Found an article not talked about in the thread. It's about maxwellhill being a powermod manipulating reddit:
The article uses he/him pronouns, but maybe the author assumed the gender. It was a somewhat interesting read, but I didn't find anything about it particularly linking Ghislaine to this account.
davidreiss666 responded to the article being posted on reddit. Not responding to any of the points of the article, just a weird red herring fallacy:
That story proves you are a space alien visiting earth to feast upon human flesh.
See, I can use it as evidence of things that aren't true as well.
The use of "he" pronouns used by these two other people is one bit of circumstantial evidence against maxwellhill being Ghislaine. But there's a ton of circumstantial evidence on the other side. Plus davidreiss666 talks out his ass. Also, one of the anons identified him as (((David Reiss))) but I couldn't verify the link (in the couple mins I tried to).
After having looked through the 4chan thread I think it's highly likely that maxwellhill is Ghislaine
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u_r_wat_u_eat ago
reddit's degeneracy makes that much more sense now.
THESE are the type of people who are modding that place...
albeit ago
Found an article not talked about in the thread. It's about maxwellhill being a powermod manipulating reddit:
The article uses he/him pronouns, but maybe the author assumed the gender. It was a somewhat interesting read, but I didn't find anything about it particularly linking Ghislaine to this account.
Found it from a screenshot posted in the 4chan thread:
Other anons identified davidreiss666 as having said he knows maxwellhill (and referring to maxwellhill as a "he"):
davidreiss666 responded to the article being posted on reddit. Not responding to any of the points of the article, just a weird red herring fallacy:
The use of "he" pronouns used by these two other people is one bit of circumstantial evidence against maxwellhill being Ghislaine. But there's a ton of circumstantial evidence on the other side. Plus davidreiss666 talks out his ass. Also, one of the anons identified him as (((David Reiss))) but I couldn't verify the link (in the couple mins I tried to).
After having looked through the 4chan thread I think it's highly likely that maxwellhill is Ghislaine
330 ago
Theyre all trannies so he isnt even incorrect.