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PuttItOut ago

Just delete your account.

We wipe all your data, including content replacement, when a user deletes their account (make sure you pay attention to the options as you can leave content or anonymize it too).

It makes me nervous that you are a janitor on a system sub and are posting submissions like this.

kobold ago

I have trust issues

if you are a psycho, you shouldnt be involved in social platforms!

redpilldessert ago

Maybe it had nothing to do with trust in Voat, and he was just worried about being doxxed, either now or in the future?

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever submission by @SaneGoatOySwear.

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SaneGoatOySwear ago

So because someone has valid concerns about the website, you confirm those concerns by removing him as a janitor?

Big slap in the face to someone that has assisted with a default sub...

Not a good situation indeed.

bob3333 ago

If you choose to unilaterally remove people as mods from subs because of posting a question you don't like when they have done nothing to abuse mod powers, it really makes it seem like the question hits a nerve for some reason. Are we already pissing off your partner?

daskapitalist ago

Or maybe system sub janitors with paranoia tend to end badly?

Le_Squish ago

Or maybe he looked at your account history and realized you don't make any regular effort to clean spam.

bob3333 ago

Except that isn't what he said, now is it?

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever comment by @SaneGoatOySwear.

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SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever comment by @SaneGoatOySwear.

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heygeorge ago

@PuttItOut is spez confirmed. @PuttsMum can you believe what your son is up to now?

PuttsMum ago

He's such a free spirited young man (who accidentally outed himself as Peaceseeker on xmad day but I don't think he realised (he forgot to switch accounts when he replied top me haha)

heygeorge ago

accidentally outed himself as Peaceseeker on xmas day but I don't think he realised

I completely caught that and loved it. You’re making mum proud, @PuttItOut

SteaksUSA ago

Edit: I had to take you off v/whatever. I have trust issues and you do too. Not a good situation based on past experiences.

That seems a little extreme. The guy was just asking a security question for a hypothetical case.

bb22 ago

Better safe than sorry. He’s right about the trust issue thing. It goes both ways. You can’t trust someone who doesn’t trust you.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Buddy wanted to make sure that he can be anonymous, and the owner of the website removed him from a very very small position of power.

If that isn't strange, especially on Voat... Jesus.

bb22 ago

It's not strange at all. Maybe if you ever have a relationship with a woman you will understand better.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

So what you're saying is, you date people over the Internet?

Because for all the non degenerates out there, we have relationships in real life, where we can see people face to face, and actually know who they are.

Honestly, you people are fucking bizarre. Comparing trusting a stranger on the Internet to your significant other? Like that's genuinely mentally ill bud.

Momerath ago

Scrolled and LOLed. Am srsly worried about the implications of our angel. Censorships are on the horizon and (((sponsors))) may soon be getting the foothold they've sought for so long. Or ghostskin is a LARP. Thanks for the laughs m8.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

I'm glad at least someone saw it, lmao.

Momerath ago

Had a long thread with ghost skin about the changes to be announced on Jan 2. Refused to let me call it censorship, but confirmed that new rules would be in place site wide to restrict the use of the most offensive language. Also got crensched but who cares when I'm gonna prolly nuke my account on the 3rd after all this goes down.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Fuckin Crensch. Some things never change. It's unfortunate that more people aren't aware of what's going on behind the scenes.

bb22 ago

No, I mean if you ever date real, physical women, in the real world, and if mutual trust doesn't exist, you will see for yourself how it causes problems.

Sorry that you are too fucking retarded to understand English, let alone women, you incel fucking faggot.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

What exactly does having trust within an intimate relationship, with someone you most likely knew before entering into said intimate relationship, have to do with trusting complete fucking strangers on the Internet.

Just to be real clear, I understood exactly what you meant. You weren't being cryptic. You are making the argument that because you require trust in an intimate relationship, that you should trust every fucking stranger on the Internet. It's fucking delusional.

I don't even know why I'm bothering responding, you're either a troll or you have nigger tier IQ.

Even in a fucking relationship, you don't blindly trust people. What you're preaching is white knight faggotry, beta tendencies 100%. Women in general, just the same as men, make mistakes and behave irrationally. Trust is an important foundation to any relationship, sure, but blind trust is just being stupid.

So even apart from the Internet aspect, you're just fucking wrong. Obviously you're reacting like a complete fucking faggot because you're alone for the holidays. Please though, don't finally decide to off yourself because I tore you a new one. I don't want your retarded corpse on my conscience.

bb22 ago

Why are you going on and on about this, even taking the time to italicize your text like a little pussy? Go fuck yourself faggot.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Btw stop acting like you have ever gotten pussy in your life. No one believes it.

Nice edit by the way.

Alright let's take this apart. Voat was having a conversation about trusting strangers on the Internet, and you started bringing relationships and women into the conversation when it makes absolutely no sense. You're hyper focused on the female gender. You lash out with insults like Incel when there's zero foundation for it. Basically, you're fucking obsessed with women, most likely because you're a lonely sack of shit that can't attract any. Your repeated attempts to change the subject to women, with you acting like an authority on relationships, it's incredibly incredibly transparent to normal fucking people.

The best part is I haven't even implied that I get laid, not once. I'm responding to your logic, not your bait. That you're trying to imply that I was "acting like I have ever gotten pussy" is just another example of how you're fucking obsessed.

bb22 ago

Take your dick apart faggot. You don't need it anyway.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Quit projecting dude. At this point it's incredibly transparent. You're a lonely sack of shit with no significant other. Your constant need to make things about women, sex, and relationships is a huge red flag.

bb22 ago


SaneGoatOySwear ago

Again, only a twelve year old would use both "f.a.g.g.o.t" and "Toggaf". It's also a sign of internalized bitch behavior, as real men aren't afraid to just say Faggot. You're on Voat. You don't need to bypass any swear filters bud.

You really are a pathetic creature, and while it was entertaining at first, now you're just repeating yourself like a fucking Muslim at prayer.

Seriously though, things get better, don't kill yourself.

bb22 ago

Yes, I write words backwards because I am terrified of cussing on Voat.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Why did you respond within literal seconds of my post? Do you have nothing else to do during the holidays but hit the fucking refresh button on Voat over and over until the people that you acted completely fucking irrationally to finally tell you off? Is this the only fucking attention your retarded ass gets?

You're a disgusting human being. Have a nice life.

bb22 ago

F. a. g. g. o. t.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

So basically, you made an argument, couldn't substantiate it whatsoever, and now you're saying "f.a.g.g.o.t" to me as if it's witty?

Seriously, are you twelve years old? I'm pretty sure you're twelve years old.

bb22 ago

I'm starting to think you need to check into a mental hospital. Don't even try to date. You'll just freak women the fuck out with your obsessive psychotic behavior.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Yeah dude, because I'm the one walking into conversations making zero sense, then being completely and utterly unable to explain how it makes sense or is relevant. Clearly I'm the crazy one.

Seriously though dude, don't kill yourself. Ok? Things get better.

bb22 ago

Who's projecting now? You're probably a sexually frustrated lard ass. Just hit the gym bro and stop being so fucking obsessive and you'll be alright.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

... I know I said I was done, but what exactly are you accusing me of projecting? Logic? Because unfortunately I've tried to project logic at you throughout this entire conversation, pointing to specifically what you said that makes no sense, and you keep responding like a retard out of Idiocracy. I can't project logic on you mate. I tried. I really did.

Just to sum it all up though, we were talking about trusting strangers on the Internet, and you tried to say that we should because you require trust in an intimate relationship. That's insane. You're insane. Have a nice New Years, if you last that long anyway.

I'm honestly worried for you at this point.

bb22 ago


Reverse-Flash ago

I'll take over his spot as janitor if you need someone to clean the bathrooms at v/whatever. Just sayin'

Native ago still links your deleted account username to your posts even though Voat anonymizes you after

PuttItOut ago

This is something I've been wanting to work on but simply haven't had time.

I think I need to force partners to honor user deletes if they host content externally. It needs to be automated.

