PuttsMum ago

Fuck me, that was some hilarious shit too.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Hey there he is.

Well, I survived 6 straight hours of vetting attacks. @Caveman_in_a_suit are basically best friends now and we are going to start a pot farm in cali. @TheBuddah verified some important stuff I was trying to say. Not sure where I stand with @Hydrocephalus but that's OK cause I'm moving in and we're gunna be roommates.

So, all in all, best thing I can say is I came out swinging with my history, provided as much verifiable info as I could, got bruised up but we will see! Still have more to prove

Hydrocephalus ago

I think you're lying about being in the coast guard, but I assume you have a reason beyond just making a fake persona. I mean you know nothing of how actually separating from the military works in terms of a DD214 which is a very basic bit of knowledge. But hey, keep it crazy I'll see you around.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

That's the spirit. We are all clowns. Especially those who deny their clowniness, those especially we beclown. MYG, SGIS, etc.

Le_Squish ago

Looks like a lesson in how to STFU and not draw attention to yourself when you hadn't been doing your job. And putt sold voat years ago according to you so much ado about nothing.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Oh, so now we're pushing the narrative that Bob3333 wasn't doing his job? That's a new talking point. Haven't heard that one yet.

And putt sold voat years ago

Are you denying that as a possibility?

Le_Squish ago

Can you give me an estimate of how much it cost to send a back a dicks to tel-aviv?

mrgreenjeans9 ago

plot twist: angel investor soley uses Bitcoin

rapedbyanape ago

@SaneGoatOySwear touches little kids

rapedbyanape ago

What kind of shit is this!?!?!??

SaneGoatOySwear ago

User of v/Soapboxbanhammer just like roughly 50% of the comments to my submission here.

15774596? ago

Maybe sbbh is the silent cfo partner.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Yep, this is all a big joke to you guys, isn't it.

15774876? ago

How about I ain't gonna waste my goddamn time and energy worrying about something until I have to and right now - I do not believe we have to.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Can you at least acknowledge that the silent partner could be malicious? Because that's all Bob did. He considered that maybe, just maybe, the silent partner would end up being malicious. Bob at that point would not trust Voats automated deletion tool, and was simply asking if there were scripts he could use so that he wouldn't be reliant on trusting Voat at that point. It was all predicated on a specific situation that might occur. He didn't even seem convinced one way or the other, he was just being prepared for a possible negative outcome.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/announcements comment by @9-11.

Posted automatically (#15905) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

zyklon_b ago

its not anonymous to me and I told yall months ago this had happened/in process and Voat was fully funded till at least 2022

zyklon_b ago

dude yall been saying he sold voat for 3 years

zyklon_b ago

@katharzso this is the queer that asked me for dick pics

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/anon submission.

Posted automatically (#15903) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

zyklon_b ago

1990 1990 1990

thisistotallynotme ago

Amazing, SBBH is pretending to both support and oppose this news.

This entire thread is filled with SBBH'ers arguing against themselves to generate the controversy. Will it work?

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Jesus, you're right. I usually check accounts when they say something strange, but I didn't bother checking half the responses here because they aligned with my beliefs. ( Shame on me. )

thisistotallynotme ago


as if all your SaneGoat alts (you have like twenty) aren't all posting to SBBH.

Shizy ago

🤣😂🤣🤣 YOU have the nerve to talk about alts???😂🤣😂🤣

How many alts do you have BuilderAnon? I mean type-0-negative, I mean MissleCopterStoped? I can't even keep track anymore!

thisistotallynotme ago

Hoo boy. sounds like a yes to me. I'm about to be spammed by you again to defend srayzie's honor for a nineteenth day in a row.

There goes my thursday.

Shizy ago

I find it funny that someone is spamming your shitty subverse and you're so fixated on it being me, that you have no clue who it really is 😂🤣😂🤣! I honestly wish I knew who it was because I'd ask them to stop pinging me.

So back to the topic of your sock puppeteering, are you going to address any of this?


Or does your vagina hurt too bad?

thisistotallynotme ago

You're begging me to post in your compromised sub, now, in a 3-day-old thread? Boy are you a classy dame.

Shizy ago

Oh poo, your @MissleCopterStoped alt has been outed! Time to chimp out and deflect, deflect, deflect!

