veroni15 ago


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Ifreedoms ago

This is just great news!

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truthwoke33 ago

Hey man, what was the point of the announcement? Why did putt make this post if he can't tell us anything of substance? Isn't transparency something we should all strive for and demand?

I keep asking questions but all I find is a trail of [deleted] and silence.

@pittitout I also notice the moment I start talking money I get no input or response from anyone. Am I making you feel uncomfortable? Am I asking the wrong questions? ;)

Z11Mama ago

My heartfelt thanks to the angel and to you for all of this hard work. Voat is my go to for anything political. Great place! Thank you!

pcn4412 ago

haha awesome

Smarpan ago

Welcome to the land of freedom. I am a voater

Mumbleberry ago

Real smart, spammer

Smarpan ago

Welcome to voat


Dude, really? I still come here, I still think of this as a place I care about. I hope I'm wrong.

HillarysTongueHole ago

Thanks, man! Having a place to let it all hang out is what we all need. You're doing God's work here, son.

ksoulyman ago

Merry Christmas Niggerfaggots

Z11Mama ago

That's a Happy New Year story to top them all. Hip hip hooray!!!

wiltonsanders ago

I'm new here but I'm already excited about this great news. I'll keep doing everything I can to contribute to the community. I wish you all the best.

ShineShooter ago

Bugtest for /v/voatdev, and don't be a niggerfaggot. Welcome to Owlcity!

truthwoke33 ago

Oy vey goyim, stop remembering things, oy gevalt are you drinking enough tap water?? It vey why isn't the flouride working?!!?!

truthwoke33 ago

The best part is @puttitout REFUSES to address these concerns and pretends that we aren't noticing the red flags

Hey, @puttitout , what qre you so afraid of? Why do we scare you so much? Is it because we're asking the wrong questions? Is it frustrating that there are still users who don't blindly follow the narrative you constructed for them? Does it make you angry? Upset? You're probably fuming at the mouth, wishing death and torture upon me. Sorry child, the world doesn't work that way, you can't be the king and you can't fool us all. You're just another worthless piece of shit pawn the kings will throw in the trash the moment they are done. That's assuming they allow you to live.

@puttitout How does it feel to please your masters? Should I loosen the collar around your neck? Be careful, those government leashes can turn into nooses real quick.

When it all falls down, you'll be the first to die.

mynutricenter ago

Merry Christmas and Happy new year to all of you!!

HomerDog7878 ago

Wowsiers, If you've been running this basically by your self this whole time you deserve some mad props, I for one salute your efforts!

ShineShooter ago

He had some help from Atko, and plenty of goats along the way.

Ddboomer ago

Freedom of speech is American!!! Fantastic news!!

mightnotbearobot ago


randumb ago

Can’t wait for the merchandise and reactions to wearing it in public!

Ambrosekanefan ago

As someone who was just banned from reddit, I welcome this place.

BlockNationTYW ago

please like my comment

jerry ago

Signd a deal with FBI for more funding as long as they have full access :D

SpecialFennel ago

hi ;)

Magpi ago

Thank you for working and worrying over Voat while I had the luxury of sitting on my ass reading posts, as if the whole thing was free, not wondering about the who and the what and the costs behind it all - (so, THIS is what it feels like to be a liberal, LOL). Anyway, thanks for the eye-opener. I'm fairly new to Voat so wasn't around for the original plea to the goats for help, but I for one look forward to your merch so I can buy cool things for my hubby and myself! Happy New Year, and here's to many more years of Voat and free speech! <3

GoogleHatesVoat ago

Reddit is going to lose their shit. Ginger Snaps. Ginger Snaps everywhere. When they reeeeeee, remember to rely with "DO MY BIDDING!"

mightnotbearobot ago

Maybe you can let us have free speech for once? Instead of having to have enough good boy points to make a post you can actually let people offer an alternative view of things? Enough of the hivemind mentality.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

I am not surprised you aren't upvoated often. I reviewed some of your post history and you don't seem to put much effort into your writing. There's a lot of one line question threads and the few paragraphs you typed seem to go in circles. Take time to better articulate your points and you will get better results.

I have found that when I thoughtfully disagree with people on voat I am rarely downvoated. Occasionally I get down voated for reasons I feel are unfair, but it is the internet and I can accept that. What I couldn't accept would be a low barrier for entry , where random lurkers could have a disproportionate impact on conversations due to the large lurker/contributer ratio. Don't treat this place like reddit, I promise if you put more effort into your posting you may find much better conversations than you ever found in other parts of the web.

Or you might just be an insufferable cuck that wants to regurgitate anti-white talking points, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now.

mightnotbearobot ago

Is that a good reason to stifle free speech?

ShineShooter ago

That ain't it chief, the only thing being stifled is low IQ posts.

heygeorge ago

Puttsy is going to personally stop by and delete your comment. JK, no he’s not. It doesn’t get much freer.

Some of your comments get upvotes. I think if you were able to work on your communication skills you could come back!

That being said, it’s not up to Putts, it’s up to the users. And it seems they aren’t particularly interested in what you have to say.

mightnotbearobot ago

Indeed. If you don't agree with the hivemind then you don't get a say.


Only 10 post per 24 hours if you have a dissenting view. Cant make a post unless you have sufficient upvoats. God bless Sovoat. (Soviet Voat, geddit? hohoho).

heygeorge ago

Nah, not true.

I disagree politically on here all the time, and some users paint me as running a subversive group bent on overthrowing Voat and stifling free speech.

Yet... plenty of fake points to do and say as I like. Part of the problem could just happen to be you. Externalizing issues generally does not lead to resolution.

Even some spammers manage to get the measly 10CCP required to post. Give me a break.

Oh, yeah, btw, you are on the website, right now, speaking your mind. Idiot. Happy New Year, I hope you find something better to do with it

mightnotbearobot ago

I can only freely speak my mind ten times per 24 hours. Must be enough freedom for some...

anonsupporter ago

Yes. Thank you for your dedication to free speech in today's world of costly censorship. There are so few bastions of freedom left.

WishIwasQ ago

God bless. 2019 will be Glorious!

suddhnews ago

Merry Christmas Voat

henago ago

discusssion, happy hew year

looking4truth ago

That's awesome. As long as "the partner" is not a jew of course

RemoteView8 ago

Happy New Year - thank you for providing this platform for communication.

redpilldessert ago

Putt had some system mods stab him in the back a couple of years ago. v/videos I think. There was an argument over domains

Can you elaborate?

SerfinWithTheAlien ago

1000th comment. Thank you God for all your Angels !!

GhostSkin ago


rodeo13 ago

Congrats, PutItOut. This is really good news. I haven't been on the site recently, but I'm glad to see it still going strong.

Happy New Year and all the best for 2019!

SearchVoatBot ago

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GhostSkin ago

@puttitout I want to put on staff full time. Its hard work being the only person keeping Voat the #1 internet forum for people who love to love. I am Voat, i am a container, i am surround sound, i am aPPle boTTom, i am ( i can protect you), i am speaker wire, i am container container container container container blue container (orange). You need me and i container container container container container. PM me my schedule. I love you.

NosebergShekelman ago

I would like a job here. I need $50,000 yearly, though I only shitpost about jews, blacks and latino's.

poni221 ago

Very cool .

ilikeskittles ago


heygeorge ago

@Cynabuns permaben this naysayer! ^^^

JackBeowulf ago

George Soros buys out another. LOL. just kidding,

Olimpia8 ago

Outstanding! I’m not on here enough, but I really appreciate Voat! Looking fwd to merch. Merry Christmas and a Blessed and Happy New Year to all!!!

massiveprivilege ago

They are starting to ban people on 4chan for saying "nigger". This place is probably the most free speech site right now. Hope it stays that way.


Good news. Nice work, Brother.

photoandtips ago

Happy New Year to you all!

19matthias52 ago

You can wake up now, the 100 years of sleep are over - since November 11, 2018 - over. (100 years of Sleeping Beauty sleep) For almost 10 years we have been trying to figure out how the German peoples can free themselves from the occupation. That we are occupied territory should now be aware of everyone.

1st Transition Agreement of 1954 - still valid today! This has confirmed the FRG. Page 106 in our book

  1. Occupation costs in the Basic Law - is still there!

  2. Land Constitution of Hesse Art. 159 [Occupation Law] - applies until today!

  3. Continuation of the United Economic Areas (occupation zones) is still in the Basic Law. !

  4. HVAC in the territory of Germany still valid. This has confirmed the FRG in writing. Page: 10 in our book

In addition our book:


The only possibility we have found is the peace treaty to the First World War. The so-called WK II was a ceasefire break, because the WK I is not yet finished.

The WK I can only be terminated from the legal district from which it has arisen. This is the legal district 1914 and earlier.

Peace Agreement Part I

Peace Agreement Part II

Peace Treaty Part III

They live too well from our work performance. The export world champion has made no surplus over the decades - he has only debts. China, which later became the export world champion, has trillions Export surpluses on his accounts !!!

What is to be done in the current situation?

The readiness for peace of the German peoples was already sent to the respective state of restitution of the three occupiers (GB = upper house, France = parliament of the upper house, USA = senate). Under international law, the occupiers are now on the train.

Now it is time for the people to demand the peace agreement to WK I in every conceivable way!

We can show you the way, you have to go it yourself !!!

"There are 4 candles in a dark room. A child enters the room and lights the candles. The four candles burn a while, then begins the first to flicker and say, "My name is honor, people have lost all their honor, "and go out. Then the second candle starts to flicker and says, "My name is Believe that people no longer have faith "and they go out. Now the third candle flickers and says: "My name is peace, there is no peace today" and she goes out. The child starts to cry when the fourth candle says: "My name is Hope, as long as I am burning, you can light the other candles with my light."

geovoat ago

Just how much can it cost to run a computer sorting texts posts and transmitting them over the internet?


A text post is maybe 200bytes?

So a thousand a minute is maybe 200 kb a minute?

I mean how much can it possibly cost?

Can you give us a rundown on the numbers?

SearchVoatBot ago

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FuckYesJefferson ago


jesojr ago

you weren't trumps lawyer i hope

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Red_Menace ago

Who is the jew to whom PuttItOut sold Voat out to?

SkySkamp ago

So happy for my favorite Q research site! I wish I was a codefag goat and I'd help out, but I'm a MAKER goat. PLEASE let me know if I could make something for the good of the cause and, I'm your goat! Love and blessings for this new and historic year! Love Always, WWG1WGA and KAG!

Adminstrater ago

What if it's Trump?

Dean_Wilhelm_Hawkins ago

Bummer. Missed the 1488.

Rabidfish88 ago

Happy New Year Putt, thanks

TheRomanovs ago

VOAT given a boost while 8 Chan dies?

youllrememberme ago

This is an interesting piece of information that everyone should take seriously. Did you notice this?

Is this an admission that voat was sold out years ago to SRS/SBBH There's definitely a reason that the funding problems disappeared years ago and tons of upgrades were made.

UselessWorm ago

Happy Q Year to you too. thanks for the warning on your way back to work. Hopefully you can get some time off soon, because I think your enemies have more support than your friends around here. And I wish you the best @PutItOut. I'm trying to learn something new to me, well not ust me. It's a language

cool_and_froody ago

Sure we got a lot, but you haven't mentioned what voat is giving in return.

And space? Personal details? Product placement? What has voat got that it can give in exchange for this miracle?

heygeorge ago

Puttsy is going to dox one power user monthly as his part of the bargain.

thebearfromstartrack ago

I trust no niggers, fags or retards were involved? I would be disappointed if you partnered with Nation of Islam for example. But then, I'm not sure Lewis Farrakan can read. Was it James Woods? He's so weak though, probably almost dead from being ugly looking.

CCD ago

Wow, what wonderful news. Congratulations on your success and all steam ahead. We are with you on this next phase!

peterpeter094 ago

amazing post

Speshul_Sn0wflake ago

Congrats @Putitout should you need any help with code, css, whatever, drop me a line and I'll do my best to accommodate your request. Thank you for giving FPH a home when Reddit turned into the heavily censored monstrosity it is today.

Anonymouse_cheese ago

Congratulations srayzie! You do such a great job! I'm very grateful for your hard work and dedication! You deserve a great deal!

shillbuster1 ago

Obvious Jew shills u/tendiesonfloor, u/Tallest_Skill, and U/Jophar_Vorin absent from this entire thread. I wonder why?

Smell_the_Covfefe ago

Santa baby, slip some freedom under the tree for me Been an awful good girl Santa baby, and hurry down the chimney tonight

Santa baby, a 53-47 senate victory, too, less blue I'll wait up for you, dear Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight

Think of all the fun I've missed So many Dems I didn't diss Next year I could be also good If you'll check off my Christmas list

Santa baby, I want peace and really that's not a lot Xi want's it too And yes he does look just like Winnie-the-Pooh Been an angel all year Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight

Santa cutie, and fill my stocking with thousands of subpoenas Sign your 'x' on the line Santa cutie, and hurry down the chimney tonight

Come and trim my Christmas tree With some decorations bought at Tiffany I really do believe in you Let's see if you believe in me

Santa baby, forgot to mention one little thing, a ring Around their necks and make tight Santa baby, and hurry down the chimney tonight Hurry down the chimney tonight Hurry, tonight

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Silex ago

Yeahhhhh!!! Amazing gift for freedoms. Thank you for what you have been doing. We collectively owe you a big one.

joeythew ago

Awesome, happy for you.

LuvOurPotusDJT ago

Beware of ((Greeks)) bringing gifts. I agree, this will not end well, and I think @Puttitout knows it too. I suggest a GoFundMe for Voat would be far better than any 'gift'. In this day and age, there is always politics and power plays involved. We all use the platform and would be willing to contribute to GoFundMe with NO STRINGS attached. Please think about this @PuttItOut

lordvain2 ago

This will not end well, I guarantee.

dundundunnnnn ago

Is Tavistock involved?

binrobinro ago


knockoutcheesepizza ago

Excellent news! Long live the goats!

MDS0341 ago

19 trolls and counting

Ave_Satanas ago

what is this watery discharge coming from my eye holes?

larryhuston ago


counterfeit101 ago

am still new here. hope i get to enjoy this platform

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Sweeeet! So happy to hear it!

We can sleep easier now knowing our (smaller) contributions in the past made a difference and helped get Voat/ @Puttitout to this stage!!!

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guccigangguccigang ago

I'm very new here and new to waking up. I just want to wish you all the best. It means so much to me that there are people out there like yourself making a sacrifice for the good. I hope to do the same: but first, I've got a lot of learning to do.

zaimenellen ago

Merry Christmas to you!

idk ago

YAY! Play a round of golf to celebrate!

BlueDrache ago

Agapechik57 ago


Scine ago

You're my favorite faggot.

