redwing14 ago

she said 'we'. Everyone knew about it.

BB-3 ago

The title is supposed to be more than 10 characters long so that we don't end up with a bunch of shitty undescriptive titles like "kill it."

Granite_Pill ago

The Ellen Pao reddit debacle is was what turned me right wing. Thank you, Ellen Pao.

Cunty84 ago

Chinks are emotionless, their entire culture is based on selfishness and seldom help anybody in dire need. Whites have altruism, all others are there for taking.

thebearfromstartrack ago

This is the way of the elite?

Helena73 ago

Haha. She’s protected her account.


Here's Who Was At The Super Exclusive Kleiner Perkins Party Last Night -Boonsri Dickinson Dec 8, 2011

Business Insider


Derpfroot ago

I searched, it's real (posted Jul 6, 2019), but I can't link the actual tweet because she has them protected.

Literally-Oppressed ago

So.. is this legit and can we hang her?

Vhaine ago

Reddit knew about pedos and did nothing about it with their huge woke voice?! Surprise!


Her silence is violence. GUILTY!!

SaxonWolfcock ago

This is literally why they want non white races here. They arent human, and dont have the empathy to ever call out a jew for harming children.

redwing14 ago

she said 'we', which means a lot of people knew. It's not just non-whites.. it's a big deal for regular people to go against these mafia type people..

1human ago

Cindy McStain also made a comment about Epstein and that everyone knew what he was about.

DamoclesofBenghazi ago

She was head of reddit when they decided a woman should control what they say on Reddit

Naughtius_Maximus ago

You know how she likes to keep information from getting out...

knightwarrior41 ago

they ALL are in the know.its the common people that they are trying to keep in ignorance because they all profit from it in some way or fashion.i bet 2 dollars that i dont have that this bitch is a chinese agent

calcy454 ago

she's in charge of reddit (at the time) a platform based on sharing information of all kinds (supposedly) and she neglects to use it to inform the world a highly sophisticated pedophile/sex trafficking ring was happening and you let it slip because of your fucking ego.

demons on earth.

New-World-Ebola ago

fucking chinese cunts have no empathy.

kill this bitch

AlexProkhorenkoLives ago

She is a living cancer blight on our lives and needs to be epsteined

bingo-bango-bongo ago

This fried rice bitch deserves a corona

PhimoticEmbrace ago

She deserves a 99% survival rate? Wut.

bingo-bango-bongo ago


PizzaphilePodesta ago

think of all the bans and ghosting reddit admins issued for pizzagate. who’s “we,” ellen?

Azibase ago

She used to be a ceo

child_abuse ago

Intern ceo for Reddit right before the 2016 elections. She came in and enforced new rules that pretty much shaped reddit to be a liberal indoctrination platform. Then she dipped out with the money like planned after the changes. She was only there to take the heat and dip. It worked.

Socio ago

Tells me she is complicit and needs to be arrested.

capicua ago

her and everyone else at the same party, it almost sounds like she just mentions it completely casually on twitter like it was no big deal. to be fair, the whole world knew back in 2016 but no one did shit about it for 4 whole years

drhitler ago

Not defending any of them, but of course some high profile people who are not associated are going to be photographed with them, they were literally blackmail agents trying to lure high society to the island and those function are a great way for them to "network"

Prudencia_Prim ago

Is there an archive? Tweets are protected now.

dagal ago

Checked. It's real.

Prudencia_Prim ago


subscribetopewdiepie ago

Most women will never stand up for their claimed principals if it will actually cost them something. Ellen was on the cusp of being accepted into the club of elites and she wasn't going to rock the boat.

AmericanJew2 ago


dismyassholeaccount ago

Ellen Pao was like "me first"

PizzaphilePodesta ago

average reddit admin

Plant_Boy ago

Ellen Pao has now gone up 1 point in my book. She currently sits at 1 point in my book.

Gimmedatt ago

Why? She didn't do anything about it so she was more or less aiding them. Fuck this chink bitch

Plant_Boy ago

She recognises the problem and openly states about the problem.

I guess she'd be looking for an incident like PizzaGate to make what she knows known.

Literally-Oppressed ago

Nah fuck you faggot. Btw I knew that your children were being abused 10 years ago :)))) hope that helps :)))))))

weredawg ago

Way after the fact and was attending parties with those cool people she wanted to be around.

gazillions ago

Another communist agent bitch whore.

Argumentative ago

isn't that chink a former reddit admin?

LurkedForever ago

Chairman Pao. Her actions are why many of us origionally came to Voat (self included) with FPH

AttackHelicopter ago

How do you not know about Chairman Pao? It wasn't that long ago that she sank Reddit.

Argumentative ago

was it less that 5.4 years ago? because i haven't given a shit about plebbit since i came here

cyclops1771 ago

No, it was exactly 5.4 years ago when she started pulling this shit, telling all of reddit how they needed to act, and they needed to watch what they say. bans started happening for offensiveness, not for illegality. Jan/Feb of 2015. Then she banned Coontown and fatpeoplehate around June of that year. When all the gamergate bullshit was happening.

AttackHelicopter ago

The Fattening is what brought me to Voat. I've started over two or three times here. I came for FPH, but stayed for Heil Hitler.

cyclops1771 ago

I came over when Pao started taking gamergate sides and posted the initial "censorship" rules, where you will be banned for wrongthink on gamergate. Picking the side of Not the woman was to be considered 'Hate Speech' and you would be banned.

Ocelot ago

Then she banned Coontown and fatpeoplehate around June of that year

I didn't remember that part, I thought coontown was banned months or a year before that.

Anyways it's funny how back in the day there had only ever been a single subreddit banned from reddit and that was the pedophilic one. Now we're probably in the thousands.

TheManyHands ago

They just banned over 2000 subreddits at once in the latest purge last week.

cyclops1771 ago

I get Coontown and r/niggers mixed up. I may have reversed those two.

But yeah, it was a nice run, but it really wasn;t worth ever talking to anyone there, because there were so many users, you couldn't actually have a conversation, it was simply "hallway sex" communication.

Argumentative ago

ahha i might have been more aware of this bitch than i recall, good shout mate cheers for jogging the old memory

cyclops1771 ago

No worries, she'll be apples!

Broc_Lia ago

Not an admin. After the former CEO stepped down he white knighted her in to give her a bit of credibility. At the time she was pushing a lawsuit against her former employer (a big VC firm) alleging she had been fired due to sexism and she needed a high profile job to make herself look skilled and valuable. Turned out they'd fired her because she was a generally unlikable person who causes conflict wherever she goes.

There was already unrest on reddit over the SJW nonsense that had been growing for years, so appointing a raging feminist to the helm because vagina didn't help matters. At one point she even tried using the site, but she posted a link to something in her own inbox thinking users would be able to see it, which didn't help her image as a clueless outsider. There was a user rebellion for a while, but it got hijacked by SJW powermods who tried to spin it as a rebellion against the lack of censorship tools at their disposal.

Eventually the board "relented" and appointed Steve Huffmin as CEO and gave Pao the boot. I'm guessing they got some first hand experience of dealing with her and decided they didn't want to be the next ones she sued. There was some hope Huffmin wouldn't be a shithead since he had been one of the sites founders and was part of reddit culture back when it was a generally wild west, say what you like kind of place, but of course he went full SJW and started cracking down on anything vaguely hostile to cultural marxism.

So she's exactly the kind of person you'd expect to virtue signal about having known Ghislaine Maxwell was pimping children and not to have done anything about it.

metricisokay ago

She was CEO actually

Ashtraykenazi ago

That was the period of my exodus and discovery of voat

facepaint ago