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Believe what you will, but I'm not SaneGoat. I created this account back when Voat Chat was pretty active, parodying SaneGoat essentially.

zyklon_b ago

No you are the real Sane I remember when you made this alt

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Either way, my argument stands on its own merit, namefagging aside.

zyklon_b ago

If you was in chat then I would remember

SaneGoatOySwear ago

I was one of the more active users in chat. I'd probably remember you, if your account was actually created while Voat Chat was active.

zyklon_b ago

my account would have said beatlejuice on it

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Oh for fuck sake

zyklon_b ago

see I told ya u would member!!!!!!!!lol

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Anyway, like I've said my argument stands on its own merit. There's a decent chance you'd remember my main account. It has long since bit the dust, and I probably can't prove that I ever owned it, so there's really no point in even bringing it up. I've obviously been pretty suspicious of this website for awhile now, but I do recognize it's the only place I can say fuck the kikes without being silenced. So I'm here. Disgruntled at some of the bullshit I see, but here nonetheless.

zyklon_b ago

You are not privy at this time to some information about Voats "angel" but I heard its isis

SaneGoatOySwear ago

I get the humor. I chuckled. I just can't help but feel that this all isn't really a laughing matter. That's just my two cents anyhow. I might criticize Putt, and point the finger at people here, but at the end of the day I genuinely care about this website. I wouldn't be wasting this much time trying to raise awareness of things I perceive as issues otherwise.

zyklon_b ago

I know who bought the site and is a celebrity type is all I can say at this time. His wish to stay anonymous is due to some content on Voat would cause him issues in certain circles

SaneGoatOySwear ago

It better not be Owen Benjamin.

( No offense but I don't seriously believe you're privvy to that info. )

zyklon_b ago

None taken. I wouldn"t know shit buy I left a link to voat on a youtube video comment and that is how "celebrity" found Voat and then got involved. The deal has been in place for months but thought way to sell the idea was announce as a Christmas angel. Was my idea and I think it went over well. Al the people that are suspicious has been saying Voat was compromised for like 3 years

SaneGoatOySwear ago

the people that are suspicious has been saying Voat was compromised for like 3 years

Honestly man, can you really blame them? We're under attack all the damn time for our beliefs. I'm to this day amazed that they haven't outright nuked Voat. I mean that in and of itself has made me nervous about the website. I said in a post earlier that we genuinely have no idea how Voat is operated, who Putt is, or really anything about the website whatsoever. Everything we "know" is simply information provided to us by strangers on the Internet. I'd love to just believe that Putt is who he says he is, but I can't, it would be negligent of me as a logical human being. As autistic as that sounds. From my perspective, I shouldn't trust Putt anymore than I trust, say, Huffpo.

Anyways, my impression so far is that y'all over at SBBH are doing most of the subverting. I might be wrong though. Definitely admit I could be wrong. However, if I'm right -- it's fucking scary how effective you guys are. I genuinely mean that. It's unsettling.

zyklon_b ago

hell yeah I blame em they been making these false accusations and attacking the admins for YEARS

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Obviously we disagree on a lot of stuff, but can't you see why they're making those accusations? I personally don't make accusations as if they're 100% true. I consider both sides, and I try to be fair in my assessments. I routinely acknowledge that Putt might well be exactly who he says he is. But I also acknowledge that we don't know that with any certainty.

I think encouraging people to blindly trust strangers on the Internet is not a good thing. I feel we should be skeptical. I also feel this is in line with being American. Our founding fathers wanted us to be critical of our Government, and digitally speaking, Putt is our Government.

I don't necessarily agree with people making false accusations, in the sense that they're blindly claiming things as pure absolutes without evidence, but the ability to make an allegation that could potentially be false is part of freedom of speech. Like I don't believe anything I've said today has been malicious or self serving, if you could make a legitimate case for me being just a shit disturber I'd listen. However I'm pointing to things that did happen, and I feel that a good portion of the community would agree that Bob3333s nervousness and caution are merited. We've had numerous discussions on Voat about this sort of stuff, about financing, about the Voat canary. People clearly are concerned on some level, right? Like honest concern, not "concern trolling" or people trying to mislead others. I'm talking about average Goats being concerned, and rightfully. Hopefully their concern is unnecessary, but they have every right to express it regardless?

zyklon_b ago

Only concern I see is the ones that have been trying bring Voat down are still doing it.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Isn't that in and of itself strange? Why is Voat, run and operated by allegedly one man, able to withstand the pressure and legal tactics ( and illegal tactics ) that have destroyed numerous other websites.

