kneo24 ago

When I see you, I will turn into Godman and we will do battle!

ExpertShitposter ago

coast guard

@lets_get_hyyerr confirmed for bitch. Never been shot at, but claims "service" and "veteran". What a valor thief.

gabara ago

Semper Fudge

lets_get_hyyerr ago

LOL another know nothing shitposter comes along. I love this! Keep em coming guys! this is great. I find this highly entertaining what you guys are doing hahahahahahahahah

ExpertShitposter ago

coast guard = bitch boi

It really is that simple.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Okay. Cool. You act as if that bothers me in the slightest.

Get a new argument guys. You've exhausted everything and discovered nothing.

HisNameIsJohnCena ago

He's right, the Coast Guard is just a place to keep spoiled rich kids and their friends safe from the big bad wars.

TheKobold ago

To clean up voat... sounds like a typical Reddit mod trying to control our speech.

totes_magotes ago

Oh, that faggot again. He doesn't like it when you don't agree with everything he says. He's a little soyboy piece of shit, hiding behind a keyboard, knowing that real life he'd just piss his pants.

I suggest we respond with copious shitposts.

gabara ago

Do it!

con77 ago

that being said Ive never met anyone that posed as a CG vet. A few that were discharged for different reasons. The deserter in Afghanistan was kicked out of the CG for mental reasons.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

why the fuck would I "pose" about having been in the CG? I gave pics to @kevdude. Yall are eating this shit up and everyone is faling for your top tier bullshit.

con77 ago

if youre lying about your discharge then youre a posuer

con77 ago

They had 4 years active 2 years inactive reserve enlistments at one time. That document doesn't prove shit. Anyone released from active duty has a dd-214.

speedisavirus ago

Enlisted get called up too. That's why there are things like stop freeze where they cancel retirements and shit

con77 ago

that would suck

speedisavirus ago

Happened to people I worked with when 9/11 happened. One was burning the last of their vacation never to come back then they got told retirement was canceled and given a date to start working again.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

I'll beat your face in regardless of anything else. Nothing against you (((except your concern trolling))), I just like to bust my knuckles every now and then.

drstrangegov ago

Oooh! A tough guy! You know what we do to tough guys? You ever hear of a keelhaul? Yeah, we don't do that. We just zip tie you up and shove random shit up your ass. Whatever's laying around. Spoons, Christmas ornaments this time of year. I see a pine cone. That'll be perfect. It's not nice to be an internet tough guy. And be careful about popping off to people you don't know. Some of us are unhinged Sasquatches and you never know what kind of tricks fate will play on you. Happy new year!

TheBuddha ago

If you want to beat up @gabara, you'll have to come through me.

Err... I've still got a smashed femur and am still in a wheelchair or using crutches. I figure you probably won't beat up a guy in a wheelchair, so he should be safe!

gabara ago

Thank you! You're smart to protect your past self from time bandits like @Epictetus_Hierapolis

TheBuddha ago

I'm old, too. Nobody is gonna beat up a crippled old man in a wheelchair!

I'll save you!

gabara ago


TheBuddha ago

I got your six.

We're both Canadians!

gabara ago


TheBuddha ago

No, no... I'm sorry.

(Learning to say sorry was on my citizenship exam!)

gabara ago

Sorry about that.

TheBuddha ago

I need to make a trip across the border.

I haven't had any ketchup chips lately.

gabara ago

Don't forget Coffee Crisp.

TheBuddha ago

I am sorry. I'm not really a fan.

totes_magotes ago

Masturbating in the closet fixes the "knuckle busting" problem.

gabara ago

Fair enough.

Hydrocephalus ago

Me and @Caveman_in_a_suit have been quesioning him for a while now. He claims: He doesn't get a DD214 even though he separated because you don't get one until your 8 year service obligation is up (false). That he did a 4 year term and is now on his IRR but that his contract ends in 2020, which would mean he separated two years ago, not recently. So he definitely wasn't in, because everyone that is in knows about your DD214, it is like the holy grail for service members and everyone knows you get it once you separate from active duty. Anyway, who knows why this weirdo is pretending to be in the coast guard of all things.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

You guys are lying so hard out of your assess and people are eating this up. amazing

Hydrocephalus ago

You are making easily disprovable lies, we are having fun with you.

wifblat ago

He posted some Coast Guard stuff, I have no idea how the DOT does stuff compared to the DOD.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

CG is part of Homeland Security now

Hydrocephalus ago

Ok, I looked it up, coast guard DD214 works the same as all the other branches.

wifblat ago

Lol, sorry, didn't mean to send you on a research quest, was just taking a jab at the Coast Guard. I've honestly never heard of someone faking being in the Coast Guard. I almost shit myself once when I saw two Coasties in Iraq.

