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BrennKommando ago

Worth looking into, but after having looked a bit at their posting history I'm not really seeing any smoking guns.

darkknight111 ago

A LOT of reddits behaviour and the banning of certain subs can be logically explained by this though.

Hopevoats ago

Sometimes the absence of smoke is more telling than the smoke.

FingerMcGee ago

Sometimes no evidence equals evidence of a highly skilled and/or government run clean-up operation.

Hopevoats ago

In this case, it would appear that she was running a skillful gatekeeping operation by curating those subs to appear informative while omitting very critical stories. One can be certain that she was preventing the damaging stories from being seen.

I would be shocked to learn that she was not heavily invested in the site. And this story could have major implications in terms of the Publisher vs. Platform issue. Her possible censorship could be one of her most prosecutable crimes.