MadWorld ago

Once in a while, say something offensive about niggers and jews, upvote it to the front page, and let everyone voice loud and clear! That is how we know we still have free speech! If you worry about Voat being honeypot, use vpn or tor.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

The problem I have is that we don't know who maintains the servers. All those offensive posts we make, they could very well be catelogued and used against us at a future date. Like say when the next Hillary manages to cheat and get elected and enacts totalitarian laws. The public perception is already that we're nazis which deserve physical violence. You honestly think a bunch of leftists wouldn't get behind watching us drawn and quartered?

And frankly, we should be able to have a transparent website where we're genuinely sure of who is operating what, and how, so that we can feel secure when we say offensive shit about niggers and jews. Because freedom of speech.

As it stands now, yes, we have freedom of speech on Voat, but that doesn't come without potential consequences. I don't want to see any of us have our lives ruined over what we post.

VPNs and Tor will protect you against malicious individuals, but they won't protect you from any Government agencies that are interested. I still promote their use because there are tons of malicious individuals on the net attempting identity theft and numerous other things. Leftists wanting to expose us ebil nazus.

Real easy way for them to infiltrate Voat, imagehosts. It's why I've always been skeptical of the random imagehosts that pop up on Voat. Would be pretty easy to track submissions to user accounts, gain IP addresses, and doxx people. Unfortunately whenever I bring this up on Voat I get downvoated, so... Shit's strange dude. All I want is for people to be aware of it.

MadWorld ago

The problem I have is that we don't know who maintains the servers. All those offensive posts we make, they could very well be catelogued and used against us at a future date. Like say when the next Hillary manages to cheat and get elected and enacts totalitarian laws. The public perception is already that we're nazis which deserve physical violence. You honestly think a bunch of leftists wouldn't get behind watching us drawn and quartered?

I share your concerns, about been catalogued and targeted. What we have is now, at this very moment, and that we keep fighting to retain our rights to free speech and our rights to bear arms. Do not ever let them take this away from us! The lefties may have the loudest voice on the streets, in the media, or on the web. But do not forget that the silent majority elected President Trump. While he may not be able to fix many things, at least we can see that he tries his best, to keep his promises... And I do not think that he can do it alone.

So I think it is very important to redpill those whose brains were conditioned/hijacked. I do not care if they call me nazi. Redpill as many as you can, so they can see the truth, to some extend. Expose those who try to destroy our rights, our culture, and our country. It is a constant battle that we must face.

I do not really like sharing my personal detail. But I will do this for today. My family were a bunch of lefties two years ago. It took me TWO years to redpill them. That is how long it took them to finally come to senses and appreciate what our President is trying to do to save our country!

And frankly, we should be able to have a transparent website where we're genuinely sure of who is operating what, and how, so that we can feel secure when we say offensive shit about niggers and jews. Because freedom of speech.

This is also a pretty reasonable concern. I trust Putt after these years, because he always try to do the right thing. I understand that you want more assurance. But you should also realize that if this angel investor becomes too transparent, this person too, will become an obvious target, and quite possibly be physically threatened for his/her life! I can understand why Putt kept it somewhat guarded. If this person gets found out and be cut off from Voat, then we will all be in trouble. Also remember, this place is filled with shills and jews, who love nothing but to see Voat failed. Every time I see some good news, many of them come crying about some bullshit SBBH narratives or how Putt was completely compromised... Same old same old...

As it stands now, yes, we have freedom of speech on Voat, but that doesn't come without potential consequences. I don't want to see any of us have our lives ruined over what we post.

If we stand individually and readily be chickened out, by their threats, then we will all (mostly) be silenced, eventually! But if we all stand together, loud and clear, with enough number, they cannot silence us all!! It will only create Streisand effect. So exercise silence, when appropriate; scream loud and clear when necessary.

Real easy way for them to infiltrate Voat, imagehosts. It's why I've always been skeptical of the random imagehosts that pop up on Voat. Would be pretty easy to track submissions to user accounts, gain IP addresses, and doxx people. Unfortunately whenever I bring this up on Voat I get downvoated, so... Shit's strange dude. All I want is for people to be aware of it.

This is also very true! New and suspicious image hosts, we must watch out for. If they collect our IPs gradually, and if users are not on vpn or tor, it is very easy to cross reference IP addresses and the timestamps on Voat. I hope more users would understand this potential hazard.