BlockMe ago

Elon or Acton?

My money's on Elon.

dundundunnnnn ago

I was thinking Tavistock

TexasInfidel ago

Back to dealing with the pedo subs here on VOAT Where are the leftist fucks come backs on we dont care? Its child porn voat and you are allowing it

dl__ ago

Success, should it come, will make you think differently about "free speech". At least in the "nigger, kike, faggot" sense of "free speech", which is the lowest, most infantile form of free speech.

Quickdraw08 ago

Timing is very interesting. I guess money talks and everything else walks.

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

Okay I just wanted to tip it over to 900 comments. Carry on.

kazza64 ago

Congratulations ! :)

NosebergShekelman ago

I dont care as long as the new partners like blueberries. oh, and we get to keep saying nigger, kike, honky, spic, gook, chink and all that. oy vey

phalanx45 ago

Very good to hear. Happy for the community.

Momerath ago

Sounds like it was sent a censor.

WatchListMe ago

Number 1 Question - Is your partner a jew? Any jewish in him at all?

stinkyfurbutz ago

Yes. I agree. Voat was sent an ANGEL! Terrific! 0:)

Bee4Q ago

Merry Christmas!

amelia103 ago

There are diverse online assets wherein you may get a considerable measure of information. PhD Dissertation Help is the best desire for talented help for understudies. They have master reporters to cope with the written work ventures.

Mumbleberry ago

Posting spam in a thread authored by the Admin. Real smart.

TheRealAmalek ago

You are all welcome. I gave some of my almost wealthy wealth to keep voat funded.

Holonomic ago

I'm very happy for you @PuttItOut! Thanks for the news and we all are with you, and appreciate all the hard wo9rk you have put into this home for us all.

Patriot83 ago


Nadeshda ago

Putts I pray this works out well! I only want what is best for you, you know this.

I am super glad you will be have the opportunity to do this full time and get paid to cover costs etc. :)

If you need any help you know we are here to help you as best we can.

Change is certainly in the cards for 2019 and I am always super grateful for Voat for all the wonderful moments enjoyed here and the people I have met.

Keep Voat’s Speech Free! KVSF!! ;)

We love you too Putts, please holler if you need anything.

May your New Year be filled with purpose, protection, love, happiness and blessings abundantly!

Gonif ago

Does the ‘partners’ name end in _berg or _stein ?

Momerath ago

This should be evidence enough one would think. To where are we rats to scurry should this angel be an iceberg?

SaneGoatOySwear ago

If that's not evidence enough, that he's constantly downvoated for pointing this stuff out should be evidence.

Did you see how Putt reacted to a moderator of v/Whatever being concerned about the takeover err I mean new partner?

So I made a post about it which was obviously downvoated, and made me lose about 100 ccp throughout the comments. 122 comments and only 14 SCP, don't see that often.

shmuklidooha ago

Please set up adspace again, I'd be willing to pay to get some eyeballs :)

KingHiss ago

Great Success! This is very good and welcomed news and i hope voat and goats have a bright future spearheading the freedom of speech movement.

ThoughtTheDragon ago

I was going to create a post asking if Antifa are just hipsters that have turned to the dark side in /v/showerthoughts but it said I needed more ccp... help a brother out?

GritD2 ago

Awesome- update the canary!

Western22 ago


trentlapinski ago

Congrats. How can I help?

wwwwww ago

Reeeee. 10k$/m?

albatrosv15 ago

Lucifer, is that you?

ketannakrani ago

Merry Christmas to you

ketannakrani ago


BackAsswards ago

You have plenty of time on me and I'm more of lurker than anything. I avoid all the daily sub drama, hell, I still don't get the point of SBBH. I just don't have time to go down all these rabbit holes but if you don't think something sketchy is possible then I must have made an assumption about you that wasn't correct.

I trust Putt more than any other site admin but I don't even trust my grandma completely. In my defense that bitch is kinda sketchy.

BackAsswards ago

Because he is emotionally invested in the site, like a lot of us. I can't believe I'm one of the more paranoid about this when I'm usually on the other end. If you don't see reasons to be skeptical then I think your not using Voat right.

Libertyisgood ago

What a GREAT thing!

BackAsswards ago

I just don't understand why. Every time Putt post something people offer him money. But hasn't taken anything from anyone in a long time. So why was that route never pursued?

Why do you need a Merch store now that you have financial backing but didn't before you had any financial assistance?

Why were we never given a chance to fund the site? I know I would have made a monthly contribution and bought Merch. Hell, I would have bought all my Christmas gifts from it.

I'm definitely not trying to call you out Putt. You have done more for my free speech than I have and I am extremely grateful. But I think these are valid questions. I hope I'm not coming off as ungrateful because I'm not. I honestly appreciate what you have done for us.

Francewhoa ago

Congrats, Merry Holidays, and infinite love to VOAT ♥

For VOAT's strong security and protect the privacy of all users, thanks for continuing to keep VOAT's source code owned by a not-for-profit community, instead of a for-profit corporation.

ArchangelAdriel ago

Hello!!! I am the Angel! Well Archangel to be specific. Lol

sore_ass_losers ago

Jeff Bezos?

Countrygirl007 ago

Right on!!

sxmbthu5 ago

XSMB Thứ 5 - Kết quả số miền bắc Thứ 5 hàng tuần cực nhanh, cực chuẩn xác, hoàn toàn miễn phí. Các bạn có thể theo dõi trực tiếp kết quả xổ số thứ 5 mới nhất hôm nay tại website:

giraffeacross ago

Merry Christmas!

Nesano ago

Came here from Reddit when /r/FatPeopleHate was censored. In the wise words of another Voater: I don't hate fat people, I hate censorship.

Nice to see this place took another step forward.

woadowl ago

this is awesome. voat is my go to website, period. i still wear the voat t-shirt and i will be glad to give money.

boggle247 ago

So can we expect an official app or at least see some improvements to Boats for Voat app? Using it in mobile browser is OK, but a nice app like the open source one that I used on Reddit called "Slide for Reddit" would be AWESOME to see for Voat.

boggle247 ago

First thing I thought to do was check the canary, thanks for linking that. Good to see it in good standing.

Goathole ago

a reasonable budget to hire one or two employees

Send us the fresh meat.

K-Harbour ago

Did not realize your current size. I’m more than happy to explore helping you & your new partners.

30yrCSI ago

Thank you so much for your hard work, it is truly appreciated.

Sour ago

Hell yeah! Congrats! Glad to be a part of it

ghost7 ago

Will the Angel have any say in the political/social direction of the company?

Oralhealthcomplete ago

Merry Christmas Goats. :))

BoraxTheFungarian ago

This angel... In its pride will try to overtake voat. I hope you know what you're getting into putt. Not super optimistic over here.

jewsbadnews ago

A joyous Kwanzaa to you, @Puttitout! Lets pray to black Jesus that fake jews aren't involved!

Fexel ago

Good to hear PuttItOut!

Mind_Games ago

The second I get a "warning" or ban for saying kike, nigger, jew, or any other term I feel like fucking using...I'm out.

Thepimp ago

I remain skeptical. I would really like to know more. What is in it for this new “angel”. Investors generally don’t want their money involved in things like voat, after all, things can get a bit controversial here. With money and investors come obligations to those investors. What deal was made?

B000ne ago


squataclops ago

Congrats Putt. It's been a long time in the making.

albatrosv15 ago

Not buying it.

watts2db ago

great news

PhilIvey ago

Excellent news! Congrats!

singlebrain1 ago

777 comments so I had to comment to make it 778. Nice gift. Merry Christmas.

77777777777 ago

777 is for trannies

chuckletrousers ago

Username fits!

singlebrain1 ago

mark of the beast

Deviousnine ago

its a Jew isn't it

KupYupin ago

What do you mean sent an Angel? You've been offered countless times funding & structure of funding. You ignored everything, now you have us to believe having one primary sponsor that has you by the balls is a good thing?


I call it like I see it. This is shady as FUCK.

PuttItOut ago

Perfect parody account. On so many levels.

You interested in a marketing job?

smokratez ago

See, he's already one of them.

smokratez ago

What are you doing about srs harassment on this site then?

77777777777 ago

Youre a dirty tranny

KupYupin ago

Everyone sees it & everyone sees through you. Compared where Voat was years ago to where it is now, it's already diluted into a Downvoat Cess pool with more shills than you can poke a stick at.

Goodluck keeping this afloat for 5, 10 years without turning into Reddit 2.0

Proof will be in time. Goodluck Faggot

knightwarrior41 ago

I AGREE with him people downvoat others just for the sake of it.more often than not they dont even share an opinion why they downvoted you for.

users should be able to see who downvoted them for the sake transparency and what have you

77777777777 ago

@puttitout supports the tranny shill downvoaters isnt it obvious? Theres many powerusers that constantly are reaching their downvoat limits. The only reason they upvoat (each other) is to increase their number of downvoats. Bunch of trannies.

chuckletrousers ago

I'm just a regular straight downvoter who's fighting against the superstitious nutjobs who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.

smokratez ago

Nope. You are a dumb anti science faggot who prolly is a tranny as well.

chuckletrousers ago

And once again proving you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground!

smokratez ago

You believe the Earth is a spinning ball, that gravity exists. That you can go to space. That dinosaurs were real, and that the trannies in porn and holywood are women. You are the dumbest faggot on voat.

chuckletrousers ago

You and STC are the laughingstocks of voat and you don't even know it, because you're far too stupid to realize how stupid and ignorant you really are.

smokratez ago

See, you don't deny all this dumb anti science bullshit you believe in, because you legitimately think it's all true.

theoldguy ago

I don't deny killing JFK either because it's so laughably false.

smokratez ago

Why are you protecting jews?

theoldguy ago

Why are you protecting jews?

I'm not protecting jews, I'm fighting retards like you.

DavidHogg ago

Have you at least got to play a few rounds since you made that original post 1 1/2 years ago? You need at least celebrate with a round or two.


True integrity well done lads!

Nonymous608 ago

It's about time someone notice your site PuttItOut!!! VOAT has been the best kept secret of the internet and you have done an outstanding job with the site during its tremendous growth. It's time it gets the funding it needs, and you get a little help as well. I truly believe this is the best place for freedom of speech on the entire web. I'm thrilled for you and Atko!

Dogsoldiertoo ago

And to think, I was there at Reddit 'Conspiracy' when you guys announced you were going to build a site where we could talk about anything we wanted. Then a while later you came back and posted a link to the new infant Voat. And now Voat the young adult has graduated and is making it's mark on the world. Thanks for sticking with it, guys! And thanks for living the warrior creed "Never give up! Never quit!"

UselessWorm ago

Why would an angel buy the site? Ahh well, congratulations. Good for us.

77777777777 ago

Angel means TRANNY

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Too bad about that yacht! 😁 Thanks for all your very hard work!

Kannibal ago

where's the canary?

UselessWorm ago

S government angel? That's a demon sir! Angels are of God not gov.

77777777777 ago

God created the fallen angels. He created everything.

digitalentity1497 ago

And trannies.

77777777777 ago


Kannibal ago


Cooking_with_Alf ago

@Puttitout please tell me you had a lawyer review the contract and make changes...

PuttItOut ago

It's written in crayon so a lawyer seems like overkill imo. /s

But yes, it's why it took so long.

srayzie ago

You better have picked a pink crayon sir 🤓

Cooking_with_Alf ago

:D crayon contracts are the only contacts lawyers can comprehend.

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

[url=][img][/img][/url][url=]via Imgflip Meme Generator[/url]

<a href=""><img src="" title="made at"/></a>

fhaqyu ago

great, jewish overlords for Voat.

why not tell us who the new (((Partner))) is putt?

Gigan ago

My first thought is that I'm worried what kind of leverage the new financer is going to have. I hope Voat doesn't change.

Anyway Merry Christmas Putt!

kmccormick ago

This post gives me hope, I wish this is the right thing. It would mean there is people with the means of fighting for what we want. We need to liberate the internet and our countries form the jews. FUCK JEWS, YOU WILL BE KICKED A 110TH TIME AND THIS TIME IT WILL BE FINAL


MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!! What a lovely blessing! Congratulations, chief! ♥

KittyDigitize ago

Onward and UPWARD! Happy New Year Voat!

raulfp ago

Thank you PuttItOut!! Great gift! Merry Christmas for all people. Love and peace for all people!

thezorch ago

This is a great thing to hear on Christmas.

ulovesexdoll ago

no black pills at Christmas sex doll

another_dot ago

Merry Christmas boss!

MaunaLoona ago

How much of Voat did you sell?

15765320? ago

Now you can quit your day job, nice.

Shirtlords_3 ago

Bring back Voat Ads. Lots of creative people who merely will not tow the communist line need places to advertise to people with actual senses of humor... And Google/Facebook/Etc control the ad market. If I buy an ad here I know exactly whom I am reaching, and niggerfaggotkikes are a great audience.

bernitdown ago

How do you expect us to contribute while remain I g anonymous? There are subjects that get discussed here that make the idea of voat being a honeypot very real.

stayawayfrommybutt ago

Merry Christmas! So amazing!

kestrel9 ago

YES!! Thank you @Puttitout, Merry Christmas! Well deserved gift!

OhGoodLord2 ago

You are a Good Egg, PutItOut. Happy Christmas.

thelma ago

Now ya gotta get a woman CEO and a nigger on the pay role !

And work with them.




All for $36.45 a week.

Congrats !

KryptoKoins ago

Voat will still work fine it's just the evil Jews will now make as much money as I can off of it while slowly bring it to the ground.

SaltyAF ago

usually it's not slowly...

CommiePatrol ago

Merry Christmas to you! Thank you for working so hard to keep this place going.

WhiteArrow1 ago

Merry Christmas!

JimSoddell ago

Congrats. The CIA has always been a generous partner for these sorts of treasure troves.

MDS0341 ago

So we know now that we have 8 trolls from commiville here according to the -8

How many more are there than the poosies who actually votes a - to a dude saying he was lucky enough to have success with the site

Two_Soup ago

Thank you for all the work you put into this project. It means a lot to so many

mitchconner ago

What happened to the profit sharing lol

mitchconner ago

Back when I first signed up, voat was offering profit sharing for content creators but not holding my breath there XD

randomfuckingidiot ago

Fuckin sweet. Need some goat merch.

WhiteWolfSS ago

Uh oh.

I feel like this is the beginning of the end.

Beethomas1 ago

As a FReeq I am happy to have VOAT and a place where free speech is encouraged so ideas can be tested in the hot cauldron of brutal reality.

worthlesshope ago

Hey putt, a few of questions I hope you'd be willing to answer? Anyways what would the employees be used for? Purely fixing up the website or making additional features? or some other types of jobs?

