Not that I'm defending my joke, but pointing out that autism has grown into WAY more than mental retardation. Everything from social awkwardness (even with high IQ, like spergs) to senory issues to full blown low functioning adults (retards), is now on the spectrum. Some people are now saying that ADHD is on the spectrum too. It's pretty much just a trend now.
An absolute fact that I experienced first hand with relatives. And friend's kids. The criteria for diagnosis is so vague that they can catch pretty much anyone in it.
I also know a full blown intellectually disabled (retarded) adult who got diagnosed with Asperger's. He can't even shit by himself. And he's almost entirely non-verbal. But has the same exact diagnosis as my niece-in-law who just has an awkward social manner and mild speech delay.
There's definitely a grain of truth to your joke. What they used to call "idiot savants" are now considered part of the autism spectrum. Having deficits in some areas but abnormal proficiency in others is a real thing.
In general, but the definition also includes people with normal and high IQ, which is why I agree with you, that terms are misapplied (more like over-applied) to try to bring as many people as possible under the umbrella of some kind of disorder. It's big business.
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OogaBooga696969 ago
And people call autism a disability... God bless those spergs for doing what they do.
tokui ago
Autism is mental retardation.
Thoroughness is not. It's doggedness.
3141592653 ago
Autism does not = low IQ. So... Who's retarded?
OogaBooga696969 ago
Not that I'm defending my joke, but pointing out that autism has grown into WAY more than mental retardation. Everything from social awkwardness (even with high IQ, like spergs) to senory issues to full blown low functioning adults (retards), is now on the spectrum. Some people are now saying that ADHD is on the spectrum too. It's pretty much just a trend now.
3141592653 ago
OogaBooga696969 ago
An absolute fact that I experienced first hand with relatives. And friend's kids. The criteria for diagnosis is so vague that they can catch pretty much anyone in it.
I also know a full blown intellectually disabled (retarded) adult who got diagnosed with Asperger's. He can't even shit by himself. And he's almost entirely non-verbal. But has the same exact diagnosis as my niece-in-law who just has an awkward social manner and mild speech delay.
3141592653 ago
I have a lot of experience with this.
OogaBooga696969 ago
Ah, I understand.
RevoltNow ago
There's definitely a grain of truth to your joke. What they used to call "idiot savants" are now considered part of the autism spectrum. Having deficits in some areas but abnormal proficiency in others is a real thing.
tokui ago
Aspergers is conclusively linked to lower IQ.
These terms are being misapplied, as is common practice nowadays.
OogaBooga696969 ago
In general, but the definition also includes people with normal and high IQ, which is why I agree with you, that terms are misapplied (more like over-applied) to try to bring as many people as possible under the umbrella of some kind of disorder. It's big business.
BlackGrapeDrank ago
anything to get a patient or parents to subscribe to pills being jammed down their throats
OogaBooga696969 ago
Yep. That and to get people into government subsidized "programs" which fleece the taxpayers for obscene amounts of money.
albeit ago