And lastly, I apologize for viewing you as one of those bullshit SRS/SBBH narratives often been pushed on Voat.

zyklon_b ago

no not strange. Poal and Phuks aint been shut down or attacked so why would they attack voat

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Hello. I am James Woods and I just bought Voat. Fuck you all.

zyklon_b ago

hey james

zyklon_b ago



PuttsMum ago

I too am a little bit surprised Putt did that, especially to a janitor mod position.

Its a miracle, you and I agreeing on something :p

C_Corax ago

Honestly Voat has needed a bit of housecleaning for a while. Just look at /v/repportspammers for instance. Two of the mods there are very much ex-goats these days. Then there are all the subs that have been requested presumably to breath some new life into them, but none have been transferred since forever.

I'm not really worried about it unless we suddenly see unknown or controversial figures as new janitors/mods.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

If you read the actual reason why though, it makes complete sense. This is CNN tier headline shit where they warp the truth to get people agitated because they weren't clear in the first place.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Why does it make sense? No one has explained that, yet you're acting as if it's established truth? Intriguing.

All that Bob did was make a post about what he can do if Voat is subverted by the new partner. That's all. Then he was punished for it.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Alright concern shill. Take your yammaca off for a second.

Janitors and mods should know exactly how voat works and operates. The user in question clearly did not. Furthermore, not only did they show signs of untrustworthiness, but untrustworthiness during a time of growth on voat. Now is not the time to be clueless on how to janitor or mod and nor is it the time to do so as voat changes for the better.

They werent """punished""" as you say. You warped the whole situation like a fucking JEW to fit your narrative. Fuck off back to reddit

SaneGoatOySwear ago

The user in question clearly did not.

You're full of shit.

Let me guess, when people delete their Facebook account they can 100% trust that Facebook will properly delete all of their information, right? Right?

He wanted a script that doesn't rely on a website that he was cautious might have been subverted. That you're trying to frame him as not understanding the website because you don't understand basic opsec is actually hilarious and does nothing but illustrate your lack of knowledge in regards to how the Internet works.

not only did they show signs of untrustworthiness,

Oy vey, anyone who is cautious of Voat being taken over is showing signs of "untrustworthines". Tell me more, Kike.

Now is not the time to be clueless on how to janitor or mod and nor is it the time to do so as voat changes for the better.

Trying to double down on your lies?

They werent """punished""" as you say.

They were 100% punished by having their hard work and dedication to the website stripped for nothing other than being cautious.

MadWorld ago

XD In this case, SBBH is the Russians that "people" keep talking about...

lets_get_hyyerr ago

SBBH is great because it contains users who exhibit the SAME type of behavior like faggot reddit mods. They behave exactly the same there as youd expect a reddit mod to behavior and its utterly hilarious. Bunch of SJWs

MadWorld ago

My experience has been that the SRS users themselves often accuse SBBH members of SRS. And the SBBH guys have ways of triggering them. The SRS users have many alts and can always burn their accounts. At least most SBBH members, that I have come to interact with, are honest and have sense of humor.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Most SBBH members, which is essentially just the mods, employ the exact same behavior that SRS did. SRS may have changed now, I dont know but from what I remember they are the same. Just today I was totally censored from SBBH because one of their mods got mad i kept shutting on them. They ARE redditors and reddit tier mods.

SBBH is a containment for reddit retards. Nothing more

MadWorld ago

SBBH is a containment for reddit retards. Nothing more

That is bullshit! I guess we have different experience, and that is perfectly fine. I like many of them! Some are pretty smart people, and nothing like eddit's cancerous mods, as you have described.

C_Corax ago

Says the ex-reddit mod of how many subs was it?

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Aww, someone mad they got called out for behaving like a reddit mod? Have anyone to censor today (((c_corax)))?

C_Corax ago

You're the Reddit fag not me. I haven't touched ACP or MCP since 2010 I think and even then I mostly went by a hands off approach.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Mhm, right. Triggered much there little reddit boy? Go censor some more shit.

C_Corax ago

You're then one that sounds triggered. I couldn't care less what a little fag like you think.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Lol okay mr reddit incel.

C_Corax ago

Look who's talking.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

That would be you, faggot ass reddit mod hahahah you think voat hasnt already scoped you out? Your ass is already in one of the anon subs. People arent blind. Faggot tier censorship and reddit behavior doesnt fly. I hope they keep looking into you.