Next question is how much revenue do you need to generate? Are you thinking of this as a "growth company" similar to reddit? or is there some sort of goal revenue amount where everyone will be happy if it reaches that amount? i.e similar to how many non-profits operate.

If you're open to ideas I have a few of them which could possibly meet your goals. It depends on how much you have planned out though.

LastoftheBoomers ago

Most excellent, congrats.

CodyCigar_1800 ago

Good to hear

BloatedVoatGoat ago

Good for you, if there wasn't capital and incentive your time would be limited. You really cannot be a charity for all the fag kike bastards that don't care. Keep the larels/core true and hope for further success.

Hfjeidijrneiisifj ago

Who did you sell too? Is there going to be any openness? @puttitout

EpicWin ago

Madwack ago


ZardoZ2017 ago

Merry Christmas, mate! Thank you for everything! And A Happy New Year!

lets_get_hyyerr ago

@PuttItOut I know you wont see this but as an old goat, I cannot thank you enough for the work you've done and I wish you great success with the future of Voat. I've been here for 3.5 years and I dont plan on leaving

PuttItOut ago

I saw this. :)

Thank you.

000000000 ago


modsrcuntz ago

As long as I can call anyone and everyone a niggerfaggotkike whenever I want, I’m happy.

Q045 ago

Thank Q.

ConflictedSelfloathe ago

Glad to see the news that we're making a move toward solid ground. Congratulations!

MinorLeakage ago

SBBH might have a subversive element, but most of the users are just shitposters having a laugh.

You fall into the same category for me. Possibly subversive, more likely just autistic.

Zammyanci ago

Awesome! Putt

redpilldessert ago

Congrats Putt and thank you for all you've done for the site.

To the investor, wow, why aren't there more people like you in this world?

vandilx ago

Thanks Putt. We appreciate you and the sacrifices you've made to provide this platform for us.

stock777 ago

Don't fall for evil! Ever. Humanity and the earth itself needs this forum.

KVD ago

Next time put the "In Summary" part first. Thanks. I love you, Putt.

Grunger ago


BrainWaveless ago

Thank you for all you do.

petevoat ago

Things will change. Putt says there'd be free speech but external forces with money changes all that. Let's see.

Kooshed ago

Good to hear, love this website!

wgtt911 ago

Very merry christmas for sure

digitalentity1497 ago

Thanks Putt. I can't wait for the big reveal.

liberalscum ago

Amen and hallelujah!

Texaswolf1 ago

Great news. Merry Christmas!

prettymuchbullshit ago

God bless you! I hope we all experience greater success in 2019.

Scooter87 ago

That's wonderful! Thank you for your dedication :)

Redpilleveryone ago

Thanks for selling us out to da joos putt.

Walk1 ago

Its hoped that VOAT can have many prosperous and peaceful times ahead.

Vent ago


eyerighteye ago

Odd no cries of paytriot. I think it is great, but am curious as to the double standard.

Holcosu ago

Congratulations and Merry Christmas. Thank you for all your hard work and time you have put into Voat. I look forward to the future.

danabeegr ago

Congratulations for earning a place on Santa’s nice list!

asmodea ago

Thank fucking God

Honey_Pot ago

I would like to welcome CNN, our new corporate Sponsor !

super_jackoff_style ago

Turkey shoot today and square dance tonight kinda good news! Hope all you negrofaggot goats are having a swell Christmas and loving on your family and friends accordingly.

The problem with a boom town is everyone wants to move there in the end. Voat is a free speech boom town that nobody has been able to produce a big payout from yet. But mark my mother fucking words, if a nickel is to be made, a Jew will be right there trying to get the nickel for a penny. The second Voat becomes profitable, not just sustainable, but profitable, a Jew or one of their familiars will cater to the broadest swath of whatever this getting them more Hanukkah bucks and ending the joy of saying Hitler did nothing wrong. Hope springs eternal when it comes to free speech and I dearly hope that we only become stronger and better in 2019.

WhiteMagic ago

Cool, I look forward to seeing how it goes. Thanks for all the effort to keep Voat alive. Merry Christmas!

anon_sk ago

In the spirit of transparency, it would be nice to understand what this “new” partners affiliations are. Could be a Soros buyout for all we know.

DammitMan ago

Do you really think that’s the partner that would be brought in?

Piscina ago

For money, of course! Anything is for sale--even scruples, integrity, honesty and transparency--if the price is right. I'd guess that the satanist pedos have thrown Voat a bone and will now call the shots. Whoever pays the piper calla the tune.

Shizy ago

So you're for sale too @Piscina?

srayzie ago

What a fricken drama queen. Since you seem to think every fricken mod, and even the site administrator is corrupt, then why don't you move to Poal with some of your friends cunt? Take Carmencita and that psycho, TrustTheTruth with you.

Shiftworker1976 ago

Congrats Goat Chief. Prayers are answered. Angels do live among us! MERRY Christmas

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Excellent news! Thanks Mr. Putt

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/AskVoat comment by @toobaditworks.

Posted automatically (#15781) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

xenoPsychologist ago

merry christmas to you and all the rest of us here. good luck.

toobaditworks ago

🎄🌟❄️🎁🎅🦌 Merry Christmas! 🎄🌟❄️🎁🎅🦌

Chempergrill ago

Congrats, Putt. I hope we stay true to our values as we grow.

Edit: Merry Xmas!

SpunRecord ago

Well that's the end.

This place will become censored.

toobaditworks ago

Someone delete this post!! Hey jews over here! Get this guy!

SpunRecord ago

Time will tell.

It always does.

toobaditworks ago

Yeah I thought the same thing when I read it. 🕯️

SpunRecord ago

You never think the same things I do I am special and superior and the only one capable of manifesting these glorious grandiose thoughts

toobaditworks ago

Well I thought it was the same but you're right. I'm stupid and beneath you.

AmaleksHairyAss ago


AmaleksHairyAss ago

I was an oldfag before that meme was ever posted.

sunshine702 ago

What awesome news. I really like it here. Talking amongst my Goats makes this lille niggerfaggotkike happy and sane.

GapingAnus ago

These types of enumerated lists of what will/won't happen can usually be read to mean the exact opposite of what they state if experience is anything to go by.

So, betting pool on how long it'll take until we're reddit in all but name?

Nojoke ago

Merry Christmas and thank you for your amazing hard work. Is there a P.O. Box or address where goats can make cash donations? Yeah, I’m very old school. I love the green and using the post office :-) cheers !

seattlethrowaway ago

Merry Christmas, you funded founder faggots!

dudelol ago

Decentralize or die. Same thing I told ottman and torba. Wake up. Centralized platforms have heads to cut off.

RumpRangerRick ago

I don't wanna sound like a queer or nuthin, but I do believe I would like to make love to you.

Merry Christmas, and wishing you a Happy New Year, dude.

ForTheUltimate ago

Only a faggot would hate asking for a good cause more than announcing its possible closure

And begging for donations was always something we hated doing.

I’m writing this announcement to prepare this community, and the Voat family, for the possibility of a closure.

CryptoBard ago

This is the best website on the internet, I let everyone I become acquainted with know this, free speech is the most important right we have in confronting the most dire threat to life on earth, zionism.

NosebergShekelman ago

I was going to ask my rabbi to come here to Voat but he said he's already here along with dozens of other rabbis. oy vey I was shocked

CryptoBard ago

I doubt that, rabbis have a big problem merely reading ideas they disagree with, and instead choose to self censor themselves (and seek or try to censor others) like intellectual children.

datgoy ago

Hope the 'angel' looks like Guardian Angel from Borderlands series.

AI fembot hacking bitcoin for Voat!

GolfinGirl ago

Great news! Merry Christmas! A bright future!

ShineShooter ago

Merry Christmas Putt, thanks for your dedication!

Dark_Awakening ago

Thanks be to GOD! :)

fuckmyreddit ago

Merry Christmas goatfags!

Nellis ago

Dope to hear. Thanks for putting the work in to seeing this through @PuttItOut

knightwarrior41 ago


send me an angel

shakin_my_head ago

I'm just curious why voaters couldn't donate.? I've saw plenty of posts asking how to donate and I'm curious if this angel will now decide who lives and who dies?

Islamiscancer ago

@PuttItOut will there still be a purge as discussed? A clean database, free of user accounts and submissions would be delightful as you suggested.

its time that you flood voat. noahs have all been busy building their arks, awaiting your cleansing wave.

are you still keen on doing that ol' Puttsy?

earthvox ago

Great news! Merry Christmas!!

NosebergShekelman ago

Are these new "partners" jewish by any chance?

gabara ago

There was probably still more text you could have added that no one would read before you hit the comment limit.

rlramirez77 ago

Congrats on an important milestone.

TheKobold ago

Awesome. This is the best Christmas present.

kevf4 ago

It's a Christmas miracle.

Amphiprion ago

Great news! Tyanks for your hard work and dedication.

bamadeplorable420 ago


PuttsMum ago

You're a very good boy.

PuttItOut ago

Lol, thanks Mom!

samuraichococat ago

@puttitout I am very happy to hear this news putt... I do however feel compelled to ask where everyone who has donated to voat over the years to help keep it running, will fall in this deal? Are we to become like an advisory board do we get thanked and sent on our way?

PuttItOut ago

This is a big subject and needs to be discussed point by point, but we are very open to ideas on how to involve the community with equity ownership. Everyone is on board with this too.

I wasn't exaggerating when I have said before that "Voat isn't mine, Voat is yours."

Voopin__Voopin ago

MY MAN. Thank you!

I actually don't want anything except unrestricted freedom of speech. (Excluding calls to violence or CP, of course...)

I will donate again, should the opportunity present itself. I dont do crypto, but could do prepaid visa again, or mail a money order.

HeavyBrain ago

And so it (jew/SJW infiltration) starts, don't be suicided in 10 years Putt and don't become like Moot.

Ok ok I don't get to complain (as I don't have to possibility to donate from where I am) so here is to voat becoming the real front page of the deep web.

TheLastCrusader777 ago

Merry Christmas!

Skyrock ago

From all I have learned from reading the MSM, I bet the angel is the Russians. They run everything from the US presidential elections to the yellow vest protests.

PuttItOut ago

Russians. Russians everywhere!

BackAsswards ago

Quick reply to whether it was Russians or not. But not a single reply to whether it was a Jew or not. Pretty disappointing honestly.

Skyrock ago

Senpai has noticed me :3

Niggertown ago

I hope the other side isnt Jewish (but we all know they probably are).

lord_nougat ago

I disagree.

yellowoodneepuks ago


nebula7693 ago

It should be interesting to see where this goes. Let's hope it goes in a positive direction. Keeping my fingers crossed.

MordenGeist ago

AAAyyyyyyy congratulations!!! Well earned, sir! My utmost respect and thanks to your backer as well, whomever they may be! Now make this project THE premiere free speech site in the world! (as if it wasnt already, nyuk nyuk).

NPCGator ago

I hope and pray this doesn't mean what I think it means.

AEndtoThemForever ago

I don't know if anyone tells you this in your daily life, Putt, but we really, really do love you, and many of use truly do understand just exactly how vital a platform like yours is in this modern jewish nightmare. What we had to give, we've already given and while I wish it had been enough, this solution is better for you and better for us, it's more sustainable and it provides your platform with a path forward.

This is a miracle for you and for us. Thank you Putt, and have a good holiday bud.

glassuser ago

That's awesome. Thanks for all your hard work.

RCArmy ago

Awesome, Congrats!!

OmarComin ago

It seems to me Voat isn't really dedicated to free speech. It's just a safe space for racists and bigots.

If it were really dedicated to free speech, why am I limited to 10 comments per day? My comment score is low because I don't agree with the Neo-Nazi groupthink on here. This site is way more hostile to dissenting opinions than Reddit or Twitter or other social media sites. But good luck raising money to support delicate snowflake racists I guess.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat submission by @Renatus.

Posted automatically (#19592) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Octoclops ago

I agree the comment limiting is stupid. Mainly because I like arguing.

redpilldessert ago

Reddit doesn't just ban overtly racist subs, but also more innocent subs like r/911truth or r/kotakuinaction. T_D is practically banned from the home page.

Firinmahlazer ago

Thanks Putt. God bless you and all that you do. Merry Christmas

NinaSparrow ago

Wonderful News!! Merry Christmas!

ricky_spanish ago

Can we read the contract?

a_quest_ion ago

Thank you for your service to the freedom of ideas and communication.


Have a GO(O)D CHRISTmas Time, my Friends !

Thank you for all the WORK you do for us, to have still here on boards the Freedom of Speech !

you are always in my prayers and we ALL together started understandin what is going on , in and UP Gods Great WORLDS !

Trust me, my Friends ALL will be good !

We will understand verrry soon ! I KNOW IT !

Gods Bless to you ALL ! feel hugged .


MDS0341 ago

Salute! Cheers, and God Speed! Congrats and thank you for keeping us sane and hopeful by using this as our “batphone”

You fucking Rock!

AmericanStockc1630 ago

Do yall have any plans to allow for merch products created by users? Or will yall setup deals with contracted manufacturers?

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Great news Puttitout!

Merry Christmas to all!

mralexson ago

Love you and merry Christmas

475677 ago

I love you and everything you've done for us @PuttItOut, but if you've sold out to a shekelstein after everything you've learned between now and when you started whoaverse with atko I'm gonna be well disapointed in you.

That said if you're taking on investors I've got some spare cash I'd legitimately love investing in voat without the desire to change anything. All I would ask is that you call me a niggerfaggot once the investment has been made. PM me if you're interested.

SendingLove ago

Merry Christmas, indeed! I love you faggots. Never stop.

An0m4ly ago

That's great! Nice work.

Scotty4802 ago

I am so grateful for 8-chan, QMAP and ALL the Annons. I "woke" via "Praying Medic's" videos and have found this wonderful universe and thank you to everyone that contributes helpful information. I have known all my life my government lies to me (us), and now I am lucky to live during a time when the truth will come out. We CAN handle the truth, but the LIES will kill us.

Vvswiftvv17 ago

Wow! Congrats! You've been working your ass off on this for years. Good job!!

chrimony ago

Did you ever get off Azure and on to a cheaper Linux host?

crazy_eyes ago

I dont like the part where you have to keep the angel a secret, that just makes me think that the reason they want to be kept secret is nefarious

blackzetsu ago

The Klan had strong values.

SaltyAF ago

You just sold your soul to the devil. You think there won't be any cost to their funding? You were doing just fine. These deals ruin everything. That's no angel.

redpilldessert ago

The investor is a like time goat. I bet we're in safe hands.

