zerozen77 ago


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jesojr ago

Austen Powers has his day in court, oh" behave

PontarBewsar ago

That's a jewbomination if I ever saw one.

boekanier ago

Nathan, also a jew and appointed by obama... what could go wrong?

boekanier ago

America is so weird. Nothing is normal anymore.

mudbear ago

no mention of that nose? seriously?

Leonidas4Q ago

Maybe Ghislaine will get lucky when called into chambers with the Judge.

MetalAegis ago

A pedophile judging a pedophile, that's rich.

BaronVonCockmurder ago

That's... Wait... What?

thebearfromstartrack ago

So...he's a GUY, pretending he's a girl who's attracted to girls which makes HIM a lesbian? Couldn't get girls the STRAIGHT forward way?? This route/plan seems normal for certain sorts of Jews.

bonghits4jeebus ago

Nathan is the fourth openly gay individual nominated by the Obama Administration for a judicial appointment.

Wait, so is he gay cuz he likes dudes or is he one of those "lesbians"? Not sure why I need to know this

Bill_Williamson ago

Why ya reading lbqtwtfbbq site, friend?

necrophagist79 ago

This seems like an insult.

whiteboyday ago

Can tranny fuk themselves? I'm gonna guess. It can go fuk itself

Mustard_Monkey ago

Faggot link do not click.

gerberlyfe2 ago


HP_Lovecraft ago

So essentially that kikess will ensure zero justice is delivered.

FU_PNS ago

Are you fucking kidding me!

experiment80 ago

Every fucking time.

Tyrodragon ago

I don't believe justice will be found in the US Court system. It is becoming more apparent each day the Federal courts are not going to be effective for prosecuting all of these cases. There are simply way too many DP actors there. To me, it looks like the military is the only option. My hope is that the DP is removed well enough from the military for the trials to begin.

Is this the real Great Awakening? One in which we finally grasp how utterly corrupt the US government actually is? Will it be similar to Henry Kissinger's infamous statement, but instead of Americans being outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order, Americans tomorrow will be grateful to see the US Military enter and hold military tribunals for all the criminals and traitors of our country?

“Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government." --- Henry Kissinger.

What did Kissinger know? When he said -- "The one thing every man fears is the unknown", was he referring to a future Plan-demic such as Covid-19?

SaneandAware ago

Just when you think you have seen it all.

So a sick degenerate tranny is the judge... say goodbye to justice. Thanks again Obama.

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

Physiognomy is real.

That feeling of revulsion you experience when gazing upon that creature's malformed visage is your natural instincts warning you of imminent danger. Trust your instincts.

Niggertoes ago

It's all so tiresome.

DohBoy ago

Is this real? Goodness. This is a complete setup and couldn’t be more obvious. Between this thing and Maureen Comey prosecuting the case, this will blowback so hard the White House won’t know what hit it.

Is there truly nothing they can do about this?

Helena73 ago

Prediction— an arrangement was made with Ghislaine that she testify Donald Trump had sex with underage teens in exchange for a light sentence. Just in time for election.

DohBoy ago

I’ve tossed this out there, too. Let’s put it this way: if that is what was going to happen, this is exactly how it would look. She supplied kids to predators - of COURSE she’ll say anything to make a deal, and Maureen Comey’s involvement is 100% bad news.

SaneandAware ago

And of all places she settled within commuting distance of their Manhattan offices. They have been crafting the evidence and her testimony for months now, to get the people they want and leave out the Clintons etc.


I agree. This will be the playbook. Trump diddled kids is what they'll say. They know metoo ruined the rape accusations, some of which have stood for decades against him.

Also Trump is a dumbass for allowing himself to be photographed next to bill & hillary clinton, and on 1 occasion with jew pedo blackmailer epstein. But this was before all the allegations on his pedo island about foot rubs and other pedo shit came out.

1Sorry_SOB ago

Can we the people demand a gentile judge?

We the people want to learn what happened to in this organization that pimped to our politicians. Were they working for Israel? I don't trust a Jew as judge in this case.

The Jews go on and on about blacks not getting a fair trial in front of a white jury.


