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PuttItOut ago

Just delete your account.

We wipe all your data, including content replacement, when a user deletes their account (make sure you pay attention to the options as you can leave content or anonymize it too).

It makes me nervous that you are a janitor on a system sub and are posting submissions like this.

o0shad0o ago

Thanks Putt.

@bob3333, please note that deleting content from Voat itself won't wipe out archived content elsewhere on the net. Also, that if someone hasn't already associated your account with other info on the net (via clickthrus, etc) shortly after you posted it, it's unlikely they'll be able to later, so IMO deletion to hide yourself is excessively paranoid. If you're concerned about future associations made, just drop the account.

bob3333 ago

Thanks. I'm not trying to erase my history from the net, just prevent someone from monetizing it in the event that's what goes down.

I don't really trust "we'll wipe it for you, don't worry." Funny how people are unable to learn from history. If this new partner does what partners have done to the other two social media sites I belonged to over the years, it will be the third time I get antsy and the user base reacts with hostility and personal attacks. Doesn't matter, but funny how similarly it works every time. A few years later they'll figure out they're on a shitty site and come running to where I've already been for years.

ratsmack ago

You're displaying irrational paranoia... hopefully your day to day life doesn't suffer same.

bob3333 ago

Why is it irrational? You don't think an offer of $$$ has any possibility of making a person compromise their beliefs? You've never heard of anybody in the history of the world selling out? Hmmmm.

ratsmack ago

I hope you've noticed that you're on the internet... if you were that paranoid, why did you venture here?

bob3333 ago

Not worried about content being online. Worried about @Putitout selling the site out for financial gain and what users can do if that's the case. Since he's demonstrated that he's willing to abuse his admin powers to "punish" users for simply asking the question, I think that's enough information for those of us who care.

ratsmack ago

... admin powers to "punish" users for simply asking the question ...

Putt need loyal people he can trust... you seem to have lost faith.

bob3333 ago

I didn't lose faith until he did that. I was just asking questions in case things turned out for the worst. It's happened on two other sites that were popular as soon as there was an investor.

You can't very well say your site is "free speech" if users aren't even allowed to ask certain questions without being stripped of their mod privileges. It's all good and well. Better to have learned what's coming early on than to waste more time. You just wait. It will start so very small. It will be something like removing subs like /v/niggers from the default list to shield the virgin eyes of newcomers and potential investors. It will be sold as necessary to promote voat's growth and come with promises that nothing will be censored. Then the purges will start. It will start with the unpopular stuff to establish the precedent with little complaint from the base. The desire to control more and more grows with every ban, shadowban, and deletion. Pretty soon it will be that subs and posts that don't "reflect the principles and beliefs of voat" will be removed. You watch. I'm setting a reminder in my calendar to return in two years to ask you niggers how it's going.

Momerath ago

This may be a LARP thread, but it looks as if you've hit the nail on the head. Any suggestion as to where to go next? If the Jan 2 rule update affects the integrity of speech freedom, I will be seeking free-er pastures as well. Hell, even this action has shaken my trust irreparably. So um, where go now?

ratsmack ago

You may be correct, but it is difficult for me to worry about things that are far outside my control. Like I noted, your best recourse is to frequent multiple forums and when one becomes too burdensome from commercialization or censorship, then it's easy to move on because you're already established.