Davelon ago

Blessings and congratulations from Down Under. So I'm a Goat now? There are many feral goats in Australia, the Station (Ranch) owners utilise them to export their meat to the US. Proud to be onboard.

mooseman355 ago

5 days to be glorious or it was all for shit.

mooseman355 ago


Marbles ago

It's an internet Christmas miracle!

CRKT_M16Z ago

Woohoo! Merchandise! I wanna buy a tshirt or something.

blackzetsu ago

Hitler would be proud

15758105? ago

Oy vey, you're a lawyer now!

KillallFaggots ago

sbbh nigger

15763739? ago

Srs kike.

Am I doing it right?

zyklon_b ago


KillallFaggots ago

Nope. You trannies do nothing right in this life.

zyklon_b ago

she a real woman and you jealous

AGoatisNoOne ago

What a guy, our POTUS - he's my angel guess - right up his alley this would be. Anyway congratulations Putt, a well-deserved reward for your foresight and tenacity! This is more important than most realize! Merry Christmas to all goats!

Wahwahweewah ago

Merry Christmas, everyone! Thank you so much, @Puttitout

pby1000 ago

Great news!!! Merry Christmas!!!

headfire ago

There was a day when reddit through this, and look at the deluded, Orwellian fuckheap it became.

I'm glad to hear this news, and happy for PuttItOut et al, but I'm skeptical. And I will be for quite some time.

I'm optimistic and skeptical.

BackAsswards ago

Same here. Hope for the best but expect the worse.

Keithintheplains ago

OUTSTANDING! Merry Christmas Voat......and all Patriots WW!


AlphaOmega ago

I have a question that, I think, will be important moving forward.

This person who invested this money likely expects return on this investment. How do you feel Voat will provide return on that investment that will lead it in a different direction from Reddit?

PuttItOut ago

By doing the exact opposite

CrustyBeaver52 ago

A viable marketing concept.

Apexbreed ago

Thank you @PuttItOut for fighting for us to speak freely and pursue the truth about this world. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

outrider787 ago


Raxotic ago

@ u/puttitout

Everyone has already properly thanked you. I add mine.

I see you mentioned merch and I think that is awesome but I would really like to see it expanded into some sort of free market store.

Currently, "extremist" items are banned from places like Etsy, Amazon, Ebay, etc. and I think there is an online vacuum for the sales of these items.

You know... All these sites generate revenue from sales...

We already have a ton of people here that moderate subverses, I'm sure it wouldn't be too difficult to find unpaid users that would love to moderate online stores to ensure copyrighted or illegal material is kept off the site...

jesusNeverExisted ago

You guys are millionares from all the bitcoin donated to you lol

Voat doesn't care about freespeech quit lyin

PuttItOut ago

Aww how cute

jesusNeverExisted ago

I see yoy won't deny it.

PS That beret you wore in your selfie in the car is cute.

You lying about how rich you are with bit coin fooling the cucks here cannot really be construed as cute.

I look forward to you actually having a spine and telling the truth.

Oh, and why do you ban videos of trump at the wailing wall?

albatrosv15 ago

Oh, and why do you ban videos of trump at the wailing wall?

Where did you get that idea?

jesusNeverExisted ago

Because thats what voat did.

Too bad you are an idiot.

albatrosv15 ago

Why are you people fixated on jesus though? It's like a fetish or something.

fuspezza ago


NotHereForPizza ago

My god this happens at the most convenient times.

What a fucking joke this place has become.

You've betrayed us, Putt. We won't forget that now.

PuttItOut ago

Stick around so I can continue letting you down.

SaltyAF ago

Time will tell. If it sounds too good to be true--IT IS.

You can keep doing what you're doing, until we say you can't.

Can you honestly say that the financier is not Jewish?

americangirlygirl ago

Fah who forage! Dah who doraze! Welcome Christmas, Christmas Day! Welcome Christmas, fah who rahmas, Welcome Christmas, dah who dahmas, Christmas Day will always be, Just as long as we have we!

Merry Christmas to All!


TexasInfidel ago

So when are the pedo subs coming down? TAKE OUT THE TRASH VOAT!

Will0890 ago

Thank you!!! And Congrats!!!!

Derpfroot ago

Bad ass! Thanks for everything, Putt...and Merry Christmas!



goatboy ago


lord_nougat ago

Pretty sure it was Amalek.

toobaditworks ago

Or that debate 101 guy.

lord_nougat ago

I kind of conflate them mentally, was that actually a different guy? I guess we may never know for certain.

toobaditworks ago

I don't know.

lord_nougat ago

I don't know's on third base.

toobaditworks ago


lord_nougat ago


think- ago

...after they will have subscribed to your v/Motorhead sub, they will. ;-)

lord_nougat ago

Sorry, I had to confiscate them. As, like, evidence... or something.

salvia_d ago

Cool, thanks for keeping us posted.

ExpertShitposter ago

LoL you sold it 2 years ago niggerfaggot.

ExpertShitposter ago

They are probably some chink, so no, NPC's don't like music.

Battlefat ago

My autocorrect now inputs ‘christcucks’ along with ‘Christmas.’ Truly a full-circle miracle if I do say so myself...also get that money boi

ExpertShitposter ago





KillallFaggots ago


ExpertShitposter ago

u want bulit too?

KillallFaggots ago

in your head would be fine thanks.

ExpertShitposter ago

no, i kill u

KillallFaggots ago

Lol. I am huge. I bet you are a little beta faggot.

ExpertShitposter ago

a yuge faggot yes!

KillallFaggots ago

Nope. I like girls.

Voopin__Voopin ago


Did I fuck up the amount of kikels?

ExpertShitposter ago

I dont know, but i have the best bio.

Killeratlarge ago

Merry Christmas Putt! Really great news (So far![You never know!])

ExpertShitposter ago

Awww yeeees, v/anouncment post! Time for SBBH to talk some shit and threaten people!

Merry Christmas Puttko!!

TheAntiZealot ago

God bless Voat! It's a Christmas miracle!

Glad you stuck it out for so long, @PuttItOut!

I love this place, I've checked it daily since I created my account, even during the great blackout of March 2018.

Fare well! God with us.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Nothing personal, but I'd be curious to know the length of the noses of anybody that has influence over Voat. I think a lot of us would like to make sure our IP addresses and/or home addresses aren't blasted across the Internet. Free speech is great, but the current (((people))) in power are working overtime from Israel to destroy the lives of those who commit wrongthink.

BackAsswards ago

Why would Voat have your home address? Do you really think the government needs Putt to be complicit?

think- ago

OMG, this is amazing! What a wonderful Christmas gift! 🌲 😊

I trust you enough to believe that the new partner will be committed to support Voat with only the best intentions.

We have all always been worried that you might burn out one day, or not be able to carry on due to other real life responsibilities.

It's great to know that things turned out the way we always wanted them to turn out, with you present here on a daily basis.

🌲 Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones, and to all Goats. 🌲

Making a difference in the fight for freedom and democracy always comes with a price, sometimes a huge price. I can only hope that people here realize this, and are able to see what you had to give up in real life, in order to be able to keep Voat going. God Bless.

Draurgothoth ago

I'm gonna be cautiously optimistic about this (((angel))) but Praise the Lord!

BestNexus ago

It's like Christmas came earli- up, never mind.

bamadeplorable420 ago

thank you for being here.

Dismal_Swamp ago

Is it George Soros???

dogen ago

Congrats, and yea voat!

pepefrogjr ago

i have observed that too. you can't get away from symbolism anywhere.All we can do is say "I DO NOT CONSENT" :P

PuttItOut ago

You must be freaked out about the goat mascot too!

pepefrogjr ago

Just observing and was curious.

Evileddie13 ago

That's awesome news!

carbonsteel ago

PuttItOut - thank you for all of your hard work and dedication in maintaining this site. It truly is - at least my opinion - the bright spot of the internet and the only true source of thoughts and opinions from many like minded people.

FatherDadDude ago

God works. Glad to help. Prayer is power!

FireSauce ago

Well Merry Christmas but takes deep breath how have we been covering operating costs up until now, what happened to the open source idea, who the fucks this angel(s) "they'd", how many fingers can you fit in your ass, have you gone over the user agreement in a post yet, are you going to hire the employees from within the userbase, why cant we donate anymore, when is the merch coming

lucidique ago

This is great. Congrats on the deal.

I generally don't really spend on merch, but make a cool mug or shirt and i would not mind throwing some money your way.

dbvapor ago

Merry Christmas brother. Great news.

junesunflower ago

Voats angel is the Russian government

MatildaQ ago

Thank God! Has anyone tried posting on Breitbart lately? The censor hounds are out in force. Andrew Breitbart gave his life for that FREEDOM and he would never allow what is happening today with the amount of censoring going on there. Mention Q and you rarely get your comment published, if ever. Thank God we get to discuss Q here but many Patriots have no idea about Q and the team due to even conservative sites censorship of them. Breitbart has been infiltrated now and free speech is controlled.

TimberWolfAlpha ago

They know what they're getting into right?

thedirtypuma ago

Congrats Putt and also Merry Christmas.

Do you think we will be able to use credit cards again? instead of the bitcoin only situation?

PuttItOut ago

We have some plans regarding this.

ALIENS2222 ago

Woooohooooo! Very well done sir... dontfuckthisup

middle_path ago

Merry Christmas! This is awesome.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Do what you want. In the end, the moment I get flack for saying nigger like Jew faggot or anything for that matter ... I’ll just do what I always do.

Find another place to live.

And I’m pretty sure most of us would do the same.

Firevine ago

What a great Christmas!

redmanjbj ago

Congratulations! and Merry Christmas!

Lavender7 ago

As long as it isnt Soros.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

As always, i'm sceptical, but we'll see, Merry Christmas.

whooy_long ago

nice job niggers

issueninja ago

Don't forget the faggots.

whooy_long ago

and the kikes

Wheresthebeef ago

Tittis for all.

Conspirologist ago

I hope it's a real deal, but it still can be an attempt at concealed taking over.

ardvarcus ago

Great news, on the face of it. Voat has become a significant part of my life and I'd like to see it grow and prosper. I just hope our new fairy godmother isn't going to turn into the grinch who stole Christmas once he starts to assume authority. The temptation is always going to be to restrict speech in order to broaden the appeal of Voat. I hope it continues to be resisted.

I especially liked what you said about privacy. For obvious reasons, those who post on Voat would like their privacy maintained.

Tzitzimitl ago

considering voat doesnt actually host anything, this page means less than that cheap abrasive brown toilet paper.

i wouldnt use imgoat for anything you dont want stolen tho just to be safe, but one only needs to look at pepe to see how little copyright matters on the internet.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

As long as the freedom doesn't change, congrats.

hurgona ago

Yay!! 🎄

Blacksmith21 ago

Thanks for the hard work @Puttitout

TheBuddha ago

Nah, it's definitely not the first time I've said it. Also, I live in Maine.

Merry Christmas!

captainstrange ago

Poetry isn't worth the ink it's printed on so he can go right ahead.

srayzie ago

Yay!! That’s awesome news!!

At this time, given the world we live in, it's best to keep some of the details of this deal guarded, at least until Voat gets acclimated to the partnership and the newness fades.

Putt I bet I know! YOU ARE PARTNERS WITH QANON! 🇺🇸 🙌🏻

@Kevdude @Crensch @Vindicator @Shizy @MolochHunter

Vindicator ago

I'd put some money on that bet :-) I called this months ago.

PuttItOut ago

Hey you! I was talking to you and you didn't respond.

srayzie ago

I didn’t see you responded! My IPad marks everything as read once I open it. When I get a lot of notifications and tabs open, I get confused! Let me look :)

Stonenchizel ago

@PuttItOut I'm still kind of new here on ,only been here for a few months & I must say I'm quite digging the format it's awesome how Free Speech is your motto because that's really becoming a rarity on the . I believe Congratulations on your great news in finally receiving the blank check partner you so desired at this time, So Congratulations is the proper & right expression I'm looking for besides :

Merry Christmas and God Bless You !



Is the new partner someone who has been a long established member of the site?

PuttItOut ago

Yes. I can honestly say yes to this.

tabularassa ago

But what's in it for the 'angel'? As you must know, nothing is free. Whatever amount they put in, they will want more in return in the long run. It's just business.

Hopefully they will not use their power to change the essence of voat. Otherwise this could be the beginning of the end.

SaltyAF ago

I know it might seem like a bad question, but is the person Jewish? It's not about antisemitism, but there are some things you just don't do.

It smacks of takeover and control.

andrew_jackson ago

Weird. No denial.

SaltyAF ago

Q told us, eventually it will be chans only...

Hopevoats ago

How long did we expect to trust a site with a goat mascot and an inverted pyramid logo? I'm only surprised that it took this long!

insanitea ago

Well yikes. Makes sense. I take it the goat meant to allude to the forum being 'sacrificed'?

SaltyAF ago

no confirmation either...I'm just putting this out there.... @PuttitOut if you gave leverage over this nifty little forum to a Jew, you are just not paying attention.

Hey he might be one of the good ones! I don't care. There's too much at stake. When it sounds too good to be true--IT IS.

Hand_of_Node ago

Probably the best part of the news. And Merry Christmas, Putt!

Caliope ago


Tzitzimitl ago

hello merch!

does this mean i can finally purchase a voat buttplug?

MadWorld ago

:-) Truly a miracle!!

hello merch!

Yum yum...

PuttItOut ago

You're getting all kinds of free swag! So no wonder you're excited.

RCMike_CHS ago

Awesome, Merry Christmas!

CptCaveMan ago

Its a Festivus Miracle!!!! Now for the air of grievances and feats of strength!

bdmthrfkr ago

That's great (?)

novictim ago

Huzzah! Well, done, PuttItout! Big thanks and Merry Christmas!

Yes, an angel has flown down from on high, bestowing the blessings of hate speech and misogyny, vile sexual jokes, jabs, disgusting insults and NAZI propaganda of the most horrid kind onto our cud chewing herd of hapless wildebeests who, convinced by TPTB that they are, in fact, "goats", stubbornly refuse to reform themselves and behave! Oh, blessed day!

Let the trumpets sing to heaven and shake the firmament! The Lord of Oafs has brought us this day the crown of thorns to wear and the befouled loin cloth to go with it! A miracle!

Majestic we shall be, to strut and pantomime our dignity to this benighted world. We shall gallop and prance and lift a straight hoof into the air and proclaim KEK to all that will hear old memes and rejoice!

I need more sugar plums now. That is all. Blessed be the cheese makers!

What could possibly go wrong?

SackTap17 ago

Merry Christmas Putt!

daskapitalist ago

Huzzah! I'm proud of everyone who put in the effort to build the bastion of freedom that is Voat.

