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jD13JsxQ ago

Question: It seems like zog's control of the government is complete from top to bottom. BUT, if so, why was Epstein ever arrested in the first place? To stage a getaway and a new anonymous life for him? If so, why? Doesn't that seem like an unnecessary step if their control is total? And why arrest Ghislaine? There's gotta be some force for good still installed in the government for these two to have been arrested. Right?

When she got arrested I started wondering if Epstein didn't kill himself because he was put into some kind of witness protection program. Maybe they realized he was a sitting duck in prison and they faked his death to keep him alive because he was cooperating to some degree.

Maybe I'm just desperate for a white pill.

chrimony ago

Faking a death seems a bit much. Either he committed suicide or was murdered.

crazy_eyes ago

You think faking a death is a bit much for the mossad? They took the twin towers down on live tv, a jail extraction is childs play

chrimony ago

Planes flew into buildings. Dancing Israelis watched as it happened, so they were at least aware of the Muzzy plot. I'm not into demolition theory. Faking Epstein's death in a supermax prison, how would you go about that logistically?

AffirmativeApartheid ago

How would you go about having a crack smoking nigger faggot and a tranny in the White House for 8 years?

crazy_eyes ago

how did the towers come down if it was not demolition? At free fall speed no less, meaning there was no resistance all the way to the ground. What were those israeli art students installing? How can you be so obtuse?

chrimony ago

I'm not debating 9/11 with a qtard.

DougieJones ago

You seem mostly like a reasonable guy. If you aren't convinced it was a controlled demolition, I highly recommend you watch September 11: The New Pearl Harbor. Not only is it the best conspiracy documentary Ive ever seen, it's the greatest documentary full-stop. Well-sourced, very thorough, and straight-forward with it's presentation. It's fucking long, but them's the breaks, kid.

chrimony ago

I highly recommend you watch September 11: The New Pearl Harbor

They make good arguments. Still not 100% sold, but food for thought.

crazy_eyes ago

so you choose to attempt to insult me. Keep your head in the sand. Tell me, what building codes were changed as a result of 911 to keep buildings from collapsing into their own footprints?

chrimony ago

It's not a matter of insulting you. It's a matter of not wasting my time.

crazy_eyes ago

if you believe the story that the NIST report gave you, all of your time in your life has been a waste

steven_feelsperg ago

It's amazing anyone still believes jet fuel melts steel beams and pancake floor collapses in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

chrimony ago

It's amazing anyone still believes jet fuel melts steel beams

It's amazing retards still parrot this line, when the temperatures of the fire was enough to SOFTEN the steel beams.

DougieJones ago

And still burn for 99 days after the collapse? Does that make sense to you?