15847107? ago

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15846802? ago

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15846640? ago

Didnt Q say eventually we will only have 8chan?

We know Voat is temporary.

15834489? ago

Being concerned and suspicious is part of the times that we are in. Nothing wrong with that and it is actually the wisest way to proceed into this battle. For me, for now, this is the site to go to and compare notes and thoughts. Is this new Voat benefactor a good thing or bad thing, well time will tell. We are tiptoeing through a minefield and being cautious, but still moving forward.

15834193? ago

There's too many what is's to worry about rather than worry about what ifs.

15834124? ago

Are nuts or nervous? Stop jumping at every shadow . Ever think it is a good thing? Try to not see a puzzle where there is none.

15834054? ago

Yup, my almonds were activated on the whole thing. I trust PUTT, but we'll see.

15833888? ago

Already noted they're lying about a lot of this site proven here /v/QRV/2893439 and below is Putt trying to bury any mention of it in other posts.

Just like on rebbit, it's burred because "they" don't want you to question voat or Putt.

Here's PuttItOut lying about it and giving a bullshit excuse. Anyone that knows how to code knows this is a lie but it's literally the lowest comment in the post.

We don't log IP, we generate a hash based on a few things and compare those. I'd have to look at the code but I think it's impossible for us to reverse an IP from what we store.

But even this is useless and we will be removing this code when we get around to it.

If you're worried about IP addresses please use a VPN. Actually, always use a VPN.

Also, nice assumptions there, but like usual, wrong.

We don't log IP, we generate a hash based on a few things and compare those. I'd have to look at the code but I think it's impossible for us to reverse an IP from what we store.

Sorry Put I see no way to believe this. Only thing in common is the IP. Different OS, browser, even LAN, only common thing was the public IP. The accounts were registered months apart and upvote attempts were hours apart. You might hash the IP so it's "cryptic" but still nothing else in common to let a remote system determine it was same user.

If you're worried about IP addresses please use a VPN. Actually, always use a VPN.

I'm not worried about the IP, you inferring this implies you didn't read /v/ideasforvoat/2887109 which suggested you retain the first 3 octets of users IP to identify vote/user farming. I'm more worried about the blatant lying.

Also, nice assumptions there, but like usual, wrong.

Nice of you to have "open source" > 1 year old that has none of the features questioned in the code. Assumptions don't come from verifying someone is lying. You're still just making excuses to cover it up

15833749? ago

A bit hung up on cortisol? Make love to your wife, you 'll be better off.

15833480? ago

Jews infiltrate everything they can. No reason to suspect that they aren’t coming after voat

15833890? ago

I'm quite sure Jews have bigger fish than you to fry.

15833409? ago

havent made up my mind on this as yet, curious to see things unfold.

fact is, we at least doubled the traffic on voat which means huge payment for (safe) server space is required. how to finance?

from my pov, every community should be community funded. if i regularly use a platform someone puts their time, energy, and money into creating and maintaining, in order to provide a space where i can meet and share with others, i happily pay a few bucks per month for it. if 10% of us only paid 1$ per month, financing this space wouldnt be an issue.

having a financier in the picture means loosing independance.

do the goats / @puttitout want to get rid of us? i do think so. although i basically gave up viewing and participating in other voat subs - kindergarden, full of blame+shame on jews/Qtards/boomers/ everyone who is not in alignment with making others responsible for ones own misery -,, when i do take a look, its basically Q-negative.

could it be possible that its a white hat who funds voat now? yes, very possible. it would make sense that the Q team does it.

the opposite is also possible, as OP suggests.

dont have a clear feel on it as yet. but another feel is totally clear - if voat gets rid of Q people, the net will get rid of voat.

15836768? ago

Ooooh, so close, with you right up to the end. Do you not realise how Voat became the place for ideas such as Q, Trump and much more, long before anyone created those? You might be surprised how many goats have actual lives and interests outside of politics and race. Sure, those are high importance, but many are able to entertain much fuller lives.

15837172? ago

You might be surprised how many goats have actual lives and interests outside of politics and race. Sure, those are high importance, but many are able to entertain much fuller lives.

oh i dont doubt that for a second and i am sure there are a lot of kind and conscious people on voat. thing is, the loudest voices seem to be the morons and they are full of shaming and blaming people instead of working towards a world that works for everyone.