C_Corax ago

I get pinged all the time and they aren't looking into shit. They are just trying to see if they can stir a reaction. Funny people.

How many sub-reddits was it that you were modding again?

lets_get_hyyerr ago


C_Corax ago


Says the one that was doing a sales pitch of his own Reddit mod experiences in one of the cringier posts I've seen today.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

You can literally direct link that comment. It's not going anywhere you reddit fag hahahaha what's your account on there? What are you actively participating in so I can find you there

C_Corax ago

Well you deleted your other posts so..

I left Reddit in early 2015 and havent looked back since. You're grabbing things out of thin air and making yourself look foolish son.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

I must say, i'm thoroughly enjoying seeing exactly who is a reddit tier fag (like you) and who is here to be here. Today was a very educational day. Now i know you're a fag. Top tier CNN type mongoloid.

I really enjoyed the attacks today. You learn a lot when people like (((you))) try to censor things on a censor free website

C_Corax ago

It just humors me that you think you can insult me and don't realize you are talking about yourself.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

There we go with the reddit style commentating. Again

C_Corax ago

Whatever you say "powermod".

lets_get_hyyerr ago

LMAOOO literally lol'd with that

C_Corax ago

Small minds are easily entertained.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Must be why you've been here all this time, kike

C_Corax ago

While you stayed over at Reddit.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Oh! You're still here. I have a new pet! Good boy. Let's see if you can pull this new trick.

RESPOND. RESPOND BOY! Come on. You can do it. Comment back boy! Come on, you got it!

C_Corax ago

Again you don't seem to realize you are talking about yourself.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Good boy!!!!!

C_Corax ago

You're talking about yourself again.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

I am a good boy(: thank you

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Soooo who is this new partner? Has Putt shared this? If not, why not?

SaneGoatOySwear ago

We don't know, you would have to ask Putt. I would imagine that any partner of Voat would want to remain anonymous though, malicious or not.

If it's not malicious, there should be no problem with users questioning and being concerned. What Putt just did by demodding that guy is he sent a clear message to all moderators of all default subverses that if they pipe up and question this, they'll have all of their hard work moderating those subverses undone in an instant. I think people are overlooking that aspect. Generally speaking moderators of well known subverses are themselves more well known than the average user. Silencing them, if this partner is a malicious actor, would be one of their first goals.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Who was demodded? Is there any proof behind what you're saying?

I'd be interested in seeing what @puttitout has to say himself on it

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Hmm? This submission is a direct link to Puttitout declaring that he demodded the guy. If you click the title it links you to this;


and here is Bobs response to Putt ( linking because there are several responses to Putt and Bobs is at the bottom of them for some reason. )


zyklon_b ago

Good work @Puttitout

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Yeah, this is all just a big joke to you v/SoapBoxBanHammer SRS Reddit kikes isn't it. You're finally getting exactly what you wanted. Congratulations. You have managed to subvert one of the very few places on the internet where free speech still exists.

zyklon_b ago

Wrong I am freeze peach nigger and yall is gay

C_Corax ago

It's not a joke. It's a carefully executed plan.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

They think that average Voaters don't see it, and I'm at the point where I can't even disagree. Hardly anyone will see this thread, and people blindly follow Putt, even though it could be literally anyone on the other end of that account. It could be the FBI, CIA, could be anyone -- but people just follow him like SJWs follow Channing Tatum. It's celebrity psychology, and it's really disappointing to see it here on Voat of all places.

Putt should understand 100% why people would be skeptical and nervous about this, and instead of fucking demodding Bob he should have tried to reassure him.

15773972? ago

And who are you? You literally could be nobody! You sorta are already, LOL. Accountability for all mods of all subs save for private subs. Get use to it, nigger.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Accountability for... wanting to be careful in the event that Voat ends up being compromised?

15774189? ago

Trust goes both ways. If you cannot comprehend that then you are also the type of slow faggots who believe moderators should not be held accountable cuz "my sub my rules waaaah." Who cares if putt removed a janitor of a system sub? He's not impeding that user's free speech and if you think he is then LOL. Just wow.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Give me a compelling reason why we should trust a stranger on the Internet who could be literally anyone. For all we know Putt is actually several people, operating out of three letter agencies. I'm not saying that's the case, but it's 100% a possibility. There's all sorts of strange stuff on Voat, just look at the financing, which now is apparently not an issue because we have a partner, but up until what a few days ago, no one knew how Voat was even operating. Putt said there was some bitcoin donations left over from what, over a year ago?

