CheeseboogersGhost ago

You're being watched too.....there will be trials

Areuyiddingme ago

Depends on the victor as to how that plays out.

Mylon ago

I think you fail to understand how a Canary works. If a site admin receives a secret subpoena, he cannot talk about the subpoena. This means the site admin cannot say, "The canary is dead." But he also cannot say, "The canary is alive" (actually he could, but we're trusting him not to say it if he has received the subpoena). Whenever there's any doubt, simply assume the canary is dead and change your behavior accordingly.

DeltaBravoTango ago

The site is barely alive, let alone the canary.

albatrosv15 ago


truthwoke33 ago

Voat is a honey pot/ quarantine for radical individual thinkers. Everything here posted is monitored and manipulated by paid government goons. Do not allow them to round you up like cattle. I'm not saying to leave voat or go back to Reddit, just don't let them censor you elsewhere, speak freely everywhere. I know that a lot of you would disagree on much of my ideological opinions but I know we can all agree (rather ironically) that we all believe in the individual and their thoughts, without censorship. I hate you nigger faggots and I miss the old Internet where I could say that to you anywhere.

patriot_biz ago

Defeatist attitude. Don't you have some dick go suck, or something?

Firinmahlazer ago

I disagree. The canary hasn't been updated in a long time and there's been a few questionable outages. I think it's foolish to think this place isn't being monitored in some way.

patriot_biz ago

Oh no, I agree that we're being monitored. It's the internet, after all. I'm not doing anything illegal. Use a proxy and don't associate this account with any other social media, and you'll be fine.

The honeypot theory is silly. We're winning.

GoatEmperorTrump ago

As long as you don’t attach this account to other social media is all that matters. Truth is we are allowed (at least in the US) to speak freely without fear of criminal Prosecution, whether others like it or not.

Obviously, it would be socially harmful for others to know that we freely state the truth like niggers are a lot dumber on average, welfare is a scam on working people, immigration is to benefit rich pseudo slave holders and pedo satanists, Mudslimes are all inbred genetic messes, media is out to mind rape your children, etc.

But ultimately, you can’t go to jail for saying these things here, so fuck em all. This is the only social media place I would post anything on because it’s he only place I know where people speak freely without any filters at all. If it disappears I’d be sad, but I’d probably just read more and go to the gym more.

weezkitty ago

He's right though. Voat would be a prime target for surveillance

patriot_biz ago

Thank you for your response.

...surveillance by whom? The Tea Party is in charge. We're running this bitch!

weezkitty ago

The NSA and CIA. We're not in charge of jack shit

GoatEmperorTrump ago

Yeah, it would be unreasonable to expect that the Deep State has somehow been vanquished by Trump and his administration.

The pedo Satan niggerfaggots are not going to give up so easily.

chronos ago

@puttitout is still MIA. He is the acting CEO of Voat. He is the one who would get a notice. Until he comes back and makes some sort of announcement, forget about canaries. Be glad @atko got us up and running.

Glory_Beckons ago

It doesn't really make sense for Voat to have a canary, seeing as it uses CloudFlare.

CloudFlare sees everything happening on Voat, sees your IP, sees your password, sees what you post, what you view, tracks you using cookies, etc.

If I was a government agency, I wouldn't need to subpoena Voat for information. I could just talk to CloudFlare. And they don't update our canary.

derkataIog ago

hi, i'm sanegoatiswear, and i wrote voat's warrant canary. then i had to make the admins stop using a bot to click it, and have them install a sort of dead goat's switch. meaning every 30 days, they update the page by hitting edit on the post, and then save.

of course, paid shills took over the site, and they don't give a nigger about the canary, let alone subverse transfers (@puttitout hasn't done those in over a year!).

glory, the purpose of the canary is so that others can infer from the lack of it still working that some sort of warrant/NDA/fisa demand/etc has been served.

otherwise, without a canary, we'd never ever ever know. except from specific silence from those that have been served.