Crensch ago

Mind explaining why, on the internet, a rule like this even needs to be put in place? Aside from actual doxxing or illegal content, why is it that the rule abiding Among Us need to be knee-capped when it comes to looking back at Old conversations that we had?

Screenshots and archives will still exist. Being able to search for those things that were important enough for a user to decide to submit is a pretty valuable thing in a community like this.

Even when it's illegal, you can't delete anything from the internet. And while I'm okay with those things being removed here, I think forcing a full deletion for non illegal things is a bit too much.

If the laws change and the right to be forgotten becomes a thing in the United States, I would agree with that. Until then, this is the law of the land, this is the lay of the land.

european ago

In this regard voat censors more than reddit

srayzie ago

I agree with you.

Crensch ago

Maybe, at the very least, the words can stay but the author can be stricken? I don't really know the answer here, but I find myself affected by the auto deletes.

SearchVoat ago

I already manually delete submissions from SearchVoat if they have been deleted from Voat and the user asks me to. I am also ready to delete an entire user's submissions if they have been deleted from Voat. I agree that it should be automated.

heygeorge ago

I have noticed this issue with also, but didn’t want to broadcast the info.

@SearchVoat see above comments.

o0shad0o ago

Thanks Putt.

@bob3333, please note that deleting content from Voat itself won't wipe out archived content elsewhere on the net. Also, that if someone hasn't already associated your account with other info on the net (via clickthrus, etc) shortly after you posted it, it's unlikely they'll be able to later, so IMO deletion to hide yourself is excessively paranoid. If you're concerned about future associations made, just drop the account.

bob3333 ago

Thanks. I'm not trying to erase my history from the net, just prevent someone from monetizing it in the event that's what goes down.

I don't really trust "we'll wipe it for you, don't worry." Funny how people are unable to learn from history. If this new partner does what partners have done to the other two social media sites I belonged to over the years, it will be the third time I get antsy and the user base reacts with hostility and personal attacks. Doesn't matter, but funny how similarly it works every time. A few years later they'll figure out they're on a shitty site and come running to where I've already been for years.

ratsmack ago

You're displaying irrational paranoia... hopefully your day to day life doesn't suffer same.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Holy fucling kike alert batman. The guy wants to be anonymous and you're using straight up kike tactics to shame him, basically accusing him of mental illness?

Kill yourself you fucking retard.

bob3333 ago

Why is it irrational? You don't think an offer of $$$ has any possibility of making a person compromise their beliefs? You've never heard of anybody in the history of the world selling out? Hmmmm.

ratsmack ago

I hope you've noticed that you're on the internet... if you were that paranoid, why did you venture here?

bob3333 ago

Not worried about content being online. Worried about @Putitout selling the site out for financial gain and what users can do if that's the case. Since he's demonstrated that he's willing to abuse his admin powers to "punish" users for simply asking the question, I think that's enough information for those of us who care.

ratsmack ago

... admin powers to "punish" users for simply asking the question ...

Putt need loyal people he can trust... you seem to have lost faith.

bob3333 ago

I didn't lose faith until he did that. I was just asking questions in case things turned out for the worst. It's happened on two other sites that were popular as soon as there was an investor.

You can't very well say your site is "free speech" if users aren't even allowed to ask certain questions without being stripped of their mod privileges. It's all good and well. Better to have learned what's coming early on than to waste more time. You just wait. It will start so very small. It will be something like removing subs like /v/niggers from the default list to shield the virgin eyes of newcomers and potential investors. It will be sold as necessary to promote voat's growth and come with promises that nothing will be censored. Then the purges will start. It will start with the unpopular stuff to establish the precedent with little complaint from the base. The desire to control more and more grows with every ban, shadowban, and deletion. Pretty soon it will be that subs and posts that don't "reflect the principles and beliefs of voat" will be removed. You watch. I'm setting a reminder in my calendar to return in two years to ask you niggers how it's going.

Momerath ago

This may be a LARP thread, but it looks as if you've hit the nail on the head. Any suggestion as to where to go next? If the Jan 2 rule update affects the integrity of speech freedom, I will be seeking free-er pastures as well. Hell, even this action has shaken my trust irreparably. So um, where go now?

ratsmack ago

You may be correct, but it is difficult for me to worry about things that are far outside my control. Like I noted, your best recourse is to frequent multiple forums and when one becomes too burdensome from commercialization or censorship, then it's easy to move on because you're already established.

ratsmack ago

It's his site and I'm happy that he can run the place with some financial stability. If there is some commercialization to support the site, I'm good with it. If it turns into a commercialized shit-hole like Digg et al., then I will probably move on to another site. I'm already on Minds and Gab as we speak, but Voat is my primary home for now.

bob3333 ago

If there is some commercialization to support the site, I'm good with it.

There is no such thing as "some" when it comes to commercialization. Once that barrier has been broken it's only a matter of time.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

This entire fucking thread is fucked, just the fact that it has so few upvoats in a thread where Putt penalized someone for wanting anonymity. Holy fuck man. Thanks for making this thread. I've been skeptical of this site for awhile.

truthwoke33 ago

This reaffirms my belief that voat is a honeypot release valve and always has been. Why else would they direct banned Reddit users and Q cultists here? Why else would putt be so tight-lipped about money?

It should be mandatory for everyone to learn what "logical procession" is and learn to utilize it. People that don't literally believe the world works on magic and fail to grasp any understanding of the functions of society.

For fucks sakes there are people on voat who actually believe Jesus is personally protecting the web host with divine powers.

Holy fuck people are retards.

capnflummox ago

Sometimes it's not about protecting oneself. In this case, or in the case when I left reddit, I wanted to make sure all my contributions to the site went away. I did not want (((them))) to get one cent from someone clicking or reading one of my old posts.

If voat gets (((bought out))), I will definitely be deleting all my old contributions to the site.

wifblat ago

You're pretty concerned about someone buying the site, but haven't bothered to financially support it...

capnflummox ago

Says who? How do you know I have or have not supported the site? And another thing: don't count my money, Nigger. Whether I had or had not financially supported the site, it's of no fucking business of yours.


wifblat ago

You should probably delete everything and leave now.

capnflummox ago

Why? Because you say so? Fuck off...

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I get this.

And this is solved simply by deleting.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Or it isn't.

The fact that v/Soapboxbanhammer are super active in this thread trying to convince people that deleting is enough makes me think that it probably isn't.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

um actually

if you check again im sure youll see im soapdoxbanhammer

lets_get_hyyerr ago

FYI (and I'm sure you know), a good 40% of janitors and mods shouldn't be janitors and mods. That 40% accounts for a solid 25% of the issues with the Voat ecosystem right now. The other 75% of course being financing and essentially everything else you detailed in your most recent global sticky.

Voat is still growing and the poor moderators/janitors who help run the website are hindering it's growth, albeit by a fraction but enough to notice.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat submission by @european.

Posted automatically (#16350) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

PuttItOut ago

@Cynabuns says the same thing. She should be the mod manager.

I'm curious though what you'd do to fix the mod problems. I think we agree it's an issue, but what is a solution?

dspfoisdafodsi ago

randomly picked group of mods/janitors from a pool of volunteers, rotation, and just as randomly picked counterpower groups (from the same pool of volunteers)... like jury trial really... if you do randomness right, and if you don't allow carreers, then you don't allow corruption, or at the very least make it very very hard

GoodGodKirk ago

A voting system for those who actually participate in the sub? This would disallow lurkers and voting bots from participation and allow the community to put a bad mod on the hook.

Sometimes long standing community members aren’t the right people for the job, or they become power drunk, or are just techtards.

MadWorld ago

When a mod is found out for censoring the content of said subverse and the subverse belongs to the community, there should be a due process for review and removal of such cancerous mod. We should not allow such mod to take down the entire subverse.

