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PuttItOut ago

Just delete your account.

We wipe all your data, including content replacement, when a user deletes their account (make sure you pay attention to the options as you can leave content or anonymize it too).

It makes me nervous that you are a janitor on a system sub and are posting submissions like this.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

FYI (and I'm sure you know), a good 40% of janitors and mods shouldn't be janitors and mods. That 40% accounts for a solid 25% of the issues with the Voat ecosystem right now. The other 75% of course being financing and essentially everything else you detailed in your most recent global sticky.

Voat is still growing and the poor moderators/janitors who help run the website are hindering it's growth, albeit by a fraction but enough to notice.

PuttItOut ago

@Cynabuns says the same thing. She should be the mod manager.

I'm curious though what you'd do to fix the mod problems. I think we agree it's an issue, but what is a solution?

MadWorld ago

When a mod is found out for censoring the content of said subverse and the subverse belongs to the community, there should be a due process for review and removal of such cancerous mod. We should not allow such mod to take down the entire subverse.

Something we could try:

  1. Ask a user to make a submission, to CLEARLY present the evidence against a mod, along with archives.
  2. Ask users within the community to voice their support backed by archives.
  3. Ask OP to update the submission, to reflect new info been discovered.
  4. Ask OP to make a new submission, to concisely and efficiently sum up this "investigation" and present the result to someone trustworthy.
  5. If the evidence presented is strong enough to indicate that a cancerous mod was found, a temporary mod should be swapped in, until a better candidate can be determined.
  6. If Vote feature is ready, set up a site-wide (or said subverse) sticky, where the community can cast votes to select the candidates. There could well be a dedicated subverse for voting. Unfortunately, this may turned into a popularity contest, where being popular does not equate to putting the community first.
  7. Make the elected candidate promise the things that he would not abuse.
  8. Create a new entry under the "ABOUT" section of the subverse's sidebar, documenting/bonding the words of mod. Optionally record associated links/archives that led to this decision. So if the mod decided to go rogue, community can review the logs and attempt to revoke mod's status, by repeating this same due process.

In regard to step 4, that person should be under review as well. Ideally, it should be someone who you (Putt) trust enough to know that this person can uphold such integrity. Check and balance...