GhostSkin ago

Yes those are all fine. Using the word nigger will not be accepted anymore amongst a few others words. We'll be posting the new form rules shortly after the new year. There will be a grace period before they take effect and we start to suspend accounts for rule violations.

lord_nougat ago


pepefrogjr ago

@ PuttItOut why do you use a triangle as a symbol in every voat tab that is displayed. V and A representing cabal triangle. just curious what made you use that symbol even after knowing what that symbol actually stand for

XSS1337 ago

Also don't forget this GLORIOUS PIECE OF HISTORY

South_African_Anon ago

Well done in sticking it out, blessings to you and I am confident that you will continue to go from success to success. All the best from South Africa

Jehoshaphat ago

A great day to sign up again! Let the good times roll. Thanks Putt, Merry Christmas!

GhostSkin ago

There will be some restrictions on language, however, you will be able to express any opinion that you choose.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Not to be the grinch but this whole thing is unsettling. Why did we need an angel? Why couldn't you have just put up some merch and started asking for bitcoins like we asked you to do last year? You said you didn't want to do that, but you never really gave a reason. If that would have undermined our quest for real freedom how does relying on an angel not compromise it double?

I think we deserve much more transparency.

TheBuddha ago

Merry Christmas, niggerfaggot.

Now, go call your mother.

YugeDick ago

Plot thickens after Rand Paul runs for president in 2024 on a free speech and constitutionalist platform. Finally advertising (after winning) that he's been the silent partner in Voat for years, ever fighting for free speech. MSM can't help but give non stop coverage to the platform in an effort to defame the new president. Inadvertently redpilling all their remaining viewers.

anamericantale ago

I notice on the post 1.6 years ago saying voat needs an angel there is a link to the canary.

on this post where the angel has been found there is no link to the canary.

PuttItOut ago

It's there. Down low. Keep going.

GhostSkin ago

Just some basic rules and regulations, nothing major. We would like to grow the platform a little bit so we're going to try to make it more attractive to the average user. Things will mostly stay the same.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

I smell troll.

GhostSkin ago

This place will only get better. We are working very hard to improve things.

XSS1337 ago

Is he a Jew ?

Diggernicks ago

By arrangement he meant marriage.

JuiceTown ago

Given that you're able to hire employees, I will be submitting my application for Obergruppenführer.

Check your inbox.

QMaster_Jack_Tunney ago

You alright whiteboy

GhostSkin ago

@puttitout I'm glad I was able to help and partner with you, we will continue to make this place thrive together and I'm happy to be a part of it. Feel free to disclose the details of our arrangement. I think it's important that the goats be a part of this and made aware of some of the changes that will be taking place. Merry Christmas Voat.

TexasDeplorable ago

Wonderful news to make Christmas special. Thank you for all your hard work and making our future on Voat safe and secure. WWG1WGA.

IsaacJan ago

Good job Putt. You’re a good guy.

GutwormTheManEater ago

has users begging for a way to give money

ignores them and accepts outside funding

announces deal while many goats are enjoying family time instead of voating

I hope this works out, but I'm skeptical at best.

heygeorge ago

Merry Christmas, @PuttItOut! Congrats on nabbing yourself a full time spot!

CantBuySkills ago

2nd best gift I received this year! Thank you for all of your time and spent energy. I can't fucking wait to get some merch!!!!!

Randomupvoat ago

I don't care about the name of the person or group who bought you, but I do think we should be informed of their interests. Why do they think this is a lucrative deal for them? What do they expect to get out of this arrangement?

DrPenguin ago

Awesome! Full time Putt!

Mumbleberry ago

Woohoo! Now get @Cynabuns back to bash all the f-ing spammers that have sprung up in her absence.

PuttItOut ago

That's too funny. Crack the whip on @cynabuns! Get her back to work.

Mumbleberry ago

Funny but true, sadly.

heretolearn ago

some more voat t-shirts and stickers please. and congratulations on your new partnership. I hope they're faggots of the highest degree.

HST ago


Can we make a physical copy of /u/6mshekelstein 's comic and do similar stuff like that? We could finally have a way to give content creators a little bit of money back for doing stuff here.

Rotteuxx ago

Awesome Christmas news Putt !

Thx for never giving up, now you'll actually get paid for all your hard work.

15759205? ago

I'm so gonna purchase your merch if it ends up in the store.

fuckmyreddit ago

Angel's., at first I thought he meant adverts, so the angel could give us a big dose of Google Ads and the Putt would be forced to shut down words to keep his paycheck, but I'm more hopeful now. I'll even buy a few tee shirts for my doggo. I would hate to lose this place.

Rotteuxx ago

I offered you a free limited edition 6" goat and never got a reply !

15759355? ago

Was I giving birth? I seriously don't remember ever getting that message.

Rotteuxx ago

3-4 weeks ago tops, lol

15759457? ago

OMG- I didn't realize you were offering. Still on the table or is it gone gone gone?

Rotteuxx ago

Still on the workbench collecting dust :)

15759665? ago


AR47 ago

Best part is peeling the blue plastic off. One of those oddly satisfying things.

BraunF14 ago

Merry Christmas, Putt. You saved my Christmas today. Thank you.

137 ago

Youre a tranny

last-word-rosebud ago

Merry Christmas and thank you! Bring on the merchandise so I can do my part to keep this awesome website afloat.

turbotuck ago

Sounds good, great work putt, and thanks for keeping Voat up and running. Merry Christmas :)

Sam63 ago

Merry Christmas to all. I am thankful we have a place like voat. God bless and stay safe.

bob3333 ago

At this time, given the world we live in, it's best to keep some of the details of this deal guarded, at least until Voat gets acclimated to the partnership

Aww, fuck. It's Jews.

PuttItOut ago

What? Where!?

MicroFaggot ago

Oh look, a baby wolf!

cantaloupe6 ago

@PuttItOut - Merry Christmas. Good to hear.

Behuvius ago

When did voat become a company?

PuttItOut ago

This guy pays attention! You can just tell.

HenryCabotLodge ago

Super! Protected anon pay methods are necessary for (confused) Normie/New Goats to function. For example, there is no simple way (because pay platforms refuse VOAT), to convert $100 that would go to junk at a Mall in MA instead to go to run VOAT. VISA/MC blacklist. Coinbase blacklists. So, how does $100 (I get the merch aspect - but that is only part of the puzzle) get from MA to VOAT? ??? USE NA Bank to buy Crypto in Asia? Then, run the Crypto around through a few markets. Then anon a "wallet". Send the anon crypto funds to the VOAT wallet?

DillHoleBagHands ago

Glad to hear it!

Merry Christmas you faggots

Locked_Account ago

I am so happy. Great present.

Tight ships are best, everyone has a purpose, and is- and feels needed. Which is also why you should never retire at all, let alone on a yacht. If you live on the yacht and have value to the light of the world, go for it.

Putt, freedom of speech and VOAT is fucking important stuff in the real universe, I can't think you were doing this as some sort of long game to cash out, has to be a drive in your heart for what you believe in. You know this stuff. You should be able to hire awesome talent cheap for the same reason.

Peace, nice fucking job.

PuttItOut ago

Whatever team forms, each member has to believe in the mission.

Thanks man and Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones.

Locked_Account ago

Merry Christmas back to you and yours.

BentAxel ago

Merry Christmas @PuttItOut Thank you for all your work and Happy New Year to you and your family

drstrangegov ago

We love you too, putt. All of this highfalutin fancy tech stuff is outside my worldview, but I think I know a force for good when I see it. I know you are out here interacting with us goats as someone, because you are one of us. Part of the reason I'm so chatty is I know content generation is part of what keeps voat alive. And voat is important. Not just because of the free speech, but because we are a nation. You've got my axe, sir. Merry Christmas and God bless you for your hard work. If there was a book about the story behind voat, I'd buy it in a second. Maybe get some cheese for yourself and buy a boat to enjoy. Or a bunker.

PuttItOut ago

Bunker most likely :(

drstrangegov ago

Yeah.....I figure a guy operating at your level knows what's up. I should probably get back to digging. Thanks for the website, and the platform to try to save western civilization! You're good people.

GoofyGrape ago

You totally deserve this success, Putt. And yes, this is definitely a Christmas miracle.

Diggernicks ago

Some many spineless queers crying about aww... toughen up and put on your big girl panties.

MrPim ago

I demand a parking spot

Diggernicks ago

Your scooter can fit anywhere.

MrPim ago

Yeah, but when I park in the back the traffic from your mom's brothel makes me late.

Diggernicks ago

Ho's gotta eat too. I for one salute her entrepreneurial spirit.

MrPim ago

You can't argue w success.

Diggernicks ago

If something is worth doing it's worth doing for $

Scandinavian ago

Good for you, and hopefully for Voat.

/u/kevdude - I think it would be prudent to man the canons, because globalists are always trying to find a way in ... even if I truly believe Putt has the best of intentions.

gabara ago

Oh dear.

Voopin__Voopin ago

Thanks man. Love this place. Merry Christmas :)

15759233? ago


Voopin__Voopin ago

Whats up empress!

Hope you and the family are having a very merry Christmas!

I'm tired of all the running around (wifes family get-together last night, and my family at my parents house today). Good times though, I love watching the kids open their presents.

Yours are probably too small to know they're celebrating, but ill bet they're cute as hell anyways :)

PearlyWhiteGates ago


Time4puff ago

Awesome news! Good luck!

harry_nash ago

Great news! Congratulations, Put. We appreciate your efforts.

BaldEagle1776 ago

Thank you for all of your hard work. I really appreciate this platform. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Thank you, putt! I can only imagine how hard you're always working for us in the background!

ExpertShitposter ago

He runs a secret reloading facility in the black hills of Switzerland. He will send us gifts in a crate before NYE. Btw, i discovered some FUCKING VIOLENT firecrackers. They are not even big, but they blew apart an aluminum pipe like its nothing. What happens when you extract powder from a box worth of them........

Oh shit, where are my dogs....

clamhurt_legbeard ago

lol wow that sounds fun

ExpertShitposter ago

Filled a beer can with flour, an placed one in the middle. Will see tomorrow the effects.

Hand_of_Node ago

Done correctly, a nearby ignition source might ignite that entire flourball.

ExpertShitposter ago

i think i'm suppose to mix with aluminum powder for explosive effect, but i don't have it handy

clamhurt_legbeard ago


bread for all

ExpertShitposter ago

I am Jesus.

MicroFaggot ago

Save me, Jesus.

ExpertShitposter ago

Hold my beer can and wait 10 sec.

anyguy62 ago

This is the end of Voat.

PuttItOut ago

Or the beginning

anyguy62 ago

I guess we'll see.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

God, I hope we at least get out of beta before it's ruined lol

ratsmack ago

Beta is forever.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

I have no patch but I must update.

RampancyLambentRaven ago


ScottRockview ago

Can you please let us know how much "the rest" is so that we can know how much we need to be "putting it out" there and make sure the site stays afloat financially?

White_pride_cis ago

I’ve been wanting to run ads for so long. @puttitout, will it be open again?

Diggernicks ago

It better be for a home ammo press or white pointy hats. Something along those lines

My-Name-is-Mud ago

I'd fuck me. I'd fuck me good.


VoutGuy ago

Merry Christmas!

I just hope it's not an (((angel))).

Tyranny-News-Network ago

I'll remind you, as I'm sure you're already aware. People, even good people are guarded these days and don't throw their appreciation around willy-nilly. (Deep breath) Voat is a great site with great potential. The concept is solid, the design is very ergonomic. It's just cool. Maybe I'll post a thing or two. Good job. Happy to hear about your good news.

ToFat2Fish ago

Goat plush now you god damn faggot. Also congrats.

PuttItOut ago

This has to happen.

Rotteuxx ago

I can see plushies but please no furry suits... ever !

WeekendBaker ago

Will you settle for a plushie with a fuckable asshole?

TheStapler ago

Any plushie is fuckable if you just set your mind to it!

lord_nougat ago

Settle for?! He'll goddamn well demand it!

Mbailey63 ago

Awesome. Amen. Gods speed brother.

baneofretail ago

Thanks for all your hard work. Merry Christmas.

KerriChandler ago

New merch would be cool!

Chiefpacman ago

Our trust has always been in good hands, no reason to doubt this move.

Thanks Putt, Merry Christmas.

PuttItOut ago

Thanks man. Much love.

truthwoke33 ago

@puttitout #Yet you intentionally hid any ability to donate from users this entire time. Calling absolute bullshit , you're selling out. This is the fall of voat. Mark my words.

Cincosiber ago

Sounds good @PuttItOut

Thank you Putt and everyone that helped to make voat what it is today.

I think in the current times with the current content it's helping to make the world a better place. Let's hope voat and us goats go down in history as contributing factor to bringing a balance and fairness back to the world in terms of being bastions of free speech, truth and raising public awareness. Let's hope our contributions help others to see how the world really is. Let's hope the power and truth returns to the people . Let's hope that only good is done by those we choose to represent our interests.

Welcome to our new Angel. I hope you like it around here because us goats love it here, thanks for the support!

Crackrocknigga ago

First item of merch should be a voat themed yalmuka

Promnite-toilet-baby ago

@Puttitout- Ball golf or disc golf?

PuttItOut ago

Why not both? I have both kinds of bags but stick golf is the go-to.

Promnite-toilet-baby ago

Just curious. Avid DGer here. Have recently been giving Ball golf a go. It isn't as forgiving and disc golf, but a lot of the principles are similar. Everytime I see your username, I ask myself which one it is. Now I know. Merry Christmas.

dontmindthemess ago

Awesome, Putt! I’m glad you’re able to keep this a bastion of free speech and pay the bills at the same time. When you love your work, it’s a lot less “work” and brings you more satisfaction. I’m sure you’ve caught some heat over the years, but I for one appreciate all your efforts. Merry Christmas!

totes_magotes ago

Yoh better remember the day you said I was hired.

Steelerfish ago

This is fantastic news. Count me in for Voat stuff when it becomes available. Merry Christmas everyone.

Questionable_1 ago

Hopefully Voat stays similar, it's the reason most of us came here in the first place. Merry Christmas Goats!!!

Memorexem ago

Merry Christmas, @Puttitout and Voat.

NevadaDesertPatriot ago

Just a note, it's been great to be a Goat. Merry Christmas to all.

shittersfull ago

gj ty for the hard work

XSS1337 ago

But is his power level over 9000 ?

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

@PuttitOut are you still "in control", so far as; whoever that you partnered with is solely handsoff Voat and you and whoever you choose to help are the only ones with that power?

TNBanjoman ago

Ah, announce a bit of good news and the doubters and shills crawl out from under their rocks and begin whining. Nice going VOAT, hoping for a better, censorship free 2019. Carry on, the coming year promises to be historic and world changing.

selpai ago

I think that people have the right to be skeptical. No one invests without expecting a return.

