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Hydrocephalus ago

Me and @Caveman_in_a_suit have been quesioning him for a while now. He claims: He doesn't get a DD214 even though he separated because you don't get one until your 8 year service obligation is up (false). That he did a 4 year term and is now on his IRR but that his contract ends in 2020, which would mean he separated two years ago, not recently. So he definitely wasn't in, because everyone that is in knows about your DD214, it is like the holy grail for service members and everyone knows you get it once you separate from active duty. Anyway, who knows why this weirdo is pretending to be in the coast guard of all things.

RustyEquipment ago

DD214 comes in on separation date.. gotta have that to get gibs from VA or Education gibs

they literally give you 10 copies at once and you have to give away like 5 or so and then keep the rest.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

I'm separated in 2020. Ive explained this about 200000 times

RustyEquipment ago

Kewllllll beans!

lets_get_hyyerr ago

yet you an all you other jews in here are eating this garbage up. @gabara has got all of you fooled

RustyEquipment ago

I just commented on what happened when I got my dd214. I don’t care about you. At all. So. No. I didn’t join in on that. The world isn’t against you. You and I both, are not special.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Sorry, these guys @gabara, @argosciv and a few others have been attacking me for about 14 hours now attempting to discover stuff about me in order to vet me off, but haven't gotten anywhere. Did I tell a dude id punch him in the face if I met him IRL? Absolutely I did. Worst thing you can do is tell someone who served that they are a liar and didn't serve. I'd punch anyone who told me that.

It's been nonstop for hours now with nothing accomplished on their end but they aren't giving up, so I assumed you were apart of their charade. My bad

RustyEquipment ago

It’s a website. Ignore them lol

Some screenname made some claim... I’m apparently a niggerjew soooo. Chose your battles

Also, if I understand this correctly. You are in the military and are complaining about a dude punching you? Should they not have trained you to deal with that? I’m ex infantry so if someone says I’m gonna punch you... I smile and walk closer.

Children cry to mommy

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Seems like there are lots of children on here lol @gabara @argosciv