Something we could try:

  1. Ask a user to make a submission, to CLEARLY present the evidence against a mod, along with archives.
  2. Ask users within the community to voice their support backed by archives.
  3. Ask OP to update the submission, to reflect new info been discovered.
  4. Ask OP to make a new submission, to concisely and efficiently sum up this "investigation" and present the result to someone trustworthy.
  5. If the evidence presented is strong enough to indicate that a cancerous mod was found, a temporary mod should be swapped in, until a better candidate can be determined.
  6. If Vote feature is ready, set up a site-wide (or said subverse) sticky, where the community can cast votes to select the candidates. There could well be a dedicated subverse for voting. Unfortunately, this may turned into a popularity contest, where being popular does not equate to putting the community first.
  7. Make the elected candidate promise the things that he would not abuse.
  8. Create a new entry under the "ABOUT" section of the subverse's sidebar, documenting/bonding the words of mod. Optionally record associated links/archives that led to this decision. So if the mod decided to go rogue, community can review the logs and attempt to revoke mod's status, by repeating this same due process.

In regard to step 4, that person should be under review as well. Ideally, it should be someone who you (Putt) trust enough to know that this person can uphold such integrity. Check and balance...

lets_get_hyyerr ago

@Cynabuns certainly has brought up and continues to bring up great points in regards to the voat community.

The best solution to the problem right now would be to employ long standing community members to these positions, as these are the people who know Voat the best. Voat is in a critical stage right now of evolution and it's important to have these people effectively run the forums, just for the time being as the evolution takes place. This of course, would be a temporary action to ensure the voat ecosystem survival as voat begins to take more traction within the online community world.

Unfortunately, options are limited and I have put a lot of thought into how to remedy the issue, but of all the options available, employing the "old goats" is the safest security option for now. A successful way of employing this is to create a subverse where people can submit a "resume". Require all accounts applying to be older then 1 year of age, to be non-spamming accounts (i.e users who are not focused on only submitting links), to be active within the voat community and to prove they have moderation experience. Proving moderation experience is easy, especially if they have proof of doing so via evidence of where they moderate. There are countless forums online and I am sure many people from other forums, whether it be a forum related to cars, fitness or whatever. Once again, a temporary solution while voat evolves through this critical period.

Look at what happened to v/theunexplained - one of the larger subverses with over 13,000 subscribers, nuked and virtually inactive caused by a rouge moderator with hundreds of alt accounts. An account that which the voat community has identified as problematic and troublesome, and even documented it all on /v/ProtectVoat.

Lets just use me for this example.

I was a moderator on Reddit years ago for a handful of subreddits including but not limited to r/pizzagate, r/dankmemes, r/uncensorednews, r/dank_memes and others, all of which held over 100,000 excluding r/pizzagate which was unfortunately nunked by the anti-free speech Reddit admins. I have proof of having run these communities with the experience to back them. I was eventually removed from them due to my strong support of free speech and open forums while at the same time not tolerating shills and forum sliding. Things the Reddit community loves.

That's just one example and I am 100% sure there are others like myself on Voat who held similar position on Reddit and other forums as well. The subverse can simply be named v/ModApplications wherein a user, if accepted, can be given a janitorial or moderator role. The users would be "interviewed' by criteria such as their voat history, comment history and link submission history to ensure, as I mentioned before, they are not spammers, CCP farmers or the like.

A easy, temporary solution to protect voat and of course, those who are already effective janitors and mods would stay as they are most certainly needed.

argosciv ago

I was a moderator on Reddit years ago for a handful of subreddits including but not limited to r/pizzagate,

Yes, you were:

Added on Friday November 18, 2016 at 3:21:42 AM UTC.

You created your Voat account on July 7th, 2015 UTC.

Your first 2 submissions ever to Voat, the first being approximately 1 year, 2 months and 16 days(approx 444 days) after you created your account:

You became a moderator at r/pizzagate, 44 days, 22 hours, 55 minutes and 49 seconds after your second ever submission to Voat.


1 year, 11 months, 24 days, 9 hours, 22 minutes and 21 seconds later, you post your third submission ever to Voat:

When was r/pizzagate banned from Reddit?

r/pizzagate was banned from Reddit on approximately November 23, 2016, UTC:

  • Approximately 5 days after you became a moderator of r/pizzagate.

When was the Q/'~Awakening' Reddit exodus?

The banning of Q-related '~Awakening' subreddits from Reddit, began on approximately September 12-13, 2018, UTC:

  • Approximately 16-15 days before your third ever submission to Voat, incidentally in v/GreatAwakening.

Prior to this writing:

Here, it is claimed/implied that the explanation for the gap between your 2nd and 3rd submissions to Voat, was due to an inability to access the internet while serving in the NavyCoast Guard:

  1. |
  2. |
  3. |

1: When @gabara mentions that you were active on Reddit, you completely ignore this and jump to talking about your uniform only/ribbons/medals only.

2: You finally respond to gabara on the subject of your being active on Reddit. Without mentioning Reddit you claim that,

when you're underway on a cutter, you're using military internet. you're forbidden from using facebook, youtube, Instagram and all forms of social media caught in the spam filter, including voat.

To which @Caveman_in_a_suit responds with a screenshot of a article contradicting your claim.

Here is the article that Caveman_in_a_suit shared a screenshot of:

3: When @Hydrocephalus and Caveman_in_a_suit begin poking holes in your story, especially the change from "Navy" to "Coast Guard", you threaten violence against Caveman_in_a_suit if they let you know the next time they're in Jersey.

Forgive me, but I find all of this to be very strange and it not only calls into question your ability to moderate with a stable mind, but also calls into question your motives and involvement(or lack thereof) with regards to r/pizzagate, r/GreatAwakening, v/pizzagate and v/GreatAwakening.

Especially considering that you were a moderator at r/pizzagate for only approximately 5 days before the subreddit was banned.

Perhaps you can explain this away and lessen my concerns?

srayzie ago

Great breakdown Argos! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Hydrocephalus ago

He also claims to have served 4 years in the coast guard, and is in his 4 years of inactive reserves, yet doesn't have a dd214 which you get after your active service time is up, and is arguabky the most important document you get from the military as it allows you to apply for benefits.

In the comment after he claims that his "contract" (where he says a "contract is 4 years active 4 years inactive reserves) is up in 2020 if that were true he would have had to separate in 2016.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat submission by @AmalekReturns.

Posted automatically (#15978) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

gabara ago


lets_get_hyyerr ago

At least try to include any proof. You included nothing but comments I've already typed out as well as old links and random dates/times. There's zero proof of anything you're claiming because what you're claiming, Ive already explained with proof.

I expected something new to come up with you guys while I was asleep, but this is nothing once again. I think you guys are so fucking baffled that someone would come out so clean the first time without hiding shit, you guys cant believe it. That's got to be the case here because theres no other explanation as to why you guys keep trying and coming up with nothing

argosciv ago

Might wanna check the links buddy.

Claiming that I fabricated the dates, without bothering to check the links, is pretty fucking stupid.

I've demonstrated that you not only threatened violence in the face of your story being challenged, but showed some rather peculiar timing which also contradicts your story and presents new curiosities with regards to your lack of participation in the voat subverses best suited to your having been a moderator on r/pizzagate for approximately 5 days.

Anyone who bothers to fully read my comment and the supporting links, will see that nothing was fabricated in the slightest -- at least, not by me. Can't say the same for you, though.

You glow. A lot.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

I've demonstrated that you not only threatened violence in the face of your story being challenged

Yes, I absolutely did. Because someone telling me I didn't serve my country when I did, even after providing visual evidence, is a slap in the face and they deserve to be punched in the mouth. Cant take the free speech? Get the fuck off voat nigger

but showed some rather peculiar timing which also contradicts your story and presents new curiosities with regards to your lack of participation in the voat subverses best suited to your having been a moderator on r/pizzagate for approximately 5 days.

Once again, you only saw what I wrote and didn't see any of the visual evidence I shared with @Caveman_in_a_suit and @kevdude to back up what I was saying, which I absolutely did share and left all the dates. Once again, you never saw this so you have nothing to go off of.

Anyone who bothers to fully read my comment and the supporting links, will see that nothing was fabricated in the slightest -- at least, not by me. Can't say the same for you, though.

