Fucking HUGE development. /pol/ found Ghislaine Maxwell's Reddit account. She was a mod of worldnews! (boards.4chan.org)
submitted 4.7 years ago by tomdogg
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Floodthewestcoast 4.7 years ago
I can't follow this autism. Someone tldr it for me
the_illusive_man 4.7 years ago
Basically, it appears that Ghislaine Maxwell was not only a poster on Reddit for years, but a mod as well. A mod of several notable subreddits, in fact, like r/technology.
Remy_ 4.7 years ago
Reddit is/was being manipulated to alter msm opinion/content.
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Floodthewestcoast ago
I can't follow this autism. Someone tldr it for me
the_illusive_man ago
Basically, it appears that Ghislaine Maxwell was not only a poster on Reddit for years, but a mod as well. A mod of several notable subreddits, in fact, like r/technology.
Remy_ ago
Reddit is/was being manipulated to alter msm opinion/content.