a perfect example of that is @atko and @puttitout who both own/operate voat, yet refuse outright to discuss with anyone their disappearance, their behavioral changes, why they added massive censorship to voat, why the ban people for upvoting but allow shills to brigade, why they stopped being transparent to the userbase about everything especially finances, why they no longer take donations/do ads yet somehow have thousands a month to keep the site going after the bitcoin donations have run out... and more!

they refuse to discuss ANY of that with ANYONE! not even to deny shit. that's called specific silence and without a canary, it'd be as close as we'd ever get to knowing shit went down.

oh but wait, they were doing a canary. and then they stopped doing it.

voat has been compromised. this is why i've spent all this time building a replacement that can't be taken over, taken out, taken down, censored, infiltrated, etc.

truthwoke33 ago

Been compromised indeed, looking into information about the site being a gov funded honey pot. The shills refer to voat as a quarantine amongst their channels. I remember reading an article on voat with an interview with putitout stating they received funding from a start up program... Hmm.. lot's of social media sites can receive government funding, which in turn puts them on the hook allow the alphabet nigger kikes to spy on everything so they can continue raping children in secret. They think they are so smart but their life narrative reads like a pathetic and retarded children's tale.

toobaditworks ago

So what's the word on the India IQ level?

Glory_Beckons ago

meaning every 30 days, they update the page by hitting edit on the post, and then save.

I thought it was supposed to be whenever Putt posts an announcement. Not every 30 days. Could you point out where that was decided?

why they stopped being transparent to the userbase about everything especially finances, why they no longer take donations/do ads yet somehow have thousands a month to keep the site going after the bitcoin donations have run out

28th January 2018

5th March 2018

6th March 2018

That's fairly recent and pretty transparent. Basically it seems like the surge in bitcoin price gave them a nice buffer, but that's slowly but surely running out now. They'll have to deal with it. Soon.

I get your other points, and share the concern about the admins being so detached and frequently absent. Indicates they're losing interest or busy with other things. Or, indeed, have been compromised. Whatever the case, it doesn't bode well for the future of Voat.

Anyway, my point was that there's just no point in worrying about Putt being compromised. Because we know for a fact that CloudFlare is compromised. Or, at the very least, are ideologically hostile to us and would be happy to use any excuse to fuck us over. And they have access to everything.

derkataIog ago

your links are not viable sources confirming transparency

what you've linked there is @puttitout evading the question. nigger ought run for congress with those non-answers. "hur dur we gat suhm bitecairn, i swear!" just doesn't equal transparency.

8 month user? you weren't here for voat when it was actually transparent on a regular basis, and meaningfully discussed the direction of voat with the userbase, so you have no reference to understand what i speak of.

that bitcoin, by peaceseeker's accounting, ran out months ago.

deal with it? @puttitout can't be bothered to do subverse transfers for a year, and hasn't taken donations nor ad money in how long?! months?! i don't even know anymore.

this is a fucking ghost town anyway.

yes cloudflare is niggered. that's for sure. also, new users and anyone brigaded into -ccp/-scp have to allow google captcha (and tracking) to post, start a PM. also sign up, right? so yeah. that's two nigger corps that voat uses. fucking cialarious.

Glory_Beckons ago

what you've linked there is @puttitout evading the question.

It's not great, agreed. But it's also not "refuse to discuss ANY of that with ANYONE! not even to deny shit" as you put it. It's vague, but it's not silence.

8 month user? you weren't here for voat when it was actually transparent on a regular basis, and meaningfully discussed the direction of voat with the userbase

I've been around far longer than that. Changed accounts for OpSec purposes.

Putt's attitude and participation have changed drastically, agreed. But that can be explained entirely by a loss of motivation and a shift of focus to other things. That is the simplest explanation, it explains everything, and it happens all the time with projects like this. Unless there's something specific that indicates there's more to it, I wouldn't jump to any conclusions.

At the same time, nobody should be posting in places like this without at least a VPN and/or Tor. That's just a matter of personal responsibility.

@puttitout can't be bothered to do subverse transfers for a year, and hasn't taken donations nor ad money in how long?! months?! i don't even know anymore.

