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u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Soooo who is this new partner? Has Putt shared this? If not, why not?

SaneGoatOySwear ago

We don't know, you would have to ask Putt. I would imagine that any partner of Voat would want to remain anonymous though, malicious or not.

If it's not malicious, there should be no problem with users questioning and being concerned. What Putt just did by demodding that guy is he sent a clear message to all moderators of all default subverses that if they pipe up and question this, they'll have all of their hard work moderating those subverses undone in an instant. I think people are overlooking that aspect. Generally speaking moderators of well known subverses are themselves more well known than the average user. Silencing them, if this partner is a malicious actor, would be one of their first goals.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Who was demodded? Is there any proof behind what you're saying?

I'd be interested in seeing what @puttitout has to say himself on it

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Hmm? This submission is a direct link to Puttitout declaring that he demodded the guy. If you click the title it links you to this;

and here is Bobs response to Putt ( linking because there are several responses to Putt and Bobs is at the bottom of them for some reason. )