Anyone who bothers to fully read your comment "supporting" what you said will either realize that I've already said all of this or if they haven't, is reading CNN grade bullshit narrative junk.

I do glow. Thanks baby cakes.

Once again, you and EVERYONE else, are back at stage 0

At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul

MrDarkWater ago

Baby cakes?

You don't belong here

argosciv ago

Cant take the free speech? Get the fuck off voat nigger

Hey, glowing nigger kike, I've nothing against free speech at all - what your reaction showed, is that you're prone to being an internet toughguy, which is pretty sad if nothing else. Then when called out on it, you try to act like I'm trying to censor you - classic.

"Hey random internet person, come to my neighborhood, I'll fight you because I'm that tough"

Once again, you only saw what I wrote and didn't see any of the visual evidence I shared with @Caveman_in_a_suit and @kevdude to back up what I was saying, which I absolutely did share and left all the dates. Once again, you never saw this so you have nothing to go off of.

Excuse me, but I did look at all the images, I even took the time to parse your shitty imgur links through catbox, because fuck your imgur Reddit aids.

Anyone who bothers to fully read your comment "supporting" what you said will either realize that I've already said all of this or if they haven't, is reading CNN grade bullshit narrative junk.

I do glow. Thanks baby cakes.

Once again, you and EVERYONE else, are back at stage 0

  • Claims someone fabricated times and dates.
  • Times and dates are actually in the supporting links.
  • Retreats to snark, realizing that the times and dates are indeed where they're said to be
  • Repeats "stage X" line as if it debunks all that has been presented.

Oh to be you...

Tell me again why you wanted to be a mod of r/pizzagate but then haven't participated in v/pizzagate or any of the ~Awakening subs on Voat, beyond 1 submission to v/GreatAwakening - but now suddenly want everyone to think you're the best choice for moderator anywhere...

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Oh look, again you've included NO NEW information and accomplished NO NEW discoveries. I have to keep repeating this because you jews don't seem to get it. But keep coming. Ive got all day for this!

MrDarkWater ago

Damn, you argue like a kike

lets_get_hyyerr ago

damn, you respond like a nigger

MrDarkWater ago


argosciv ago

Ive got all day for this!

Thought you have work to go to?

you jews

Ah, so everyone who finds something off about your story, responses and activity, must be a jew - is that it?

You're not very familiar with myself or others here, if that's the line you're going to run with.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

I am at work jew boy.

so everyone who finds something off about your story, responses and activity, must be a jew - is that it?

Seeing as no one discovered ANYTHING remotely new or imperative, since you fat asses ate up all the stuff I already laid out for you and keep trying and trying and trying to come at me but have made no discoveries, yes. Jews. that's what jews do. you're a jew.

take my downvote THOT.

You guys can keep trying to attack me but you forget this is the internet and none of this means anything or affects anyone and is completely insignificant in life. like I said, I find this enjoyable. you guys are breaking your necks and backs over this but achieving nothing. I figured yall would vet hard, but yall haven't done shit.

argosciv ago

I'm not the one attacking, here.

I made nothing up about you, but, you've accused me of making things up, attacking free speech and you're downvoting as if it makes you powerful.

Nevermind how woefully inaccurate it is to call me a Jew. You say it to imply what, that I'm being subversive? What does that say about you, when you literally make completely baseless claims that I've fabricated timestamps that can be seen in plain view via the links provided?

take my downvote THOT

Oh my the owies. How will I ever recover?

You're showing all the hallmarks of a powerhungry child.

Again, point me to your oodles of participation in v/pizzagate.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Oh, you're still here. With zero new shit on me (cause there is none). Nice try officer.

argosciv ago

Of course I'm still here dunce.

If that's all you've got to say, well, it's pretty damn clear that you don't want to address the peculiarities outlined in my original reply to you.

That will speak volumes to some observers. Several of whom, already agree that something is suspicious about your lack of visible participation in voat subverses relating to r/pizzagate.

Not that you'll answer, but, again I ask, why did you want to be a mod of r/pizzagate, considering that you've contributed nothing to v/pizzagate and only showed up here again after the Reddit Q/~Awakening Exodus - with a mere one submission to v/GreatAwakening?

lets_get_hyyerr ago

ill be honest. your comments have nothing new in them, so ive stopped reading them. holla atcha boy when you and all the rest of you jews actually make any progress. its been over 13 hours now with nothing.

you've got my cell.

argosciv ago

So, instead of answering the perfectly valid question, you now say you aren't reading anything?

"Gib me da proof!"

"I'm not going to read it!"


Concerns not lessened - obvious bullshitter, powerhungy and likely has subversive intent.

@Crensch @kevdude

lets_get_hyyerr ago

gib me da proof!

yea, give it to me. But you cant cause you done have any.

you keep tagging @kevdude and @Crensch, but there has literally been zero discoveries since this all started. You keep saying this and that, but the only one here who submitted any legitimate forms of proof was I. Actual photographic evidence. You? Some links of shit I said hours ago. Weak minded and weak argument.

Call again plz

argosciv ago

I thought you weren't reading anything I'm saying?

How would you know?

Make up your mind, feeble one.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Edit: Once again, running away to bitch and project in another thread

Aww, so only you can bitch about other people but no one can bitch about you?


fucking jew

argosciv ago

Oh you can do as you see fit.

But if you're going to run off to ping me to your bitching, like a feeble "REE!" screaming cretin, I'm just going to drop a link to the comment, here in this comment chain, so that people reading here can check the timestamps and see which comments occurred around the time of said bitching.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

You just bitched about it, got called out and doubled down. Cute.

argosciv ago

You just bitched about it, got called out and doubled down. Cute.

I thought your premise was "rules for thee not for me", not bitching.

You seem to like repeating what has been said by the person you're arguing with. Not a very creative one, are ya?

Lol. Relying on a Billy Madison quote.

Let's simplify the question, seeing as how you're clearly having trouble with it:

Why did you want to be a moderator of r/pizzagate?

lets_get_hyyerr ago


You were mad someone was shitposting about you because apparently, in your world, you want to censor people talking about you so only YOU can shitpost about them. And yea I'm repeating the same stuff. There's nothing more to say because you guys haven't achieved any new discoveries and keep repeating the same stuff as well. You are doing the same exact thing lmao another "RULES FOR THEE NOT FOR ME" example. Only you can repeat shit but no one else can. You are one seriously hypocritical faggot lol

Why did I want to be a mod of r/pizzagate? Because they needed a bipartisan mod who could do their job without taking sides which is what I did while myself and the others were there before it got shut down. And also, because at the time it was discovered, myself and the other people knew we had found something troublesome and knew these kids needed some help. Why would ANYONE stand by idly and discover the abuses these kids were getting? If YOU have a problem with someone who helped launch a worldwide phenomena into helping children, you can literally jump off a cliff.

As I said before to others: here is the jist of it.

I gave you guys ALL the info you'd need on me before you had a chance to find it yourself. I was 110% upfront from the beginning and provided everything needed to back up my claims to @kevdude and @Caveman_in_a_suit because those were the people who deserved to see it. Since the beginning, nothing you nor anyone else has attempted to discover has been anything I didn't already say. You can say whatever you want about bullshit times and dates or whatever, I simply do not care. @TheBuddah corroborated my claims. I did tell someone i'd punch them in the face if I saw them in person for telling me I didn't spend some years of my life serving. I DONT care what you think of me and I certainly do not care what anyone else thinks. Absolutely zero new info has been brought to the table on me because I gave it to you all from the start. I keep repeating myself because you don't seem to understand it and you keep repeating yourself because there's nothing left to say.

In the end, I'm going to continue doing what I've been doing and I'm going to help voat whether you like me or not. I don't care.

And yes, I did use a billy Madison quote because billy Madison is a great movie and that's one of my favorite quotes from any movie

argosciv ago


Except I'm setting no rules and explicitly stated that you're free to do as you see fit - again, not that I create the rules, ergo, it's not even my place to grant you that freedom. Do please repeat it a third time, maybe it will become true then! I'd love to see that work for the first time ever.

you want to censor people

There's that accusation again. Tell me, which one of us is downvoting the other? Because I can easily prove that I haven't downvoted you at all.