That is a real problem, yeah. Putt implied (but failed to confirm) that the Bitcoin wallet is still open for donations. If so, it should be relatively trivial to fix it so it appears in the sidebar again. The fact that he hasn't found the motivation or time to do that is very troubling.

But I've seen exactly this sort of thing happen before, firsthand. And there was definitely no government intervention involved. Just an overworked admin burning out under the pressure. When a project like this rapidly grows into a fulltime job, and beyond, but you try to continue treating it as a hobby side-project, that just can't work out for long. Something has to give eventually.

derkataIog ago

it's specific avoidance which tells us exactly what's happened. legally-required silence on a specific subject or subjects.

yeah, go to my profile at sanegoatiswear and read the top and bottom most posts and comments (and delve into the links if you feel inclined, it's most if not all archived). consider, to start the rabbit hole: one day, all devs and owner of voat, and the devs and owner of the main voat image host, all dissappeared..... on the same day. when atko and puttitout came back a month and two months later, they behaved like entirely different people, permanently. they allowed an openly tranny autist SJW british librarian to code in massive levels of censorship into voat, stopped being transparent, stopped discussing the site's direction with the userbase, stopped doing subverse transfers, stopped taking donations, stopped doing ads, and more!

not all legal gags are from gov'ts btw. NDAs are doled out by corporations, institutions, even individuals, every day. there's a good chance atif colo has an NDA from conde nast on his ass right now.

can you explain all 4 devs disappearing, and then the two voat devs returning acting like entirely different people, then take the site in an entirely different reddity direction?

ctr_pls_go ago

voat has been compromised. this is why i've spent all this time building a replacement that can't be taken over, taken out, taken down, censored, infiltrated, etc.

sounds p cool

whats it called? what languages are u using?

Illaskthequestion ago

The point is if puttitout has been contacted by gov. The way I understood it was as long as it was updated then voat nor puttitout has had a request for info. Seeing as Putts Mia and canary is dead. It seems the gov has indeed intervened

Tallest_Skil ago

It doesn’t matter. All he has to do is not update it. All he has to do is be dead. He has refused to say anything about the down time and refused to come back since. He’s clearly either dead, compromised, or doesn’t care anymore. It’s already over.

Glory_Beckons ago

It's unsettling that Putt still hasn't shown up.

Then again, we only know he's "missing" because Voat went down. It's not like he comments regularly. He has gone weeks without posting or commenting before. People just assume he still lurks in those times. We don't actually know how often he is normally here these days.

The way I understood it was as long as it was updated then voat nor puttitout has had a request for info. Seeing as Putts Mia and canary is dead. It seems the gov has indeed intervened

My understanding was that the rule is: When Putt makes an announcement, he must update the canary.

Putt has not made an announcement, so we should not expect the canary to be updated.

This means the canary doesn't and cannot tell us whether Putt has been contacted by the government. It can only ever tell us that he hadn't been contacted at the time of the last announcement. Between announcements, it doesn't tell us anything at all. So we just don't know.

toobaditworks ago

Putt is on vacay in Israel. Chill out he'll be back in a few שבועות.

glorious shitposter

The_Prophets_Profit ago

Putts a Muslim right?. I couldn't be on this site regularly if people talked about my religion the way we talk about his.

The_Prophets_Profit ago

As far as I know, yes.

FreeBreivik ago

What if the server bill is due and Putt isn't back?

kneo24 ago

It is not Atko's responsibility to update the Canary. Can all of you nigger faggots stop bitching about Atko not updating it? This is Putt's responsibility, and we won't know more if/when Putt makes an announcement.

chronos ago


But, muh privacy. But muh gag order. But muh. SHUT THE FUCK UP! Be happy Voat is back for now. If you are worried about canaries better to spend your time researching VPNs and TAILS and you should never ever connect to Voat from your home or office Internet. Use only public wifi. if you are not already doing those things, again STFU.

Illaskthequestion ago

Hey you retarded ass monkey didn’t you see that I wrote putts? I know it’s not atko’s responsibility. The whole fucking point is Puttitout is MIA. Goddamn idiot nigger faggots writing retarded shit when they haven’t read the fucking post

kneo24 ago

Your whole post is pointless and is just riding on the coat tails of the rest of the whiny bitches who are QQing over Atko not updating the canary.

