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PuttItOut ago

Just delete your account.

We wipe all your data, including content replacement, when a user deletes their account (make sure you pay attention to the options as you can leave content or anonymize it too).

It makes me nervous that you are a janitor on a system sub and are posting submissions like this.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

FYI (and I'm sure you know), a good 40% of janitors and mods shouldn't be janitors and mods. That 40% accounts for a solid 25% of the issues with the Voat ecosystem right now. The other 75% of course being financing and essentially everything else you detailed in your most recent global sticky.

Voat is still growing and the poor moderators/janitors who help run the website are hindering it's growth, albeit by a fraction but enough to notice.

PuttItOut ago

@Cynabuns says the same thing. She should be the mod manager.

I'm curious though what you'd do to fix the mod problems. I think we agree it's an issue, but what is a solution?

lets_get_hyyerr ago

@Cynabuns certainly has brought up and continues to bring up great points in regards to the voat community.

The best solution to the problem right now would be to employ long standing community members to these positions, as these are the people who know Voat the best. Voat is in a critical stage right now of evolution and it's important to have these people effectively run the forums, just for the time being as the evolution takes place. This of course, would be a temporary action to ensure the voat ecosystem survival as voat begins to take more traction within the online community world.

Unfortunately, options are limited and I have put a lot of thought into how to remedy the issue, but of all the options available, employing the "old goats" is the safest security option for now. A successful way of employing this is to create a subverse where people can submit a "resume". Require all accounts applying to be older then 1 year of age, to be non-spamming accounts (i.e users who are not focused on only submitting links), to be active within the voat community and to prove they have moderation experience. Proving moderation experience is easy, especially if they have proof of doing so via evidence of where they moderate. There are countless forums online and I am sure many people from other forums, whether it be a forum related to cars, fitness or whatever. Once again, a temporary solution while voat evolves through this critical period.

Look at what happened to v/theunexplained - one of the larger subverses with over 13,000 subscribers, nuked and virtually inactive caused by a rouge moderator with hundreds of alt accounts. An account that which the voat community has identified as problematic and troublesome, and even documented it all on /v/ProtectVoat.

Lets just use me for this example.

I was a moderator on Reddit years ago for a handful of subreddits including but not limited to r/pizzagate, r/dankmemes, r/uncensorednews, r/dank_memes and others, all of which held over 100,000 excluding r/pizzagate which was unfortunately nunked by the anti-free speech Reddit admins. I have proof of having run these communities with the experience to back them. I was eventually removed from them due to my strong support of free speech and open forums while at the same time not tolerating shills and forum sliding. Things the Reddit community loves.

That's just one example and I am 100% sure there are others like myself on Voat who held similar position on Reddit and other forums as well. The subverse can simply be named v/ModApplications wherein a user, if accepted, can be given a janitorial or moderator role. The users would be "interviewed' by criteria such as their voat history, comment history and link submission history to ensure, as I mentioned before, they are not spammers, CCP farmers or the like.

A easy, temporary solution to protect voat and of course, those who are already effective janitors and mods would stay as they are most certainly needed.

Crensch ago

I was a moderator on Reddit years ago for a handful of subreddits including but not limited to r/pizzagate,



3.4 years, 741scp 656ccp and doesn't have a fucking clue how badly this disqualifies him.

and others, all of which held over 100,000 excluding r/pizzagate which was unfortunately nunked by the anti-free speech Reddit admins. I have proof of having run these communities with the experience to back them. I was eventually removed from them due to my strong support of free speech and open forums while at the same time not tolerating shills and forum sliding. Things the Reddit community loves.



Doesn't even know what the Reddit community really loves.

That's just one example and I am 100% sure there are others like myself on Voat who held similar position on Reddit and other forums as well. The subverse can simply be named v/ModApplications wherein a user, if accepted, can be given a janitorial or moderator role. The users would be "interviewed' by criteria such as their voat history, comment history and link submission history to ensure, as I mentioned before, they are not spammers, CCP farmers or the like.

This is like a nigger's job application the moment Affirmative Action diversity quotas are rightfully struck down as unconstitutional - straight to the trashcan.

The only redeeming quality you seem to have is the ability to make me laugh. My grandmother is knitting you a scarf, faggot.

@kevdude @srayzie @Trigglypuff @Empress @gabara

Shizy ago

The ones who come begging for this are the ones who should immediately be disqualified!

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I believe Silk Road from the "darknet" used the "old goat" method to recruit....ended up with a Fed as admin. @Shizy is right. The feds will be the first to offer their services.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

because of your stupid ass comment, which ever so conveniently happens to be commented right after I post my shit, using the SAME "old goat" shit I did earlier this morning, more false flag shit is being used to try to prevent me, or realistically ANYONE from helping voat at all. jesus.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

"stupid ass comment". Really? Exposing a known used Fed tactic is stupid? And you are trying to "help" Voat huh? Welcome to the list.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

lmfao what? Voat is going batshit insane today

Ina_Pickle ago

Voat has been been neck deep in crazy and paranoia for years. How are you just now noticing this?

lets_get_hyyerr ago

I'm not just noticing this but today it's more so then usual.