Because they needed a bipartisan mod who could do their job without taking sides which is what I did while myself and the others were there before it got shut down. And also, because at the time it was discovered, myself and the other people knew we had found something troublesome and knew these kids needed some help. Why would ANYONE stand by idly and discover the abuses these kids were getting?

Finally! Was that so hard?

Now, if that's your response, care to explain why you haven't contributed to v/pizzagate? Y'know, seeing as how you care so much?

If YOU have a problem with someone who helped launch a worldwide phenomena into helping children, you can literally jump off a cliff.

Is that some strawman and/or ad hominem? Regardless, where did I imply, even remotely, that I have a problem with someone genuinely helping to combat pedophilia? I did notice that your answer contains no mention of sexual abuse whatsoever, but, I'll let that slide.

Go ahead and explain why you haven't posted any submissions in v/pizzagate and have only made one submission to v/GreatAwakening.

billy Madison is a great movie and that's one of my favorite quotes from any movie

Oh look, that's an agreeable point. Great. Except that you relied on the quote in and attempt to discredit valid concerns, so, you're still pretty feeble.

On that note, let's backtrack in the above comment for a moment.

bullshit times and dates or whatever

Excuse me, but again, I suggest you check the links instead of accusing me of fabricating times and dates(or calling them bullshit, as you are now).

See, this is why you're still very questionable. Not only did it take simplification and however many comments of "REE!" from you, before you finally had an answer to "why did you want to be a moderator of r/pizzagate", but you continue to act as though I've made things up and as though I'm trying to censor you.

Not once have I done either of those things and moreover, even if I wanted to, I have no power to censor you and have given you ample opportunity to explain away my concerns - yet you continue to perpetuate them instead.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

I cant even shitpost in SBBH because you pussies banned me! LOL more of this "you cant do it but I can" bullshit. ban me rom SBBH to keep me from shitposting about all of you. classic move

argosciv ago

Double-replying again? Stop getting so flustered.

Read properly and respond like an adult.

I cant even shitpost in SBBH because you pussies banned me! LOL more of this "you cant do it but I can" bullshit. ban me rom SBBH to keep me from shitposting about all of you. classic move

Yeah, hi, not only am I not a moderator of any SBBH subverse, you clearly aren't from around here(so to speak) if you don't understand that SBBH subverses ban mercilessly for shits and giggles - your overreaction will not help you get unbanned and seriously who gives a fuck anyway? It's a shitposting sub, being banned from there is hardly censorship as you can find countless other subverses which are themed to any kind of legitimately important information you might want to share.

Moving on to your other reply, though.

Billy Madison was a great movie

Jews did 9/11

Im not going anywhere

You've got nothing on me

Get used to me on voat

We agree on Billy Madison.

I won't discus 9/11 in this context, but I'd be willing to bet we can find points of agreement AND disagreement there - I digress.

You've still failed to address all the concerns.

I'm not censoring you nor telling you to leave, I'm curious about your peculiar history both here and on Reddit - your deflection and continued ignorance and baseless accusations aren't helping.

@gabara, care to weigh in on the SBBH part?

Edit: Grammar.

gabara ago

Why would they care about posting to SBBH if they hate us so much?

argosciv ago

Bruh, if you're behind the AmalekReturns account, delete that submission. Now's not the time.

gabara ago

Who did what now?

argosciv ago

Whoever is behind this needs to seriously consider deleting it.

They're kinda fucking everything up.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

You've still failed to address all the concerns

All of you "concerns" have been addressed and debunked all day yesterday. If you're too lazy to read through it all, I can't help you there. Im certainly not going to write it all out again for you. There is legit absolutely zero "deflection" going on.

I find it hilarious you are talking about continued ignorance and baseless accusations! LMAO have you not read what you've been writing?! LOL this is why I'm loving this so much! @gabara is a jew. "gabbai" is a Hebrew word

he banned me from SBBH because he's a jew who cant handle someone else shitpositng about them. a social justice worrior who is mentally weak and cant withstand someone else's chatter.

argosciv ago

mentally weak

A completely apt description of your constant deflection and avoiding the rest of the question.

I have indeed read what I've been writing AND what you've been writing - to wit, it was you who said you're not reading fully.

Once again showing how flustered you are by trying to spin this via retreating to the "jews" accusation.

Read this properly and respond like an adult, if you really want people to think you're genuine - so far you're showing the exact opposite.

You asked for this when you offered your hand in being a moderator/janitor, it defies logic that you would avoid simple and valid* questions.

* Valid given the peculiarities laid out. You put your motives/history up for scrutiny, now, when scrutinized, you're acting like people are making dates up in archived links? Just how much control do you think I have over and/or

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Oh, hello. You're back! Welcome.

You've still presented nothing new and now your cronies are making up MORE FAKE NEWS on v/protectvoat saying I somehow got pizzagate shut down when that's the biggest lie you guys could have said at all today. look at this. goats promoting fake news. this is one for the books

argosciv ago

That's someone taking the piss.

Not my claim at all. (See my comment in that thread pinging you)

You'll be better off addressing what I have said, rather than taking that submission seriously.

Or, y'know, continue to ignore it.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

You jews keep making up so much stuff now. I was seriously entertaining all of this before but now you've all resorted to creating literal made up information like a shill does? You guys stooped THAT low on Voat?

Sorry man, but I'm done here. you guys resorted to cheating and lying. that's where I stop entertaining. now I'm definitely going to ignore it because how can I have a conversation with someone who totally made that up? I cant. sorry.

argosciv ago

What part of my comments denouncing that thread, are you failing to comprehend?

lets_get_hyyerr ago

you guys wanna voat brigade me now like @diesel4420 does to people and make up real fucking fake news like CNN does?

I'm done with this shit. I have been clear as fucking day since the BEGINNING and you guys resort to vote brigades and fake fucking news. I'm done with this shit. you guys have officially become redditors. voat brigades and fake news.

No one will EVER be able to help voat because you guys will NEVER accept ANYONE, regardless of how open and transparent they've been. No one will be able to offer assistance t help keep voat clean because you'll make up more FAKE NEWS about them like a NPC.

God speed to putt and trying to find help with this site

argosciv ago

Now you're just using flavor words and refusing to acknowledge what has been said, again.

If you're done, well, that's your choice. I've given you ample opportunity to answer my question(s) and you only managed to answer partially.

Up to you if you chose to continue deflecting.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Holy shit. Ok.

what the fuck do you want to know. what can I enlighten you with. Im losing my CCP because you started a fucking vote brigade so I might as well entertain you while you kill my account you fake news jackass

argosciv ago

you started a fucking vote brigade

Again, no I did not.

what the fuck do you want to know.

I forget how many times I've asked, but here goes again:

Why, if you cared so much about helping(as was your reason for becoming a mod on r/pizzagate), have you not contributed any submissions to v/pizzagate and only one submission to v/GreatAwakening?

you while you kill my account you fake news jackass

I am not killing your account. Avoid accusing me of fabrication or brigading in your response or it won't be taken as genuine.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Again, no I did not.

Again, yes you did

Why, if you cared so much about helping(as was your reason for becoming a mod on r/pizzagate), have you not contributed any submissions to v/pizzagate and only one submission to v/GreatAwakening?

I could explain absolutely anything to you and give you the 100% truth, but you know in your own head you would NEVER believe it. I stopped being involved because I was out of the game for so long with it. By the time I got back, I didn't know where anyone went or who any of the new people leading it were. I eventually found that one of the old guys had move to v/pizzagate and was invited there (which I still have the invitation I can prove to you) but subsequently left because it was just too much at that point. I hadn't been in the loop for a long time who who was I to lead it again? I knew no one, knew where no one went and was OOTL. There was nothing I can do and plus, it got too heated via MSM and news. it had way too much attention and I wasn't comfortable with it personally.