All that said, we shouldn't be irrationally paranoid, but we shouldn't blindly trust one another either. Having a plan incase shit hits the fan is not being irrationally paranoid. We should, every single one of us, consider what we would do if Voat was taken down or taken over.

And frankly, Putt shouldn't expect us to blindly trust him. If you were operating Voat, would you act that way?

You guys are 100% sounding like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. You're regurgitating a script, and I can't even tell your comment apart from your compatriots. So quoted above is my response to one of your friends who said practically the exact same thing you did. He refused to give me an actual response to anything I said, can I assume you will do precisely the same thing?

15774463? ago

If you have that sort of doubt and lack of faith, why are you still using this site? Phuks and poal would love to have your type.

What if Putt is compromised? What would you do? Feel good about your life by screaming to no one in particular "I told you soooo waaaah"?

What is your plan? To start a new site? Why not do it now since you are already screeching about how Putt sold voat out!

You know what my plan is if this ship finally sinks? Wouldn't be screeching it to you lot.

If voat was my creation I'd have done the same as Putt. Why? Cuz it'd be my site to do as I pleased with and so far that is not a breach of trust - if he had sitewide banned the faggot, you'd have a leg to stand on screeching whatever it is you are white knighting about. But he didn't.

I'm sorry your autism makes change hard for you.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

why are you still using this site?

Because I don't give up on stuff that matters, like freedom of speech.

What if Putt is compromised? What would you do? Feel good about your life by screaming to no one in particular "I told you soooo waaaah"?

No, I'd be pretty disappointed. Definitely wouldn't spout any told you so's. The reason I try to bring attention to this stuff is because I'm against manipulation and deceit. I understand why you're making the assumptions you are, but that's just not where I'm coming from.

If voat was my creation I'd have done the same as Putt. Why? Cuz it'd be my site to do as I pleased

If voat was your creation, it most likely never would have gained the community that Voat currently has, because attitudes such as "It'd be my site to do as I pleased" isn't actually respected by anyone, so yeah, you would control a dead website. The fact that you're parading that around is honestly very strange.

I'm sorry your autism makes change hard for you.


15774831? ago

So far - voat is still up, free speech is still vital, the site is still running and who cares if it has a silent financial backer as long as they stay that way? Why worry about something that has not even happened yet?

All you are doing is rabble rousing. "Putt demodded a janitor of a system sub waaaah".

SaneGoatOySwear ago

If we're a free speech community, why don't we have the freedom of speech to question the community?

The reason I use this account name is because as much as I disagreed with Sanes methods, he had a fucking point most of the time. Well, at least half of the time. Ish.

Just as the founding fathers told us to rebel if necessary, we as Voaters need to at the very least be critical. Many users of this website would have their lives potentially ruined if what they said was made public. As we've seen time and time again, those that oppose us try very hard to attack us and attempt to ruin our lives all the damn time.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with questioning how the website operates, even up to questioning Putt himself. Putt should actually expect to be questioned, especially when bringing in a new partner.

who cares if it has a silent financial backer as long as they stay that way?

As long as they stay that way.

Bobs entire post was predicated on the possibility that it might become compromised. Everything he said was about if something happened. Either way, even if he was saying that he believed the website was compromised, and that the silent backer was malicious, who cares. I mean to be fair neither of us can say whether he's correct or wrong, but let's just assume he was wrong. Where's the harm in it? What's so bad about being overly cautious? I really don't understand why on a website like Voat, people behaving like Preppers are being attacked.

C_Corax ago

Putt is not on your side:)

SaneGoatOySwear ago

And now is probably a good time to remind people that the Canary died quite awhile ago.

KentBrockman ago



Last edit time was Dec. 25.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Yeah, it was dead for about six months, then they randomly started updating it again I guess. Which is about as sketchy as the stuff I'm currently posting about.




There's a few threads of people discussing it over the past couple years.

SaneGoatOySwear ago


The guys response to Putt.

If you choose to unilaterally remove people as mods from subs because of posting a question you don't like when they have done nothing to abuse mod powers, it really makes it seem like the question hits a nerve for some reason. Are we already pissing off your partner?

Maybe i shouldn't be so harsh. Perhaps spez hacked your account and is up to the usual Reddit shit using admin powers to punish users for wrongthink.

AEndtoThemForever ago

Yeah the writing is on the wall.