BackAsswards ago

Honestly the return could be other than financial. If I were rich this would be how I would tithe. I would much rather give to Voat than a NGO or some bullshit charity.

zyklon_b ago

merry christamas @atko @puttitout @fuzzywords

PuttItOut ago

Awww @FuzzyWords.

zyklon_b ago

@fuzzywords come back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AR47 ago

I agree with this. If anyone could look past their judgment of someone it should be fuzzy

zyklon_b ago

Fuzzy moved on and doubt any chance after what they was put through

AR47 ago

Well I told them that it was appreciated of their contributions.

Not really sure the pronoun to use.

zyklon_b ago

was sad the way they were bullied away.

lxbb ago

Good stuff hopefully that gives you some much needed time off a bit more regularly

Falcon9h ago

Uh-oh. Howard Hughes said partners are dead weight. Be very afraid.

redpilldessert ago

Who's howard?

Voopin__Voopin ago

That really rich pilot or some shit

white_male30 ago


therobots ago

Merry Christmas!

a100167 ago

Merry Christmas!

So, just who bought voat?

Pronebone45 ago

Sweet, t-shirts. Merry Christmas Putt.

THEx1138 ago

My voat hoodie is getting faded. Time to reopen the store.

AR47 ago

So you will do merch? Honestly that is the best news. Finding a payment processing will be your next step?

fluhthreeex ago

like shirts and shit? or something like a pet rock you could toss in the yard so no one would see? i'd prefer a pet rock sort of thing. with no logo on it.

This place is an embarrassing mess of spammers... and the majority of the time commentors displaying IQ's lower than any creature on this earth. Who the fuck would advertise it to their friends?

Seventh_Jim ago

I would. My best buddy tried coming here from reddit, and left two hours later because he got called a jewfaggot shill.

I'm proud of that moment.

FuckYesJefferson ago

Why is your best buddy a jewfaggot?

Seventh_Jim ago

He refuses to acknowledge the JQ. He's a giant movie geek too, which confuses the fuck out of me. We don't talk much since I told him he needs to realize (((they're))) at war with us.

I'm sorta worried I'll hafta shoot him when DotR comes.

fluhthreeex ago

Tell your co-workers about it. It'll go over great. I guess you can wear the t-shirt to work. 👌

Hand_of_Node ago

Do you still bring it up just to see him get butthurt again?

KeepGoingRight ago

Most of us would gladly pay to keep this ship afloat. Glad to hear you have a revenue source now.

Hoping the new (unnamed) partner isn't Conde Nast.

Silverlining ago

How much?

KeepGoingRight ago

At least 5

Twodivinehipsters ago

Holy shit that was worth a Google. I looked up Conde Nast. Not gonna be too specific here but omg my in-laws are everywhere and they all have a very specific type. Lol that is crazy.

Yanx ago

I bet it's Notch

GritD2 ago

Hopefully not name nhyming with fuckenburg, boros, hothchild, binton, etc.

anthonylancer ago


BakedMofoBread ago

Or DJT2.

Buff_Awesome ago

Holy shit. That would be fucking lit!

Locked_Account ago

Lucky, eh?

I_Always_Lie ago

Conde Nast

We'll know very quickly.

Scandinavian ago

That won't end well, if so.

For Conde Nast.

blumen4alles ago

First Christmas gift I have gotten this morning. Today is gonna be a good day! Merry Christmas Putt

middle-path ago

Putts, will you move Voat off of Cloudflare in the future?

Merry Christmas.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

fake middle is fake omg

Hey_Sunshine ago

Doesn't the real middle path use an underscore?

clamhurt_legbeard ago


this is an imposter

he doesnt even garden wtf

think- ago

he doesnt even garden


ExpertShitposter ago

Thanks to my flairs, in SpT you can always tell the real one by his watering the kid flair.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

flairs are the best

Merlynn ago

The optimist in me wants this to be for reals and work out like you're expecting it to. The pessimist in me knows this is probably jew infiltration and they'll use your "partnership" to bend you over and fuck everything up.

For what it's worth,you deserve the first one.

Talc ago

I survived the zio-bolshevik rout of reddit, and in doing so I realised that spam postings work in a manner similar to the canary in a coal mine.

From my unique viewpoint, as a mod of /r/reportthespammers I noticed that suddenly all was not well was the removal of spammer accounts, the process seemed to just stop, long before anyone knew the freedom of the whole site was all going wrong, the same spammers were being given the opportunity to post with impunity, being re-re-re-submitted with no action taken, much to the consternation of /r/reportthespammers. I carried on until I'd managed to submit the same spammer 11 times (re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-resubmit), then I gave up and moved to voat. This was months before the great exoduses started.

This month, for the first time ever, I have been able to re-submit the same spammer to /v/reportspammers. I'm not going to submit them more than once a day or once every 4 or 5 spam posts, but let's see what happens, let's see how far I get, see if we can read anything into it.

Merlynn ago

Reported as spam. Just kidding. So you're saying this is the first time a spammer has been reported and not dealt with or they've added the ability to re-report?

Talc ago

It's the first time since before the existence of /v/reportspammers, as far as I know. Last time I remember a spammer getting comfy here was years ago, some of the first domain bans here. Atko dealt with it in the end, I don't think he was aware of the depth of the problem to start with, until I showed that multiple domains were the same seo / web design firm. Even then, I could see a reason for the delay. Here, I can't see any reason. I'm not saying there's no reason, just that if there is one I can't see it, and last time I found myself in that position it was the precursor to a collapse. Making me nervous.

ability to re-report, isn't really a special ability, it's just a duplicate posting, but it does make a record of how many times someone has invested their own time and effort in reporting a spammer, only to have that investment tossed on the floor.

Silverlining ago

I would enjoy either equally. Winning is always losing - scores to be settled etc - unfished business….

james780 ago

no black pills at Christmas

graspskills ago

I gave some one... LOL......

Merlynn ago

Crushing despair motivates me for some reason.

lollo9990 ago

If he is smart (which i think he is) i'm sure he has done appropriate verifications upon the angel's ancestry and affiliations.

Merlynn ago

Like jews don't use their goyim agents to do the dirty work. Still,hoping for the best.

lollo9990 ago

I also said affiliations for a reasons. Still, i too am hoping for the best

ardvarcus ago

The pessimist in me knows this is probably jew infiltration and they'll use your "partnership" to bend you over and fuck everything up.

We're all worried about this scenario, which is common on the Internet.

Anarchy99 ago


SaneGoatOySwear ago

Yeah, we're all worried about it, and what is Putt doing about our valid concerns? Demoderating individuals who question it.

"Oy vey, you can't trust me? I can't trust you!"

Why should ANY OF US trust ANY STRANGER on the Internet. Whatsoever.

REB_Militia ago

And so it begins..

Tironianae ago

"Jew", seriously, fuckfaces? I'm an ex-Navy SOF VETERAN JEW, and I would fuck you up for that, were you in my face. We aren't all Rothchild's, you fucking dumbass... I know more than you ever will, son. VOAT, which I love, or not. Ever.

Now, I've said my peace. Knock it the fuck off with the "jews..."....

ThorTheWonderful ago

Chose a side kike, make sure you chose the right side!

You have the option to prove yourself!

Fighting for the Rothschild's is not a valid way to prove your worthy!

Fighting against them is!

NosebergShekelman ago

Oy vey you are making us jews look bad


jews are a tribe of gypseys who create fake commodities, fake laws, fake medias and fake gids(jesus).... what’s to like about a gypseys-jew?

geovoat ago

who create fake commodities,

What does that mean?


like creating a “need” for fake “commodity” “insurance”.... swarm an area with subsaharan-cannibals, crimes skyrocket, and psyop “scare” news campaigns sponsored by “insurance” companies... the “pharmaceutical” industry is 99% fraudulently bogus along with the “medical research” industry.... examples of some fake commodities... and then to top it off the dirty-gypsey-jews create fake “laws” to force citizens to purchase their fake “commodities” like “insurance”, “pharmaceuticals”, etc.. etc...

ThorTheWonderful ago

Jews were not gypsies before the infiltrated nomadic tribes. Or vise versa.. Just try not to conflate nomads with Jews.

Jews are everybody's enemies!


babes... are yous a gypseys-jew?.... jews have been gypseys since the beginning of the gypsey-jew tribe...

truthdemon ago

Why dont u talk against the sabateanist...and reveal the true hebrews being the ones ur justice system call black..

Octoclops ago

Nobody cares who you are, you autistic boomer.

Anaximandel ago


HST ago

It can't stand being identified by it's name. Fascinating.

Rawrination ago

Go try out the new showers at the work camps. They aren't very well sealed but I hear people are dying to test them.

TwistedSista ago

Happy Hanukkah!

TwistedSista ago

'I've just made a deal that will keep the Jewpire out of here forever!' ~ Putt Christmas 2018

'That was never a condition of our agreement, nor was giving identifying comment linked info to this government agency!' ~ Putt 2019

Nah, just kidding. No surprises here, right on time and exactly as planned! RIP Voat, good while it was!

Hand_of_Node ago

giving identifying comment linked info to this government agency!

Is there anyone who doesn't believe they can take that at will?

TwistedSista ago

No, is their anyone who doesn't believe all jokes are to be interpreted literally? Comment is more a metaphor for how the front page and accessible content has evolved solely to amero-centric identity politics and shit. Dates above prob should have been more like ~ Christmas 2016, ~ 2017.

weezkitty ago

Since it has happened to nearly every "free speech" website lately, that is a perfectly reasonable concern.

SchwoogNite96 ago

Yeah, I don't want to casually log on here some Thursday afternoon and find Voat has gone the way of Topix last week!

Vampyregod ago

Walt disney.

EyeOfHorus ago

Whatever happens, don't let the Jews get it.

Anarchy99 ago

Everybody sucks Jew cock sooner or later. Just shoot me LOL

Merlynn ago

Now I'm wondering what a Disneyland designed by our 2 favorite uncles would look like. I bet the monorail would be even more awesome and the roller coasters would be to die for. :p

Silverlining ago

Donald Duck & Uncle Tom [of Jerry]

KingMortales ago

I'm sure Hitler is one, who's the other uncle?

Merlynn ago

His name was on the park. Here's another hint,he was big on wholesome family entertainment.

KingMortales ago

Uncle Joey?

Merlynn ago

No,the guy he's based on.

XSS1337 ago

Its a small world ride would just be a trash compactor like in Star Wars.

Merlynn ago

You mean it isn't already?

XSS1337 ago

No there is singing currently and it is quite annoying ... not enough cleansing

Merlynn ago

It's just people seemed to avoid the place unless they had some "I want to die" look on their face. So I just assumed.

I_Always_Lie ago

It would also have a masturbation palace and consumer marketplace where you could buy things like lampshades and soap.

Merlynn ago

A masturbation palace. That's a new one. Where'd that come from?

Silverlining ago


Merlynn ago

Yeah,that's up there with the death coaster and all the other shit.

QueeferMadness ago

Thanks Putt. Merry Christmas.

zyklon_b ago


wwwwww ago


zyklon_b ago



Ocelot ago

15 downvotes. More every day. Get the fuck out you Jew-loving cuckolds.

zyklon_b ago

they must be killed

fhaqyu ago

wonder who Voat's new secret (((partner))) could be.

gotta love the transparency we are seeing with the massive influx of shills here too.

zyklon_b ago

I know exactly whom not (((what))) funded and is going on. All I can say is the "angel" demands anonymity at this time but is nothing nefarious.

fhaqyu ago

interesting. can i ask if the last name ends in 'Stein' or begins with gold/silver?


zyklon_b ago

lmao and no its not anything like that or to subvert our site in any way.

fhaqyu ago

ok good. because i would have to really step up my shit posting game if that was the case

zyklon_b ago

you are doing a really good job at it anywayS


fhaqyu ago

i'm like kevin mcallister from home alone 3

zyklon_b ago

before mj molested him

fhaqyu ago

just after actually

zyklon_b ago

did he pay you?

fhaqyu ago

yeah, took me to subway sandwich and introduced me to a free footlong

zyklon_b ago

that's a good deal

fhaqyu ago

fantastic. i was 'filled' up for days

zyklon_b ago

and cheap

jiews ago

Since 9-11, they did pretty much anything else. Also Trump campaign.

zyklon_b ago

I agree 110%

Tironianae ago

No, dumbass, they didnt. This is NOT about Jews. Is it Rothchilds Central Bank? Yes. Are they all Jews? No. Grow a fucking brain.

zyklon_b ago

so Jews did do it

fuckmyreddit ago

Top Satanic politicians in Israel did 911. Fuck yourself with that Jew shit. I love that you're the canary in the coal mine, but it would be nice if you didnt act like a bot. Merry Christmas hatefag. Stop your Scrooging for just one day.

Voopin__Voopin ago

If you practice judaism, how can you not admit the theological hatred of Christians and Christ?

How do you reconcile the whole goyim=cattle thing, or the "Jesus is in hell boiling in excrement", or calling the virgin Mary a whore, etc?

On the flip side, our savior said he came to fulfill the promise/prophecy. It says many times in the bible that the only way to salvation is through Jesus Christ. Those that turn away from him are no longer the chosen people.

Actually I don't care what you personally believe. I just want jews to admit our religions are incompatable by their own doctrines. Its in the holy books.

zyklon_b ago

some of us just wanna see it all burn

Redpilleveryone ago

Sanegoat was also a canary in the coal mine. Fuck em both.

Doglegwarrior ago

Way to go! You didnt make it to the top but pretty close. I wish you would add circumcision is evil to your jews did 9/11 223 kids die per year from botched circumcisions look it up your self so im pretty sure jews have directly killed more male americans then died on 9/11 and we can prove it with desth certificats.. just saying but good work... also the bush crime family and the jews did 9/11

fuckmyreddit ago

@Doglegwarrior, either Bush is a Jew or your meme doesn't work. Try Cabal did 911.

Doglegwarrior ago

Works... bush teamed up with the jews.



SaltyAF ago

Not all Jews...just Mossad with the help of Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld...

Rawrination ago

That's been tried over and over. The problem is that Jews are tribal by nature, and will support the worst of them at the expense of the best of the rest of us. They literally call us cattle. If there was a way to separate the Jew from the evil that would be wonderful. Hitler tried. What do you think the work camps where built for?

If the rest of the Jews come out hard against the bastards fucking the world over and string them up for us I might reconsider. Since that's never going to happen it seems they really are Sons of Satan.

lissencarak ago

Nope. All Jews.