Hydrocephalus ago

I'd imagine it's the same. You need a dd214 for the gi bill so if the coast guard wasn't giving them out the guys wouldn't be able to do college after separating.

Samsquamch ago

I deal with DD214's and COE's on a daily basis. Can confirm people with 2 years of service and no reserves have them, and they are available within a reasonable time (less than a year) after discharge.

Hydrocephalus ago

You get it the day you sign out of base, it's the very last step in outprocessing.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago


Samsquamch ago

Yup, haven't been through it myself but never had an issue requesting it from a Vet. Most have it available upon request, some have to request it from the VA but it is never an issue getting it.

AEndtoThemForever ago

this person is bullshit. I have a multitude of dd214s and there are very very simple ways to replace them

lets_get_hyyerr ago

LOL @Hydrocephalus, once again, is making more bullshit claims without having seen any of the evidence I provided. I never claimed I had a dd214. you're all suckers for believing him. I'm ready recallable till 2020 when the contract is fulfilled.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Yeah dude but if you were active duty, and now are not, then you have a DD214 for the active duty part now. Even with the residual reserve or inactive ready reserve or national guard portion remaining on the contract.

Doesn't matter though? This is just pixels on a screen. Have fun with it, eh?

Hydrocephalus ago

That's it, you say you don't have a dd214 and if you were really in the coast guard you would have one. You get a dd214 when you exit active service.

RustyEquipment ago

DD214 comes in on separation date.. gotta have that to get gibs from VA or Education gibs

they literally give you 10 copies at once and you have to give away like 5 or so and then keep the rest.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

I'm separated in 2020. Ive explained this about 200000 times

RustyEquipment ago

Kewllllll beans!

lets_get_hyyerr ago

yet you an all you other jews in here are eating this garbage up. @gabara has got all of you fooled

RustyEquipment ago

I just commented on what happened when I got my dd214. I don’t care about you. At all. So. No. I didn’t join in on that. The world isn’t against you. You and I both, are not special.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Sorry, these guys @gabara, @argosciv and a few others have been attacking me for about 14 hours now attempting to discover stuff about me in order to vet me off, but haven't gotten anywhere. Did I tell a dude id punch him in the face if I met him IRL? Absolutely I did. Worst thing you can do is tell someone who served that they are a liar and didn't serve. I'd punch anyone who told me that.

It's been nonstop for hours now with nothing accomplished on their end but they aren't giving up, so I assumed you were apart of their charade. My bad

RustyEquipment ago

It’s a website. Ignore them lol

Some screenname made some claim... I’m apparently a niggerjew soooo. Chose your battles

Also, if I understand this correctly. You are in the military and are complaining about a dude punching you? Should they not have trained you to deal with that? I’m ex infantry so if someone says I’m gonna punch you... I smile and walk closer.

Children cry to mommy

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Seems like there are lots of children on here lol @gabara @argosciv

lets_get_hyyerr ago

WAS in. Not anymore. I have a desk job now doing some b.s but it pays well so I don't complain. Especially since everything is getting so expensive nowadays. And not me complaining about a dude punching me, but others complaining that I said I would punch a guy lol

gabara ago

He just reminds me of those kids in High School that would buy all the military surplus gear and talk like they're army guys or whatever. Wankers. Maybe they are military, I don't care, don't make that claim and then claim to be able to prove it but then all you can provide is a photo of an article of clothing ANYONE can obtain. Just saying. I could run out an buy fatigues from many different militaries at a surplus store.

Hydrocephalus ago

I'm assuming that his dad or someone was in and he is pretending off of that, and either he couldn't pass the entrance physical or he had a criminal record or something like that. It's just weird to pretend to be in the coast guard of all things.