Bitch about the canary when Putt makes an announcement and it's not updated.

patriot_biz ago

Your Mom is pointless, Fag. Go back to Reddit?

kneo24 ago

Apparently she lives rent free in your head. She can't be that pointless to you. You also have weird homoerotic fantasies.

Illaskthequestion ago

Ok I’ll try one more time to spoon feed your retarded ass. I don’t give a good goddamn about Atko updating canary. Never in my post did I say I did. I simply pointed out that puttitout being mia (gag order) might be all the evidence that’s needed. The fact some of you cant get that means I’m dealing with some seriously dense nigger-faggots

kneo24 ago

I really don't give a shit what you're writing here. You're the fucking nigger riding everyone's coat tails about Atko not updating the canary. You're transparent as fuck. If you didn't have the attention span of a nigger, you'd notice that the canary is updated when Putt makes an announcement and that sometimes Putt goes MIA. All you have is the retards perspective. You're a member for 7.7 hours, which further indicates you're too new to understand what you're even suggesting here. You are dismissed.

patriot_biz ago

No one gives a shit what you're writing here.

Illaskthequestion ago

Poor thing did I get your blood pressure up. I’ve been on this site way longer than this new acct. I’ll leave you to your retarded self. Please be sure to wear you helmet at all times.

kneo24 ago

You have two options.

  1. Be new and admit to not knowing how Putt operates.
  2. Be not new and admit to not knowing how Putt operates.

You've chosen option 2.

It really doesn't matter which option you choose, as both show you don't know what you're talking about, and again, are feeding off of the concern trolling.

Chempergrill ago

Needs more upvoats.

@I_Would_Gas_You pointed this out shortly before the site went down.

I_Would_Gas_You ago

You have to assume it is. I get that putt is one man but there has been so much odd shit that I assume it is a honey pot. Put me in a file.

patriot_biz ago

Just FYI, I appreciate that the canary would be helpful.

...but the honeypot theory is a bit wonky. We're winning. Trump's in office. War with Russia is forestalled. Stock market up, manufacturing revitalized. We're actually doing pretty well. Podesta is on the ropes, etc. We shouldn't be cowering, we should be going on the offensive.

eagleshigh ago

Trumpsteinbergwitzman isn't doing shit and is working for the Jews like I predicted years ago. 'winning'? What planet do you live on?

Antiracist10 ago

How's books nigga?

@bojangles @sarmegahhikkitha

patriot_biz ago

Papers, please!

I_Would_Gas_You ago

Who is we? Most people I know are complacent sheel invested in this jew system.

patriot_biz ago

America was 'borrowed' from the British in 1772 by something like 10,000 Patriots. You don't think Trump can raise this many? It's our court now.

I_Would_Gas_You ago

I'm pretty sure the worlds population wasnunder a billion people then.

patriot_biz ago

I'm pretty sure our side is much better armed than it was the last time.

PrettyBigDouche ago

You may need to change your name to You_Will_Be_Gassed.

I_Would_Gas_You ago

Oh? Because I see an odd pattern that makes me a jew somehow?

PrettyBigDouche ago

No mang, you got it all wong. What I'm saying is our reptile overlords, if this is a honeypot, might gulag and gas you someday.

I_Would_Gas_You ago

Oh. Good fucking luck.

Rotteuxx ago

Maybe Atko preferred to leave it up to Putt to set things straight on his return.

So what if it's dead ? How will that change your Voating habits ? Anything bad you've posted or said in the past has now been copied by the feds, too late to go back.

Germ22 ago

The canary was put in pace to appease SaneGoatiSwear and shut him up.

mynewaccountagain ago

Canaries aren't worth anything.

Chempergrill ago

It's all we have. Which makes it unseemingly valuable.

SquarebobSpongebutt ago

Except they can order you to post a canary or, if the site was taken over, they could post it themselves. Law enforcement is allowed to lie to you or order you to lie.

patriot_biz ago

That's stupid. That's not how national security letters work. Do you even know how to read, Bitch?