Doesn't matter though, because even after all the proof, pictures, explanations, visual evidence, and outright clarity since the beginning, neither you nor any of your vote brigading, fake news cronies care. So, since you don't give a fuck, I don't give a fuck.

argosciv ago

I stopped being involved because I was out of the game for so long with it. By the time I got back, I didn't know where anyone went or who any of the new people leading it were. I eventually found that one of the old guys had move to v/pizzagate and was invited there (which I still have the invitation I can prove to you) but subsequently left because it was just too much at that point. I hadn't been in the loop for a long time who who was I to lead it again? I knew no one, knew where no one went and was OOTL. There was nothing I can do and plus, it got too heated via MSM and news. it had way too much attention and I wasn't comfortable with it personally.

I do have to ask a follow up question.

Seeing as how it was banned(r/pizzagate) only 5 days after you became a moderator, did you miss the thread pointing out the move to v/pizzagate(linked in my original reply)?

I would be very interested to see that invite.

Can anyone such as @Crensch or @Vindicator corroborate, in lieu of a screenshot?

I can understand you feeling OOTL if you had indeed missed the move notice.

It does still kind of beg the question why you haven't tried to find a way to contribute a few submissions here and there, but, at least you've answered now.

Unfortunately, you're still levying accusations against me. See how you're kinda pulling the whole "rules for thee but not for me" stuff yourself? You accuse me of fabrication(completely false) but then don't like it when someone makes up a claim about you? Lo and behold, I got that claim removed, for both our sakes.

So don't pull the whole "you don't care" crap, I cared enough to give you how many chances to respond? I've taken your response on board and would love it if you can find it in you to answer the follow up question and corroborate the mention of a mod invite. If I didn't care about not only Voat, but v/pizzagate and v/GreatAwakening, why would I bother to check if you're legit? I'd just say "fuck this guy" and ignore you.

Edit: Spelling. Fucking typing dyslexia(b/p).

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Seeing as how it was banned(r/pizzagate) only 5 days after you became a moderator, did you miss the thread pointing out the move to v/pizzagate(linked in my original reply)?

I saw it, but you have to remember that after they shut it down, we spend almost 2 weeks trying to get it back. We fought tooth and nail to get it reopened. Contacted media to expose the fuckery of the admins. I joined but wasnt one of the active ones there because we were still trying to get back r/pizzagate. That was the main priority before any movement.

It does still kind of beg the question why you haven't tried to find a way to contribute a few submissions here and there, but, at least you've answered now.

because I'm so out of the loop now, whay am I gunna help with? shits world wide now.

Here is the mod invite -

Check the date on that. It completely coincides with the ban of r/pizzagate and what I said before

So, as my account drops over 150 comment points in 20 minutes because of a fucking witch hunt you all posted on me for nothing, I want to tell you what you need now before I lose it all and cant comment whatsoever.

argosciv ago

I saw it, but you have to remember that after they shut it down, we spend almost 2 weeks trying to get it back. We fought tooth and nail to get it reopened. Contacted media to expose the fuckery of the admins. I joined but wasnt one of the active ones there because we were still trying to get back r/pizzagate. That was the main priority before any movement.

Okay, I hear ya there.

Here is the mod invite -

The date does coincide. I'd love it if a current mod can corroborate when they have the time to browse the modmail, though.

That's just me erring on the side of caution, don't get bent out of shape.

^ @Crensch @Vindicator @srayzie @EricKaliberhall

So, as my account drops over 150 comment points in 20 minutes because of a fucking witch hunt you all posted on me for nothing, I want to tell you what you need now before I lose it all and cant comment whatsoever.

If you accuse me of brigading again - especially after my getting that thread deleted for you, I will stop caring about how this turns out for you. Many users can attest to my utter loathing of brigading. If you had paid attention to v/pizzagate, you'd know this and why - just saying.

because I'm so out of the loop now, whay am I gunna help with? shits world wide now.

Well, there's always something going on with regards to all of that. Maybe you see something in the news or online that triggers the ol' 'pizzagate radar', then notice it hasn't been brought up on v/pizzagate or v/GreatAwakening, then go ahead and post it. Be sure to check subverse sidebars for rules, so that you're not stepping on toes.

Maybe you decide to dig into something that isn't in the news? I'm not sure what the answer is there to your question, but again, I can understand feeling OOTL - the only way to get back in, though, is to poke your head in, see where it's at and just let the rest fall into place.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

I've answered all your questions, given you proof of what you asked for, corroborated dates following the timeline I have been saying from the start, provided proof to numerous people now asides from @kevdude and @Caveman_in_a_suit and been clear and concise from the beginning. I'm an quickly losing CCP and wont be able to comment. You've got the story with all my proof. there's nothing left.

argosciv ago

Yes, you've answered my questions after quite a marathon.

In the spirit of honesty, I will admit that I'm not wholly sure yet at this point, but, you've answered and that's better than giving me the run around.

Remember that I'm not an arbiter of anything in the end, I just had questions which I was keen to get an answer to.

I would like it if people can refrain from downvoting you, but, like it's not my place to tell you who you can downvote, I can't tell others not towho they can downvote either - I also can't force their opinions.

and been clear and concise from the beginning.

Look back over your responses to me, you really haven't. But, let's part on neutral terms, given that I have answers to my questions and at this time, have no follow up questions other than hoping for a v/pizzagate mod to corroborate your screenshot.

If such corroboration occurs, well, it would indicate that you aren't power hungry as you haven't accepted it.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

it desnt even matter anymore. I'm down 200 points within 45 minutes. I'm getting fucked for nothing. you guys win. the end

argosciv ago

You're talking to someone who's been through all that before.

Yes, it fucking sucks. I can only ask that anyone reading this, refrain if they deem it appropriate.

My thoughts on brigading are well known.

Readers, even if you still distrust LGH(I'm not sure yet myself either), please consider easing off a bit - the point has been made, this user is not currently in a position to cause harm even if you still have questions you want answers to.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

you're apart of all of this man. you apart of what @gabara is doing in an attempt to shun me from voat because you don't like what I'm about.

you are apart of making up real, actual fake news about me which is pretty unbelievable considering that this is Voat. we had a serious conversation and we were getting somewhere, but then fake news? I mean, really? what is this CNN?

I comprehend it but as soon as you and your cronies resort to actual, real fake stuff, then this is for nothing.

Listen, @kevdude and @Caveman_in_a_suit saw what I send them. My dates on the proof I sent them 110% corroborate with everything I've been saying. I provided actual, real photographs with my username on a piece of paper with it to ensure its validity. you guys are making up fake headlines like NBC and upvoting it all. who here is in the wrong? certainly not me.

since the beginning I have been upfront and honest. there is nothing to discover with me and you guy scan keep lambasting me about all of this, but no one cares except you.

argosciv ago

you're apart of all of this man. you apart of what @gabara is doing in an attempt to shun me from voat because you don't like what I'm about.

Completely and utterly false.

A: I have absolutely nothing to with what gabara decides to do - if even he's behind the AmalekReturns account, which I could very well be wrong about. Whoever that is, is being a twit and I've already made it clear that I disapprove of that thread being posted.

B: Again, where have I implied that I'm against anyone genuinely combating pedophilia -- if that is even what you're genuinely about. So far, you haven't addressed the rest of the question in that regard.

you are apart of making up real, actual fake news about me which is pretty unbelievable considering that this is Voat. we had a serious conversation and we were getting somewhere, but then fake news? I mean, really? what is this CNN?

Again, no I'm not. Pay attention rather than looking for a reason to deflect.

I comprehend it but as soon as you and your cronies resort to actual, real fake stuff, then this is for nothing.

If you do, then stop accusing me of fabricating things. You know I haven't and anyone reading the links will see that.

Listen, @kevdude and @Caveman_in_a_suit saw what I send them. My dates on the proof I sent them 110% corroborate with everything I've been saying. I provided actual, real photographs with my username on a piece of paper with it to ensure its validity. you guys are making up fake headlines like NBC and upvoting it all. who here is in the wrong? certainly not me.

