kill it. The title must be at least 10 and no more than 200 characters long kill it. (
submitted 4.7 years ago by autism_speaks
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subscribetopewdiepie 4.7 years ago
Most women will never stand up for their claimed principals if it will actually cost them something. Ellen was on the cusp of being accepted into the club of elites and she wasn't going to rock the boat.
AmericanJew2 4.7 years ago
dismyassholeaccount 4.7 years ago
Ellen Pao was like "me first"
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subscribetopewdiepie ago
Most women will never stand up for their claimed principals if it will actually cost them something. Ellen was on the cusp of being accepted into the club of elites and she wasn't going to rock the boat.
AmericanJew2 ago
dismyassholeaccount ago
Ellen Pao was like "me first"