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Argumentative ago

isn't that chink a former reddit admin?

AttackHelicopter ago

How do you not know about Chairman Pao? It wasn't that long ago that she sank Reddit.

Argumentative ago

was it less that 5.4 years ago? because i haven't given a shit about plebbit since i came here

cyclops1771 ago

No, it was exactly 5.4 years ago when she started pulling this shit, telling all of reddit how they needed to act, and they needed to watch what they say. bans started happening for offensiveness, not for illegality. Jan/Feb of 2015. Then she banned Coontown and fatpeoplehate around June of that year. When all the gamergate bullshit was happening.

AttackHelicopter ago

The Fattening is what brought me to Voat. I've started over two or three times here. I came for FPH, but stayed for Heil Hitler.

cyclops1771 ago

I came over when Pao started taking gamergate sides and posted the initial "censorship" rules, where you will be banned for wrongthink on gamergate. Picking the side of Not the woman was to be considered 'Hate Speech' and you would be banned.

Ocelot ago

Then she banned Coontown and fatpeoplehate around June of that year

I didn't remember that part, I thought coontown was banned months or a year before that.

Anyways it's funny how back in the day there had only ever been a single subreddit banned from reddit and that was the pedophilic one. Now we're probably in the thousands.

TheManyHands ago

They just banned over 2000 subreddits at once in the latest purge last week.

cyclops1771 ago

I get Coontown and r/niggers mixed up. I may have reversed those two.

But yeah, it was a nice run, but it really wasn;t worth ever talking to anyone there, because there were so many users, you couldn't actually have a conversation, it was simply "hallway sex" communication.

Argumentative ago

ahha i might have been more aware of this bitch than i recall, good shout mate cheers for jogging the old memory

cyclops1771 ago

No worries, she'll be apples!