You still have no answered the question as to why you have not contributed any submissions to v/pizzagate and why you've only made one submission to v/GreatAwakening, that there, is what is still questionable about your claims to care.

since the beginning I have been upfront and honest.

No, you haven't. You've accused me of fabricating timestamps and trying to censor you. You've also ignored very simple questions - which should be easy to answer if your story checks out.

no one cares except you.

I'm fairly sure that others would also like some answers as to your lack of participation given your origins as a moderator for r/pizzagate.

gabara ago

A Gerbil's breath smells like corn chips.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Billy Madison was a great movie

Jews did 9/11

Im not going anywhere

You've got nothing on me

Get used to me on voat

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Okay, whats your point? This is still nothing. All of this was already mentioned by me way before you even threw this together. You're just regurgitating what I already said.

Once again, for the 1,342,638th time, we are back at square 1. @Crensch, you're a literal jew if you think I didn't already mention all of this. I explained ALL of this to @kevdude. This was all info I threw out there because there was absolutely zero reason to hide any of it.

I'm at work again today all day. If you guys wanna go for round 2 of finding out shit about everything Ive already said, I'm game. I have all the time in the world. Additionally, a lof the dates you have in here are totally fabricated and made up with zero info to back them up. At least I provided like 4 different sources of proof. You've put together a jumbled pile of shit I already said all day yesterday, pretending its new info.

Come on guys. You don't think I know that if I get everything out of the way the first time, that leaves no room for discovery?

argosciv ago

Additionally, a lof the dates you have in here are totally fabricated and made up with zero info to back them up.


Oh fuck you're hilarious.

@Crensch, @kevdude, LGH thinks I made the dates up.

Need I say more?

lets_get_hyyerr ago

You completely ignored the entire portion of my comment, only to cherry pick what was useful for your reply. Address the entire comment I replied to you about.

I don't care what @Crensch thinks of me. He's a random dude from a random part of the world with zero affect on my personal life in anyway. He can hate me all he wants but he's wasting his time. Like I said before, I sent @kevdude photos of multiple things which you never saw, so how could I expect you to believe it. Even @Caveman_in_a_suit saw what I had. You didn't @argosciv.

Your response was low effort. You replied with a couple capital HAHA's, a "oh fuck you're hilarious" and some other shit. You discovered NOTHING new. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I cannot stress to you enough that you made no new discoveries because I already told everyone everything yesterday. You must be late to the party. Even @TheBuddah corroborated what I was saying.

Link all the archive's of comments I wrote you want as well as all the links you want. I've already said all this yesterday to everyone. You're beating a dead horse to a pulp and I'm just standing here and laughing at you go bat shit insane trying to find stuff that isn't there because I've already said all of it.

I am at work all day today though, so to help pass the time ill keep entertaining you though. I find this enjoyable to be honest. People losing their minds over stuff that doesn't exist.

Crensch ago

Like I said before, I sent @kevdude photos of multiple things which you never saw, so how could I expect you to believe it.

So, just like BuilderAnon? @srayzie

You must be late to the party. Even @TheBuddah corroborated what I was saying.

Did that happen, TB?

Link all the archive's of comments I wrote you want as well as all the links you want. I've already said all this yesterday to everyone. You're beating a dead horse to a pulp and I'm just standing here and laughing at you go bat shit insane trying to find stuff that isn't there because I've already said all of it.

I am at work all day today though, so to help pass the time ill keep entertaining you though. I find this enjoyable to be honest. People losing their minds over stuff that doesn't exist.

Strong words for a guy that keeps deleting his own comments.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

As I told @argosciv, something he realized before I got the chance to tell him, I deleted all of the useless banter comments in an attempt to mitigate the vote brigade that was launched against me while keeping the comments that were important such as the ones that included the proof.

Crensch ago

All I see is you making shit-tier comments and expecting people to not express their distaste for them. Until you have evidence for a brigade, you're nothing but a loud TV in the store that is getting the volume turned down on it by people passing by.

You're wrong, and you've been wrong this whole time, EL. I bet it's frustrating as hell dealing with us.

argosciv ago

Strong words for a guy that keeps deleting his own comments.

I deleted all of the useless banter comments in an attempt to mitigate the vote brigade that was launched against me

Can confirm, this was the reason given, though I will say, again, that no brigade was launched. @lets_get_hyyerr, I've explained this already. Repeating that won't be helpful at all.


Not personally sure enough to say that, yet. Will shoot you a message a bit later or soon, I dunno... probably soon, while we're both around lol.

argosciv ago

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Until you have evidence for a brigade,

Well I lost over 200 ccp within 45 minutes, so I'd say that's exactly what happened.

and Ok to the rest

thisistotallynotme ago

Bro, you're replying to the people that downvoat brigade you. Start taking stock of usernames, because it really is a small town on Voat.

Shizy ago

It's just creepy to talk to your alt like that faggot!

thisistotallynotme ago

Does this mean I get to look forward to Day 19 of you defending M'lady's honor on my subverse using one of your alts?

You always make a post like this before you spam my subverse.

Shizy ago

I have you blocked faggot! And you have me banned from your joke of a subverse. I'm not spamming your ass, but whoever is doing it keeps pinging me and it's fucking annoying since I can't reply because you banned me fag!

But since you're here, are you going to address Srayzie outing your MisselCopterStoped alt? Or are you going to ignore that like always ya pussy?

thisistotallynotme ago

Who gives a fuck what your M'lady says? Only idiots think she's not comped by this point.

This is why even v/theawakening outperforms your sub right now. The drama you sell is palpable.

Crensch ago

I could make shit-tier comments and lose more than that in 45 minutes. Step your game up, nigger.


Also, acting like I didn't peg you as that beta soyboy BuilderAnon is laughable. Who else focuses on @kevdude like a gay lover focuses on a nigger cock?

"I sent kevdude this and that so you can trust me!"

srayzie ago

LMAO! 😂 I needed that!

BuilderAnon Aka...

Beta soyboy @MissleCopterStoped
Nigger cock loving @NotHereForPizza
Little Dick @ThisIsTotallyNotMe


NotHereForPizza ago

Thanks, srayzie! Keep up the good work.

Shizy ago

Nigger cock loving


@srayzie he didn't deny it!

srayzie ago

Lol. Daaaaamn he be likin the dark meat! 👊🏿

Shizy ago

Thanks, srayzie! Keep up the good work.

Sounds familiar doesn't it? Who else was making passive aggressive comments like this to you on v/voatstatistics???

Shizy ago

Who else focuses on @kevdude like a gay lover focuses on a nigger cock?

😂🤣😂🤣 That's extra hilarious because it's so true!

Are you going to deny your obsessively homo crush @BuilderAnon, I mean @lets_get_hyyer?

argosciv ago

You seem a little flustered...

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Tha-.... sigh...

You got shut down, like everyone else who claims to have "gotten" me yesterday, when time after time after time after time none of you discovered shit because I already laid it out on the table like a cooked ham for you to feast on. I fed you all, you devoured it and now you're still hungry looking for more. Well, sorry not sorry, there's nothing left to eat! You ate it all!

Not flustered, I am thoroughly entertained by this attempt you made because you've achieved nothing. You're literally like the fake news media. CNN.

argosciv ago

Nah, you're pretty flustered. Going full "REE!" "yu iz back to stage 0, because I said so!"

Downvoting like a bitch too, which yeah, you've got a right to, but holy fuck is it sad that you're doing it after accusing me of fabrication when in actuality I did no such thing.

Don't be late for work, now.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Awww, someone made I'm exercising my right to downvote? Little bitttch hahahahahaha

argosciv ago

Mad? Not at all, it's just painfully obvious how mad you are, if you feel the need to downvote and accuse me of making things up and attacking free speech.

Those 3 things in combination, show your current mindset and it's pathetic.

But go ahead, exercise that right to throw a tantrum and disguise it as being 'thoroughly entertained'.

Crensch ago

Deserves its own submission.


