the account replying to PMs and deleting it's own posts while Jizzlayin is in jail doesn't disprove this widely shilled topic at all.

Gorillion ago

Lol, look at this concernfag's ccp.

Totally not a pedo playing protection for mama maxwell.


darkknight111 ago

The times the account did not post match up perfectly with her activities. Such as that 2011 party Ellen Pao mentioned...and her arrest.

sinclair ago

There was also one from when her Mother died.

Vindicator ago

We should try to link to the evidence of that.

sinclair ago

Time gaps

Kleiner Perkins Party (The one where Ellen K. Pao said she saw her)

07DEC2011, 08:45 - 10DEC2011, 14:34 -

Lead: bread #2

Planetary Sessions Speaker for TerraMar Project (submarines)

11OCT2013 - 13OCT2013 -

Lead: /pol bread #3

Her Mom Died

06AUG2013 - 09AUG2013 -

Lead: /pol bread #4

2 Day Epstein "Suicide"

10AUG2019 - 12AUG2019 -

Lead: /pol bread #4

There's a few to start.

DohBoy ago

The party went from December 7 to December 10? That actually makes more sense to me now. I figured you guys were talking about a gap of several hours. OK, this is much more reasonable. Although I will submit, they were probably millions of people who post on Reddit that had gaps in the same spots that aren’t Maxwell. But now you couple this with all the weird Pedo crap… This is getting interesting. I still want real evidence, but this is interesting.

sinclair ago

Then Google did this:

Add Madeleine gap.

There's like 4 other relevant gaps, too.

Kleiner Perkins Party (The one where Ellen K. Pao said she saw her)

07DEC2011, 08:45 - 10DEC2011, 14:34 -

Lead: bread #2

Planetary Sessions Speaker for TerraMar Project (submarines)

11OCT2013 - 13OCT2013 -

Lead: /pol bread #3

Her Mom Died

06AUG2013 - 09AUG2013 -

Lead: /pol bread #4 -

2 Day Epstein "Suicide"

10AUG2019 - 12AUG2019 -

Lead: /pol bread #4

Vindicator ago

I wish I could give you 40 upvotes. Outstanding!

carebearglare ago

Yeah, that is oddly telling. There is some validity to this hypothesis. If it is true, that means that one of the greatest influencers on Reddit, for years now, was a procurer of children for sexual exploitation, and more than likely linked directly to at least one intelligence agency, most likely Isreal's. And she attended the same parties as Ellen Pao, CEO of Reddit during the hatchet job that was her tenure. Who knew all about her day job and said nothing, indicating fear of her. Because if she knew about her activities, then the next question she would have asked is "Why isn't she arrested?" and the answer to that would have most likely been what we're all after: Ghislaine's connection(s) to state power.

Which means that u/maxwellhill had power greater than the then-CEO of Reddit and would have been able to influence more that just the discussion threads, but make direct requests to Reddit leadership. The only thing in the way ofovert censorship would have been public opinion, which was circumvented by grouping in targets with other hated subreddits, like r/fatpeoplehate.

darkknight111 ago

I HIGHLY suspect Maxwell had a hand in the censorship of r/pizzagate r/thedonald r/cbts and r/thegreatawakening (the later 3 often talked about pizzagate related things).

Vindicator ago

Ghislaine is fluent in four or five languages, as I recall.

ChiCom ago

mismacheta ago

the "Enigma code breaker's niece" comment is a dead giveaway. That perhaps means little to anyone other than a Brit, but to an Islander it's evoking a national hero.

darkknight111 ago

Appears to be an ordinary guy. Became more receptive when the timing of non posting got discussed.

Blacksmith21 ago

She is. But her native tongue is UK English. Nice work.

JunOS ago

'bloody hell's is a dead giveaway shes a limey.

Many comment posts and posts in general used it.