Do you not realise how Voat became the place for ideas such as Q, Trump and much more, long before anyone created those?

dont doubt that either. i have been pondering these ideas for the past 4 decades. on this path, a few years ago, i stumbled upon voat, too. and i was totally put off by the idea that free speech seems to mean to many the permission to attack and blame people, instead of challenging ideas and concepts.

i have life-long experience in speaking my truth because from childhood on, i perceived the lies. as a teenager, i learned that you can actually say everything to almost everybody, it only depends on how you transport the message. its the tone that makes the music.

from my pov, attacking an opinion is right, attacking a person is wrong (as long as the person doesnt do you any physical harm when self-defense is legit).

the surprising thing is that many goats seem to think that, because they have known so much for so long, they know it all, and people who just now wake up with Q are Qtards and stupid blind followers, and have bo clue whatsoever, not saying that there arent any idiots in teh Q family, there are. but from what i see here, there are many more stupid goats who just want to get rid of us. they have no clue on what they miss out on.

15837428? ago

Very well said, we see things similarly. Happy New Year.

15833243? ago

Voat and 8ch are now government subsidized.

15833913? ago

And your proof would be...

15833214? ago

Do you read what he writes? He wants Q gone from Voat, it's a stain for him that he wants to get rid of.

15834181? ago

Proof / links please.

15833149? ago

Trump is dead!

15833918? ago

You fool, he was never alive.

15833060? ago

You guys need to change some of your mindset. Stop thinking everything is negative.it is a cancer that rots your brain. Sometimes good things happen and recognize that please open your mind.

15834149? ago

yeah let's pretend some shitstain racist site is incorruptible

15833958? ago

Get to fuck with your new age philosophy you Globalist cunt.

15835540? ago

Mofo let me tell you - I am a 4rth generation service member. My great great uncle was one of the oldest solders from the civil war. My family has paid dearly for the price of freedom. What have you done - I could beat you ass as a disabled Marine without thinking about it. Is that what you want. You let the controllers fix your perception and direction. I have been around the world and frequently work with people around the world. For the most part many people just want to give their children a better life and look to enjoy family time. If you believe that a majority of Russians want to kill us all you are delusional.

15836288? ago

Then you have been brainwashed for 4 generations in battles that served who? For Freedom, what fucking numbskull wall call what we are experiencing Freedom. What have I done. Nothing, and I'm proud of it, but that would be beyond your comprehension. You want to kick my ass, typical playground mentality. You are the one letting controllers fix your perception and direction. Did I express any concern about Russians? No. Then the delusion is yours.

15833641? ago

Sometimes good things happen

Kek if anyone actually believes this.

15833753? ago

I found a dime on the ground - it's true.

15833793? ago

Somebody lost a dime, you mean.

15836925? ago

Touche indeed

15833855? ago

There are no zero sum games, he also lost the interest and the opportunity costs...

15833868? ago

^^^Found a Jew^^^

15838170? ago

Lol you loan interest free? Where do I sign, i need to pay off some student loans...but seriously, i wondered if anyone would "pick up" on that...

15833238? ago


15833047? ago

Important! Always, always, always find something to worry about. Can't live without it. What is wrong with you?

15835213? ago

It's the other side of the perpetual outrage coin.

15833004? ago

No, fuck you q faggots anyway nobody really cares. However I will say that I think this is the beginning of the end for voat. Money being injected is bad news because now someone is able to say they own part of it, and as such will force their bidding upon us. It is technically theirs to do so with. Sure sure, that's not what it's about, Putt said so, but this ain't my first rodeo....

15833003? ago

I know little about these things, but I have heard some YouTube video talk of the un-censorable blockchain applications, or something like that, is anyone aware of any distributed anonymous discussion forums based on the blockchain that are impervious to censorship and shutdowns?

15834083? ago

Still a little too early for that level of app development on blockchain.

It's coming IPFS is a good project that is building the layer below to support that.

15846620? ago

8chan is developing one. I have exactly zero clue what the fuck it is, but I know they are working on it.

15833590? ago

Not a blockchain but that’s the idea behind https://notabug.io

15836736? ago

Thanks, I will look into it. Quickly went over there, it says, "notabug is a decentralized content aggregator" sounds good, and "Powered by Reddit", hmmm...

15838527? ago

That's only the HTML and CSS, servers are separate.

15833001? ago

It isn't the dumbest conspiracy theory posted on here.

15833564? ago

My personal favorite was the theory that Q was a time traveler.

15833810? ago

Better than JFK Jr. IS Q?

15834002? ago

They'll fucking swear he's a Chess Grand-Master.

15832949? ago

Its either THAT...or it was financed by POTUS to allow it to THRIVE and not be CENSORED.

15833210? ago

Yeah, not this. There's no longterm growth strategy in that. Use your brain.

15832913? ago

Or the opposite.

That a billionaire good guy wants to save voat in order to save QRV/GA.

It isn't worth worrying about, since nothing can be done.

15834037? ago

He's just upping the stakes on his deal in the NWO. A proper greedy fat bastard.

15832729? ago

No. But I am now.