Tironianae ago

I would fuck you up, you uneducated maggot... you sound like a Mommy's basement dwelling LiboMaggot. Am I right? I am.....aren't I?

lissencarak ago

Oof, Jews really are a neurotic people. Merry Christmas.

markrod420 ago

as long as this statement is allowed in places like this i support voat getting some funding lol.

fuckmyreddit ago

@markrod420, I really hope you're a bot. I'm a Jew. If anyone should be offended, it is I. If you're a boomer who hasn't thought censorship through to it's obvious fascist conclusion, I as a fellow boomer urge you to read 1984 and Brave New World. Both were required reading at my high school during the 1960s.

massiveprivilege ago

Whats the better solution to JQ gas or hammer?

Tironianae ago

Right on. As a AMERICAN Veteran Navy SOF officer who has done and seen shit these maggots never have or ever will, this ignorant shit pisses me off to no end. They sound like uneducated LiboMaggots...gross.

markrod420 ago

lol the guy you are replying to completely misunderstood me and apparently so did you. im curious how you ended up an officer if you cant understand a basic comment.

markrod420 ago

i am not supporting censorship. quite the oposite.

zyklon_b ago

indeed komrade indeed

Spacediver ago


zyklon_b ago


ExpertShitposter ago

Absinthe loaded cocked locked.

zyklon_b ago

klonopin and oxy down the hatch

NosebergShekelman ago

ahh yes the little green monsters(K-pins)

ExpertShitposter ago

Mix uppers and downers. Thats why red bull + vodka works.

zyklon_b ago

uppers and downers are fun

Voopin__Voopin ago


-tom petty

zyklon_b ago


knightwarrior41 ago

klonopin doesnt make me feel high

ExpertShitposter ago

I don't know the names of drugs.

24601_JeanValJean ago

just a bit o' chill high, that's all.

knightwarrior41 ago

its medications not drugs

ExpertShitposter ago


knightwarrior41 ago

in my case i take klonopin for an anxiety/panic disorder and its true i dont get high by taking it

ExpertShitposter ago

what makes you panic?

knightwarrior41 ago

nothing really.i develop this since childhood

ExpertShitposter ago

yeah but do you have a trigger?

knightwarrior41 ago

that's personal.sorry

ExpertShitposter ago


Locked_Account ago

Is that you Jeb!? Nice try.

zyklon_b ago

is mr jeb

Locked_Account ago


Diggernicks ago

zyklon_b ago

1990 bake wars

lord_nougat ago

  • Solemnly raises baked potato

zyklon_b ago

good work

XSS1337 ago

1933 Amsterdam - Jews declare war on Germany after a 3rd failed attempt at a communist take over. They used newspapers and radio to transmit their declaration.

zyklon_b ago

Germany needs to rise up and finish this

Rawrination ago

Germany lost. We all lost with them. Then the best of the best of the German men where starved to death by the (((Allies))). I'm not sure there is enough left in the strength of men. But I would love to be proven wrong.

Now don't mind me as a chew on this poisoned food and drink this tainted water and sit here docile as a lamb to the slaughter.

zyklon_b ago

learn to swim learn to swim learn to swim

15755530? ago

Best Christmas present ever!

Thank you, Putts! <3

AR47 ago

Remain skeptical......this is what happened with Reddit too.

Besides who would buy this place? Not saying it is imposible just keep watching.

Piscina ago

Whoever has put the money into this venture now pulls all the strings. No transparency unless we are told who the financial backer is.

AR47 ago

Way I see it is that as soon as put said "we" in one of his announcement posts referring to admin and didn't answer when I asked for clarification of that, the site has been under their control for a while.

Really this place and those like it only exist for distraction. People that want help or knowledge don't come here. They only come here for entertainment. Or they come here to spew out some agenda with the hopes of manipulation of others.

Admin doesn't owe the users of this site a fucking thing. Not legally anyways,and you can bet they know that too. Just remember these facts and forget about using this place for anything else.

fuckmyreddit ago

I was agreeing with you AR47 while following the battle of the goats, until I came to your statement about people coming here for entertainment only. I came to Voat looking for clarification on the subject of Pizzagate. I think the Qtards came here for info as well, but they may have come here out of a deep seated need to annoy us with AWW pics, so I can only speak for myself with any authority. You seem to have come here for the lolz.

AR47 ago

I can see how you think I am here for the laughs, but actually no. I am here and have always been here to help people.

I am the one that made /v/smallenginerepair and /v/diyguns, and I do my best to encourage self worth and such.

ExpertShitposter ago

Well you already think putt is an evil traitor so why even stick around even now?

AR47 ago

Lol that is what you want everyone to think, but I know what ATF told me, and I am sure they got the info from this site.

ExpertShitposter ago

You reported your self.

AR47 ago

Lol alrighty, distort the truth for whatever reason. It is Christmas today you know. Celebrate the day for fucks sake and take a break from your agenda for a day at least.

I found my original Xbox from 04 and am playing some old games with my kiddo. Perhaps you can do something similar?

ExpertShitposter ago

Whats this then?

Ratting out people to ATF, then being surprised when they show up.

AR47 ago

Lol this is what you people do. You take everything out of context to fit your narrative and skew the facts. It is almost as if you think anyone here gives a good goddamn about anything that is said here.

This statement was made in response to the many emails I got from someone that requested I make them firearm lowers for the AR15 platform. Someone that was attempting to curb a subverse I created by asking me of all people to endanger a right people in America have had since it's inception.

It was right after this statement was made that I deleted my Voat account because someone was attempting to dox me. The ATF is who showed up and was not due to this as they never mentioned it.

ExpertShitposter ago

This statement was made in response to the many emails

Let me correct that for you.

This rat snitching to ATF was made in response to many troll emails that i thought were real.

Someone that was attempting to curb a subverse I created

Let me correct that for you.

Someone that was troling my autistic brain.

The ATF is who showed up and was not due to this as they never mentioned it.

Let me quote YOU from a month ago:

They asked to see the emails, when i showed them, they lost interest.

AR47 ago

How funny you are with the inability to make one comment without some insult in there for someone. This is how I know you are all women. There isn't a male alive with this much emotional investment for something.

You have to get the last word no matter what and then obscure everything to twist it into what you want because hey that is what you think matters. To win some foolish thing you hold that matters. You want to be within the admins good side for whatever reason because you have an agenda, and you will do whatever it takes to get there.

You know I don't have one as I have been asked to mod subs and I could have kept my old name, but for some reason out there people didn't like me speaking about making your own guns. They went through a lot of trouble to make sure I didn't. No one fought for it, but me so I said fuck it let people figure it out themselves.

I realized then that none of this matters except those that crave influence of others with these sites like this. Those people want a following and find them within places like this. So fuck it I decided to stop fighting and justification of myself for zero reasons.

ExpertShitposter ago

There is 0 emotional investment. I am giving you the facts. You have trouble with it since it collides with the fantasy scenarios you have in your head.

No one ever wanted to stop you from doing anything. You got trolled, and your mind melted unexpectedly.

You lost it, called everyone a faggot, sent reports to ATF, deleted everything, and ran away.

Now you are back since there is 0 content on that other shithole website, and blaming others with grand conspiracy theories. The only truth is that you got trolled, and you ratted to cops and stabbed people in the back.

AR47 ago

If there is zero emotional investment why are you so adamant upon your version of events seeing as you were not there and feel the need to downplay another site that has zero effect on this place?

For a couple months I was not on either site due to moving away from PA.

There may not be nearly as much content as far as volume on phuks, but it does have genuine discussion without speaking of Jews, Hitler, or anything else to further an agenda of derogatory nature to harm the sites image. Kinda strange how everyone says there is rampant censorship there and I never saw it.

Yet the moment someone doesn't tow the line here one of you Soapboxbanhammer types come out of the woodwork with your version of events to have your say. Then tag team someone until they stop responding.

Time and Time again I have explained the events of why I left. It pains you to actually think anyone would do such a thing, but oh well it did and how they got it for sure is their secret. I however am over it and honestly I am happy Voat got a partner that can keep this place going.

This place needs to exist to keep the unsavory aspects of society in one place. Just needs to be here so they stay away from other places out there on the net. It is a system of balance is all, and it must exist. Eventually this place will falter to default of all the others before it.

Just history and how it repeats. Some good people here that will likely go to phuks like lock and others. The consistent need to win a personal victory is what makes this place so exhausting. The narcissistic people here are what will bring it down.

So recount your own version of events that happened within my life and not yours because hey that makes for a better tale doesn't it? Get your votes and win that personal victory.

You earned it.

zyklon_b ago

damn no reason for voluntarily trying to ruin someones life by alerting the gubmint. no empathy or ability to think into the future

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Why would you report yourself to the ATF?

AR47 ago

I didn't.

Just these people attempting to change the story so people are confused. Honestly I just want to allow it to pass and stop bringing it up.

I am over it and realize it happened because I got too close to the sun. You would think that on this day of all there is within the year people could just allow themselves to rest from the consistent propaganda they spew.

XSS1337 ago

It happened to 4chan before reddit son

truthwoke33 ago

We'll never be told where the money directly comes from because it comes from because it comes from the government. Moot did this shit with 4chan.

AR47 ago

Moot was always a spook. He has links to somethingawful from way back anyways.

You act like sites such as this have a choice of compliance. They don't because it isn't a tale you see on tv. They (admin) has an aspiration to see their idea come to the world and well once it does they want to keep it with the hopes it won't be used for something nafrious.

15755629? ago

Besides who would buy this place?

Skepticism is always healthy. That being said, with the sheer amount of attacks on free speech in the past few years I can think of any number of people with deep pockets who'd have a vested interest in seeing free speech live; pretty much anyone who loves liberty.

gabara ago

Elon Musk

MicroFaggot ago

Holy shit, I hope this is true.

AR47 ago

It is about company or personal image associated with your holdings. We live within a world that doesn’t value morality and instead is more about profitability. Just a fact and nothing more.

That being said......let’s just hope they remain a slient partner.

PuttItOut ago

That's their intention.

SIayfire122 ago

Could you at least tell us if it's a prominent individual or just a random wealthy investor with deep pockets?

MinorLeakage ago

We can only hope it's something similar to when Peter Thiel funded Hulk Hogan's lawsuit against Gawker, and less of a Condé Nast buying Reddit sort of thing.

Dancing_Queen ago

Could you please run a query on v/neofag to remove a deleted sticky. We accidentally deleted a sticky a year or more ago and can now only post two without getting a message that we’re over the limit when trying to post a third.

Than you.

Seventh_Jim ago

Gonna be some mighty angry folk the day we stop being able to say Niggerkikefaggot. Censorship is the death of culture, and that free culture is Voat.

That said, thank you for working to preserve that culture.

fuckmyreddit ago

I'm a NiggerFaggot, they're a NiggerFaggot, were a NiggerFaggot, wouldn't you like to be a NiggerFaggot too.

We will have to start using those disgustingly vile words every day now to make sure were not infiltrated by ducking faggots.

AR47 ago

That right there is some great news. I wouldn't want to put your partnership in danger boss.

I know that from the moment you were given the site this was the dream. So another question. Since you will be spending your time as the actual captain can we get chat back?

Maybe being invited as part of some honor system or such. Really hate to compare, but on phuks it really is one of the aspects that I actually enjoy and they way they have it works pretty good.

Will atko be coming back as well? Or is it just you because it says one other I how fuzzy words can be coming back even though they have certian sexual aspects of their life......they helped this site quite a bit.

I am getting ahead of is a day for celebrating bitches. Glad it worked out for you boss and it js deserved.


heygeorge ago

even though they have certian sexual aspects of their life

Shit, you fell for the sane group propaganda. Sad. @zyklon_b

zyklon_b ago

I just reported him to cyber crimes division. he will be in jail by noon

andrew_jackson ago

And he must remain in jail, until he accounts for his whereabouts in 1990.

zyklon_b ago

he raped that embyro

AR47 ago

No fuzzy told me.

heygeorge ago

Are you familiar with the concept of ‘shitposting’?

MinorLeakage ago

Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Except in France. Then they're only right once a day. Or digital I guess. Now that I'm thinking about it, I just realized that a working clock, with the wrong time, will actually never be right. I'd be better off breaking my clocks then risk being wrong my entire life....

heygeorge ago

Perhaps a regular approximation of the truth is preferable to an infrequent correct guess.

MinorLeakage ago

Stop tying me down with reality. I was brilliant on paper before you started tearing down all my conjecture with the cold light of reason... Plus I already broke half my clocks, and I don't want to be the sort of person who only half-does things.

heygeorge ago

In that case, do carry on.

kammmmak ago

Freedom to pure non censored expression on the Internet. How far we have fallen when this is truly one of the last places that exemplifies the whole meaning of what the Internet should be and was founded on.

Thank You Puttitout. If I had tits I would.

Voopin__Voopin ago

Holy shit that brings back memories of /v/BoobiesforAtko (might have fucked up the exact spelling)

Do we have /v/Tits4Putts yet? :)

carlip ago

was it the jews? it was the jews wasn't it? I knew it. Jews.

VoataoV ago

Merry Christmas. Can we get more information on who the investor is and the structure of the deal itself?

cynicaloldfart ago

At this time, given the world we live in, it's best to keep some of the details of this deal guarded, at least until Voat gets acclimated to the partnership and the newness fades.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Tl;dr....Jews bought Voat....censorship on its way.

RIP Voat. It was fun.

shillbuster1 ago

Obvious Jew Shill is obvious. ^^^^

PuttitoutIsGone ago


telleveryoneyouknow ago

@puttitout DONT sign shit until your “partner” goes on fucking live camera and says the words nigger kike faggot 3 times fast and spins around.

roger69 ago

Thanks for leaking our initiation ritual.

Voopin__Voopin ago

Holy shit I might have to do that myself.

Just for funsies.

PuttItOut ago

Where were you six months ago when I needed this idea? Huh???

TheAntiZealot ago

Lmao, I want to do that.

fluhthreeex ago

same goes for the both of them...

lord_nougat ago

Oh, well if it's both of them, they also have to do a song and dance number.

PuttItOut ago

This comment won't age well.

Promise me you won't delete it, ok?

SexMachine ago

Is your foreskin still intact, Putt? I can't trust a man who is missing part of his dick.

TeddyJackson ago

You have never come forward as who you are IRL, and you never will. Ever. Want a a reminder on that one?

When asked how the site managed ZERO interruptions during the massive Q migration you said "back end improvements". I asked you that question and that is how you answered. Some how you never mentioned these improvements until you were asked and never explained anything about them, just that they coincided with the massive Q invasion.

I call bullshit on all of it.

Thissandwich ago

Tl;dr....Jews bought Voat....censorship on its way.

RIP Voat. It was fun.


There we go. This will stay as a reminder if he does delete it.

