Not an admin. After the former CEO stepped down he white knighted her in to give her a bit of credibility. At the time she was pushing a lawsuit against her former employer (a big VC firm) alleging she had been fired due to sexism and she needed a high profile job to make herself look skilled and valuable. Turned out they'd fired her because she was a generally unlikable person who causes conflict wherever she goes.
There was already unrest on reddit over the SJW nonsense that had been growing for years, so appointing a raging feminist to the helm because vagina didn't help matters. At one point she even tried using the site, but she posted a link to something in her own inbox thinking users would be able to see it, which didn't help her image as a clueless outsider. There was a user rebellion for a while, but it got hijacked by SJW powermods who tried to spin it as a rebellion against the lack of censorship tools at their disposal.
Eventually the board "relented" and appointed Steve Huffmin as CEO and gave Pao the boot. I'm guessing they got some first hand experience of dealing with her and decided they didn't want to be the next ones she sued. There was some hope Huffmin wouldn't be a shithead since he had been one of the sites founders and was part of reddit culture back when it was a generally wild west, say what you like kind of place, but of course he went full SJW and started cracking down on anything vaguely hostile to cultural marxism.
So she's exactly the kind of person you'd expect to virtue signal about having known Ghislaine Maxwell was pimping children and not to have done anything about it.
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Argumentative ago
isn't that chink a former reddit admin?
Broc_Lia ago
Not an admin. After the former CEO stepped down he white knighted her in to give her a bit of credibility. At the time she was pushing a lawsuit against her former employer (a big VC firm) alleging she had been fired due to sexism and she needed a high profile job to make herself look skilled and valuable. Turned out they'd fired her because she was a generally unlikable person who causes conflict wherever she goes.
There was already unrest on reddit over the SJW nonsense that had been growing for years, so appointing a raging feminist to the helm because vagina didn't help matters. At one point she even tried using the site, but she posted a link to something in her own inbox thinking users would be able to see it, which didn't help her image as a clueless outsider. There was a user rebellion for a while, but it got hijacked by SJW powermods who tried to spin it as a rebellion against the lack of censorship tools at their disposal.
Eventually the board "relented" and appointed Steve Huffmin as CEO and gave Pao the boot. I'm guessing they got some first hand experience of dealing with her and decided they didn't want to be the next ones she sued. There was some hope Huffmin wouldn't be a shithead since he had been one of the sites founders and was part of reddit culture back when it was a generally wild west, say what you like kind of place, but of course he went full SJW and started cracking down on anything vaguely hostile to cultural marxism.
So she's exactly the kind of person you'd expect to virtue signal about having known Ghislaine Maxwell was pimping children and not to have done anything about it.