Crensch ago

I was a moderator on Reddit years ago for a handful of subreddits including but not limited to r/pizzagate,



3.4 years, 741scp 656ccp and doesn't have a fucking clue how badly this disqualifies him.

and others, all of which held over 100,000 excluding r/pizzagate which was unfortunately nunked by the anti-free speech Reddit admins. I have proof of having run these communities with the experience to back them. I was eventually removed from them due to my strong support of free speech and open forums while at the same time not tolerating shills and forum sliding. Things the Reddit community loves.



Doesn't even know what the Reddit community really loves.

That's just one example and I am 100% sure there are others like myself on Voat who held similar position on Reddit and other forums as well. The subverse can simply be named v/ModApplications wherein a user, if accepted, can be given a janitorial or moderator role. The users would be "interviewed' by criteria such as their voat history, comment history and link submission history to ensure, as I mentioned before, they are not spammers, CCP farmers or the like.

This is like a nigger's job application the moment Affirmative Action diversity quotas are rightfully struck down as unconstitutional - straight to the trashcan.

The only redeeming quality you seem to have is the ability to make me laugh. My grandmother is knitting you a scarf, faggot.

@kevdude @srayzie @Trigglypuff @Empress @gabara

argosciv ago

Watch this...

argosciv ago

Oh whaaaaat...


Oh fuck this is classic.

*/tips hat*

@kevdude @srayzie @Trigglypuff @Vindicator

GoodGodKirk ago

Is this another NeonRevolt account attempting to gain mod ownership again?

PuttsMum ago

Lol, excellent post, Crensch.

(Not being sarcastic BTW)


Shizy ago

The ones who come begging for this are the ones who should immediately be disqualified!

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I believe Silk Road from the "darknet" used the "old goat" method to recruit....ended up with a Fed as admin. @Shizy is right. The feds will be the first to offer their services.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

because of your stupid ass comment, which ever so conveniently happens to be commented right after I post my shit, using the SAME "old goat" shit I did earlier this morning, more false flag shit is being used to try to prevent me, or realistically ANYONE from helping voat at all. jesus.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

"stupid ass comment". Really? Exposing a known used Fed tactic is stupid? And you are trying to "help" Voat huh? Welcome to the list.

argosciv ago

"stupid ass comment". Really? Exposing a known used Fed tactic is stupid? And you are trying to "help" Voat huh? Welcome to the list.

lets_get_hyyerr: "Talking about Fed tactics? Must be batshit insane!"

^ paraphrased/interpreted

Good hit, good hit

@Vindicator @Crensch @kevdude @srayzie @Shizy

(reposted for more pings, sorry P, V, C and k)

lets_get_hyyerr ago

lmfao what? Voat is going batshit insane today

Ina_Pickle ago

Voat has been been neck deep in crazy and paranoia for years. How are you just now noticing this?

lets_get_hyyerr ago

I'm not just noticing this but today it's more so then usual.

Shizy ago

Defensive much???

lets_get_hyyerr ago

3.4 years, 741scp 656ccp and doesn't have a fucking clue how badly this disqualifies him.

In an attempt to have a legitimate conversation, this is the response. How wonderful. Having internet points is no badge of hierarchy nor do these points mean anything. That's the same b.s you see on Reddit. Internet points mean absolutely nothing and it's disheartening to see you treat them the same way a Redditor would.

Doesn't even know what the Reddit community really loves

Well I spent quite a bit of time on there a couple years ago, so I have a pretty good idea.

This is like a nigger's job application the moment Affirmative Action diversity quotas are rightfully struck down as unconstitutional - straight to the trashcan. The only redeeming quality you seem to have is the ability to make me laugh. My grandmother is knitting you a scarf, faggot

While it's a bit ironic to see you employ the same behavior which is currently murdering the internets ability to accept free speech, all of my points are 100% valid. @PuttItOut asked me what I think could resolve the issue and I gave him one of my ideas. I'm sure there are others out there, but I haven't thought about them yet.

Once again, sad to see you behave like a redditor

Crensch ago

In an attempt to have a legitimate conversation, this is the response. How wonderful. Having internet points is no badge of hierarchy nor do these points mean anything. That's the same b.s you see on Reddit. Internet points mean absolutely nothing and it's disheartening to see you treat them the same way a Redditor would.

Literally doesn't understand that on VOAT, you need social currency to be taken seriously, though ostensibly having it doesn't guarantee acceptance of the username as legitimate; goats love their filtering mechanisms. I wonder if it knows it's not a goat?

Well I spent quite a bit of time on there a couple years ago, so I have a pretty good idea.

Being this deluded.

While it's a bit ironic to see you employ the same behavior which is currently murdering the internets ability to accept free speech, all of my points are 100% valid.

Toppest of keks.

@PuttItOut asked me what I think could resolve the issue and I gave him one of my ideas. I'm sure there are others out there, but I haven't thought about them yet.

Using yourself as a totally innocent example with "proof" you "modded" "/r/pizzagate". So much fucking kek.

Once again, sad to see you behave like a redditor . Literally nothing in your response was coherent or on topic of what we were talking about and I CC'ed you to chime in, not act like a child.

@MadWorld @clamhurt_legbeard @KatHarzso @zyklon_b @heygeorge

GoodGodKirk ago

Hitler has a valid point too, but no one wanted to hear it.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

dude i got even more social currency than u/puttitout

last time he posted in v/soapdoxbanhammer he had like 730

thats really good

but i got like 795

zyklon_b ago

@lets_get_hyyer you are still upset about the v/pizzagate debacle

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Literally doesn't understand that on VOAT, you need social currency to be taken seriously,

Exactly spot on to what a Redditor would say. I'm not calling you one, but that's exactly how they think. As if imaginary internet points are the end all be all. They don't exist, aren't real currency and if they are a priority to you in your life, I respectfully suggest some rethinking.

Being this deluded

Well thought out response there.

Using yourself as a totally innocent example with "proof" you "modded" "/r/pizzagate". So much fucking kek.

As I literally mentioned in the comments before, that's one example that I personally know of and, as I said before, I am 100% sure there are MANY other examples of this on Voat, without question.

If tagging people and breaking down comments satisfy your hunger for power, so be it. The points still stand

Crensch ago

Exactly spot on to what a Redditor would say. I'm not calling you one, but that's exactly how they think.

Shill tactic. "My sock puppet is just as important as your only username that submits and comments heavily".

As if imaginary internet points are the end all be all.

They're not, but if you're going to say something stupid, either have the explanation handy, or the currency to make people curious instead of thinking you a shill immediately.

They don't exist, aren't real currency and if they are a priority to you in your life, I respectfully suggest some rethinking.

Do you listen to the nigger shouting on the street corner just because "muh social currency don't real"?

Well thought out response there.

Still not even understanding how absurd his comment was. You're very obviously not from here, and don't belong here, despite your pathetic smorgasbord-spattering of submissions to look legit.

As I literally mentioned in the comments before, that's one example that I personally know of and, as I said before, I am 100% sure there are MANY other examples of this on Voat, without question.

"But goyim, I was telling the TRUTH when I said there were other examples! That makes YOU the bad guy!"

If tagging people and breaking down comments satisfy your hunger for power, so be it.

Want me to toss you another shovel? Hunger for power? Me? Kek.

The points still stand

Maybe; if you were still on Reddit.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

once again, you're not even understanding anything that's said lol deciphering information to extrapolate some answer to you that doesn't even exist in the first place

Crensch ago

once again, you're not even understanding anything that's said lol deciphering information to extrapolate some answer to you that doesn't even exist in the first place

Yeah, keep trying to make that narrative stick. On Voat. Kek.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

what are you even saying anymore. I'm totally lost now

Crensch ago

what are you even saying anymore. I'm totally lost now

Which shows exactly why you should probably keep pretending to lurk instead of pretending to belong here. @kevdude

Crensch ago

lets_get_hyyerr ago

srayzie ago

I feel like I just witnessed a job interview. lol

lets_get_hyyerr ago

not a job interview lol just another idea aside from the other ones given. all of which are good ideas