White_pride_cis ago

I am saving this comment and setting a reminder. It will say “check to see if the Kikes own Voat” 6 months from now

gabara ago

ExpertShitposter ago


gabara ago

It's free real estate

PuttitoutIsGone ago


Blkbox ago

Then is it David Duke? ;-)

Voopin__Voopin ago

That would be fucking awesome.

hangry ago

We appreciate all that you do for us, Putt. This is the last refuge of freedom on the web.

jnola2 ago

Merry Christmas, Putt.

SeanBox ago

@PuttItOut is the hero VOAT needs. Merry Christmas!

drstrangegov ago

Puttitout IS voat, isn't he?

HeavyBrain ago

MFW Putt is Tay and Tay is voat.

drstrangegov ago

Nothing's impossible!

knightwarrior41 ago

he is also atko too.more likely as well :)

drstrangegov ago

Some things are beyond the ponderings of simple minds like mine. I just want to know who's going to launch the missiles.

toobaditworks ago


drstrangegov ago

Well, I think I'm speaking for a lot of people when I ask you to hold off for a week or so. So we can hug our families and stuff. There's a historical precedent for Christmas truces. I know it'd be damned effective time for an attack, but come on. Have a heart.

heygeorge ago

SBBH runs Voat. ;D

Merry Christmas

drstrangegov ago

Ohhhh....a Christmas miracle. Tiny Tim says "god bless us, everyone".

Ziekk ago

Seriously, without him this place would've fallen apart years ago. I can't believe how long we've been here already.

HeavyBrain ago

Shit just looked up how long I was here, almost 4 years thats more than double of how long I was on reddit.

Getting old sucks, time slips fucking away.

Bobwillneverdie ago

But what about /aww?

Lol, Merry Christmas you nigger fags!

european ago


Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

Merry Christmas Putt.

PhilKDick ago

Glad to hear it, PuttItOut. Great news!

Synxsynxsynx ago

But who is it?

SparklingWiggle ago

I'm going with James Woods.

fusir ago

ThisNameAlreadyTaken ago

Hopefully not the CIA.

It would be cool if it was Q.

OP, can you put up a canary?

AmaleksHairyAss ago

If I were Put I would be SO tempted to remove "superinjunctions" from that list just to fuck with people.

fusir ago

I see there is no mention of regular old subpoenas and warrants. So basically if the FBI does anything we won't hear about it.. unless it also involves the pentagon, then we will.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

It would mean he's allowed to talk about warrants and subpoenas. It wouldn't make sense to say he's not compelled to be silent and then be silent anyway. If he were duplicitous or if the site were forcibly taken over his account could just post the same canary anyway. So if you trust the canary you should trust there are no evil shenanigans.

fusir ago

Yeah, but he could opt not to, and really that is 90% of the issue. Yes a canary is necessary for the others if and only if he has a policy of disclosing government seizures. If he is interested in disclosing government seizures he should go ahead and post the 90% relevant item along with the canaries. If he isn't interested in disclosing seizures the canaries are a pointless exercise in appeasement that only takes care of some ridiculously uncommon situations.

fuckmyreddit ago

Ok. I usually do a search when a term is unfamiliar, but what is a canary?

AmaleksHairyAss ago

google "warrant canary" and look at the link in this thread.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago


knightwarrior41 ago

its bannon or comcast

TheStapler ago

“Vibe” Magazine

Diggernicks ago

Silent partners dont always stay silent.

HeavyBrain ago

Then you silence them.

knightwarrior41 ago

this is true

QueeferMadness ago

Victoria Secret

Tallest_Skil ago

So does that mean the Unteralterbach ads in the sidebar are going to be removed, or does it mean we’re just going to start seeing ads for child-size lingerie? Because we’re only a few years away from that in the wider world…

Diggernicks ago

No matter what changes occur you'll just find something else to cry about. Much like a woman, if there's no drama to be had you'll create some.

15756725? ago

Why can't you shitpost like this in TWs? I know you're capable and I'm offended you don't put in the effort.

Tallest_Skil ago

Reminder that you are defending the sexualization of children and that you’re a self-admitted paid shill.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Their Pink brand is already a gateway.

Cynabuns ago

A truly amazing gift, what a blessing. Thank you PuttItOut for all the love, time, and effort I can only imagine you put into this. Yes indeed, this is a Christmas miracle.

Merry Christmas Voat

Merry Christmas to you all

fuckfacemcgee2 ago

I cant log into my account! Help! It's not sending me any emails! Im kind of freaking out.

recon_johnny ago

I've held off in replying.

I'm really skeptical of this. There's not a lot of details, and I'd prefer to have some transparency. From where I sit, this all came out of the blue. Why? Who? When? I'm hearing "Everything will be the same", but almost never is that the case.

GoogleHatesVoat ago

They got a National Security letter. Everyone here was doxed. Bet on it.

Silverlining ago

Transparency, yes. How much, from whom, what strings, etc...

Silverlining ago

Our Angels support Voat

ManakEL Gabriel The Archangel bearing Our Name, Michael

Thr Universal Angelic Host, Company of Saints, spirits and Amcestors

Sopport and WILL success of all Voat and Goats


Love One Love ALL Love yourself above all

@Silverlining @wonderfuldonut @Puttitout @Putitout

john_mccains_tumor ago

hopefully it's not (((angel))) shekels........ i wonder if that capital came with any strings attached.

REB_Militia ago

In 6 months time, Voat will be indistinguishable from what it is now.

john_mccains_tumor ago

Will be shut down along with the 'chans before the 2020 elections.

GoogleHatesVoat ago

They eventually buy any media outlet they disagree with and euthanize it. Like they did Fox News. Fox News was not part of the deal, they say. Uh' huh. Riiiiiight.

ThorTheWonderful ago

It always does!

Cheer4Trump ago

Good times ahead!

Mumbleberry ago

Yay, you're back. Tons of fresh spam accts and domains to nuke.

AmericanJew2 ago

And I still only have one Voat shirt, since that was the only thing I was able to purchase merch wise. Still waiting for Voat mug and Voat cozies.

Mumbleberry ago

Tell putt, not me.

AmericanJew2 ago

I hit submit and forgot to ping. Geez have some patience faggot.

PuttItOut ago

v/aww (after I purge the cancer)

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/OneTruePutt submission by @PeaceSeeker.

Posted automatically (#16683) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/aww comment by @SaneGoatOySwear.

Posted automatically (#16501) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever submission by @SaneGoatOySwear.

Posted automatically (#16486) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

NotHereForPizza ago

Say who it was. Say what they did. Say why they did it.

This is the first time I've seen you hint that "the cancer" exists. We need to be sure we're on the same page with this.

15770521? ago

Define cancer please. @absurdlyobfuscated is doing a great job & the downvoat system is doing its thing.

hatecrime ago


15774481? ago

You think posting hamster pics in v/aww is cancer? Sad.

Broc_Lia ago

I think some people think the entire sub is cancer :/

C_Corax ago

Could you elaborate a bit on what you intent to do with /v/aww? To me there seems to have been a lot of anger leveled at the sub that in my mind is disproportionate for one thing, but it also smells an awful lot like a set up to ensure Voat remain strictly political. I say that because there are both a lot of new accounts or reactivated old accounts that have been contributing to /v/aww as of late, but the complaints about the sub largely comes from the same type of accounts as well.

I thinking there could be two motives behind this, excluding the possibility of trolling. Either it's our resident old goats with their autistic leanings that just can't handle nice things, or it's outsiders that have started noticing that Voat is something else that the Nazi pedo lovers they'd like to paint us as and Voat is on track to be the platform where they no longer have any control. In either case I would hate if you catered to either of these sentiments based on a wrong premises. I can't presume you keep up with every little drama that is going on here, but that's my take on the "Aww situation".

@Peaceseeker you've been following this as well. You have another take on it or something to add?

fuckmyreddit ago

I thought you meant the cancer of the voting brigade. I love kitties and puppies, but that's not why I come to Voat. There are tons of other sites where kittens are allowed, like Facebook, Reddit, Pinterest, etc. This is the only website with almost totally free speech. If you're here to forum slide, go home. If you're trying to build your own little fiefdom, what would Jesus say. If you're bored and need a hobby, try knitting. If you think you're doing Gods work because you're riding Voat of evil, you are allowing evil to flourish because real posts that expose evil are not

CalmRules ago

You had something great going with voat, until you moved the servers from Europe to that american shithole.

Time to start telling people to stay away from this site since you have obviously sold out. Thanks for exposing yourself before this site became a big thing, cause the last thing we need is another shit american site.

Shizy ago

Shut up eurotrash!

flyawayhigh ago

United States has the best free speech laws as they pertain to human people, although they are not perfect. It is a crime to talk to so called terrorist groups to tell them to give up terror as per a 6-3 Supreme Court decision in the summer of 2010.

Here's where the problem comes in. That same year, a 5-4 Supreme Court decision decided to undermine human free speech by providing unlimited corporate money speech.

For Voat the result is mixed. On one hand, we can say pretty much whatever we want (but don't tell the PKK to stop fighting Turkey). But the giant companies that feed the internet can block us.

24601_JeanValJean ago

oh heck yeah! Many thanks for keeping Voat alive and well!

Islamiscancer ago

So does that mean you will be finally purging the voat database after all this time? Good on you buddy, i for one welcome it.

ExpertShitposter ago

purge the cancer

When putt gets mad:

Obelisk79 ago

Easiest option, remove it from the defaults list and prevent it from showing up on the front page. No censorship or outright Purge required :)

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

prevent it from showing up on the front page

are you fucking retarded? how is that not censorship

Obelisk79 ago

Not all subs show up on the front page but will show up in /v/all. Make /v/aww function the same way. You can still post there, people who are interested can still find and see the contents. Win-win.

XSS1337 ago

To the guy that downvoated you , can't you tell exactly who did it and ban them / their friends connected through upvoats / farming ?

kneo24 ago

With you working on Voat full time, I'll be really happy to see actions like the purges taking place. I want organic uncensored discussion. A lot of the discussion here isn't organic. The more you work towards that with a 100 percent committment to free speech the better the community will be. It's a never ending battle for sure, but i think that's something you've been wanting time to rackle anyway. Merry Christmas Putt, and to your hidden partner as well.

Reddfugeee ago

So you don't want free speech?

kneo24 ago

Apparently you're incapable of reading. Why don't you head on back, brand new account, and re-read what I wrote.

Reddfugeee ago

I have reread what you wrote. You are anti-free speech. You want the admins to censor the content you dislike.

kneo24 ago

And you're here clearly to troll. Enjoy your downvoats you massive nigger loving kike.

Reddfugeee ago

I support free speech but please purge this "non-organic" speech I don't like! Thanks Lord admin!

kneo24 ago

I guess they're paying you well enough to do subversion at 4am. Or maybe you're hiding all the way in Tel-Aviv. How does the view look outside of your window?

Reddfugeee ago

I get paid commission. It's $0.05 per Nazi tear and I've made about $50 off this thread so far.

4ChinSnacker ago

Two gifts for us? Putt is santa.

graspskills ago

Santa like 1 Gift.

i_scream_trucks ago

You spelled Satan wrong!

Morbo ago

Hijacking this comment thread to ask an important question. Is @Atko still a part of all this? Just asking because I think we all want to know where he fits into the Voat Christmas Miracle.

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

I came lat to this thread with the intent of asking this very question.
Also to say congrats to @Puttitout and the crew he plans on hiring..

LlamaMan ago

Be careful, I hate aww too and blocked it but you're an internet free speech tightrope walker.

think- ago

The front page has only been spammed by v/aww stuff because a troll posted gore, so people have been trying to push the gore stuff down the thread by posting more kittie and bunny pics.

Blocking the sub should work just fine when you're unnerved by it.

fuckmyreddit ago

Hey Think, you're working against The Light when you upvote kitties and doggos. It pushes important ideas off the front page. Ignore the fagtard with the gore or downvote it. Pushing kittens to the front page is Shareblue's job.

think- ago

Retard. Do you have to work overtime on Christmas? Fuck off back to your handlers, and leave genuine Voaters alone.

I would wish you Happy Hannukah, but I checked the dates, and it's too late.

Amelia_Earnhardt_Jr ago

The gore thing is bullshit, its just SBBH sliding the forum and everyone knows.

NosebergShekelman ago

SBBH is totally kosher! shalom

gabara ago

If only you were a contributor to Voat, your opinion would hold weight.

Amelia_Earnhardt_Jr ago

Sorry bud, you and your nigger friends have already lost :)

gabara ago

Rent free.

70times7 ago

All things in balance.

Ever played a game that was not balanced properly?

LlamaMan ago

Yes, my favourite games are unbalanced because they are realistic. An example of this are the tanks in battlefield are weak and balanced. The tanks in squad can kill an infinite number of infantry without a coordinated effort.

Guardbuddy ago

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

Cynabuns ago



Very Merry Christmas PuttPutt

addie89 ago

Merry Christmas!

MyNameIsMud ago

This is the best Christmas present ever! Merry Christmas goats! Now keep shit posting and red pilling!

70times7 ago

Good, now go clean up /aww

lucabrasi ago

Did you miss the part about free speech?

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

vote manipulation and spam are against voat rules

Reddfugeee ago

Ok so you're against free speech. Gotcha.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

did you make a new account just to make it look like you're not alone?

lucabrasi ago

Can you prove manipulation?

MinorLeakage ago

As users, we obviously can't. On Putts end, he obviously can.

This is akin to me asking you to prove you aren't a bot. It's a meaningless question meant to confuse the simple-minded, as it can't possibly be answered in a way that will actually prove anything.

Hand_of_Node ago

All those posts were roughly +36.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

it's painfully obvious to anybody with a brain, which is why putt said he's purging the cancer in that sub

derram ago

Remember that when people start getting banned for the "go downvoat everything in /v/aww" posts.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

there is no need to downvoat stuff in /v/aww, putt is going to purge it himself

Diggernicks ago

Censorship is for gay niglets.

King_Leopold_II ago

Are you one of the herr deer forum sliding faggots?

Or tired of gore postings there?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You clean it. Use your downvote.

Rotteuxx ago

Or just block it and stop looking at /s/default like a tard.

glassuser ago

Ignoring a problem doesn't make ti go away. Do your civic duty.

KillallFaggots ago

He's part of the takeover. Was nice knowing you voat.

Tzitzimitl ago

default subs are where the cancer begins

WeekendBaker ago

Man I love this place. We get all fuzzy from a miracle and 6 words to wipe it all away.

Gunna go wear my voat hoodie to Christmas now. Merry Christmas Niggerfaggots

XSS1337 ago


King_Leopold_II ago

I agree with your message but because your using an alt you get a lump of coal.

HeavyBrain ago

Did he burn the coal? if so monoxid him.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

oh my god

HateCumbuckets ago

Who opened the door at sdbh and let you out?

Fixing that lock tomorrow...

clamhurt_legbeard ago

sdbh is impenetrable

i dare you all to try