Black Judge Effect proves otherwise. White male judges are the most impartial judges.

whyamIevenhere ago

A pedo will never put in jail another one of its own. Ugh

gerberlyfe2 ago

Jew pedo

peacegnome ago

Jews don't jail jews unless the orders come down from higher up. Add ultra-degenerate to that.

lord_nougat ago

...or unless it profits them directly somehow to imprison him. They don't have regular people fealty.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Jews happily throw each other under the bus for a few shekels indeed.

Tuftedtitmouse ago

Tranny lesbo? Who a dude who dresses like a woman, but also likes women? I am not sure I follow that logic.

TFS ago

Logic? Logic and common sense is long dead and pushing daisies by now. If you can do a better job of properly categorize this foul specimen please go ahead.

thirdsargon ago

Transvestite lesbian? WTF? How does that work?

SaneandAware ago

A mentally ill man that wants to play with a woman's body (post surgery) and still try to pick up on women.

BirthTheGirth ago

How, with being listed as a mental disorder, can someone trans become a judge?!

ch3f4554551n ago

It isn't in the DSM-5 as a mental disorder anymore. The (((intelligencia))) rammed that through the academic channels a few years ago.


Sounds to me we need a new standard that negates the DSM. Why play by their rules?

ch3f4554551n ago

because they own academia. We can't win until we destroy the apparatus that enables their power.

TaosDeiopW ago

Which is not going to happen in a peaceful way.

Civil war type scenario might solve it.

RonBennington ago

So jewish looking that for some reason my brain puts a yamaka on its head. Even though I know it's not really there. This is weird

amd2020 ago

My eyes!

RoBatten ago

I'm not even gonna look. I'll take your word . . .

AbrahamShekelstein ago

This is terrfying

bfriend13 ago

Nathan Alison is kind of an odd looking dude.

Monstrum ago

That creature is a jew, sir

TFS ago

A jew who knows pedophile Alan Dershowitz as well as Eliot Spitzer.

kevo7777 ago

Is it possible that we are already living in hell? Like, if I died, would I just be reincarnated in this same world? I just don't think hell could be any more evil and ridiculous than this.

TaosDeiopW ago


If this would be Hell, you would have no relief.

Don't fool yourself, Hell is soo bad, no human can resist there.

Loxicologist ago

I didn’t think fish tacos were kosher

AdaptOrDie ago

Fucking degenerate kike scum. It should throw itself off the top of a high building.

Cunty84 ago

Transvestite Lesbian butch kike.

1Paydaddy ago

No doubt we are watching a movie. POTUS is showing us how bad we were infiltrated.

vastrightwing ago

Shouldn't judges be sane?

I mean putting a mentally ill person behind the bench sounds very strange to me.

Wait! Now I understand. She was appointed by obama.

SearchVoatBot ago

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phantasmm ago


CowWithBeef ago

It's called subversion.

soundsalad ago

Biological man or woman? And where did s/he get those twin boys?!

MrEvilPirate ago

The fuck is that thing?

TFS ago

They are called jews.

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

You ever get the feeling you are living in The Truman Show and they've designed your world to push you over the edge?

sinclair ago

Get the rope and pitchforks ready; you know, just in case.

Void0101010101 ago

Funny you mention that.

I made a huge number of good life choices starting around October of last year, to finally rid myself of some long standing problems that I had been unbelievably lazy about.

Early February or so things were fucking fantastic. Pretty much had sent all my bullshit out to pasture.

Then I read a random article about Elon Musk and Joe Rogan smoking weed and talking about how statistically the world is more likely to be a simulation than reality because our ability to simulate the world perfectly realistically is almost here, which means the probability of this being "the one" real world and not one of those simulations statistically becomes extremely small.

Which really fucked with my mind a little. Because it does make sense.

Then corona collapse happened, and i've been thinking ever since - is this part of a simulation? Do you solve your bullshit and then all of a sudden it progresses to level 2 which is basically "Ok now that you survived life, time to survive the apocalypse!"

I mean, come on, think about it. The whole world is acting like NPC robots in some badly written Anime. They are literally out there going "I read this in the news! Everything in the news is true! I don't see any of the 10 million holes in the corona half-hoax because I am so smart! We are all gonna die!"

Anyway, I have twenty problems again, because everything went fucking sideways. Just living day to day at this point. I guess if it's a simulation i've got to figure out what the writers of this bad video game want me to do next lol.

