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Vindicator ago

Stickying this for a bit in v/pizzagate. :-)

DanglingGoatBalls ago

For a much more likely scenario you might try this?

You really think Ghislaine, with her jet setting and yachting lifestyle, has been sitting around posting on Redditt every day for 14 years? Seriously? I'm not surprised you bit off on this though.

"Ghislaine is probably at GITMO"....right bro?

Planetoftheclown ago

not a case of some basic pleb posting

Let me tell you about my Reddit experience when I first got into the site circa 2010. The site was largely organic. You could get posts to the front page with a bit of creativity, timing & luck. By 2013, mods were banning posts for "rulez violations" and the next thing you knew your content was reposted under a different account and on the front page. Some cases the content was redone, but still exactly the same. In other cases they didn't even do that and just reposted your banned content. By 2015 all pretense of Reddit being a community of plebs producing content was over. Do you ever see posts about people trying to make it to the front page anymore? Of course not. Plebs don't get to participate on Reddit beyond comments or in fringe subs. Wholesome pictures of little grandmas on the front page with McD's in the background.....yeah right.

Vindicator ago

Yeah, I briefly lurked Reddit back in 2016, until they banned r/pizzagate amidst the coordinated censorship crackdown and attempt to label legit research as "fake news". Came to Voat and never looked back.

Seeing Maxwell's involvement in the curation of the "news" there really exposes how diligently the globalists control the narrative. But this is a family tradition -- her father controlled a number of publishers, including Mirror Group Newspapers.

NinaSparrow ago


Don-Keyhote ago

Ah yes the "globalist" "family tradition" of owning media empires oy vey. You're so transparent it's laughable

This is you in a post claiming Maxwell was unnecessarily "renditioned" to GTMO:

there are also some [Voaters] who believe the Fusion GPS "Trump is Cabal" narrative

Why would anyone need to lie so blatantly, as if any Voater relies on FGPS or distrusts Zognald on the same basis they do LMAO

You are no longer even attempting to hide the fact that you're a paid kike-shill to maintain a retard-boomer user base on a platform they'd otherwise never pollute.

Vindicator ago

Ooo. Looks like I hit a nerve! Cry more, Donkey.