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Not_C ago

Am I the first to check?


5.1 Years. Joined on: 5/27/2015

Fucking jew was too lazy to change her bio.

NoisySilence ago

WHOA! She goes WAY back.

SIayfire122 ago

Right? 14 years. She joined Reddit March 2006. Reddit was founded June 2005. For reference, here's Reddit in 2006.

It really makes me question how close she was with the admins. Also, I just realized the admins have the post history of vulnerable teenagers and their ip address. Facebook too, and instagram, and twitter. All the admins have to do is hand her the information.

shillaccount3344 ago

Damn she was on there when I was posting replies /w actual news links as rebuttals. Got me gangstalked/drugged/etc for using their own sources against them. I didn't even realize that by being anti-war I was being anti-semetic.