argosciv ago

Gabara, don't drag the Amalek moniker into this.

I'm gonna fuck that cunt so hard(not in the good way) in the near future, it's not funny.


lets_get_hyyerr ago

You guys have ran out of all options, so you've resorted to fabricating up headlines about me and making up fake things to achieve your goal. this is so incredibly desperate.

argosciv ago

No, I haven't. Again, I've not fabricated anything and have no need to.

Head on back to the other comment chain and ignore this one - seriously.

damnit @gabara, do all of us a favor and delet dis.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

@vonbacon nuke yourself faggot. read this comment

argosciv ago

There, see, the thread is deleted.

I just did BOTH of us a huge fucking favor.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

I literally didn't get pizzagate shut down and this is MORE FAKE NEWS, CNN top tier bullshit. I never, anywhere, mentioned I got it shut down. sigh. another pathetic attempt. Youre also too much of a pussy to @ me in the title because you know its bullshit

MrDarkWater ago

Insult instead of argue: always a winning strategy. /s

vonbacon ago

Rope yourself you CIA nigger Kike faggot Isreali shill. You've been exposed eat shit and die of niggeraids you disgusting piece of human dogshit. Your about to get the voat hate brigade treatment

lets_get_hyyerr ago

literally never exposed for anything and none of this has any real proof. kill yourself faggot. you're believing and eating up ACTUAL fake news like a fucking NPC. you have officially become what you mock.

@argosciv this is what I'm saying. you make up fake news and they eat it up

argosciv ago

And to reiterate. I had nothing to do with this thread and have repeatedly denounced it.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

you're complicit and now I have a vote brigade launched after me for fucking NOTHING.

vonbacon ago

Aww is the lil nigger faggot mad because he's been exposed. as some Kike Isreali shill. Voat has a very low tolerance for bullshit. and we smell a load of shit. Your not the first CIA Niggerfaggot we chewed up and spit out.

argosciv ago

Nah, I questioned you based on concerns born from my own digging.

I've no control over how people vote and have myself not voted on a single of your comments. People are probably downvoting you for continuing to present as power hungry and subversive.

You do support their right to downvote you if they see fit, the way you wanted your right to downvote me if you see fit, right?

gabara ago


lets_get_hyyerr ago

on what? how is this "busted"? there's nothing "busted' about this and you guys are literally spreading fake news. like REAL fake news.

Hand_of_Node ago

If this guy is a shill, his shill skill is incredible. Appears to be a completely normal user in commenting style. (I have no idea what the drama is about, nor do I care.)