9000timesempty ago

What the fuck are you on about you fucking moron.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Then I read a random article about Elon Musk and Joe Rogan smoking weed and talking about how statistically the world is more likely to be a simulation than reality because our ability to simulate the world perfectly realistically is almost here

The thing you have to understand is that he is 100% full of SHIT about this point. We are no where near being able to simulate even a 1km sq section of reality with any fidelity.

Jungun ago

Hope you were smart enough to hop on TSLA after dipshit normies dropped it below $200 because Elon smoked a blunt.

CalibanFresco ago

Can we cut to commercial? I need a break.

GoyimNose ago

Hitler took that leap into the unknown

DavidsHogg ago

This entire year has been one fuck you after another. I don’t know how there haven’t been more people snap and just say fuck it and knock all the blocks down in Minecraft.

Neongreen ago

I can actual feel people around me now. It won't be long. Even at the gas station.

gazillions ago

Not having a boogalloo would be much more destructive than having one. You can only put up with their abuse for so long and Trump has made it perfectly clear, the abuse of Whites is AOK .

DavidsHogg ago

There’s no doubt that the long noses are setting in a smoke filled back room asking themselves why we haven’t done anything yet, as they’ve done everything they could to push us.

gazillions ago

The mistake is that people believe it will settle down after the election. It wont. The blacks are unleashed and they kill, that's what they do. And the jews in the backrooms aren't going to stop after the election either because they never ever stop. They are fundamentalist psychopaths.

They have no reason to stop. We have no reason to allow them to keep abusing us.

AssfaceSandwich4or5 ago

whites are a much more efficient killing group. Why so scared? You should understand that if the paid actors of the state would stop murdering people at traffic stops this shit wouldn't be happening.

gazillions ago

Piss off idiot. Those police officers are doing what they're paid to do, protect people from the likes of George Floyd.

ONly eh most venal kind of sub human would take money to be anti police.

The defund the police movement is a money grab. The parasitesr unning social programs that create George Floyds in the first place want that money. They wown't get it though. The jews get it all always.

DavidsHogg ago

I can feel it too. Outside of a long term food supply I’m ready as I can be. Told my wife I didn’t think it was a good idea for her to go anywhere alone or just with our kids without me with them. She’s armed but we’ve all seen how white women pulling gun on the nogs go.

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

Quick, easy and cheap partial food supply solution. Order a bunch of seed and learn how to sprout. It is also quite portable and takes up little space. Seed can be easily stored for long periods and then sprouted in 3 - 7 days depending on type. Suggest getting a variety, include something like radish and mustard for flavor.

SaneandAware ago

I am a big fan of seeds and sprouting, and they are so nutrition dense, so they are a good call. But they have practically no calories, so should be only thought off as a source of nutrition/ vitamins etc.

You need some high dense calories as well - rice, flour nut butters etc. Things that won't rot if the electricity goes out.

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

Anyone that doesn't have at least 50 lbs. of rice and 50 lbs. of beans on standby is an idiot.

SaneandAware ago

and learn which of your libtard neighbors have large stores of food and supplies.

YeetDiscreetly ago

All the time, unfortunately.

metricisokay ago

Giving all Alison's and Nathan's everywhere a bad name. 🥺

Chempergrill ago

Don't dox yourself.

noob_tube ago

Ah, the (((jewdicial))) system shall surely bring us justice this time! I really can't take all this WINNING!

gazillions ago

Pray that thing is run over by a bus or a car at least. Crooked predetermined racist jew judges are not acceptable.

dirt_reynolds ago

If you think this is anything other than political theater, you're in for a big disappointment.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

His comment is very obvious sarcasm bud.

videocodec ago

THat thing looks like a caricature of a jew. No need to look up that persons history.

The_Moistiest_Jew ago

Yup. Jew a mile away.

aloha_snackbar ago

can smell the hummus a mile away

SaneandAware ago

That is from India, but whatever. lol

jimibulgin ago

Hummus is fucking delicious. How dare you bring jews into it!

Tuftedtitmouse ago

2/2 it's like potatoes, no one really likes to eat a blank boiled potato without salt, butter, sour cream, cheese, chives, bacon, etc... It's a vehicle for the actual good shit.

Tuftedtitmouse ago

It's mushed up chick peas. I bet you only like the added flavors, not the actual hummus. I remember we used to buy it (before I knew better) and I would always eat the part in the middle with the sun dried tomatoes and oil, the rest would end up in the back of the fridge.